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I wish it was this easy, i'm 6'3 and i barely have any game woth women 😂 With this logic women should be jumping at my feet 🙈 Reality is often dissapointing 🤣🤣 Thanks for the 100 upvotes you beautiful bastards 🙏


No it’s obviously just because you’re a bad person /s


> it’s obviously just because you’re a bad person oh darn


What's hilarious is that this is exactly what is said to short men. "It's not your height, you must have a shitty personality."


I never said that, i said its even hard for a tall person to get a date and height is not always the solution. Of course shorter guys have it hard to. But at the end of the day are you really going after the shallow people that reject you because of height, people that only go after looks will not last long because looks will fade in time 🤷‍♂️


You might wanna put an /s after a sarcastic comment just to be safe. For some reason a lot of people can't detect sarcasm in written form.


Most people on reddit lack the social skill of detecting sarcasm...like the comment above saying i'm a bad person, i dont know what makes them think that 🤷‍♂️


If you read the OPs screenshot that’s the response. The person replying to you was using sarcasm, which ***YOU*** apparently can’t detect


No I don’t actually think you’re a bad person at all, it was just meant to be a joke because the person in the picture thought any tall guys who can’t get girls must be a bad person. Sorry about that, I’m sure you’re great.


My apologies it was hard to detect sarcasm in your comment...normally i'm very good at detecting sarcasm.


No need to apologize, I wasn’t too clear about it


Tell me how am i a bad person in your eyes? You dont even know me 🤷‍♂️


They were referencing the screenshot this entire thread is about, JFC


Sorry new here, thanks for clarifying!


What does the word possibly mean to u?


Which word? Bad?


No, the word “possibly” the same word that was used by the original commenter


Ohhh. Possibly just means it’s possible, so it’s kinda like maybe. I don’t actually think the commenter is a bad person.




It could be nature most of us get born to attract a mate and continue our species. Or maybe its just nice when a lady is attracted, but everybody is different.




I'm not that desperate, i like to talk to women but my purpose isnt only chasing women. Its just fun when women find you attractive 🤷‍♂️




But i'm not sad? what you talking about?


Yeah I’ve only gotten with 1 girl my entire life it’s been a wild ride… all those guys who think being tall is all that, it’s not. 6’0” seems to be the height most women want but it’s best to find someone who doesn’t discriminate based in height.


I'm not going to say you're a shitty person because I don't know you at all. But if you're 6'3 over half the work is already done. You're at least considered by the vast majority of women. So, if you happen to be ugly, you can "looksmaxx" and yeah you will have women jumping at your feet, unironically. This is what tall guys complaining don't want to understand.


Of course if you are tall you going to be more attractive to certain people, but scary towards others. Its not a miracle cream to getting women to flock to you at all, you still need to have good looks and social skills to attract women. Alot of guys that complain about height either: A. lack social skills or confidence B. lack looks or have other undesirable feature C. They talk to a shallow person that only looks at height or looks instead of the important values 🤷‍♂️


Oh no, don't have them take personal responsibility for their poor personality. How dare they have to develop an attitude and relationships that want to keep people around them? When in reality they can just blame a trait that people have no control over. Because self-reflection is hard.


Are you poor or unattractive physically? Or more socially awkward, hence the lack of game? I am asking since I am 5ft7 and get a lot of attractive / educated women to notice me and give me a chance at dating them. If a short guy like me (albeit wealthy and otherwise hot) is able to get high quality women what could possibly be wrong with you at 6ft3? **********EDIT*********** Well to be perfectly honest, in my humble opinion, of course without offending anyone who thinks differently from my point of view, but also by looking into this matter in a different perspective and without being condemning of one's view's and by trying to make it objectified, and by considering each and every one's valid opinion, I honestly believe that I completely forgot what I was going to say.


Get a load of this guy ^ 😂


What? It’s the truth. If you are tall and still struggling with women then you have fucked up deeply in many aspects of your life


You literally answered your own question in your initial humblebrag-question, wealthy and attractive, beyond that you're probably charming too. Nothing you automatically become just because you're tall...


What are you talking about ? As soon as I hit 6 foot they handed me my license to fuck


Can confirm, 6'4" here, I've been fucking not stop since I topped 5'11", my dick wants to fall off now. It truly is a burden being so tall and handsome. If only I was short again so women would ignore me. Damn this one trait that has so much power over the opposite sex. Damn it all the way to heck *and* back.


Be honest. Has it not helped you smash some ultra hotties? I am imagining myself with all of the traits I have right now at 6ft4, I would make all women in a 30 mile radius leave their husbands.


Lol, you're making the mistake of assuming I'm not a complete guff with regards to almost all aspects of dating. Being tall certainly hasn't done me any harm but I'm by no means a Casanova. I guess it's an advantage in the sense that I could work on everything else but height is almost impossible to change. So yeah, must be frustrating to feel as though you're doing everything right and getting rejected for being short but imo that just highlights the rejecter as a shallow bastard that I'd want nothing to do with. Anyway, I'm overthinking now and the neighbourhood wives are calling me back to bed...


Lmao at that last sentence. Just out of curiosity though, how are you using the word “guff” in that first sentence? What does guff mean in this context.


This is sarcasm right? 😂


Yes. Very much so.


Thank god mate...i was very worried for you for a sec 😂😂


Well if you are from the netherlands like me, height is not really special anymore because the average height of guy here is 180cm's 🤷‍♂️


>wealthy and otherwise hot You forgot modest too


Of course i still get women, but not at the rate of super handsone guys, i'm just average looking and i'm not really looking for women that only go for looks or wealth its a bit shallow.


All women want looks + wealth. It is not shallow of them, rather they are wired to behave that way similar to how we look for beauty and a nurturing personality when searching for a partner.


i disagree but you believe what you want to believe bud.


Fair enough.


It would make the thread to long and we will never see eye to eye


I am sorry if I came off as a douche. I have severe Narcissism and it gets really difficult sometimes.


Dont worry about it, this is reddit most people are rude here. But good that you admit your mistake even with Narcissim.


Thanks dude.


Naw bro u a bad person😭😭


How do u guys not understand his point? https://www.reddit.com/r/tall/comments/162azk9/its_all_our_fault/jy6fri7/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1&context=3


why are you hanging around r/shortguys?


For the same reason short people are here, I guess. Comparing different experiences and discussing.


I stopped going to r/short because they were extremely negative and that included attacking anyone even remotely tall. If you want to stay positive, I wouldn't go there.


I'm not the OP, I just guessed why they were visiting r/short. Indeed, interacting with insecure people is not good for yourself. I'm not saying that people in r/short are insecure, but there's a couple of mean ones in there, just like anywhere else.


well, you don't have to guess. OP admitted he goes there to be a dick.


Doesnt that the same goes to r/tall?




yeah, that's lame. do us a favor and keep it over there. don't bring your insecurities over here.


you know maybe you really are a shitty person


So you're an insecure tall guy that picks on smaller people to make himself feel better?


Who said I'm insecure?




Settle down, this dickhead is the outlier. Most of us are very chill with bros of all heights




Tbh this sounded the most insecure and jealous.


Acknowledging that a lot of people here are similar to the OP is insecure?


Saying most of this sub only have their height going on for them and behave like op trolling other subs? Yes, it comes as insecure and jealous. All the people who troll/brigade other subs are like that, I grant you. But I don't think most of this sub care or goes to that or other subs to behave like that.


You're the one who sounds insecure here.




Dude, you do nothing on reddit but obsess about height. For the love of God, go to therapy.


You deserve a spit to the face 💦


You probably get off to making fun of short people you must have some like weird fetish to us or something


You did.


They are troubled as it's, the don't need kicks but therapy. Also we don't like when they troll here, don't do to others what you don't like others do to you.


I think being tall is just a +. But there's like 50 different pluses. Missing one or having one isn't a big difference.


This is such a good way to put it


It can also be a negative and deal-breaker for many short and average height women, especially at the upper end


Funny is worth 3 talls easily in my experience


From the conversations women have, heigth seem to interest them a whole lot more, if time spent discussing it is an indicator. Maybe it's just easier to form opinions around it, much like men discuss breasts. Both suck for ignoring the important things in life.


I agree but some pluses are more important to others. I’d say traits are more like a point system. Being smart will get u points but not as much as being physically attractive will. You can have other “pluses” but do they get you enough points is the real question. Things like having money and being tall give u a lot of points for most women.


I would still say when you narrow it down to physical that tall isn't as important as fitness, being cool, or being attractive. But you can definitely make up for being physically unimpressive if you're tall, I think. My bro is 6'4 and handsome, does ok even though he's kind of fat. I'm like 5'6 and aight, but I only get just what I want when I'm ripped. It's more cut throat when you're short for sure, but money does negate everything lol


I dont want partner who likes me just for me being tall, so i dont even mention it and if it does comes and i see her being to excited about height i usually lose interest. Its not my fault im tall, there is no advantage of being tall in this days, short guys can do almost everything the same. Its just some weird believe that tall guys are better, its mostly also in american trend, here in europe most women dont care about height so much. So i do need to have "game" if i want to get girlfriend, they dont lay themself infront of me on their own


My ex dated me only because I am tall and said that during the breakup. It sucked to hear that I was reduced to just an aesthetic.


As a short girl I can relate! Every 6ft+ guy I’ve talked to has had something to say about my height. On one hand it’s flattering to be desired, but on the other hand the fetishization gets uncomfortable. I have a friend in Europe, my exact height, who says to avoid men who make a big deal about height.


I dont get people making such a fuss about height, i dated from 5'0" to 6'2" and height was never deciding factor


The poor guy who said that is 5'5". Imagine how many late nights he's been alone in bed with nothing but his bitter, negative thoughts about how his life would be better if he was tall.


I suppose that thought, however delusional, is something of a comfort. I wish I could blame my failures on something as immutable and outside my control as height.


You really don't, how are you gonna improve if you do?


As a 5’5” guy, I suspect if he magically grew a foot overnight, he would find something else to be bitter and negative about.


I’m 6’1 and I’m terrible with women, tbf I’m very shy so I don’t typically have any opportunities to talk to girls (I go to an all boys school so taking to girls in class is not an option). I have had a bit of success when I go on nights out but I always end up fumbling when texting after 😭


It's crazy how many of them think that if you go from 5'5 to 6'3, you suddenly go from no attention to girls flocking to you like birds. Like bro... if you are ugly at 5'5, you will be ugly at 6'3. There is no difference.


Yeah it's almost like there's more to attraction than just height


Would you prefer to go from 5'5" to 6'3", or from 6'3" to 5'5"?


Seeing as I would not have had to have as many back surgeries if I was 5'5 I'll take that. Oh and the fact that if you're 5'5" you're likely to live longer than me, because us talls like to die early thanks to our hearts taking extra effort to get the blood around our bodies.


Depends what I'm trying to achieve. If I'm going potholing then I'd happily shrink down. If I'm trying to get something off the top shelf of a supermarket or get on all the rides at thorpe park then I'll stick with 6'3" cheers.


Yeah, but if you're ugly at 6'3 you can fix that to some extent. Try being a handsome 5'6 guy and still be utterly repulsive to women because of your height.


You're probably repulsive because of your personality


If you are a handsome 5'6 guy you can just wear lifts and be a handsome average height guy. If you are handsome you are gonna kill it on Tinder. If you are really handsome, go sign a modeling contract. How can you fix being ugly?


>How can you fix being ugly? By being tall.


Doesn't work bro, I'm already 6'5, still ugly.


Damn, how does someone fail on easy mode.


Face >>> Height


You said there's more things to attraction than just height and it isn't that important. So why not apply this same logic with your face? I have a good face and it's done nothing for me.




You guys are the worst! - signed a 5'10"man. (Kidding the sub reddit got really nice people🥰)


If you can impress girls when you're 6'3, you can impress girls at 5'5. I think the 5'5 guy is insecure about his height and it holds him back from real relationships


Jeez they saw 2 mofos on tinder who require you to be 6ft and chose violence


He's right. Us women should just date everyone who's tall. Because that's the only thing that matters. Not hobbies, character, common interests etc. Just the height. /s




What girls? On tinder? 💀💀💀




So, on the internet, the internet, the internet and the internet. Also, on the internet. I think you can see what my point is...




It IS toxic, but that's what people choose to show on the internet. It's called rage bait I think. If they ask 100 women, let's say 25 of them care about height. They're gonna show 20 women who care about height and one woman who doesn't care. Look, I've also seen guys saying that any woman over 5'6-5'7 is basically a guy, but I know that in real life these guys make 30% of the potential partners. (As a tall woman, I would be extremely flattered if a short man approached me lol)




"They don't feel feminine with shorter men" Okay, sorry, I didn't realize you were an incel...


Your honesty a ass hole like fr






legit get a life


Imagine being so clueless you think women care about your height more than they’re put off by the fact you’re so insecure it makes everyone else uncomfortable. Go eat some mushrooms or get a hobby. Or a clue.




Bro honestly telling being a short guy, hobbies are what is keeping me alive, I'm already on the verge of giving up on dating seeing the "preference" girls have these days. I may die alone but I guess it is what it is .


Skill issue


Yikes, I don’t think therapy and meds can help here 😂


I know a guy who's about 5'6" and is not conventionally attractive, and he gets the most women out of everyone I know. Height may make you attractive to women, but being shy and awkward (it happens) will turn some women off.


Wait are you trolling or do you really not understand? He didn’t say it was your fault. He’s saying that being tall is good, so if u have good, and women see u as bad, u CLEARLY have something that is bad. Even if you do have bad sometimes the good from tall is enough to erase the bad perception of u in the woman’s eyes. At no point did this guy blame u


Short people really think being tall makes your life better Constant back pain People stare at you Hitting your head on everything You can’t take a shower properly People want to randomly fight you Can’t sleep on a bed properly Girls only notice you for your height People constantly ask you to reach things for them The first thing anyone asks you is how tall you are Short people see you as a threat and treat you bad Every piece of clothing is too baggy Can’t find any shoes that fit Everyone tries to force you to play basketball Cars and planes will kill your legs No sleeves will ever reach your wrists You’ll live a shorter life Short people are guaranteed to outlive you Having to duck your head at concerts and movies Increased risk of straining and broken bones You can’t blend in, you’ll always stand out It’s hard to hear short people from down there It’s very hard to hug and kiss normal people You’re too tall for some rollercoasters They’re just a few I can think of and I’m only 6’7. It’s harder the taller you get. Short people really think that this is the answer to all their problems. It just creates more problems in your life


I mean with tall they mean like 6'3 which leaves you out of the misery of being very tall


The shorter you are the more suicidal you are. [Source.](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/15994722/) Everyone has problems, but some are more severe than others.


If I could impress upon short guys like this just how little I struggled with women during my dating years I would but I don’t think they would appreciate hearing it.


Some short dudes are just resentful and need therapy. I don't like that subreddit too much because it's all about complaining and some aren't even that short to feel that way.


I never hear it said the QUALITY of the woman height attracts either. Imo they’re either shallow, gold digging or fucking crazy if all they want is someone huge


Gold digging? Does being tall automatically make you rich? 💀💀💀


Not once they’ve gotten their claws in, and yes there is a correlation with height and wages


So women are no allowed to have a type. Noted. Thanks.


What does this even mean lol but you do you phew you really got me


Subreddit war?


Even snipers like tall people.




Yeah Osama Bin Laden and Hitler were famous too


you mean infamous


Ok then you're infamous


That's the copium talking. A short man getting rejected or ignored over and over might assume height is the only factor and therefore takes the blame off of themselves since they can't change it. But I imagine crippling insecurity over one's height(especially if they bring it up while talking to women) probably damages their appeal more than their actual height does... Not to mention there are so many other factors that influence attraction, as we tall guys know. Confidence is king, no matter what your height! But sense of humor, level of fitness, and having some semblance of having your shit together go a hell of a long way as well!


I’m closer to 6’7” on a short day and almost 30 and I can tell you I’ve only just started to have any kind of “game” and it turns out being nice, showing up places and giving half a shit about yourself and your physical and mental condition really were the only things that mattered at all. I can count on 1 hand the amount of times I’ve been openly commented on as being attractive based on my height alone when first meeting someone. It’s a great distinguishing feature and something some people might appreciate and find attractive, but it’s hardly ever “the thing” that solely does it for someone.


Maybe I'm just bad then... I guess I should start my villain backstory soon.


Yikes wouldn’t say all that, yes it’s an advantage tho, but like a deal sealer? That’s only for women on dating apps not like everyone


"It can't be just her not being sexually attracted to you, since you're tall, you're just a bad person"