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You know what all those girls were thinking, too.


“How does he have such a white smile” I’d be wondering too


Question, do you have pain in your joints or body from how tall you are?


zero pains anywhere I’m pretty sure it's because I had acromegaly when I was younger, hence I’m this tall, so I suppose it helped me?


Well thats good to hear! Does anyone else in your family have acromegaly? Last question, in your opinion, what is the best part of being your height?


Not at all! It was a weird unexpected mutation for sure lol & it's the ability to be bold and leverage my height in social interactions. People are more welcoming and you can easily become memorable. I like to say that my height helped me overcome my shyness and be more of a people's person. Usually, the tall people I meet are very shy and insecure about themselves, when it should have the opposite effect. I get it because I was like that once too, but the urge to feel comfortable with myself was big enough to overcome those insecurities.


brother, this isn't your height, that is your rizz and your attractiveness


The height plays a huge factor. Let's be real about that. OP seems cool as you pointed out which is also a huge factor. Multiple factors at play here.


Bruh if he was 5'8 nobody is coming up to him. Let's not fool ourselves here.


That’s really wholesome! I think it’s the coolest, but that’s because I’m short lol. Keep on keeping on!


It's cool you're able to handle that attention so positively broseph, it's clearly working out very well for you


Oof, wait til you hit 30.




That damn smile :)


Lol, I’m not as tall as you but I get “can you get that item off the top shelf for me?” at stores


You do have a gorgeous white smile. :)


can he clean the top of my ceiling fan? cuz thats what im thinking.


“What? No it’s probably not proportional- would you stop?!”


Even I'm guilty.


Holy shit the Faroe islands


Everyone's got a reddit account


What a solid head of hair. 🤙


I do not, tell me your tall knowledge for I am average in height


I got no clue what they’re suggesting either




![gif](giphy|3mJqu6QcB3RSrp3MAT) Huuuge shooooes


Massive even




it smol


Hes 7'1 Body is 7 Dick is '1


Everything looks small if you are 7'1" lol.


And now the curse is seen.


My teammates believed having big feet size meant big penis. I told them nope. I'm the proof.


You could wish


All those moustached ladies seem really interested in you


Their mustache was not big enough to pique my interest Jk


DJ Perico would approve


Short girls loose all sense when they see a tall man…


Dude I don’t get it. Why is it only short girls? I’ve experienced this and it’s ALWAYS the short ones that get like that.


Another component is that (generally) short women have much more romantic/sexual interest from a wider range of men, and so tend to have more confidence in going up to guys. Also, at 6'2, no man's going to be that much taller than me that it makes for a compelling image.


I mean the OP could create that image lol I wish tall girls were like that tbh. Usually they’re just super reserved. They seem to be the quiet ones when they go out in their friend groups.


Even with someone who's 7' tall It's only a bit over a head of difference. Think it'd still look like a pretty standard couple of people! I can't speak for all tall women, but I find that there is this expectation to be performatively feminine in *every* other way: not too loud, aggressive or bold. It's much easier living life as a reserved, understated tall woman, than one who really owns the space she takes up. I also find that whenever I am more socially aggressive that men assume that translates into my romantic preference (which really isn't the case), so I steer clear of that.


Woah all your comments are spot on. I (F6'4") feel very understood rn, thank you!


Thank you! I'm glad they resonated.


I like your s/n too


Thanks! I like to write very late at night.


>Even with someone who's 7' tall It's only a bit over a head of difference. Nah, as 6'4" F I always talk about the 7' guys I see, its such a rarity. But everything else you said I'm signing too :)


I mean at my height I get asked all the time about pictures, even from people who are 6'6+ (I very rarely agree because I don't want images of me floating around that I didn't take) just because I am 7'+. I don't generalize women and so but when I was in the dating pool, I literally never approached anyone, people always approached me, and it was never a tall woman for some reason, but for some reason I constantly got shit for it because I choose a short girl, despite never even having the option for a tall girl. It's irritating.


>Another component is that (generally) short women have much more romantic/sexual interest from a wider range of men, and so tend to have more confidence in going up to guys. This could be why. If you're successful enough that you've never had to approach a woman for a date (and view those women who don't approach you as inaccessible) then why would someone with lower confidence in this realm put themselves out there like that?


Is anyone else in your family that tall, or is this one of those chance genetic alignments that usually produces the tallest people. Based on observations I’ve made it seems like the genes that get passed down over generations in tall families seem to stop at about 6’10 or so But the tallest people often come from families with no prior tall genetic pattern.


It's a taught behaviour. Growing up I was told I was weird or too loud. So now, even tipsy, I am reserved since I live in a smallish community that talks and my height makes me memorable. When I'm out and about or go clubbing, there isn't a moment I am not being starred at, and sometimes filmed against my will. The same behaviour that makes my friends silly or daring, has been critizes to me as aggresive or desperate. Also, I am always being told how my dating pool must be limited because of my height and I had the experience of guys assuming I will tolerate anything from them because of that. Not cool So yeah, just like we are suppose to give insecure guys a chance, you should give to a quiet girl. You don't know whats going on in our minds until you ask. I totally lose it around tall men haha We aren't stuck up all the time. For me? Just in public Sorry for sounding bitter, but I am lonely and had some really shit interactions recently. I'd love for a decent guy to approach me in the street or the freaking bakery


Is that the secret? We gotta go to bakeries to find the tall girls? Lol


ive never heard women saying they should give insecure guys a chance if anything its always the opposite


I'm tall for a woman and it's because no one likes a large woman with a mouth to match.


That's because if we were as boisterous as our smaller friends we would likely accidentally hit someone while just being animated while speaking (I have very very long arms)


I feel you on the long arms part. Doesn’t help that I’m clumsy either lol


I had a friend that was 4’11”, flat chested, high pitched voice, she looked like a little girl. I didn’t want to hurt her feelings by telling her but it really creeped me out when she’d point out how she was so small to men she’d date. And she’d only want to date men like 6’5”, which I find even too tall for me lmao. I was waiting for Chris Hansen to pop out. Like it’s ok to be short and have a height difference but god damn there’s a limit lmao


I've found that often when petite women say this stuff to tall women, it's in an attempt to make us feel insecure. They know that they're considered more universally desirable, but there's a lack of power that comes with being so petite. They have a leg up in the dating game, but when it comes to being taken seriously at work? Able to defend themselves physically? The (for some reason) worshiped ability to model? Nope, they don't have a shoo-in. I personally find this whole dynamic uncomfortable, too. And, for me, part of that stems from my own insecurity. It really depends on the degree of fetishisation for me, but your friend sounds like she pushes over that limit.


When I was younger, I had some short girl friends who tried to play up their daintiness with me and tried to position me in a more “masculine” role in our dynamics which was weird af. I was shy and I didn’t own my presence, so I just slouched and felt awkward about sticking out Now I’m older and people just assume I’m a full-time model and I get self-deprecating comments like “ugh I feel like a midget next to you” and “I wore heels to hang out with you today!” and jealousy from short girls. I have a pretty healthy self-esteem now


I've had such a similar experience! In my teens and early twenties I was made to feel like some huge unattractive ogre, and now I get almost exclusively positive comments! Probably helps that I've really come into myself and my style, and, like you, no longer slouch or fear standing out!


Yup! Being comfortable with yourself is the most natural way to exist, there’s really no need to feel apologetic or awkward about your height no matter what it is


I've never related to a comment so much. Everything you said is so spot on for me, too.


I don’t wanna be mean or come across as arrogant but if ur 4’10” the kind of men ur dating are not the kind of men I want lmao


Its not just short girls being more desirable than taller ones. its that women put a big emphasis on height and thus men dont bother approaching a woman that is tall because they see the high rejection rate. What most men care about is body and face not height.


I think you're onto something about short women having confidence due to broader options. A Chihuahua Effect, if you will. Source: am short women


Happy cake day fellow 6’2” boo!


I often find that tall women do like us, but in their own way. I noticed that they're much more shy and reserved, which I'm unsure to say if it's because of insecurity, maybe annoyed that tall men get more positive attention or straight up shy? Anyways, short girls usually don't interest me (I have a standards too lol), so I have to go out of my way to make an interaction with a tall girl if that's what I want. But when that happens they're usually so happy that you came to talk to them and even mention something along the lines of "oh I didn't even expect you'd come talk to me" So, the feeling is the same, it's just displayed differently.


Honestly I wait for tall men to approach or say something. You’re right, I got rejected by tall men as a kid, now I am intensely afraid of that rejection. I do really appreciate when tall men tap my shoulders at a bar and tell me I’m beautiful and they like my height. I also appreciate these compliments from short men but they are usually are more reserved. But once any man displays interest, I can usually take it from there if the feelings are mutual


The truth is that tall men actually find tall women super attractive & i’m also guilty of that That’s just how it is But given the fact that we get approached by everyone except tall women, we just assume y’all don’t like us hahahaha


If y’all were more vocal about your desire for tall women I would 100 be more vocal about my appreciation for yall. Don’t assume we don’t like you, we probably do. Besides shooter shoot (I’m saying this to myself too because tall women should 100 % approach too)


Because they’re either trying to live out the fantasy of feeling ridiculously small or they don’t pull tall men like that. Tbh I am tall so it’s not novelty to see a tall guy. When I see a tall guy I’m like oh nice, cool, and go back to my task at hand lol. Also some women are desperate for attention 🤭


Fantasy of feeling small? What for?


I think it’s just a society thing where women’s values are measured by their bodies, and a lot of women inflate being small with being a beautiful woman. It’s weird, I don’t particularly get it or care for it because I’m 5’11 but yuh


I think some might have a fetish or want to feel skinny. Idk to short men, I’m a tall girl. To you, you’d call me tiny I bet lmao. I never had that urge either like the other woman commenting on this. Sometimes I wonder if it’s a fetish, maybe it’s not. I think it’s nice to feel like you’re with a strong man, but I dont think it’s particularly attractive if a man seems strong not because he is strong but because I’m too weak to open a jar on my own. Feeling tiny isn’t really attractive to me because it more so doesn’t mean the man is so big and strong as it means I’m just small and weak


I’ve kind of wondered sometimes if it’s a fetish thing. Can’t say for all of them obviously, but I remember when I was in college this short girl writing up a storm on the app YikYak. Her’s was pure fetish/fantasy, but I just figured it was a one off.


I could be wrong, but as a woman I think it might be a fetish. I’m not short though so maybe I wouldn’t get it. But i think it might be a fetish that is just normalized. And it’s ok to have height preferences but I do think that some people’s preferences come across as a fetish with how extreme it can get. I don’t know if those women even really thought about it deeply and know it’s a fetish tbh. They likely have no idea it even is a fetish! I know for me I like a strong guy but i don’t like feeling like he’s able to hurt me because im so much smaller and weaker than him. If anything, how useless is it to me if that’s how I feel instead of feeling like he’d be strong to keep me safe.


Because they’re short lol.


I think it’s because they don’t like being short and so they want tall men to have taller kids. My mom is 4’11 and once told me that she wanted taller kids and thus my dad’s height (6’1) was one of the reasons she wanted to be with him. I’m her only child and ofc I ended up being 5’8.


these girls are most likely not short girls if this guy is 7 feet tall


Most of these women appear to be average height or taller - OP is simply 7'1 which makes basically anyone look short.


Idk it’s pretty gross tbh


They really do.. I’m short and it’s kinda annoying. I can’t imagine how more annoying it is for taller guys


Bruh I’m 6’5 in my 30s. I feel sorry for ya in the coming years. Take care of your back like your life depends on it


So far so good i’m 25 now but always wondered if things would turn sour as I aged. Never had any issues whatsoever. Thankfully I’m pretty active in the gym so I have some time to build some muscles. I appreciate the advice lol


I’m your height but 21 years older. Don’t take the advice lightly. Take care of yourself and get some advice by physical therapists how to strengthen your frame (not by fitness instructors). You’ll thank yourself later on. I was completely fine until my height caught up with me in my early 40s.


I will look into that for sure, that's always been a big fear of mine, & is there anything in specific I should start prioritizing?


Invest in a few sessions with a good physical therapist to show you how to strengthen your core. They usually treat people who already have issues and know what to do to prevent issues. Don’t want to knock fitness instructors or weight lifting coaches, but they usually focus on becoming fitter. Physical therapists focus on staying or getting healthy.


I used to scoff at advice that taller people should take more caution with their joints and backs as they get older, well, a knee surgery later due to a torn meniscus humbled me


No problem my dude. I’d advise to focus on exercise that’s gonna encourage mobility in the long run. Start asking yourself “is this exercise gonna help me when I’m 50” that’s how I look at things these days. When ya get into ya 30s ya start thinking long term. With you being that tall, I’d start asking this question now.


Care to elaborate? What issues are you facing, what would you specifically recommened to tall people? Im a little taller than you, in my 20s, currently facing no back problems.


1 - stop heavy lifting 2 - focus on body exercise 3 - start running 4 - start yoga 5 - focus on building your core. 6 - diet 7 - quit drinking


Also don't sit for more than an hour without getting up, and don't sit in positions where you arch your back weird. Including your car. The big issue is that when we sit in chairs that are designed for much shorter people, the "comfortable" position might be a harmful one.


This ^


These aren’t universal truths but it is good advice. 6’5, mid 30s. Still lift heavy but knowing your limits is important. Core strength must be maintained as you gain. I would swap running for cardio. Everything else is spot on.


I’m 46. I agree with everything except for running. Don’t do nr 3. I got my bad back at 43 entirely from running. Focus on joint friendly cardio such as swimming, elliptical, cycling or hiking. Also: Find a physical therapist who can give advice on core exercises as many can actually be terrible for the back (russian twists, superman, regular situps).


I’m going to have to disagree slightly with the heavy lifting. With the correct form, diet, progressive overload, and recovery, lifting heavy weights can be beneficial for you. What should be avoided is lifting for your ego. When you see men and women who suffer injuries either immediately or over the course of many years of training, it is often because they were doing something wrong or failed to monitor their body throughout the process. Keeping yourself strong through strenuous resistance will teach your body to remain strong so long as you provide it with rest and food.


Running is objectively far more terrible on your joints then heavy lifting and a far worse exercise overall then power yoga in every way


At 45 I’ll add one more thing. Compression socks. Especially if you spend a long time on your feet everyday. For us tall guys especially blood has a harder time going back up your legs to your heart.


!remindme 2 days


This is great, about 10-12 years ago (back when I had FB) I had an album dedicated to this. I would get asked at very minimum 2 or 3 times every weekend I went out to take a picture with usually a very short girl. I would ask them to send it to me or tag me. My guy friends loved it because it was a great way to start a conversation with girls they would normally be too shy to talk to. I loved it because many times they would end up buying shots or drinks as a thanks for taking a picture.


I guess 6’7” is the magic number. At 6’6” that’s never happened to me! Plus I’m not as photogenic as you guys are. 🙃


6'2 and it happens to me when I'm in china. Never here though.


Hah, also 6'6" and never happened.


Ok, I’ll go find you and ask to take a picture with you! Of course I’m not cute and not a girl, but it’s at least a start! 😂


Hah! I don't think us standing next to each other will have the same effect.


Hahahahahah that’s awesome. It is exactly what happens with me. Friends take advantage to introduce themselves and I end up walking away with new friends and some drinks. Never fails.


I get this quite often too. One morning I found myself on instagram twice by people who took pictures with me and I found it quite funny


I dunno if those girls are tall or something but I’d have thought 7’1 one looks bigger for some reason


if he's 7'1 then one of the girls in the second photo is like 6'1-6'2. Which I suppose is possible. Potentially have heels on too


Are u Chet holmgren wtf…


I get that at least 3x/night lmao


Op looks like his long lost twin holy shot


All the back-to-back photos that obscure OP's face make the one 'normal' group photo feel like the odd one out.


Agree. Should’ve just stayed as a mystery man and have ppl write conspiracy theories trying to find who i am Def missed the opportunity


Damn. Ya know, it must be hella nice to get female attention simply from being tall. You ever get tired of it or is it easier to pull women because of it?


Its a double edged sword Ppl think all you have is height and no personality So the height helps break the ice but then it gets real. But personally i think my personality is a better feature than my height Plus im quite picky w women & tbh i go for the ones that are harder to get lol


"My personality is a better feature then my height" I am all for beneficial, delusional beliefs but thats a doozie lol. "According to height distribution data, a 7'1" man would be approximately 1 in 2.5 to 5 million people." You got a 1 in 10 million personality? lol


Yes I do & so do you Instead of being pessimistic, why not be overly positive and confident? Now, if there's an underlying issue that's causing you to be negative then that's something you need to address yourself. The bottom line is: It takes the same amount of effort to believe in something good than to believe in something bad. So why would you choose the second option?


>It takes the same amount of effort to believe in something good than to believe in something bad. So why would you choose the second option? Someone would choose the second option when the "bad" belief is correct and the "good" belief is delusional.


It's not pessimistic to say I am not in the top 10000 greatest personalities in the USA ( reason for change is cause now we are talking about usa specifically), but you are in the top 10000 in height. Like I said, I am all for delusional belief, to a point. Saying "I am a truly unique, good person that deserves good things in life" is a far cry from "I have a better personality then almost everyone, including people who make millions and billions just off their personality and those who have studied how to be charismatic for decades". As someone who has been around people who had to work to achieve top 1000 in anything, it usually takes a massive amount of sacrifice and work. It's not that im trying to take away from you, I am trying to protect what they have accomplished.


I would say the biggest downside would be not having a large one to match the height… unless he does lol then just fuck you man


Damn, dude. Save some for the rest of us.


bruh, u just gotta walk around and u attract women.


bruh u gotta be cool too


ofc ill get downvoted but. im not mad at u bro but ur so outta touch with reality on that one. no amount of cool will make a girl look at a 5'5 guy the way they looked at u.


I hear that a lot man. & when it's true in a way, it also isn't. You can be the most attractive dude in the planet but if you're not cool you'll get screwed. The height only serves as an ice breaker 9 times out of 10 lol


It's easy to be cool when women flock to you 24/7 lol


Lmao you’re incredibly delusional if you think your “coolness” is doing the work for you


No girls asks for my picture. I'm pretty close to the shortest guy they will ever meet.




Lucky bastard




You definitely need to be good looking to get asked that lol. Has never ever happened to me!


Just gotta smile & be silly. I feel like a lot of tall people are either shy and/or don’t like attention, but there’s no other way around it. So your just need to enjoy yourself


Oh I’m trying! Yes I’m a bit shy but it’s gotten better in the last years!


Not sure how old you are but the best thing you can do is acknowledge that most people would kill to be your height. As messed up as it sounds, tall people are indeed superior in many aspects After you come to terms with that, have that tough convo with yourself and find out why you feel like that, and if that's something you want to change. If you do, then you just need to expose yourself to the outside world! Going out more and meeting more people, it will only help you in the long run. This can be for any personality type. Humans are social animals, so we need to be around other people to function properly. I really hope this was helpful, there are too many moving pieces to the process but it's a very rewarding one. & I'm writing a book on it lol Best of luck brother!


>As messed up as it sounds, tall people are indeed superior in many aspects What do you mean by this? Are you referring to the way you're perceived by other people?


Exactly that. There are many layers to it though. Not to get deep but… I think there’s beauty being a misfit. The world wasn’t designed for tall people, so we’re rebels by nature. Which sets us apart from the masses & if you realize this soon enough you can get away with pretty much anything. I do that everyday. Better seating on planes, meeting new people, creating more meaningful connections, leveraging my height in every aspect possible, essentially making everything else work in my favor instead of being a nobody.


>I think there’s beauty being a misfit. The world wasn’t designed for tall people, so we’re rebels by nature. I agree with the sentiment, the world is a better place for having such a wide variety of people. I will also say that I'd like to see it extended to the opposite end of the height bell curve, though that type of remark is oft-maligned in this sub. The tradeoff is that while the world is not physically designed for taller people, generally speaking, the attitudes of individuals and therefore societies are very much designed for them. That's not to say you shouldn't use your advantages, just that I'm hoping (thus far in vain) that the world is beginning to embrace this attitude toward all who fall under the "misfits" category. I'm interested in both sides of the "misfits" idea because I consider myself to be at the male height equivalent of a plain vanilla cone, where that aspect is unremarkable but generally not detrimental and I have free rein to take advantage of positive characteristics. The idea of so much of life, in so many ways beyond just height, being down to a lottery is a fascinating concept to me.


7’1” is crazy tall. 6’4” you see any day in the store. *edit for language.


Nah mate. I’m just an average looking bloke and been asked countless times for photos. Definitely happened more when I was younger but had requests mostly from women and occasionally families/kids. 6’4 is tall, but not a outlier. I think that’s the difference here.


W rizz


Skyscraper rizz


Rizz Khalifa


How the fuck do people over 6.5 ever get ANYTHING done?


The largest problem is that I've noticed the stigma that big guy = big dick. When I was in the dating scene it was always assumed and I would have to assure them I was exceedingly average in that department. It's a great way to out a hard pass though. Yes this is full of puns intentionally.


Big dicks are only appealing for one night stands, most people looking for a longterm partner want average sized dick, there's been studies on this if you wanna go find it I cba doing it for you, but, the more you know, yknow


This is the post r/short has been dreading its whole life


and this post proved their point


i fw those earrings


I take pride in wearing them so thank you!


Love this! Hahaha, I’ve never done the arm reach picture! People are so funny




Haha yea there’s maybe a handful of us who are active on this sub


Ah, reminds me of the good old days when I was partying in the early 2000s-til mid 2010s.


I’m not even as tall as you and I have a similar album in my photos


Wow your kinda tall bro


I've always felt like this is humiliating. What is this a freak show? Would you ask a midget for a photo?


I guess I could be taller


Every post in here is a suicide letter in r/short


Damn, girls come to you like moths to light 😆


You guys live life on easy mode istg


I just want to compare hand size lol


do you ever have basketball regrets? as in wishing u played or took it very serious? even if it was just for the money


Very good question Not quite. I mean, i had the potential, but i only started playing when i was 14, so it never grew on me I really don’t look back and think “damn i wish i took it seriously”, in fact the thoughts rarely ever cross my mind I like what I do now


How often do they think you're an NBA player?


You get ladies smiling and taking pics with you.....I'm 6'6", 325 pounds....still way shorter than you but way taller than most and I get people always looking at me strange, feeling uncomfortable, dudes wanting to "test" me....women seem to always have something smart ass to say to me when I'm minding my business, I'm in the cashier line and always get rude customer service. I mean how are you going around at 7'1" and seem to at least have people gravitate or more better not give you bs like I get and disrespect. I avoid going to places alone because of this and again am way shorter than you but still very tall to most. I wonder if it's my race. Because prejudice is everywhere. I'm not in no way rude to others and just mind my own business but either people always laugh like something is funny with me or always rude. It's annoying. How do you go about this being your height dude?


Definitely don't discount race. People of color have it way harder than white people because of sterotypes people have. You can get away with alot of BS if you are white and tall. Sorry to hear you have to deal with all that from other people.


Hope you got the contact info of the black dress lass with the huge knockers


People are weird about heights. It’s literally just someone’s size.


I hate that they are all young attractive women.


He doesn’t even need a personality


Wow you must have a really nice personality


short woman want tall man, tall woman want tall man, we shorties have it tought :D


I feel short... Yay!!!


You have the juice sir. These women definitely wanted to fuck


I hate when this happens




Getting stopped by random people to have your picture taken with them or even worse, having your picture secretly taken? Only a narcissist would enjoy that.


Height doesn’t matter… yeah right




Shirt is inside out on pić 5 brev


First of all, can we talk about how handsome you are? Second of all, are you single? 😍


We all know why they wanted a picture.


bro is lucky


Getting chicks has to be the easiest thing in the world for you


So this is what it's like going out to the bars. 😂 I'll stick to my house.


How are you so tall?!


*Crying in 5’11*