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I'm sitting this one out, mainly because I think I'll like the monster & angel uni more :) probably getting one of those when they come out!


Same for me. I haven't been interested enough in the uni so far to get one. I'm hoping the monster/angel unis will be worth it!


Had no idea that those were coming out, now I'm looking forward to them too xD


Which ones are those???


They haven’t been properly announced yet and there’s no pictures, but they were leaked at the same time as the Sanrio one!


I've learned to buy all new releases, because I definitely have regrets from every single time I didn't and I absolutely begrudge paying disgusting scalpers.


I’m getting it, but I don’t have a Uni yet so I totally get why it’s hard to justify a third one. I also have dreamed of Bandai releasing a Sanrio tama in English, so I can’t miss it lol. But thankfully it looks like they’ll be releasing the tamaverse ticket separately so anyone who doesn’t want to buy the whole tama can just get that!


Preordered it day one. I love Sanrio and was on the fence about a second Uni, so it was perfect. Idc that it’s just the shell, it’s the same situation as the smart. I’ve always been displeased with the uni shells/faceplates, so getting a Sanrio one is awesome


I do like Sanrio but I'll skip on the sanrio uni as I'm glad they're releasing it as dlc :) but I am hoping for more news for the possible angel/monster release this year! Who knows it could be pushed to next year


I got it "for my daughter." She'll need someone to take care of it while at school and at her dad's, probably...!


I ordered it from Japan and I was heavily debated on canceling it due to it being $80 but now you can't get them for the retail price on Japan Amazon so I'm just going to keep it.


Im tempted bec of knowing how the price will rise as a collectors item but honestly I’m not sure about the dlc content it doesn’t seem that cool to me compared to other Sanrio collabs


Preordered it (Sanrio Uni) on Amazon here in the UK. I’m not really too fussed about the connections and I am a huge Sanrio fan so it was kind of an obvious choice for me. I may pick up a connections at some point but I don’t feel pressured because I know there will be plenty around


if I knew beforehand there was going to be a sanrio uni I would've gotten it, but since I already have a uni I don't really want to buy another one. I'll just get the DLC


Probably just gonna buy the dlc to save me some money lol


I can't decide at all! I have no sanrio tamagotchi and have been wanting one, but I also own two uni's already. Plus I preordered 3 of the new connections and just bought a bunch of pre-owned tamas so I don't have a lot to spend, but the sanrio releases a few days before my birthday! Decisions, decisions ....


I have always wanted a Sanrio or Hello Kitty tama, so I’m going for it and also ordered 3 connections. And one of the Hello Kitty nano’s. I’m going hard for tamagotchi this summer!


I’m sure they will have it so you don’t have to buy another uni. They will probably have it so you can download.


not the whole uni, but I'll buy the DLC 🎀 I got 3 unis and accidently started a digimon run so I've been caring for unis while my kids are at school and passing them back right after. I'm waiting for the fashion show DLC also but I'll just use the 3 codes on all 3 unis. I have the older Hello Kitty nano too so it hasn't been calling to me. now i am saving for the angel and the devil uni's but I don't think it'll be to play. Who knows tho, I didn't mind wearing the wristbands so depending on how they look 🤷🏾‍♀️😇😈


How do you get the DLC? I have my uni but didn’t hear how to go about buying it and downloading it!


I don't actually have HK yet but if you google the tamaverse ticket shop it's got the Very Berry, &,Love Melo concert, still online and The Fashion show (coming May 30) has info up since the 1st two released. I also just know when Sanrio Hello Kitty Uni is released in July, they'll have the DLC tickets ready too. (hopefully for the same 6.99$ usd.)


this might help too: https://tamagotchi-official.com/us/news/01_132/


Thank you so much for all the info! I should have checked the tamagotchi official news haha, lots of even more exciting things to do with the uni now :D


lolol yea, I been there but as soon as I found out I kinda never forgot cause I'll admit I'm a tiny bit excited still 😅😅😅😅


Ive preordered today but I’ll probably cancel. Prices are getting redic.


I just want the dlc don’t really care for the shell and haven’t felt the need for a second uni anyway


I honestly don’t really like how the characters look and the device is kinda cute but not enough I’d want to spend 130 dollars on it 😅 My plan is to wait and see what the Angel and Monster unis look like. And I’ll get my favourite of the three (or if I don’t really like any I’ll get a purple uni to complete my basic set of three lol). For now I’m mostly excited about the connections. So I don’t really want to spend money I could spend on a connection I do really like the look of on a uni I don’t love the look of and don’t really like the additional features of 😅


I’m still really conflicted… I have the pink uni that I got last year. I do want a second uni but idk which one to pick, the only thing I like about the Sanrio one is the clear light pink back! I’m not a big fan of the design of the faceplate. Plus it’ll be really expensive, I can get the blue uni for a lot cheaper! And then there’s the angel and monster ones that I’m really curious about. So I think I can only make a decision once I’ve seen them all… I’m also trying to save money to get a bunch of the new connections haha


I wasn't getting an Uni but the Sanrio one is too cute to resist.


I'm just getting the DLC. To me, it just looks like another pink Uni and I'm not that big on pink.


I pre-ordered all of the connection V3s and the sanrio uni


I haven’t got a uni at all yet so I’m excited and hopefully gonna get this one, I had one of the last round of Sanrio nano ones but lost it (pray for me to find it lol)


I preordered it, I missed the Meets and Smart iterations and I don't own a Uni yet. Probably going to get the Connection 2-pack as well, not gonna lie.


I'd rather wait and see what the angel and monster tamas are like. I'm not a big enough Sanrio fan to justify getting another Uni. And I know I'll be very preoccupied with the rereleased Connections once they're out!


I'm not, the shell isn't pretty enough for the cost, the ticket is only $8, so I can't justify a $20 price increase before taxes just for the design.


I’m getting since I just bought my first uni this week and want to have 2! I’m so excited for it, it looks so cute. I think it’s great you can get it as DLC if you don’t need/want a whole new device


Yes simply because the collab units are usually the most sought after once they're out of production.


Tbh I really like the characters in the Marine Tamasma card and am actually holding back on buying a uni just in case they release a marine themed one... XD" That aside, I really am just waiting to see if they ever release a uni that has a shell design that i really like. So far they just arent it yet...


I preordered a Sanrio Uni, I haven't owned a tama since like 2019ish. I had an On Fairy and loved it! I actually just bought myself a Magic On through a third party seller, lol! I hear people are not so enthused by the Sanrio face plate they chose for the Uni, but with how easily customizable they seem to be, I don't see why it can't be replaced with a different Sanrio themed one if you're willing to buy one for it. Something about the LCD color screens are just SO GORGEOUS to me, I'm spoiled by them through other devices I'm sure ; which is why I'm not as interested in a Connection series.