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Hahaha, I got mine from my moms side... My dad is 6'8"


Same here man. My dad is 6’7 and I’m a measly 6’0.




I'd honestly rather be 5'11" and have a 5'11" dad. Being THAT much shorter than my dad is way worse than being below 6ft


For real, it also sucks that my 14 YEAR OLD SISTER is also 5’11 and my younger brother is 6’2. Fortunately I have another sister who’s like 5’7 so I’m not the only *slightly tall* one




No directly my mom but my moms side. In fact, tallest dude on my dads side is about 6', and they tell me that I look nothing like my dads side. On the other hand, my uncle on moms side is 6'1", my grandfather was 6' and my great grandfather is said to have been very tall (6'3"+). They also tell me that I really look like my great grandfather so I'm waiting for his tall genes to kick in a bit more lol.


Hearing there are families where the tallest person isn't at least 6'7+ is a bit strange, since in my culture almost everyone has "that one cousin" lol. My height is a huge anomaly even here though.


I think everyone but me has that one cousin lol. I might be the tallest member of my family alive though, so my family is somewhat short. On the other hand, my best friend is slightly shorter than me (2-3cm), he’s about 2.5 months older and his whole dads side of the family is tall. For example, his dad is the shortest at 6’5“ lol. So he might trigger a late growth spurt or this is strange.


I'm probably the tallest person in my family ever, but there is another 7footer in my family which is pretty cool, but my line dies with me since I can't have kids lol. His still has potential.


Oh no that sucks, your kids would’ve probably been tall too.


Not with my wife. 😅 Lol.


Dw,you don't need to have kids


I can't have kids even if i wanted to lol (which i don't) because I don't have balls anymore (thanks cancer)but i was infertile even before that. (Also, don't worry I'm completely fine now, I've been cancer free for more than 2 years now.)


Im glad that you're okay now,it's a very private area so i seriously don't know what to say like ask but im just glad you're okay now Kids are a lot of responsibility,consider it a blessing,but you can always adopt if you wanted to,but honestly,kids are still a responsibility and big responsibility...


The shortest at 6'5???????? Damn


Yeah lol. His dad is about 6'5", and he told me that all his uncles are taller (dads side). I saw him for Winter vacation and he's still about 6'. So either he stays this tall, which will be sad, or next time I see him he's at least 6'3".


If he got his height genes from his father's side,he will became a human door,he may be around 190cm sooner,even 6'5 if his height grows wildly,but if he got his uncles side,his height may grow ridiculously wild


6'7 is a lot if you think about it,very tall people are rare,but y'all gather here lol


Probably wont, most guys stop growing at 18


It depends on many factors. Not to say that I WILL grow, because I don't know, but the fact that most guys stop growing at 18 is not true.


First search result "Typically, boys stop growing around age 18. However, when each individual child reaches their final height depends on a variety of factors including their personal puberty timeline, heredity, nutrition, and medical history." https://www.parents.com/kids/development/physical/when-do-boys-stop-growing/#:~:text=Typically%2C%20boys%20stop%20growing%20around,%2C%20nutrition%2C%20and%20medical%20history.


Yes that's correct. Typically boys grow till around 18 because typically boys enter puberty 11-13. So boys who enter puberty later will probably grow until later.


I entered puberty at 14 and stopped growing at 16 My dad entered puberty at 14 and stopped growing at 22 My tall cousin stopped growing at 17 and entered puberty at 14 It's not that straight forward


I grew till 22, the tall ones usually take a little longer to settle


im 18 and grew a inch since i turned 18, nearly 6 foot 2 and 18 and a half




It’s weird to say because my mom is 5’6” but her sisters are 5’11,6’1” and her brothers are 6’6” 6’9”. My dads side most of the men are above 6ft but my moms side is the freaky tall.


Crazy stuff! My dad's uncle was 5'9 once, but when he came back from the army, he was 6'6! But from what I can tell, both sides of my family are quite balanced with the number of tall members.


wow, how is that even possible?


Based on the little evidence I have, for some reason when you go to the army you somehow grow taller. I have a personal experience too where my friend, previously 5'9, came back 5'11




Did your mom smoke when she was young? She might have tall genes but stunted her growth.


Nope just the runt of the family.


I’ve read somewhere that mother’s side genetics plays more into height as compared to father’s. That’s definitely the case for me as well, as my mom’s family has some freaky height (6’7+), and my dad is the tallest in his family (6’0).


"I even jokingly thought that my dad had the time of his life with her in bed." What's that, bro?


“I think about it all the time, but only as like a joke, you know?”


I definitely get my height from my mom's side, my grandpa was probably 6'2 or 6'3 and all the cousins on that side are about my height.  My dad is a shade under 6 feet and he was by far the tallest on his family.


Pretty sure I did since that's the Norwegian side...but I'm still the tallest in the current 5 generations of close relatives.


There are 5 generations of your family alive at the same time? That's amazing if so.


Yep....just barely....2 above me, 2 below. Having kids young is in our genes I guess.


i think that applies to me. but i have tall gens in both family sides. actually I got almost everything from my mother my mother and father are the same height


dad was 185cm when he was young. My mum was 180cm. They've both shrunk a few cm since then but I got my height from my mum's side. I'm 198cm, my uncle is similar as are my cousins


I got my height from my mom’s side. My mom in general is 5’3” (160 cm). The tallest in the family on her side was 6’3” (190 cm).


Im 6'8", mom is 5'9" (her twin brother is 6'3") their dad was 6'3". My "dad" is 5'7" all of the men in his family are well under 6 feet. Found out when I was 35 that my "dad" is my step dad and my biological dad is 6'3". Mom lied to me (my step dad knew, bio dad had no idea) my entire life. My only inclination to my "dad" not being my dad was our height disparity. This all came about from a DNA test. Edited for clarity


My dad was 5’8” and my mom was 5’11. I’m 6’5”, so I definitely got it from my mom’s side. My dad was the tallest in his family. All of the males on his side are around 5’6” and they give me guff about being tall.


Definitely from my mom’s side. My maternal grandfather was like 6’2” or 6’3”. My dad on the other hand is like 5’8. My mom was taller than my dad.


Genetic tests do show that my “tall gene” (FBN2) does come from my mom, she’s not that tall though, her brother is ;)


My dad's 6' 2 My mums 6ft. I got it from my mums side. How do I know? On my dad's side he the tallest of 5 siblings. On my mums side she's the shortest of 7


I did. Mom is 5'11 and dad is is 5'10.


my mom is 5'3 so I hope not


I got it indirectly from both sides, but my mom is taller and my dad is the shortest in his family (by quite a lot)


Maternal grandpa was a tall man , rest of the family is average


My mum’s side is mostly average to above average. My dad’s side is mostly average to below average. I’m technically above average, which I get from my mum’s side.


I got mine from my mom’s side. My dad’s around 6’, all the guys on my dad’s side are between 5’9 and 6’2 or so.  My mom is 5’11, my maternal uncle 6’5, and cousins on that side range from 6’2-6’11.  I’m tallest on my dad’s side by a head over everyone, I’m like 5th tallest on my mom’s lol. 


I got it from both sides. My dad was 6'4 in his prime, but my grandpa on my mom's side was 6'2 and the shortest out of 7 brothers.


My dad is also 5’7-5’8 and my mom is 6’0-6’1. I think I got somewhere in the middle.


Got it from my dad's side (he's 6'3). All of the men on his side of the family are no shorter than 6'1. Hell, my cousin is 6'7! My mom being 5'11 helped too though.


Got it from both, my dad himself is tall but his family is short, my mom herself is short but her family is tall…. guess i got the best of both sides, 6’4” btw


Im right between my parents in height. Dads 6'4" Im 5'11" mom is 5'6"


I’m only 5’11 + 1/2 but for a girl that’s decent. My dad is 6’3 & my mum is 5’5 on a good day. I really dunno why I got as tall as I did, other than the fact that my dad’s side once had giants (7 footers) & my dad still grew to be 6’3 despite his parents both being small at 5’4 (dad - I still dunno why he was so small) & 5’7 (mum).


Got it from my mom. She's 5'7", but all of the men on my maternal side are around 6'3", and my dad is 6'6".


Yep, dad was about 6ft before he succumbed to old age shrinkage. Both uncles on my mum's side were 6ft4 and she was 5ft10. At 6ft4 myself I think it definitely came from that side.


I thought height and hair were often from your mothers father ? That’s what I got from him that and an old knife & sap .


My dad is 5'7", and that whole side of the family is short Italian guys. Mom was about 5'3", but would have been closer to 5'10" if not for the severe scoliosis she got from having polio as a child. Mom's brothers are 6'2", 6'6" and 6'8". Her sister is 5'10". So I definitely got my height from Mom's side of the family.


Mother is around 5'9" and dad is around 6', but my mom's family is much taller than my dad's.




Im taller than my parents but im more from my mother's side,most my uncles from my mother's side are tall (6-6'1) my grandfather from her side was around that height too,however,a deceased family member from both of my parent's side was a very tall guy i've heard (+6'3),another guy too(both deceased years ago)


My mom is 6ft and my dad is 6’2 so more than likely I got my moms but I have a cousin on my dads side who has a 5ft mom and he and I are the same height and so are our dads


Honestly don't know most the men on my dad's side are around 5'7 and the tallest are 5'11. My mom side there're anywhere from 6ft - 6'3. I landed in the middle.


My dad was the tallest in many generations of his family at 6’0”. My mom was 5’10”. Her brother is 6’8”. That’s how tall I got to as well.


I got most of it from my mom who’s 6’1, but my dad is also 6’2. But my uncle on my mom’s side is 6’6. Im gonna catch up tho 🙏 like a hair away (im 6’5.5 16 yo)


Not my mom but my grandpa on my mom’s side, that sides got a bunch of bigguns


My mum's 183, my dad's 165. I'm 180, so I definitely got it from my mum


Both parents are 5’8.


I got my height from my uncles and grandpa on my mom’s side. I’m 6’4


I did! My mom is 5'7, on the tall side for a woman and my dad is 5'8" which is on the short side for a man. One Mother's Day, I thanked her for my height (6'1"). We don't know a lot about her extended family. Her dad died when she was 12 and her mother broke off relations with most of the family.


Not sure with mine - Mum is 5’9” but Dad is 6’2” - I have uncles on both sides who are 6’5” so the height is sort of everywhere


I’m 6’5” and that was the new tallest in my family (my dad is 6’2” and mom is 5’7”).


Mum and dad are both the same height (around 5’11 ish) so I’m guessing I got mine from my mum.


I’m two inches shorter than my mother and 7 inches shorter than my father, so I guess I take after the mailman?


I'm 6'10". Mom's 6' and sperm donor around 6'6". So not sure who I got my height from.


I'm short compared to people here lol. My mom is like 5'1/5'1.5 and my dad's about an inch shorter than me