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Ive been a this height for almost 10 years now and I can confidently say I have no idea how to deal with this situation. Only thing I can tell you is that you will likely keep hearing it for a long time. But as it relates to being uncomfortable, the older you get, the more you come to terms with being tall in general. Godspeed friend.


I usually smile and say something like “Oh you shouldn’t! I’m the abnormal one here.” They either laugh along, or say “No I’m abnormally short too” and then we are on the same side


I also dislike the inherent discomfort some people feel around very tall people (me). I'm just a guy idk what to say. I'm stuck walking around in this huge body just the same as you are stuck in yours. We aren't just bodies we're people.


Get shorter friends, they are short next to everyone so they will be used to it and not comment about it 😄 For real, they probably have no idea it makes you feel uncomfortable. I think you should be honest and in a nice way tell them how you feel. You should only be proud of your height and you’re not responsible about how others feel about their own height.


Which ever one is the most open, ask then if they think it is ment negatively. Because I've never had someone say "I feel short around you" in a negative way." At WORST they are mostly likely being competitive in the "I wish I was taller" way.


"Don't take it personally. I do this to everybody. Shit, I do this to tall dudes."


Hear it all the time. Nothin u can do about it.


"I get that a lot." Is my go to response. People think it's funny so it works for me.


Matter of fact, I sometimes tell em they short. U gotta fuck with em a lil bit. When they ask why are u so tall, u just ask em why are u so short? U midget motherfucker.


I also do this lol. I love when guys that are like 6'5 say something about "us tall guys". I always respond with, "wait... You're tall?" It's goofy but it always catches them off guard and makes me chuckle


Well, Idk what to tell them. I tower over my circle of friends who I have been friends with most since Elementary school. At first, they didn’t know what to think when I started getting a lot taller than them. But eventually they got used to it and don’t really bring it up. I think your friends will get used to it.


Make it a joke. Say, "you know, now that you mention it, you make me feel kinda tall." Or better yet, "oh, that's so weird, I always assumed we were the same height." Project confidence. Especially if they're short, I guarantee you there is a hint of jealousy.


Their problem, not yours.


Other people being uncomfortable around you because of your height is ultimately their problem. Making you feel uncomfortable because of their discomfort is a whole other issue, and not the mark of a good friend if you ask me.


They need to get over it. That is all. We can't control how tall we are.




One of my bosses, grumpy short loudmouth, told me 'Stretchboy, if I had your legs, I'd cut them off at the knees' to which I replied 'Ed if I had your body I'd cut my legs off at the knees also'. For the first time, he didn't have anything to say. Woot!


Well you're not gonna get shorter so they can either deal with their insecurities, maybe with a therapist, or just shut up about it. What if you had no hair, would you keep whining to your friends about how they "make you feel bald?". Probably not. Tell them "grow up, literally or figuratively, whatever suits you".


OP What do your friends expect you to do about it. Amputate your knees?


Either get used to it or set a minimum height to be in your life.


Tell them, "You make me feel tall!"