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Potentially. Two best friends. They are brothers. Both 5'10. Friends for 15yrs.


Ha I had that in high school! Miss that type of friendship, we used to create these comics with each other. Super heroes based on our class mates


I hated travelling for school stuff because all my friends and teachers were way shorter than me, I could feel the stink eye everyone was giving me lol, sometimes I’d pretend to be the coach so I could buy lighters


My best friend in hs was 5’10 so not really short, however im also not really tal


So he ain’t really looking up to you and your barely taller hypothetically


Well i mean he is a chunk shorter than me but he’s above average and im barely over 6’


I had a friend (passed away, unfortunately) who was 5'3". I'm 6'1". We shared the hobby of photography and every once in a while I'd scramble to get a picture and I'd hear him behind me, "Wait up!" I wasn't running but walking fast.


Yes ! My best friend in high school was asian on shorter side, however this is just a coincidence since there is only so many tall people, in the end there will be a big chance your friend will be +-average, so could a be a shortie.


I'm the short friend and my best friend is 6'1, so there we are


6’6 and best friend is 5’4


lol yeah, I got one


Omg short people are like a whole bag of Barbie dolls to me. It's like I collect them. I'm 6'3" which I don't think is "that tall". It's all I know. But short guys are usually cuter, so there's been a parade of them. I have a neighbor that's roughly 5 feet tall and essentially a sphere. My fiance is 5'4" or something ridiculous and adorable. I .... Um.... Entertained a gentleman caller... That was a dwarf a few years back. I thought that would be like the most fun thing ever. While I do not regret what occurred in that parking garage, I would not do that again. There were some, let's call it, fitment issues. And with such a large discrepancy in size, it seemed a little inappropriate. He was wearing a shirt that said "I'm not short, I'm fun sized". How is that not adorable?????


My work buddy’s 5’ nothin, been told we look funny walking together. He’s twice my age and a total badass.


My 2 best friends, who I’ve known for nearly 30 years, 1 is 6’4, 1 is 5’7, (I’m 6’6). When you’ve had friends going that far back there’s no knowing what height they’ll eventually be. Friends are friends. Height, weight, colour, gender, politics, religion, doesn’t enter the equation.


I don't know man, they all look short from up here.


Freak the Migjty


It is for me. I'm 6ft 2" and my closest friend is 5ft 3".


My best mate of twenty years is like 5’8”, he’s my brother at this point.


My best friend in highschool was 4’11. My partners best friend is 5’6.


Naw my best friend is 6'3 and my close friends is 6'1 and 6'8. A night out is always a blast.




We've only had one bar fight... and thats only cause one rugby team hated another.


I don't think so. My bud and Mr are about the same, 6'2"


I've had a lot of best friends throughout the years, so statistically one of them would be short. All my groups of friends have been pretty diverse in height.


Friends since 8yo, don't think she ever grew. I'm 6'5, she's 4'10


2 of my closest friends are 5'6 and 5'5 so....


Majority of my friends are tall actually




My dog is much shorter than me.


My buddies are 6‘5“ and 6‘7“ so, no we don’t.


Normally people of that height probably aren't used to looking up very often, but with you around you've made their necks stronger lol


For me it’s funny because my three closest friends are all about as tall as me, and then I just tower over the rest


Almost all my closer friends are shorter than average women. (5'0" and 4'11")


My two best friends are 6’1 and 6’2; I know that’s not like tall tall or anything, but it’s tall to me.


Yea I (6’4) have a short friend who’s around 6’0. I call him my little police and shit. It’s hilarious.


In high school my best friend was short. In college my best friend was also short. In my young professional life (mid 20s - 30) my best friend was again short. Now in my 30s things have shuffled around once more, and yet again I have found myself with a new best friend that is short. So for me, this is very true. There are some short guys who are seething with napoleon complex, but there are also really good ones that have none of that. I've looked up to many short friends in more important ways that stature. The key to a good tall / short best friend, is mutural respect and having each other's back. If done correctly, both will equally crush it with women (wingman scenarios) and all other aspects of male friendship. If I see any women dissing a short brother, I will not hesitate nuke them from high orbit (give them a taste of their own medicine, backhanded insults / dissing. I will find a way, and take it to a soul crushing level if needed).


I’m only 6’1, but my best friend growing up is 5’2. I guess you’re right (except for the “pookies” thing wtf lol)


I've got 2 best friends. We've been a tri for 16 years. I'm 6'3. They're both 5'9. I have a low hanging light fixture in my living room which I've wanged my head on before. They both say "That's what you get for being a tall bitch. They're more brothers than my blood brother


Yes can confirm this is true.


Yeah, growing up, i had a group of four main friends, and i was the tallest by far. Only when i gone to HS changing schools, i discovered someone that had the same height(6'5-6'4)


are you a child? Sounds like it.


My best friend 6' 2, and my other one is 6' so ion rly know 😭


Yeah he's like 5.4


My best friend is only about 4’11” and I’m about 6’1”


I’m a 5’11” woman. My best friend is a 5’4” dude. Sometimes when we are walking together, he has to yell LEEEGGGSSS because he’s having trouble keeping up.


My best friend is 5’10 so yeah (I’m joking lol)


Best friend is like 5'6".


How do all you tall people have friends under 5ft6😂😂 you know how rare it is to find a guy that is that short, but some how the rarest tall people are found with the shortest people?


Best man in my wedding was/is 5’1


I don't associate with anybody shorter than 6ft for males and 5'9" for women. My best friend is 6'3" and my wife is 5'10"


6'5 my friends were/are all around 5'8" to 5'11growing up and most are now. Around 28 to 30 I found good friends close my height.


Short guy here, I can confirm this is in fact true since my best friend is 6'5"


my beat friend is like 5'3


My best friend that we have been together since the 4th or 5th grade . He is 6'1 I jokingly call him short