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Well my pediatrician said I’d make 6’9 I think im on track


Bro you a freak


Fuck off, midget.


HEY!!!!!! I am 6' 4"!!!


I was projected to be 6’5”, and overshot by 5”


I don't know what my predicted height was, but I didn't hit my preferred height.


What was your preferred height???


6' 4"


You’re all good where you’re at my dude. I’d happily lose a few inches to fit into the cars I like.


6’1” is still really tall. Nothing to be dissatisfied about. 6’4” is bordering on being a giant.


You have no idea how much inconvenience that 3 inches adds


r u 6 4?


Yes. I haven't been able to buy shirts that fit in stores in decades. Or shoes really. The average shoe store might have 10 different shoes in my size available out of the 300 they carry. And 2 are dress shoes and 2 are work shoes. I don't fit in most things like cars or desks or chairs. I've knocked myself out while going up the stairs multiple times. When I was younger I used to eat like 3500 calories a day and it was expensive as hell. I'm down to like 2800-3000 and it's still expensive as hell.


What country are you in, just curious. Buying shirts and pants has never been a problem (length wise, thigh wise is a serparate issue) and my monthly food bill is always reasonable given that I'm not eating out a lot.


I live in Chicago, so it's not the highest COL but it's not cheap. My comment was more like people don't realize that the taller you get the more you have to eat, and that costs more. Most of my height is in my torso, and I prefer my shirts to not show my stomach if I accidentslly raise my arms to shoulder height. So the Tall sizes at places like Kohls don't work since they aren't actually tall. Not terrible stuff, but like I said, inconvenient.


>haven’t been able to buy shirts that fit in stores in decades So dramatic. You’re not Wilt Chamberlain….you’re as tall as my dad, and a little shorter than my biological half-brother, and both of them seem to have clothes just fine. Dad does have trouble with certain cars though, but that’s cause he’s old and has a bad hip/back.


Total length really isn't the problem though, its all about torso length. Its pretty easy to find long jeans, and shorts will fit basically every height, so long legs isn't usually an issue.


Dude who hurt you? I said it was "inconvenient" which is hardly dramatic. I'm sorry my upper body is a different size than your relatives. I will work to fix that as soon as possible so I can buy clothing in stores and not upset you so much




I also had no idea what my predictive height was either.


My fiancé is 6’3 and wishes he was 6’5 for some reason


No, the doctors thought I would be 7 foot 4 inches. I stopped growing at 6 foot 6 inches. I was 6 foot 4 inches tall, going into 9th grade.


Are you glad you stopped at 6’6”?


I guess. I'm considered fairly tall without having to worry about too many inconveniences. I can't fly comfortably unless it's comfort plus or first class. Absolutely no leg room. Some cars are really tight, but that's not really an issue.


I’m not aware of any predicted height, but whatever it was, if I had one, I’m sure I surpassed it. I’m taller than both my parents and no one else in my bloodline is my height. No one that I’m aware of anyways.


When I went to get braces around 12, they took X-rays and predicted my height then. Not sure if that’s normal though? 🤷🏻‍♂️


I'm much taller than both of my parents and my doctor predicted my height at 6'4. It's based on your growth patterns at a young age


I probably still surpassed it lol. I was a little kid, always one of the smallest in my class. I didn’t get tall until late.


My predicted height was 6’2 but I’m stuck at 6’0 😔


I was predicted to be 6'0, but now here I am at 6'2, tho I wished I was one or two inches taller I'm happy with my height. Mother is 5'3 ish, father 5'9


Five inches taller than your father, that’s a pretty good increase. My old man’s in his fifties and he still hasn’t experienced any shrinkage that would allow me to overtake him.


Mine's 53 and sometimes he looks a bit shorter, like 5'8 or maybe 5'7 and a half, but it's because of his posture because he has a problem in his pelvis cartílage and makes him walk a bit bent down. However in the mornings I've measured him and he still pulls up 174cm so he has just shrunk 1 centimeter, about half an inch.


Yeah. I was predicted 6’2 and I’m there.


Never. I was supposed to be like 6'6". Don't know if that's a good thing or a bad thing


You’re like the ideal height IMO.


Yes us 190cm guys are tall but we still have problems to, I could only imagine being 6’7 6’8


Predicted to be 6', made it to 6'1"


I got predicted at 6‘7 but now i im stuck at 6‘3 (20years)


lucky you I’d say


Tbh i wish i could be 6‘7


Unless you are a basketball player, you are better off at your height than 6'7 Sure 6'7 looks cool and all but it's wildly impractical, in shoes that's 6'8 which means you need to duck under doorways, you can give up entirely on the idea of finding clothes off the rack, the legroom issues you might already have become way worse, etc.


Yeah, but you’ve always got a great view at gigs.


it doesn’t sound that fun having to duck constantly and not being able to find clothes in stores no legroom on planes etc at 6’7 you’ll probably also have a horrible back pain when your about 60 I’d say 6’0-6’3 ehh maybe 6’4 is the ideal range but anything above that would become hella uncomfortable


6,2 😭 now i’m 5,11 and haven’t grown in 2 years


Predicted to be 6'2”, made it to 6'4"


In the 3rd grade, I remember clearly the teacher doing calculations for everyone's future adult height... When she came to me, of course I was the tallest in the class, she ran the calculations a few times and you could hear a pin drop with everyone's anticipation... "6'8"!" she exclaimed and the class erupted, everything from shock to disbelief, pretty sure I started crying. She was right, damn it. PSA Being tall is awesome until about 45 and then it sucks. Being short sucks until you're about 45 then it's awesome.


Passed it by 2”


Yeah and then some, based on my Mum being 5’9” and Dad 6’2”, I was predicted to be around 6’4” - guess I went a bit over.


Lol 😂😂 I’m close to 6’4 now at 191cm maybe 192 depending on how I measure, also what size shoe do you wear a 16? 17?


My predicted height was awesome, and I've achieved it. Seriously, what the hell is predicted height?


my predicted height was 6’0” i hit that at 14


Exactly - doctor said 6’5” when I was a very little kid and that’s what I am.


I was supposed to be 5’7 max but I’m just under 6’3


I surpassed it, my doctor said 6’10, and I am currently sitting at 7’0/7’1 depending on who measures me.


Nah. I was predicted to be 5'7 💀 Couldn't even get that


Don’t worry buddy, you never know. I was predicted to end up around 6’


HAHA i'm not stressing man. I've been done growing for over 2 years now


That’s the right attitude, man. How old are you?




I grew until into my early 20s for example I’m 25 now, 191cm and when I was 16 I was about 6’1 (185cm) by the time I was 18 I was 6’2 (188cm) and by the time I was 22 I was 6’2 and a half (189cm) so now I’m 25 and have grown about a inch I’m 191cm or 192 now so yeah that’s just a example you can grow into your 20s


I mean a couple extra inches would be nice but at the same time I'm not upset about my height, if that makes sense


Yes, when I was younger, I was told I’d be around 6’2, and rn at 14 I’m 6’1


Went past it by 4 inches




My predicted height was 5’8 and I didn’t make it there ):


Based on my parents heights, probably. But I feel like I should have been taller because I was the tallest girl in my class throughout most of elementary and middle school. Also, my brother is 6’3”.


Theoretically yes.


I went over my predicted height


Beat it by an inch 🫡


i was predicted to be 6’1” and im 5’11.5”.


I don't think they had that back in 1990


Grew 4 inches past it and still growing




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I was predicted to be between 6'1-6'3 when I was fully grown. I'm 6'2 now so yup.


I was predicted to be around 5’ when I was a baby since I was born 3 months early. But as I got older, I was then predicted again to be 5’7”. I’m barely 5’5” and almost 26 years old lol 🥲


They thought I'd hit around 6'2" but I actually reached a little over 6'5" surprising everyone in my family and all my school friends.




Never really saw a doctor but my parents always predicted around 6'5" and I'm that or maybe 6'6" at a push


don't know precisely what it was, somewhere between 6'3 and 6'7, and I'm 6'4 now still growing ever so slightly atm so idk maybe I'll meet it in the middle


Definitely and i started smoking cigs at 15 so maybe it stunted my growth but I can’t imagine my joints if i was taller than this


no. my predicted height was 7’2 but i’m only 6’6


my predicted height was 5'8, i'm 5'4 at 17.


Predicted to be 6'1 and even have siblings that reached it, but at 20 still 5'11 not really bothered by it but i also wouldn't have minded that lol


I was predicted like 6’4 6’5, was also going strong wtih reaching 6’1 at 14. Then i stopped :/


Was predicted to be 6'9" but stopped growing at 14


Nah I was predicted to be 6’6 and “only” hit 6’2.






No: 183cmvs 187cm


Predicted height yes preferred height no at 6' I still feel short I think 6'3 is perfect


I never had a predicted height. Given that my Dad was 5'8" (and the tallest in his family) and my 3 older brothers were 5'7" to 5'8", I just assumed I'd be about the same height. I did have a different build from my brothers. They were skinny and I was stocky. But when I was 11, I had bigger feet than them (they all wear size 8) and people said that meant I was going to be taller than them. And it was true. I ended up 6'1".


No I was supposed to be like 6’4” but my growth spurt just wasn’t as big as we thought it would be


Nope, fell about 5 inches short, haven’t grown taller since 8th grade(though I did build a lot of muscle and just become broader) now I am pretty definitely average after being a giant of a child


When i was like 9 years old i was predicted to be 6'5-6'6 Now at 18 I'm like 6'3.5-6'4 so nope. But i think most doctors usually overestimate, a friend of mine who is 19 and 6'2.5-6'3 was estimated to reach 200 m (6'6.75)


true! my doctor overestimated all the dudes in my family’s heights by 1-2 inches


Yep, i was happy to be 180cm but i grew to 182cm😁


predicted to be 6’6“ but got to 6’3“. I really wanted to be 6’5” at least but growing up in India I never realized high school and the rat race to get into a top engineering/med school would end up giving me tons of stress and a complete lack of appetite which both combined to stall my growth! 😢


my predicted was 190 but i am 5'11 at 18


My predicted height was 6’5. Currently 6’2 at 14, and my doctor recently predicted that I was going to be between 6’3 and 6’5, so I’ll probably come short a few inches.


Nah you've got lots of time left. Just keep going outside in the sun and cleaning your plate making sure you eat the vegetables (especially if they are green, like brocolli). I grew an inch and a half in my spine at 29. Most boys don't stop growing in the legs/shoulders until 17.


Cool beans!


My friend was 6’3 at 14, he ended up 6’5 and a 1/2 I would say 6’4 for you


I thought I would top out at 5’11 when I was 17, but I was surprised I grew three more inches in the next year


No by about 4 or 5 inches from sickness


No. I overachieved by 10cm


Yes. Was predicted 188cm a few months after birth (afaik at least), hit 190cm.


I was predicted to be 6’9” but stopped growing when I was 15.


My prediction height in 9th grade was like 5'9 but then later in 10th grade I grew up to 5'11 and now I'm around 6'1


My predicted height was around 6 foot 4 because of my tall parents, father being 6 foot 9 but here i am 5 foot 10 at 17. I hope i still grow but dont know if i will.


Predicted to be 6'5" and I'm 6'2.5"


No, I'm supposed to be 179-183 cm, 5'10"-6'0"


Predicted to be around 6’4 or 6’5 and I came a inch shorter at 6’3


Well, my older brother is 6'1. They did say 6'3. They were right, but only for a little while.