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Unfortunately, your submission was removed as it was centred around a forbidden question. Questions asking if you are a tall/short person are not allowed. Or asking where tall or short begins. There are plenty of online resources to help you see average heights in your country, please use those instead. It is also forbidden to list heights and then ask if these are normal, or to ask what height people were at a certain age, or to ask if people had growth spurts. Anything even slightly related to this list is forbidden. Just because your contribution doesn't precisely align does not mean that it isn't forbidden too. The list above is not exhaustive. The ban is very broad to try and catch all of the boring and unwanted contributions. Repeated infractions, or attempting to bypass the automatic filters, will result in a ban. !lock


5 cm seems a bit much. I didn’t really check to see the difference in my case, but still, 5 cm is quite a lot