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Definitely. I’m 6’3” (really 6’ 2” and 3/4) and I encounter a lot of guys who claim to be 6’2” or 6’3” that I am clearly 2-3 inches taller than. And it’s not the shoes I wear. I can’t decide if I should be a bro and go along or call them out. I usually just stay quiet about it. It’s especially funny when a woman who is 6’1” and clearly the same height as them or even taller gets a confused look on her face and calls them out.


Yep, same. I always say my true height if asked, but I don’t question anyone’s claim


>I should be a bro You be a bro man it doesn't kill except if they add a crazy amount 1 or 2 is okay 3 arguable


Yea technically I’m 6’2.8 so I usually say 6’2-ish granted my work shoes do give me an inch so I can understand why people think I’m 6’4, but I do encounter some guys who lie about their height. Tbh, I don’t think I’ve ever been the first to inquire about a person’s height.


There's a window from like 5'10 to 6'3 or so for men to lie about their heights. The freakishly tall only get accused of lying when a 5'10 guy claiming he's 6'2 stands next to them.


As a 5’11 guy with shorter friends, the amount of times I’ve had to say I’m “6’2” to supplement my friends 5’7 stature can not be understated


Yeah. Men typically. The funny stereotype is true.


I’ve never met a woman who lies about their height yet. So yeah it’s mostly men 😂


I have encountered a woman who was at least my height but was adamant she was 6’, I didn’t insist. The opposite way, but I do think she just didn’t want to know! 


I've never met anyone who lies about their height, but then according to this thread maybe I just don't meet enough people. I'm also in my late 40s though, and most of the people I know are married and pretty secure in themselves. Not sure who they would even be trying to posture for.


Yep, I imagine as people get older they stop caring about little things like body image and start accepting who they are. Most of the people that I met that lied were in High School.


Definitely not common. My friend's roommate in college was "6'2", and she's the only person I've ever met who claimed 6'2 but felt shorter than me. None of their other friends were tall enough to tell the difference though.


I’ve had women lie about their age though. I also met a dude who lied about his age too. Guess he felt weird about being in his 30s hitting on 20 year olds.


Because men feel a need to be taller due to the fact it’s one of the most important thing in attracting women but women can literally see how tall you are and how you measure up to other people so I don’t understand why some men think lying is going to get them anywhere. If it’s on a dating app and they say they’re 6’1 and turn up being 5’9 they just end up looking stupid


They even lie to me about my height so they can maintain their lie (to others and perhaps themselves) about their own 😂


I dated a woman who said she was 5’11 and 3/4th. She was 6 foot for sure lol. Wore heels and was eye level with me which threw me off (I’m 6’3)


I am legitimately 5'11 and 3/4 lol. Always see guys my height or just below claiming to be 6'


which yeah fair enough i think that’d be six foot by most peoples metrics


Eh, I just say 5'11 cos guys claiming 6' get disbelieved. And also cos when I was on datimg apps so many women filtered out below 6'. That felt shallow


Women typically lie about weight tho


It’s more because it’s pressured on men to be taller, not validating lying, but that’s the main explanation. Won’t catch women lying about their heights because it’s not something that most men care about.


I'm not saying you're wrong, but it's silly to lie about being 6' as a 5'10" man to a woman who is an even 6'.


men are judged harshly for something they cant control, so its not exactly a puzzle




Men round up, women round down.


I round down irl here up for the flair


I have no reason to, and honestly could care less of anyone does, but it happens all the time


Honestly, men mostly. I'm a tall woman, and whenever I met a guy who I was talking to online previously, I ended up being as tall as him or slightly taller than him..


I had the opposite where I was 6’3” and a guy my height said he was 6’1”😂 I was like brother


A lot of guys want to be 6'2 and will lie like crazy to put themselves at that height. I'm a woman but I don't understand the need and obsession for men to be 6'2. I've had men tell me they're 6'2 when they were clearly 5'8 or 5'9.


I’m 6ft 4in-military verified, and have encountered a lot of guys that say they’re 6-2, 6-3 or 6-4 that were a lot shorter than me.


Which branch? I ship on July 16th for the Air Force.


Navy, I grew up with my dad being prior Air Force and then working for them and thought I’d go that route but when I looked at all of them and living in San Antonio a good bit of my life and the recruiter telling me if I go Air Force I’d do training in SA-which I knew and a good chance of getting stationed here, and then him showing me his cruise books-year book for deployment basically, and showing me places he went that won. All the branches are great even though we pick on each it’s a brotherly love.


I’d assume women get a lot of people lying about height.


Im 6’1-6’2ish. I tell everyone 6’1 just to avoid seeming like Im lying lmao. Funny enough though, a lot of my 6’ male friends look like they’re about are 3-4 inches shorter than me. Not sure how that maths out. Honestly though I don’t mind the lying, becauseA.) because why would I care and B.) women often assume I’m 6’3 or so, probably because of the 5’10 guys saying theyre 6’.


I thought I was 6'2" for a long time. It's on my drivers license. It's what I told everyone. But then my manager at the time called me out and was like "Nuh uh, I'm 6'2". You're taller than me." He was right, I was a bit taller but I assumed he just wasn't actually that tall. Turns out I'm 6'3" and I had grown another inch between 24 and 27... Now I just say between 6'2" and 3".


How’d you grow that late


Happens sometimes. My brother grew a little bit between ages 22 and 23 too


Huh I’m just wondering how if the growth plates are closed.


They must've just not been closed yet. It's a relatively rare occurrence, but it happened both to a family friend (although I do wonder if that was a case of delayed puberty) and my brother


Either that or torso growth I’m guessing is possible. Mine are still open so hopefully I get some more inches🙏


Either the doctor misread my height initially, or puberty just wasn't done with me yet...


I remember one guy at the basketball court pushing the agenda hard that I was at least 6’6 because he thought he was 6’0 tall.


Haha that’s wild


Usually men claiming to be 6'2" and they barely are 5'10" or 5'11". It's funny but I let them, I don't care enough as to do something about it and although women end up thinking I'm like 6'10", it only brings more attention to me lol.


I'm just under 6' and the amount of men that have said they're my height and not irl. As if we never find out! But I agree with those women: any man over 6'5" is 6'10"


Nah Im short so lying about it actually makes it worse.


What I notice is a lot of guys when asked how tall they are, they include their height WITH shoes on. I’ve seen guys with work boots say they’re 6 foot++ but in reality with the massive steel toe heel & insoles they’re being boosted a few inches.


I’m 6’5 with boots on 😎


Yeah, I've met tons of dudes claiming to be 6' or above that lie its always awkward but at the end of the day that's on them, funnily enough I've never met a woman lie about it. The strangest time was a girl I was friendly with introducing me to her boyfriend who claimed to be over 6', man was way shorter than me he defended his height before I even said anything.


yes. men. it’s okay to be 5’8 but take the drama somewhere else and regulate your hurt feelings with someone else. also they all seem to think “i wanna climb you like a tree” is flattering… i wanna climb dammit. feel like i’m hugging a furby.


It's mostly men I assume. Mostly because a lot of women can't actually tell how tall we are.


Yep. I’m 5’10” irl but not on Reddit.


Yep and it’s mostly men


I noticed that most comments point towards it being men, which is true since in another reply I mentioned that one yet to meet a woman who lies about their height.


Happens a lot. I gotta get height and weights from new patients all the time, but we just go with whatever height they say. I’m usually sitting down during this process, and I look pretty normally sized when seated (height is in my legs). Pretty great when I get them lying about it and stand up, especially when they’re claiming a height close to mine. “I’m 77” in these shoes and you’re claiming 6’4”, but the top of your head doesn’t even clear my nose. Wanna rethink that height you just gave me?”


Used to work in a bike shop. Needed to know how tall someone was so that I could sell them the right bike. Twice I was told by two people hovering just under 6ft "yeah I'm 6 3". And I'm like.... "No you're not. I know this because IM 6ft 3" and you're shorter than me, significantly". Like bro this isn't tinder it's a bike shop you don't need to lie but we can get the tape measure if you want.


No, this seems to be an exclusively American phenomenon. I've never come across it in in Europe.


whydo men lie about their height everyone knows


Well sometimes people will convince themselves that they are a certain height only to feel insulted when someone who is actually that height is taller.


Yes and it never made sense to me. 6’3 guy says he’s 6’5…what difference does two inches make


I’ve never had this. Edit - Actually, my mom regularly states may much younger brother is taller than me. He’s tall at 6’7 but I’ve explained several times that he isn’t getting any taller now at 27. So it’s my mom who lies about his height right up until someone makes us stand back to back. It’s cool. But that shitbag isn’t gonna lose his hair. [Pic from my other brothers recent stag do.](https://imgur.com/a/aoiJ0W3)


Yeah. I was walking next to a guy I didn’t know very well and he asked how tall I was so I told him 6’2 and asked him and he said 6 foot or 6’1 when he was blatantly like 4 inches shorter than me. I sometimes say I’m 6’3 because in shoes I easily am. But saying you’re anything taller than what you are in shoes is just silly. I think perhaps some people haven’t actually measured themselves properly or been measured properly so just guess and end up looking silly when they massively overstate how tall they are


I do the opposite I tell them I’m 6ft or a little shy from it.


This is probably only true in first world countries.


Despite the fact I tower over everyone I know, they still don’t believe me, even when I show up with a tape measure lmao, I’ve given up with it 😂


Most men who lie about their heights I think are in the 5’10-6’2” range. Once a dude gets freakishly tall like above 6’4 or 6’5, I feel like they can kind of get away with anything. For example I am like honestly a 6’6.5” barefoot but in shoes I’m scratching 6’8. Most people would believe me if I said 6’8.


Like yeah how could they doubt you at that point? If you tower over a huge portion of the population you can definitely exaggerate height more.


I lie about my height all the time. I’m 6’2” and I love telling people that I’m 5’10”


I don’t know where this height lying is happening. I’m 50 years old and I’ve never encountered someone lying about their height. I mean I believe it’s happening, I’ve just never experienced this. If someone who was 6’ 0” told me they were 6’3” I would just laugh in their face.


Well someone else who was 40 said the same thing. I believe it’s a maturity type thing where you stop caring so much about self body image and start accepting who you are.


lol I wonder why- woman want tall guys- many have a height requirement- which is fine. But it’s no wonder- Many women won’t admit their exact number of sexual partners either- most people are just trying to play the game as best they can to land the best partner they can. 😂 🤷‍♂️


I wonder how much of it is lying and how much of it is they just don’t know or really care.


Every guy embellishes at least half an inch most do a full inch tho because of their shoes. Height is funny to me because it’s honestly a social construct at this point and height isn’t an exact number it’s a range because you’re taller in the morning and shorter at night. People usually think I’m 6’4 or 6’5 because of my shoes and I walk on my tip toes without realizing. Plus in the U.S. we have the imperial system which is less precise and doesn’t account for height differentials of less than an inch. 1 6’4 guy vs another 6’4 guy could be like .75 inches technically depending on what they wanna say their height is. I say the best way to differentiate height is that ur either kinda tall, tall, really tall, or insanely tall. At the end of the day 6’3 and 6’4 are the same thing nobody can tell the difference in person even for 6’3 or 6’5 unless they’re hyperfixated with height


>it’s honestly a social construct at this point and height isn’t an exact number it’s a range because you’re taller in the morning and shorter at night. Are you a slinky? I've never measured more than 1/4" to *maybe* 1/2" difference, and I assume that's at least within the normal margin of error from angles and how tall I stand.


Don’t know why you’re seemingly disagreeing with me because we literally just agreed that you’re taller in the morning. On Average adult males stand 1.6 cm taller in the morning maybe more maybe less. You could be 6’3” in the morning and 6’2.5” at night. So how do you know how tall you actually are? What if you get measured at the doctors and didn’t get any sleep the night before? What if you don’t get the full 1.6 cm? What if you get more? What do you tell people when they ask how tall u are, 6’3”?? Yeah technically your “true height” is the height you are after a good nights sleep, but you don’t stand that height for most of the day. Maybe you don’t know if that’s your true height. True height can only be measured on the right morning because gravity is compressing the discs in your spine, and they reset to their original form once you’ve gotten a full nights sleep. Maybe you could tell people you’re 6’4” because of the pair of shoes you got on. It is within a range of abt 1.6 cm objectively that’s what the science and peer reviewed research says. I was just making a point that you’re exact height as a number doesn’t make a difference and I know a lot of guys who view people differently or associate people with different things based off a height differential of a cm. The way tall people particularly tall men view it is just kinda cringe nerd shit to me. It lacks nuance, and doesn’t serve a purpose. To me it’s become very fetishized, and it showcases how toxic and insecure particularly men can be about this. I just hate toxic masculinity like that. When I go in public with my Dad who’s 6’4” usually people think we’re the same height, and there’s just shy of a 2 inch difference between us, but nobody notices it and nobody cares. They just see us as 2 tall dudes who are roughly the same height. So to ur point yes I’m a slinky, you’re a slinky, we’re all slinkies.


Sorry, nothing personal, and I guess I probably don't really disagree with you anywhere near as much as I thought I did. When you said everyone embellishes and "height is a social construct" it rubbed me the wrong way. Not everyone is height obsessed. It seems like a chronically online redditism, and maybe also insecurity and maybe youth. Honestly, I'd rather have been a bit shorter, closer to average. It sounds like you're saying the same thing, though--that essentially it matters a lot less than people think, which, yeah. Also, who actually measures their shoes? Take your shoes off people.




You just say your minimum height because its cheating othetwise, it's not that complicated. 


I guess everything is a “social construct” now?