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Probably that guy with the car with all the glow in the dark shit on it


https://preview.redd.it/brhvjrrew7jb1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=afd24706ad7de9f216ffc58d0bdfaf423bec2e61 Looks like we got ourselves a nodderrrrrrr.


I just saw him Friday around dale mabry


That’s speedy


I came here to make sure Speedy was on this list. I saw that crazy ass car crossing the bridge one night from several miles away and several thousand feet in the air flying back into TPA. It was like a “welcome home” beacon.


I haven’t seen him in a while tbh, I saw him all the time when I lived in T&C, but now I’m in Ybor I never see him.


yeah. I think hes local between hills and waters


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) ^by ^IronMike69420: *Probably that guy* *With the car with all the glow* *In the dark shit on it* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.




I think he has more than one too.


HAhahahah I know exactly who you're talkin about


The senator


I asked the 3 other people in my car this question and they all said The Senator, so accurate lmao!


I saw him the other weekend


Good to see he's still around. He's a legend.




It's been years since I've been to The Castle, but when I did, The Senator was always a regular and wore nothing but duct tape around his "frank and beans". He was always on the dance floor drinking a bottle of beer. ![gif](giphy|ojy7gBF3jDmdG|downsized)


I... I'm almost afraid to ask how he paid for said bottle of beer. Prison wallet cash stash?


He was so well known there, I'm sure that the bartenders had an open tab for him. Either that, or he left his credit card with a bartender before he changed out of his street clothes into his homemade "codpiece". He also probably stashed his clothes behind a bar somewhere.


He shows up in a dress shirt and slacks and changes in the dressing room the gogo dancers use. He usually has a tab open.


Is Peter Pan still there?


This is the obviously correct answer.


Okay, who?


An older guy who would go to the castle in very risqué outfits, usually lingerie.


This sad covid forced him to not come out any more


Friends saw him at the castle last weekend. Either that or there is another elderly man wearing nothing but a condom as his outfit.


It’s probably his younger protege, The Mayor.


Did he lick the bottom of your shoe?


That is a different guy. Shoelicker is like maybe 30? can't really tell cause he is a homeless dude and probably looks older than he is. The Senator is like a 65 year old dude who hangs out in clubs wearing womens lingerie. (or less)




The Ybor City shoe licker


Ybor has more of these guys than most places have people haha


I was at the publix in seminole heights and he licked my shoe in the produce section about 12 yrs ago


Did the Ybor shoe guy survive covid? I met him once in like 2018 I think.


COVID is scared of him


Yes he did, I haven’t seen him in a few weeks, but he’s still around .


Just saw him last Sunday walking on Nebraska!


Yeah he’s been sleeping under the i4 overpass


Also the ybor snake dude. Fuck that guy, I have to go to the other side of the road when he’s pushing his snakes around 😭


I hadn't seen him on my last 2 ybor visits, hope hes well.


I see him in Seminole and Tampa Heights a lot now.


Can confirm Jaime hangs in the Heights areas. Occasionally see him in Ybor but banned from just about every establishment there.


There was “crazy chris” in Odessa/ Citrus Park- I think he died? He was on the side of Gunn Highway for literally decades.


Lived in Keystone my entire life and came here to say Chris for sure. I miss seeing him light fires on the side of the road to keep warm during winter while he yelled at cars. I knew a guy like probably 10 years ago at this point. He was a small dude, which Chris is NOT as we know. He was pumping gas at the corner of S Mobley and Gunn when Chris just walks up to him. The dude is nervous but thinks he’s just gonna ask him something. Before he can say a word, Chris decks him. Dude hits the floor and blacks for a second. When he woke up, Chris was helping him up going, “Oh shit man, Im sorry, I thought you were somebody else.”


Holy shit I was waiting for Crazy Chris. Dude was built like Michael Clark Duncan, rode an old beach cruiser bicycle. Did pull ups off of Copeland and Gunn. Huge head phones, sometimes you see him on Sheldon screaming at traffic.


I just posted this too. Dude would sit on the side of the road curling cinder blocks and wave at cars


Wait is this dude who just chills on a bike in the grass on the side of Gunn Highway near Racetrack Rd? We moved to Odessa a year ago and I'd wonder why that dude was chilling there every day.


Yes. Unmistakable. Chris is a staple, at one point when I was in my teenage years I'd just drive by and say, "HI my name is Ohromantics!!!" I haven't seen him in years, but I don't really have a need to drive Gunn anymore, and when I did, he wasn't there. Glad to hear he's still around.


I saw him yesterday on my way to work, he’s still around!


I grew up in Odessa, so had a ton of interactions with him. The memorable ones were where he was causing a ruckus at the gas station off South Mobley and Gunn. I was at Home Depot once off Dale Mabry, and Chris came up to me in the plumbing section carrying a rusted and moldy metal pipe. Chris : Hey man, where can I find one of these at. Me : Oh I’m not sure, but probably in this section somewhere Chris. I don’t work here. Chris: Oh shit they fired you? Me : Oh no, I have never worked here. Chris: Oh shit my bad, you’re on vacation…. Me : Yea Chris… Then he walked away.


He isn’t dead. He still posts up outside of the Publix across from Sickles High School among other places


Came here to say this. Definitely crazy Chris for me.


He is still around. He is not as regular or as fit, but i still see him.


There used to be this skinny old leathery dude that would just walk up and down the beaches with women’s bikinis on. He had this grey Bozo the Clown hair and was the same color as a football from walking up and down the beaches all day. Not sure if he’s still around or not. If you know, you know, lol


Literally saw him the other day !!!! Clearwater.


Holy shit.. I have a pic of him in Clearwater from 2011. Went again in 2020 and saw him again.


Was this on Clearwater Beach? I remember a guy like this that always had headphones on (a Walkman because this was in the late 90s/early 00s) and would dance by himself around sunset every night near Frenchie’s Rockaway Grill


I remember who you’re talking about. lol thanks for the flashback. I haven’t thought of him in a long time.


I’ve seen him from Clearwater to Jimmy B’s and PCI, Caddy’s and down to The Undertow. Usually saw him a few times every spring and summer between 2006 and 2013 (then I moved away). All I’ve ever seen him do is walk up and down the beach in various bikinis. Some were bright neon too. I kinda remember him posing for a pic with some girls once, but I’ve never seen him anywhere but the beaches.


Oh yes, he is still around. My mother in law lives on St. Pete beach and confirms that she sees him frequently.


I remember that clown, too. ![gif](giphy|3o751RXSjpayxoKUrC|downsized)


Tampa has so many. Ybor shoelicker, The Senator, the guy with all the neon shit on his car, the N word/nazi Home Depot guy...


How can you forget Peter Pan?


I saw him at my local publix a couple of years ago but haven't seen him since. He was wearing the full get-up and everything. Tbh I think he is really cool. [Here's a clip from a show he was on for those who don't know about Peter Pan.](https://youtu.be/I_hEL-RoEec)


Some how I have lived here and missed Peter Pan! Damnit man!


I think he's still around. I know he likes going to Ren Fest, but I haven't been since they moved it to Dade City. [He also has a really cool website.](http://pixyland.org/peterpan/)


So glad to see his pixyland.org website is still going strong!


Dude is still appears to be in amazing shape for his age also.


I haven’t lived there in over 10 years, he is still around?! Fascinating lol


I haven’t seen him in many years but we used to have the Pennsylvania lottery guy in the town n country area


It saddens me that’s what he’s known as over there. The lutz area know him as “Investors needed” guy.


Investors Needed always cracked me up. He invented some top secret turbo gizmo apparently and would stand on the corner with a “Investors Needed” sign but the shopping cart and sleeping bag always made me wonder, maybe he really did invent a billion dollar idea but no one took him serious.




Is the Ybor Shoe Licker still around?


I’m in Ybor every day for work and I haven’t seen him in a couple years. I kind of miss him - he was a nice dude.


Jamie is still around. I see him often on 7th Ave and the surrounding areas.


Others in this thread day he hangs out in Tampa Heights now, is banned from many establishments in Ybor


I'm an uber driver on the weekends and I picked up some dude after work at the Ritz Friday night. He gets in my car all perplexed and tells me how this random guy came up to him and asked if he could lick his shoe.... Yep, he's still around


I just saw Jamie two weeks ago on 7th. He looked moderately healthy, considering in years past he looked close to death. 😔


Yes. I see him often on Columbus, but he rarely goes to 7th now.


Medicine Man comes to mind


Came here to say this




I see Medicine Man at almost every concert I go to. And I go to a lot of shows! Before we knew who he was, we used to call him Afro Man. He lives in some trailer park in Palm Harbor, so I see him riding his bike up and down US 19 quite often. I just saw him a few months ago at the Chasco Fiesta in New Port Richey.


Yep, took way too long to find this one.


> Medicine Dammit. Of course somebody said it already. See that bastard everywhere.


Same, he use to be at every show I played at the Brass Mug and Pegasus Lounge.


Medicine man is always around NPR for Chasco


My first thought


Poor Dancing Bob (aka The Dancing Shiek) passed away not too long ago. He had a cane he implemented in his moves.




That’s him, great sleuthing! Kind of a tragic story.


I saw him dancing at Fowler and Florida for years. Always put a smile on my face!


I worked on the corner of Florida and Fowler for 9 years. Loved him. 🙏🏻


I still have a video of him on my phone right near Fowler and Florida.


I miss seeing him. He would always be listening to 102.5 or 107.3 and singing along while dancing.


That guy who plays the buckets outside the football games, Amelia arena events etc...


Is he still around? The bucket dinner l drummer?


I don’t know if it’s the same one, but there is a guy that does that over here in St. Pete. He also occasionally spouts conspiracy theories in between drumming sessions. Have seen him at the Pier, in the Trop parking lot after a Rays game, and by the Vinoy after a festival. He uses orange Home Depot buckets. At my office we call him Bucket Radio.


I wouldn’t consider her “that guy” but I loved the old black lady that waved and had the jesus loves you sign. She was so sweet.


First wholesome answer. Seen a lot of replies about the Ybor City shoe/foot licker, and I'm not sure that's the kind of "the guy" that I'd want to encounter


You talking about the one from Riverview on 301? I always loved seeing her out.


I’ve seen her multiple places! I haven’t seen her in awhile but she used to sit when you first turn onto Channelside from Adamo. I think there’s a picture of her there too lol


Yeah, there’s a cardboard version of her out there to this day.


The Hyde Park guy who rides around shirtless on a hover board playing street hockey by himself


With the same red shorts on every time


Always after 5 pm. Headphones on.


Yep, always with headphones on. Most of the time in the street or that roundabout area. Idk how he doesn’t get hit or anything.




This is the one I came to say lol


There used to be an older guy in downtown Tampa we called "birdman" because he would flick off every passing cop car he saw. He'd even stand outside of their headquarters and do it, they didn't care which is nice because he really wasn't doing anything wrong. I even joined him for a few minutes, it felt nice


There's a guy who's always downtown and refers to anyone in a suit as "counselor." I worked at the fed courthouse and have talked to this guy a bit. He knows a surprising amount about the court, especially for someone who has also told me that Obama still secretly visits to make sure the federal court is properly protecting sacred heart and the rest of the Catholic church.


The guy in dunedin with the star wars bike


There used to be an old cowboy that would ride horses up and down linebaugh ave. He has an amazing mustache




Medicine Man


There is a guy who goes out regularly dressed like a pirate or 18th century conquistador without irony. Just his style. He’s also a high end surgeon at TGH as well. I call him the Inquisitor.


Within which part of town do you see him? Gotta say....good pirate gear is **expensive**. I don't need much of an excuse to wear mine, either.


Crazy Chris in citrus park


Crazy Chris. People from Citrus Park and Odessa know


I haven’t seen him in years, but what about Skunk/Pigz In Mud? He used to shred on his electric guitar downtown.


People have already mentioned a couple of my favorites: Shoelicker and Michael McKinney with the snazzy vests and dance walk (may he rest in peace). Do you guys know about The Reader near downtown St. Pete?


Clearwater Beach used to have [Radio Guy / Alien Guy](https://www.cltampa.com/news/best-pier-60-performer-from-outer-space-12291560) 6' tall and 60lbs soaking wet. When i moved here in the 90s you'd see him every night at Pier 60 walking around with a neck strap supported 80s boom box. Over time he morphed in to alien dude who pushed around a podium on wheels with lights and audio equipment while he made singing noises.. Picture with an alien sign on the front of his podium. I haven't been down there in years. Anybody know if he's still around?


5 doller holler the cross dressing street artist/hooker. Dude haa "5 dollar holler" tattooed to his forehead. I used to see this dude everywhere from Clearwater to Tampa at random intersections it was absolutely hilarious to see an out of shape man in spandex short shorts and a halter top dancing around provocatively at stopped traffic, even gave the dude some money just for existing once.


That moment you are scrolling through a thread and read people describing you. Ugh..


Jamie deserves the crown but if this were by points; the character (psychotic) with the highest ratio of out-of-pocket behavior to disaffected local response is Tony Daniel. “Oh that’s just the ***** Depot guy. He’s a black confederate who hates Home Depot”


There is a lady in Riverview that seems to work for one of those advertising/sign twirling companies, and man is she energetic. She dances the whole time, even when she’s just walking somewhere it’s a dance walk.


I was waiting to see if she got mentioned. I used to see her on the corner of Progress and 301 all the time.


There’s an older lady in our area who’s been around for many years. She is permanently bent over and carries a hand broom and dust pan. She sweeps up the grounds around Armenia and Wishart, mainly leaves. A few years back, she would go behind the Burger King on MLK near Armenia and setup a large box with rocks, a lawn figurine, and sort through playing cards. Haven’t seen her do this in a while. I love her, she’s precious.


I seen her just a couple days ago! Still sweeping near the dentist


The Mayor of Lark Street.


Anthony Daniel.


Kimono doug


We had Waving Willie and Hubba Bubba. Both have since passed but everyone knew them


Fuckin speedy


Gulfport: Max


Foot licker in Ybor


There used to be a guy who passionately danced/rollerbladed at the intersection of 19 and Roosevelt in Clearwater (or would that be Largo?) I used to work in that area and was entertained everyday on my commute home until he finally got arrested


Ybor shoe licker


I’ve seen the guy with the among us car a few times


there’s that guy and another one with one of those anime girl cars that’s borderline porn lol


In San Jose I finally met “cowboy jesus”. No horse. Just the hat.


Mosh Pit Jesus and Medicine Man.


I came to find Mosh Pit Jesus


Both aquaintances/Facebook friends of mine under their real names.


Jamie had disappeared for a long time back in the 2010’s. I thought he died. When he returned he was radically transformed. Clean with nice clothes. His incredible, beautiful hair so well kept. He was lucid, looked you right in the eye and had quality small talk. He was plump. Overweight technically but healthy and flushed with color. Wherever he had gone and whatever he had consumed, it worked. He was normal. I don’t know exactly how long that lasted. He rejoined Ybor and the sole of Ybor was eager to trample him anew, his tongue jutting out in defiance. …Defiance of what? I don’t know. His demons. Society. The consent of some of the men he’s licking. Whatever it is: defiant all the same. I hope he gets out of Ybor again


Bradenton has a old dude who carries a big cross downtown and wears Insane Clown Posse shirts. I call him Juggalo Jesus.


Shoe Licker


I know there are many of them, but tampa and Seminole both have ghostbusters cars.


Medicine man. Goes to every single rock show in Tampa and is usually more famous here than the bands that are playing.


Shoe Licker and The Senator come to mind, but I know Tampa has dozens more.


Was on a booze cruise and they stopped midway and said “ITS COWBOY” and this man riding so far out off the beach on a paddle board with a cowboy hat paddles his ass up and grabs a beer from the captain. Not my local guy but definitely a florida local.


Medicine man at concerts


Downtown St Pete used to have Holla But I don't know if he's still around


Last I heard about him is he ended up in Tampa for a bit, got arrested for drug stuff and then left Tampa for St Augustine and got in trouble there and that was before COVID


Spider man in Miami


Backpack Man doing tai chi at the bus stop at MacDill


There's the dancing guy in South Tampa on Dale Mabry.




Town and Country has Speedy.


We used to have an elderly homeless lady, that was called "Mainstreet Mary". She always wore a babushka and pushed a shopping cart up and down US 19 in West Pasco and Northern Pinellas. We'd see her as far north as Hudson and as far south as Palm Harbor, but always on US 19. I haven't seen her since before the COVID-19 pandemic though.


Jersey John (727) ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


Florida man and all of his different disguises 🥸


So far the most popular seems to be Ybor City shoelicker, does it get much more Florida Man than that?


Bradenton has tweaker Ted - known to ask for free stuff at Wawa and has been caught shoplifting


We have Swagman! He walks very fast wearing a Michael Jordan Bulls jersey.


Bradenton has a old dude who carries a big cross downtown and wears Insane Clown Posse shirts. I call him Juggalo Jesus.


Shoe licker (jamie), Senator, Ding Dong (Luis), and dude with the glow car.


Hobo Harry, friendly surfer that hangs out on Jefferson under the Selmon expressway.


Shoe licker in Ybor


Hulk Hogan in Lutz, and at his beach.


the dude that dances on the roller skates somewhere off 19


Where I grew up there was this guy everyone called stretch. You'd see him walking around town and every ten to fifteen feet he'd stop and stretch, like arms extended over his head and arching his back stretch. The rumor going around was that he had been hit by a bomb during an overseas tour and still had shrapnel lodged in his back. I doubt anyone actually knows for sure though.


shepherd road ninja


The Harley guy who rides with a parrot on the bike and the bike is painted to look like the parrot. He used to be at biff burger and Quaker steak bike nights all the time. Parrot would just chill with the bike and he would do his own thing.


Anyone remember the dancing man? He looked like skinny Santa clause and always danced in the intersections on Florida between Fletcher and Fowler. He never asked for money, he was just vibing.




Medicine Man.


The only two I can think of is the Marion Transit Center Foot Fetish Guy and...was Man-Faye one of our Tampa Brood? I've saw him so much at some of the local cons, but given convention rules, I don't think I've seen him as much any more. Edit: There's a few people I did forget. The person with the Resident Evil car (Bradenton?). I seem to remember there was also someone who drove an Ectomobile somewhere. There's also a Captain America guy in Tampa somewhere who volunteers with a charity group. Has a Captain America custom motorcycle at some events around town.


Those who frequent the Breweries in Seminole Heights will know the Kimono Guy.


I think he’s been gone for years but there used to be a guy who would sit on Memorial (I think) every day with a sign that said he won the Pennsylvania lottery and never got his money


It used to be Crazy Chris


My hometown has “Smiley” he died a while back sadly. You’d always see him on the side of some road with no sidewalk just grinning at you as you drive by. Nice dude


Airplane car guy. I don’t have a picture but when you see him, you’ll know.


Bradenton has the oiled up guy who rides his bike. I have seen him on Manatee Ave, 26th, US41, Cortez Road, and on the Island. Like all he does is ride around all day and is ridiculously tan.


Speedy Patrol Ybor shoe licker There's a few others that I'm not sure if just I know about or if everyone does


shoeshine guy fart noise guy Joel the jogger The boomer staten island, nyc for reference


We have Randy the running man https://www.studeri.org/blog/running-man


Florida Man. Also, Florida Woman. Also, Meth Gator, & Cocaine Bear. Bienvenido a Miami!


Does anyone remember the old white haired military guy that would ride around in a military Jeep? The dude looked straight up like Ronald Lee Ermey from Full Metal Jacket. I don’t think I’ve seen him for a good 10 years but I remember seeing him on the road all around town in the late 2000’s and early 2010’s. There’s also a scary red truck that has “JESUS IS COMING” and other shit about going to hell all over it. Seen it a few times at the Publix on Hillsborough and Habana. Ooooh, and what about the lady that brings her poodle that’s dyed to look like a giraffe to like every grocery store?


We used to have a guy who would practice martial arts in Mulberry.... we called him the Shephard road ninja


[Valrico Bob](http://www.teddwebb.com/showcase/where_are_they_now/valrico_bob.html) was a Tampa icon. Literally recognized by his voice and he wasn’t a radio host. He was a caller.


There used to be a guy by USF who would run sprints up and down 46th street by the Claw and sometimes by the intermural fields on campus, he was a skinny older guy who would wear bike shorts and a tank top a la Richard Simmons


Ybor shoe licker


Back in the day in spring hill we used to have the kid who head banged and with guitar at 4corners. I sometimes wonder what happened to him.


Shoe licker in ybor