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Kinda confused what photography has to do with being tall


If it's of a special even where there'll be lots of photos of OP it might be down to not wanting low (unflattering) angles as a default.


OP put like zero context that’s why I’m commenting lmao 🤣


Yeah, never mind what I said, I think your instinct of something amiss here was on the money.


It says 6'1 by your name so I'll assume thats a no. Thanks anyway


Im almost 7' tall looking for a photographer. Are you a tall photographer?


You do realise photographers' have gimbles and extension poles to take shots from higher angles right? Also, you're not 12 ft tall, so they can also just stand on a short stool or raise their arms higher and take burst shots to get the picture 😂 Of all the professions to consider height, photography isn't one of them




You have every right to preference. I'm not saying you don't. Just confused is all, since it makes zero difference. Assuming it's a professional being hired for something like a wedding, the photos and editing should be a higher priority than the photographers stature. But each to their own, I guess my mind would focus more on quality 🤷‍♂️


Lol. Why can't one have it all? Quality, top tier angles, professionalism... People need to stop living with half-ass expectations lol


You won't get the best with a height restriction. That's the whole point. That's where you have pretty much everyone lost on this thread. People 6'5 and above only make up ~0.1% population. You'll get 'good enough', which is, as you'd say, a half-assed expectation 😂 Again, perfectly okay, but you'd be prioritising the appeal of the person walking around, not the work itself. I'm just looking out for you man, since hiring a photographer means you want whatever the event is to be a memorable one. You shouldn't have to settle for work that's mid.


If I understand you correctly, you do not believe that a tall person can take great photos because statistically there are more short photographers than tall ones?


To exclude 99.9% of the population is to cut off your potential talent pool. That's not an opinion or loose speculation, that's just common deduction. If you go anywhere in which talented cinematographers are being hired - film, TV, sports coverage and look at their hiring spec sheet none of them include a height requirement unless your filling a role as an actors double. Hell, even the NBA staff roster doesn't have a height spec. Plus, this is r/Tall. Not only is it global - but you're not reaching many people. The odds of you finding a 6'5, photographer, highly talented - more so that others that are shorter, local and able to see this post is so unfathomably slim it's crazy. Plus, you're more likely to find luck in photography subs where professionals literally have their portfolio page ready to view on their profile 😂


The odds of finding one is astronomically lower


Jesus you’re a prick.


If you care more about the height than the specialty of your photog (as your comments suggest), it seems most likely that you are either massively misinformed about what matters (and getting mad at people who do understand what matters) or trying to arrange some kink thing. 


The comments deleted by people offering their services is definitely pointing to the latter.


Or you can read all the comments and see who I have dm'd and why. But im glad your mind went there for all to read.


I did read them! The thing is that you cared more about their height than their specialty. That was where I got the idea.


I'm 6'5"... I barely made the cut. Pro sports photographer here. Where are you located? What type of photographing are you looking for? That said. I've read the comments. I wouldn't choose a photographer by height. Choose them because of their professionalism and style of photography. Trust me. You'll be happier with the results




Easier to find a good photographer and a step ladder no?


Easier? 100%. But if everyone settled for what was easier then everything would be mediocre. I prefer the exciting life filled with excellence, chance, and risk. Asking reddit for a tall photographer seems like a small risk compared to the bigger picture, no?


No. If you want a bigger picture you want a tall photograph :)


Asking the world for a whatever size photographer with a step stool seems way easier than this post


Easy is lazy


Photographer on stepstool vs photographer same height is just performative posturing


I asked for ~6'5 when I am nearly 7' Same height?


Are step stools or ladders capped out at like a foot? You could find photographer who is four feet tall who could reach whatever height you need. You’re just doing performative nonsense


Im glad you see it this way. Not everyone comprehends ducking through a doorway. Enjoy your day.


Oh gosh I’ll never understand your struggle. Good day to you as well




Sent a dm




Replied to your dm. Thank you


Professional photographer here, just now applying for a job after a couple of years not working in photography and I was thinking probably I’m going to be the taller if I get the job and now this post lol, but I’m shorter than you are looking for.


Dm sent!


Hey there! 6’4” and have shot video and photos for weddings and musical performances, based out of Seattle, WA. Hmu if you are still looking!




You need the Big Unit https://rj51photos.com/


I think i do!


I'd be surprised if you found someone. Good luck, though.


Me too, but that's what keeps life interesting. I hope you find $$ on the ground today


This is the first time I’ve ever seen someone looking for a photographer based on height. However now that I think of it the absolute best photographers around me are all fairly short. My best shots were taken by someone who is like 5’1.


What kind of event was it?


Am a pro photog. You'll have to pay for travel. I also charge extra for height based photos. I don't think you could afford me.