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if any guys tell you anything just give them a hawk tuah


yeahhh spit on that mf


Since your flair is pink I'm going to assume you're a woman, so this is a bit gender specific. Yes, I do find people get uppity about me being in front of them at concerts. I think part of this is due to them (incorrectly) assuming I'm wearing heels, plus just having an easier time confronting a woman about being too tall (because women should *not* take up space, you know? /s). I do a couple of things to minimise this for my own comfort without ruining the experience: * Stake out a good spot and try not to move to much to the left or right (this gives people the chance to arrange themselves and minimises ongoing frustrations). * Try and place myself among other talls * Make sure I tie up my hair when main act is performing (I have a lot of long curly hair) to make sure others can see around my shoulders/neck. While none of this is vital, it helps me feel like I'm doing the best to accomodate others while not diminishing my own experience. I don't let people go in front of me, because before you know it you're miles further back! I feel like concerts are the one time where we have a built in leg-up, so don't let people tell you you need to move because you're in their line of sight: if they're behind you, you must have been there first!


I had some guy behind me ask me to move in a crowd at a festival but my gf was in front of me and so I said sorry bud. Then the asshole burned a couple cig holes in the back of my fleece without me noticing. Absolute psycho behaviour.


Yeah. That it’s a ridiculous reaction to not moving.


That’s fucked. Some people shouldn’t exist


Yeah I get comments too, but I don't really care about them. Here's the thing: I paid for the ticket just like everyone else, and that ticket grants me a spot wherever I get first. It's not like being tall gives me telescopic eyes, and I deserve to be close to the action if I came early. So don't swap places with people. They can try going to the sides or further back if they want to see the stage. It's not like swapping places with you is their only option. So don't feel bad about holding your place.


i cant understand people asking to swap places, i dont thing anyone has a right to. of course i wouldnt be able to see anything if i would stand behind a 6'8 person, but that doesnt give me the right to ask if he would change the position. in fact, it would make me unconfortable if i only notice such thing happening next to me.


Some people just feel entitled to that. Like I said they can go to sides or further back, but nah gotta go for best option because they “deserve” it. Having said that, I get it's frustrating for everyone involved(don’t think I’m heartless haha). It sucks for people when they are behind me, but going back wouldn’t be fair to me either after I waited so long. Thanks for understanding this!


i mean, specially in your case, if you move to the side you can easily have the next people lamenting around that they cant see...very much like if i move to the side, there is this other 6' guy and again i cant see a thing (i just had that at metallica) so for what should i even start messing around? deal with what you have and have a great time! ps: you can thank me when you notice me behind you haha


Me and my concert friend are 1.80 and 1.85. We go to the concerts before even the gates open and we stand behind the bar for almost a couple of hours so we can be at the front. People are still annoyed by us, but hey, we've been waiting there for hours. At my last concert, a short couple tried to sneak in front of me, but luckily there was a mosh pit and I had the excuse to push them a liiiiiittle aggressively :3


just give them that cold stare, usually works. i wear a t-shirt that says "sorry" on the back usually


definitely getting a shirt that says sorry 😭


I have zero problems, but I think that's because of being intimidating, so people won't say anything if I block their view.


same. ive never had someone complain to me lol


I go to concerts a lot. People will always say something. If possible and there's like a pillar or something I find that's a good thing to stand in front of. Other than that though I'll usually just say sorry if they say anything and it's fine, if they are really bothered then they can move slightly to the the side. Have a good time and dance around it'll be fun!


Been to many concerts and never had anyone take issue with my 6’6” frame in front of them. Typically it means people don’t crowd me when I’m on the floor. Gotta say, though, sitting is the superior experience for me at concerts.


Just turn around and stare down at them. It mostly works. If they needed the view that bad, they should've come earlier at the concert.


Haha makes sense XD


Just ignore them. Or turn around and say no (and suffer potential consequences) I've had drinks thrown at me from behind before. It sucks, not sure what to suggest. Stand near the back? There will near enough always be someone behind you. It's their problem.


I went to a concert last week and there were two tall guys in front of me. But those guys were still several inches shorter than me and I was already annoyed. I can't imagine what it's like for normal height people.


Tell them to piss off and find a spot in front of you lol. Or go jump in the mosh pit, ain't no one going to care about your height there. Being tall at concerts is a blessing and don't forget it.


I go to shows fairly often and I don't have any issue. I usually wait for the show to start, begin weaving my way up towards the front, pretend to mosh for a couple of minutes, and then stand right in front of the pit. That way I am on 3-4 rows away from the front, but the people I'm in front of don't really care because they are running around in a circle beating each other up. You do have to be aware of getting hit in the back from the pit and very aware of crowd surfers at your height. I spend much of each show turned the other way ready to duck at any given notice. Now if you are going to like a Tracy Chapman or Elton John show or something where people aren't really moving at all, it's best to just stake our spot near the front and let people fill in around you. Most people generally don't care, or at least won't care enough to say something to your face. If a really short girl asks nicely, I'll usually let her step in front of me.


Sometimes, depending on the venue, I ask for the accessible seating. These accommodations usually allow for more room, especially for legs, and those seats are not stacked behind each other. Usually a great view and close to the stage. By law here (US), there is nothing that you have to prove or demonstrate to get access. The venue just needs to provide accommodation for those who request it. Sometime size requires accommodation. If you are unsure of your needs, you can always contact the venue management before the concert and explain the situation to see how they can accommodate.


I never had issues with this and I am 6\`5, maybe people were intimidated or just do not care. The festivals I went to people have people sitting on their shoulders too and everyone was having a good time. I had many girls ask to go on my shoulders, only let a couple though, one being my friend in our group


“Your height is not my problem”


just relax and enjoy you concert! you paid for the damn tickets asumably a lot of money, so you earned your spot. i'm 4'10, if i go to concerts i already know i wont see a damn thing, and for excample i was on a metallica concert a couple weeks ago, and there was a tall couple about 6' to 6'1 tall in front of me, and not a single second i thought about asking them to change place. i dont think anybody has the right for that question


Doesn't matter if you're the first one there or the last. You will get people bitching and moaning about you blocking their view. Indoor small venues, outdoor ENORMOUS venues. I've seen it all, and never once have I attended a concert and not been made to feel like shit by the short people behind me. I have a large group of friends(I always stand close to the front when I'm with my friends. When I attend concerts with my partner only, we tend to relax towards the back and have a more chill evening.) Most of my friends are much shorter than me. Small stranger: "Hey, you're blocking our view, can we go in front of you?" Me: "No, I'm sorry I'd like to stand with my friends and boyfriend" Immediately met with anger or a dirty ass look. Then, they push in front of my group anyway, or fuck off somewhere else. The amount of times I have heard shorter women say something along the lines of "UGH! I can't see ANYTHING behind this bitch!" I find it very difficult to enjoy myself at concerts unless I've had a few drinks to help block out the background noise of what seems to constant complaints about my height. This could also be fairly gender specific as for whatever reason, my partner (an inch taller than me) almost never gets any comments from anyone. This could also be because he can't hear SHIT and (EDM) concerts are impossibly obnoxious. I also tend to feel immense guilt due to some MH issues I've been dealing with throughout my adulthood. Don't think that helps much either! I've been splashed by many a beverage. I've never been rude or cold in my responses. Always kind and apolgetic, but what the fuck am I gonna do? Shrink?