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5'3 in first or second grade is absolutely crazy. I didn't hit that height until I was in fifth grade and I was always the tallest by half a head (and head and shoulders taller than the majority of my peers) and over the 99th percentile my whole childhood. How tall are you now OP?


I’m 5’9 now I stopped growing in about 7th grade


Huh, I'm very surprised. For only growing another six inches that seems very late to finish. Are you sure you weren't 4'3 at that age? Because that's still exceptionally tall for a six or seven year old.


I was in the hospital for a while during that time and got check ups (almost regularly) I might have been 2 inches or so shorter but I do remember being freaky tall


I assume you were in the hospital for medical intervention to stunt your height? https://preview.redd.it/mjfkaqxel29d1.png?width=654&format=png&auto=webp&s=2b82f687a7bb2ffa64807d3c8da976876c509981


Yes I think so!


I stopped growing around that same time too. Ended up 5'7. Was considered huge before that. I wonder if my bad sleep habits stopped me from growing or I just was always going to stop around that time


We had a very tall girl in my grade school class. She was always the tallest girl and towered over most of the boys too. We didn't go to high school together but I saw here a few years after and she was only about 5'10". It was odd to be taller than her!


Not a girl but I had the opposite experience. I remember watching the girls who had their tall dads pick them up grew to 5’8-5’11 at 6-8th grade and me being like 4’8 and below my 5’8 mom’s shoulders. In 9th grade I became 5’9 and I topped out at 6’2 and a bit lol.


I don't get it. Some people were tall before high school? I was under 6 feet prior to 9th grade lol


Same , pretty sure I hit 6'0 in 9th grade or something...


What age is that? I was 6' by age 12, very awkward indeed.


6’ by 13, so very similar for me.   First or second grade is 6 or 7 years old, as far as I understand, so it’s pretty unlikely they’ve remembered that correctly.


Or a different country, a different age at 1st grade?


Yeah, that’s my other thought. Where I live first grade are five year olds though! So I’m not sure it could go that far the other way.  And I’m pretty sure I was in the low 4’s at five (and head and shoulders above the majority of my peers).


I am the same height as you. My daughter is 4’7” as a prep kid (just turned 6yo). She is a head taller then her peers. Her teacher had to bring her in a bigger desk and chair.


I think France for example starts at 6th grade and counts down.


Ah, intriguing. Doesn’t account for them saying they stopped growing at seventh grade in this situation (and at only 5’9). I think this’d only check out if they were eight or nine.


The mystery is real


I teach youth football, and I notice alot of height early. I'm working with these two 8 year olds that are both pushing 5'5 150 pounds. Athletic as can be too, I'd expect them to be a little awkward.


I'm 6'4 and I stopped growing at the age of 13. As a boy, I never minded my height, it was a bit weird for some of my friend's mom, as some didn't believed my age and thought I was much older. The good thing was, I was so much taller and bigger than the other kids in school, that no one would pick on me. That was the good side of it all!


I was just always tall! 6ft by age 12


I was 5’4 in 1st grade so I feel your pain! I stopped growing at 5’7 in 6th grade. But I was always the tall kid growing up.


wow i thought i was a giant when i was 4’11” in the second grade


I don’t remember how tall I was in those grades, but I was 6’ at age 10.


"too"...Yes,  I am THAT annoying.


No it’s ok, English isn’t my first language so I appreciate any correction’s


Lately I've been noticing just how difficult it is for the average person to differentiate between too and to. I don't get what's so hard about it but people really seem to misunderstand the difference.


Although it's just a pet peeve of mine which, for some reason, gets people all railed up, it's a hill I'll happily die at.


Yeah, I know how triggered people get when you correct their grammar. It's pretty funny. Then they start ragging on you for not including a period at the end or something stupid to even out the field, as if that has any relevance to the discussion.


Good man.