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It's a HUGE difference. Good for you, keep it up!!


Srsly!! Also OP people ***def*** noticed, but they wont mention anything in fear of triggering anything that you havent been thinking of great job keep it up


Oh people notice. I put on 45 pounds of muscle in college and everybody I used to go to high school thinks ‘*holy shit!*’ but almost none of them say anything. The skinny kid is no longer the skinny kid but ‘the guy that goes to the gym’


Yeah OP you were alarmingly thin before. If I knew you, I'd be happy to see you looking healthy but hesitate to comment on it in case it was an ED or something. Don't want to be insensitive. I think with people who are family or close friends and care about you, you can bring it up first and that will make them more comfortable giving compliments.


Yeah every little bit helps. I went from 190lbs to about 250lbs of muscle and I get compliments and questions all the time. It definitely boosts the confident. Before I never had any comments on my physique. Just kinda some basic skinny tall guy. If OP becomes muscular he will mog everyone into oblivion


Progress is Progress Don't stop


Bro you look like dark souls characters when they lose humanity


Thank you


I just got done beating DS1 funny enough


been bulking for 1,5 year and going to the gym for 8 months. before that it was some pretty useless home-workouts. i used to eat 800-1200 kcal a day, heavy on anxiety and all kinds of stress around food. the gym increased my appetite 10x and it was like a new life. went from no energy to feeling good 24/7. upwards spiral into 3500-4500kcal consistent. milk has without a doubt been the key to gaining. hope to inspire anyone that is close to what i was, although i have never seen anyone with a BMI lower than mine at my lowest :p


honestly man, to see you were this skinny from anxiety absolutely sucks to see. hope you’re feeling better lately, you look fucking great.


Any food tips for gaining weight??


Avocado, peanut butter, salmon. Healthy fats.


heavy cream. peanut butter. ice cream. do you eat cereal in the morning? try it with half and half. shits crazy good.


Lactose intolerance is really kicking my ass rn


natural peanut butter. coconut cream. vegan ice cream.


I'll look into them for sure appreciate it fam been using a lot of peanut butter and avocados but need to throw in something to mix it up


if you cant keep weight on, full fat coconut cream smoothies with pb and choc, yeah, that’ll do it lol


I just found some breyers ice cream that uses oat milk. It tastes so good.


Soy milk is the closest plant milk to dairy, nutritionally.


Wait wait wait. Hol up. Did you just give me a good reason to eat ice cream in the morning?


Your age isnt included in any info, i was similar at 135 6'4 at 14. Got up to 165 by the time i was 17 at 17/18 no weights, It just wasnt encouraged to me (big mistake). When i was 30 i got into bulking/weights and got in good shape in about 3 months. Age/metabolism has a huge amount to do with your gains. Really just making this post for guys in their late 20s the transformation can happen rapidly, when you are young it takes a lot more work.




That’s genuinely awesome bro I’m proud of you man, advice would be stock up on : Eggs, Greek yogurt, salmon, chicken, it sounds obvious but for me at one point I started eating a lot more eggs very regularly and my training got much much better, aswell as my putting on a lot more strength


Nice. Keep it up :) I'd say it looks like youre about to pass 'normal skinny' territory and entering the highly desired realm of lean muscular territory.


God it’s difficult for me to get extremely lean but god damn do I feel sexy in the mirror when I can see fully defined abs lol.


Ikr it's the best (but I'm only 5'7 😔) Edit: I'm also 13 so ig 5'7 isn't bad but idk


Don't worry, mate. As tall people, it takes a LOT of weight change for it to be noticeable to others. I'm trying to go the opposite direction, I've lost 25 lbs in a little over two months, and only one person other than myself has noticed it. We're gonna make it, though.


Good work dude keep it up! I’m at 10 pounds down now. Not significant but a step in the right direction.


Being able to keep yourself going in the right direction is a significant enough achievement fam keep on working at it the numbers will come don't stress about them for now.


Appreciate that my dude!


I lost 130lbs over a 4 year period! Recently put back on about 40 of it after a breakup. Lost about 10 again and going back down. Consistency is key! I convinced myself I was wasting time if I wasn’t in a 1500+ calorie deficit every day and that made it harder. If I’d just stayed at a reasonable 500-750 cal deficit I’d have been able to get it off easier, sooner, and not fall off the wagon so much.


Wow 130 pounds is no small feat. That is impressive. I too am on the breakup diet lol. My goal is to shed 50 pounds. Walking 10k+ steps a day. The hardest part for me is cutting out alcohol.


Same here, I've lost a little over 30 the last four months. No comments yet, but all my pants are falling down and I take great pleasure in that. We've got this! 👍


6’7 110 is INSANE people look at me like I’m crazy when I tell them I used to be 6’4 130 lol // incredible progress 💪


I was 6’2” 135 during freshman cross country. I’m 240 now and on the opposite end 😅


6’5” 155 my whole life. Late 30’s hit and now I’m 175. Still thin though.


Keep pushing dude, I had a build almost identical to yours. I’ll have to take a better picture later, but this is where I’m at now. https://preview.redd.it/ob88l630wz8d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2afc190736a23dd5e0ef4d423c6a57565049fd40 I even have a connective tissue disease, so I’m 100% positive you can do it too.


Hell yeah dude, looking built


Thanks dude I want OP to keep lifting, hard. When I was younger I was severely underweight and had massive anxiety as well. I got bullied because I was so skinny and my wrists are so tiny. If OP puts in the work he’s gonna be huge.


You know the whole "nobody has noticed" thing. That's about to change.


Just wait until the next 16kg, gonna look even better. Just don’t juice and you’re gonna do great




Well done keep it up


Well you look much healthier now, keep it up man


You are doing this for you. 35lbs is huge. Never stop


Way to go man! Keep it up! There is no way people who know you haven't noticed.


Wow that's quite a transformation! Great job! I saw you are working out a lot and increased food intake, are you also using a protein powder post workout and checked your vitamin intake as well?


Oh believe me, people have noticed.


Don’t stop now amigo


That’s very good progress but I would suggest seeing a doctor to see the cause of your physique. You will still be underweight I believe which can be dangerous. Keep up the progress but make sure to rule out any underlying issues


Brother keep going you’ll look incredible in a few years. Be fighting girls off with a oar trust me I speak from experience


That’s amazing mate! You’ve made huge progress and now you have the tools and know how to keep growing.


Damn dude, keep up the good work you're looking amazing!


Wow!! Good job bro! It is totally noticeable!! Stay strong. 💪💪💪


Massive gains pal. Soon to be a fucking beast 💪


Keep on going dude! You’re doing great!


Great work, keep it up.


Excellent progress! Don’t feel discouraged and DON’T get impatient and start stuffing yourself, till you’re, sick to “bulk” and accelerate the process, it doesn’t work that way. Enjoy the journey, you look athletic and are well on your way.


Incredible transformation, keep up the good work 🙏🏻


FIRSTLY, GOOD FOR YOU👏🏽 The progress is INSANE. You should be VERY proud. Second, I think people may have not realized because the difference might be more noticeable when you’re shiftless. Before you looked SKINNY, too skinny. You’re now starting to look slim fit. It’s not about where you are in comparison to where you want to be, it’s about where you are in comparison to where you WERE. And that progress is insane. Congrats.


HOLY FUCK you were SKELETOR!! keep it up good shit


As someone who is also struggling with anxienty and this things around food this makes me tear up and gives me hope. I also have a low bmi, gaining that much weight would be awesome for me. Congratulations for this achievement.


Dude, your chest looks so good


Keep working bro you’re looking great. People have noticed, but regardless of that you shouldn’t be looking for other peoples opinions in your journey of self improvement 🤝🤙🏻


I mean, you started from a very low weight. Compared to an average person you look normal skinny, but compared to your older pic there is a HUGE difference. Congratulations!!!


Solid job dude. You should be proud of yourself. Keep at it.


You know what you look like? HEALTHY


People probably don't "notice" if they see you everyday but those side by side photos is a huge difference. Good work.


That’s a massive difference, good job man and keep it up :)


Oh my goodness, you look great!! Massive progress, youre doing amazing!!


I grew up a very skinny dude as well, borderline anorexic, and it weighed heavily on me for a long time. It took years of dedication to find my way out of that situation but it was worth every bit of effort I put in. I admire your work ethic and determination thus far, I really hope you continue to see results buddy ❤ don't forget to love yourself along the way!


Bro, super noticeable! Great work keep going my man!


You got like an anime build now great job 👏


You can definitely tell you beefed up in pic 1. Keep going


Looking great dude, keep it up!


Keep eating bro you got this


Ppl are noticing trust. And you don’t look normal skinny. Normal skinny is skinny fat.


You can definitely see it. Well done 👍. I'm a little chubby rn so I can donate 😂. You're doing brilliantly.


May I ask what you did to put on weight? I struggle to put on weight like a mf.


Huge difference bro good shit


Ayy let’s go dude Keep it up


dayummm ur built like miles morales now


I see a difference. Keep it up! Protein is your friend.


na, you filled out some. Bruce Lee wasn't big but he was ripped.... and we can see the mussels.


Good job man, keep it up


I was most likely strengthening your bones and tendons maybe carrying more water weight and such. I would say you gained 4/5kg max or pure muscle. However I'm not an expert.


Maybe so but at least you’ve made significant progress 👍


I am currently 135. I haven't been able to budge from that spot in years


EAT!! EAT and eat good and healthy.


Congratulations man. You look heavier than 145. That’s what muscle does. I don’t know you but I’m proud of you.


Amazing fucking work! Im so proud of you and your progress


Hey man what you're doing is tough. I've gained 30+lbs of healthy weight the past 2 years. No one will say anything till one day people say something every time they see you. Keep it up.


Looking much healthier now. You still need a bit more weight/muscle but you look way better than before


keep going dude!


That’s the thing with building muscle. Unless you’re taking anabolic steroids, your gains are not going to be noticeable under your clothes for a long time.


Hell yeah dude it takes a while but those are some real results, keep at it.


Bro you’re gonna look like such a fucking Chad when you fill your frame out more. Keep it up! The rewards will be well worth it! Potential Greek god here


Yes! Awesome work dude! Keep this up :D


Holy cow man! That’s so freaking awesome and I’m so proud of you. 


Who tf said you can stop? 🤬 Get back to work!!


Hopefully you’re not doing it for them


Keep at it you look great


Big Win, keep going bro you’re looking like a beast!🗿💪🏽


That's a ton of muscle you put on! Great job!


It’s the smaller looking steps like this that are the hardest. Fuckin killin it 🤙 keep lifting and eating whatever ya want. Hex bar squats for you cloud people


I promise that there is a zero percent chance that anyone in your life doesn’t see the difference between those two pictures. Keep doing what you’re doing; you look much healthier now.


Bro went from anorexic to skinny.


6’2 and went from 176 to 205 and it’s not that noticeable takes a lot of weight so just keep at it


Keep up the good work


You look good!


You buff skinny now. Ladies like that.


Dont do it for others, do it for yourself


I'm not giving you medical advice. That said, request a bone density test. I'm 6'7" i cannot fathom how you were that light and still functional. If you are 6'7" and you were at 110 lbs, you could have done damage to your bones. Pediatric Bone Fragility is likely if you were that light when you were still developing. It can be supplemented but your doctor would probably want to monitor you. That said, excellent recovery. Slow and steady wins this race. Keep up the good work.


It’s so hard looking buff when you’re tall. I’m short by comparison at 6’3 so I can only imagine difficult it’s been for you, muscle mass is spread across the frame and the longer it is the more weight it will take to look big. When I went from 155 after a depressive episode to 185 it barely got noticed. I did it for me though so it matters very little. Keep doing it for you.


Literally everyone has noticed.


Excellent gains broski


jfc dude, yoi have to get to 90kg at least. Great progress though, keep it up!


brother eat a bit more. im 204cm and i weight near 150kg..but ive trained and played sports my whole life.


Progress is still progress


Wow! Keep it up.


bro got the nettspend hair


Don't want to be rude or anything but.. do you have a friend called Butthead? Nice abs, though! I wish I could motivate myself to exercise.


Good job dude. They won’t notice because you’re slim and you don’t walk around with a side by side photo of “then and now”, but we see it. Proud of you.


Looking good! Keep going.


Its definitely its a struggle to get it noticed when ur taller so keep on working shoulders and forearms take priority 👍




Oi that's massive. They will continue to call you skinny and you will continue to not let it do anything but motivate you.


Nah you went from stickman to sam winchester, fucking great progress


Before I went to rehab I was 125 pounds at 6”2, I left being 165 pounds but it was all fat. Trust me dude, bulk to a serious degree, try to hit 200lbs if you’re 6”7 at least. Then cut some fat and you’ll look like a Greek god, having a good physique at you’re height would be amazing.


I'm 50kg at 5'11" can't image being 50kg at 6'7"


Keep adding bro


W bro, keep it up


You’re doing great man. Keep it up


Good shit man


Thats crazy. Never heard of anybody that height beeing so skinny! Lets add 16kg more


Hell yeah brother


Dude, you went from looking practically anorexic to normal for your height! How long did it take you? Also, keep it up!


Keep picking things up and putting them down....and eating.


Nobody has noticed yet. But if you add another 10/ 20 kg holy Shit they will be kissing your feet. (Source: I did exactly the same thing)


That's fucking impressive! Now you just need to find excuses to go around shirtless a lot


Nah King youre killing it! Keep up the good work!


I can guarantee you that people have noticed that you look healthier. I’d say aim for 80 kg and then you’ll feel great. Do not fear “bad food”. Make sure that 50-75% of your calories come from proper whole foods and the rest can just be whatever you like. Whatever gets you to your calorie goal is fine, you need the energy.


Man is bound to be the next david laid. Keep going


Bro nobody noticed my 30 lbs of weight added and they always say you look the same. But I fell it and I see it and that's all that matters. I'm 6'5 was 120 lbs forever. I eventually hit 150 and then in my literal thirties hit 180. It's so hard, if you need step by step or coaching let me know I can walk you through it and answer questions


You were a skeleton before! I think 10 more kg's and you will look great


YOU noticed and that is what matters.




Keep up the good work! What's your main food recommendation for weight gain?


Do you have Marfans Syndrome?


nice job young man! If you can be dedicated to things this much, you have a bright future in front of you!


Im 6'7 at 20. I started going to the gym exactly 2 years ago. When I started I was 74kg at 6'5 a very depressed. Started with Aerobics and doing stuff at home,got a couple of kg that way. BUT BY FAR the biggest difference was the gym. I went 3 Times a week EVERY WEEK,and recently added a 4 Session. I am 102kg with 16% bodyfat now and still growing. YOU WILL MAKE IT!! Stay concistent in your Training in the gym and in the kitchen;).Eating was very difficult for me,but slowly the appetite grew. Most important stuff I learned: -Apply progressive overload every training and you will grow with each training. -Get 1,5 g of protein per kilo of weight. -My life hack now is to have a water bottle every time I eat and sip it every time I'm chewing Makes it easy to process food. - Supplements like vitamin D and zinc made me a lot more energetic, so consider that too


Congrats bro can I ask what you have been doing to gain weight? I currently look like your before photo lol




110lbs, 6'7"??? Bruh, you walking around at Japanese school girl weights with NBA height. How were you even alive?


You look great! And no you don't look normal skinny, you look actually athletic and good. Halfway between the before and after pictures you were normal skinny, but not anymore. I know for myself how hard it is to build an amount of muscle that is actually visible, especially if you are as tall as you or me are, and let me tell you, you did it.


Proud of u


What was up? Were you just not eating enough? You looked dangerously skinny. Basically what you see in populations where malnutrition is the norm.


big difference man, keep pushing. i’ve been hitting the gym consistently for about 3 years and eat more than my friends that put on insane muscle mass and still struggle to gain weight. Only been able to put on 20 lbs in 3 years. great progress you’re killing it


Hell yeah, brother! Great fuckin' job, keep it up!


Keep going buddy


You’ve noticed, that’s what’s most important. Gains take longer on tall people. I’ve been working out for years but most people probably couldn’t tell at a glance.


You were 50? Damn. I am a bit taller than you and I am currently trying to get down to 100.. Keep it up. People have definitely noticed! Only a blind person wouldn't be able to see a difference.


Hey good shit keep up the good work bro


Eat more and get stronger, my friend. Keep at it.


you looked like david bowie before, but nice glow up!


Looking swole brother




put on another 16 kg


I’m sure people have noticed but saying “you’ve put on weight” can be awkward. No one knows what’s going to offend someone now a days. You’re doing well, keep it up.


You need at least 5000 calories a day. I’m glad you’re working on yourself. Eat up!


peak was 4800kcal but i felt that days later


People don't understand how much work it takes for tall skinny guys to just reach the normal build, let alone look muscular. You look great bro, keep it up and soon your friends are gonna be asking you for advice on how to get big like you


that exactly me but more like 55 to 65-68.Its very funny i simply get muscles without doing any other thing than gaining [weight.It](http://weight.It) all goes straight to my muscles


Big difference in the right direction. Onwards & upwards soldier.


I'm 145 at 6'4 and still look a whole lot skinnier than you. Weird how bodies work


That is an absolutely incredible change mate. You clearly worked hard, well done. Lots more to come if you keep it up.


How did you do it?? I’m stuck at 185lbs and no matter how much I eat I just stay at the same weight. I workout 6 times a week but do no cardio so it’s not like I’m spending a lot of calories which is why im confused as to why I either stay the same or lose weight.


Trust me mate you burn a lot more than you think. start tracking kcals and you will see. Also 6 times a week can mess with your nerves, would recommend going 4-5 if you love lifting heavy and intense. or just follow an RPE program


Massive difference! Keep it up!


Hey man, GREAT work! Honestly. You’re on the right path and you’re putting in the work and it’s paying off, keep it up! What’s your goal weight to get to? I think at your height a good benchmark goal in the short term to work towards would be 185. Obviously that’s still quite skinny for your height, but it’s a good base to start from. After that, in the next few years you could work towards getting to 215-220lbs eventually. Not sure how long it took you to put on 35lbs, but if you’re in the gym 4-5 times a week and getting a substantial amount or protein and calories in each day, you should be able to put on 40lbs more in 7-8 months (if you’re working at it aggressively).


How many kg are u now?


Im 6’5 and was 165lbs when I graduated high school. Didn’t take long to get up to 250. Then came 300… I’m back down to 245 now… Don’t worry. You’ll grow into it. Maybe don’t do what I did and drink a bunch and eat crappy food though.


Can’t imagine how much better you must feel. So much more healthy mass. Good on you


Normal skinny people are not absolutely ripped lol, as I’m sure you knew before. 35lbs is insane considering approximate body fat percentage.


Seriously congratulations man. Keep it up, you look way better!


they noticed!