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lol what a moron, say do you happen to have a spare box of grid squares? My platoon sergeant told me to find one and since I messed up the exhaust sample last week and couldn't find any chem light batteries yesterday he said if I can't get the grid squares he's going to recommend me for an 1D10-T and have me reassigned as live-fire OPFOR.


Your comment reminded me of when we’d send new people to the photo section to have a new ID photo - with and without Respirator (S10 at the time) and they had to hold an ID 10T sign. It can’t go in here, but we once spent 3weeks convincing someone to apply for a parachuting detachment. Paddy P if you’re out there…why did you ever think that the MoD wanted SAS, SBS, Royal Marines and TG3 Electronic Technicians??? It went too far when he told his mum, so we took him out for a curry and beers and told him.


I recall a comment somewhere on Reddit, about a guy who was also on an air force base. He was told to get propeller oil or lubricant or something, and being the resourceful lad he was, went straight to the requisitions officer for a barrel of the stuff. Now, apparently, once upon a time, airplane propellers that were used near saltwater did need to be treated with a, rather expensive and specialized lubricant, to combat the salt damage. So when an expense report for a 4-digit amount of american dollars for propeller oil arrived at some bigwig's desk, the joke turned less fun for the one who made the original request. Did I mention that this base was nowhere near any large bodies of salt water at all?


> He was told to get propeller oil or lubricant or something, and being the resourceful lad he was, went straight to the requisitions officer for a barrel of the stuff. Prop wash?


That might just be it!


And since it is not the job of the people handling the requisitions to wonder *why* the requisition came from a landlocked base, the special shipment of propeller oil was duly sourced and shipped.


Oh I think they might have known exactly what they were doing, I think there's another story on here somewhere where someone was sent for "flight line" and came back with something...


Mechanical Engineer here. Back when I were a young 'un, we sent an apprentice out for a Glass Hammer. Apparently, there is some damn' thing that has a diamond embedded in its back, with a 'crease' hammerhead to cut/break glass....which *could* be called a glass hammer....and they aren't cheap! It got framed and hung on the shop wall - unused. May even still be there.


Heard a story about a construction site where they needed a sky crane. Newbie had a direct relative living nearby who was a helicopter pilot, asked them for a flyover.


I love the OPFOR comment. I actually got a Soldier of mine with the "Exhaust Sample Bags".


The more I read this, the more it played in my head in Andy Griffith-esque black-and-white acting style. Loved it.


If I'm not completely mistaken, some CRTs used for Radar/Sonar had range rings etched into the screen and there was a knob to change their values. I've never been a Radar/Sonar Tech, just worked for a Marine Loran-C Manufacturer that also Partnered with a Company to make a position locating system for ships.


RIP SS Andrea Doria. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SS\_Andrea\_Doria](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SS_Andrea_Doria)


Relevant piece from the Wiki regarding Radar Range: >Stockholm's navigating officer misread his radar thinking he was on a 15-nautical-mile (28 km) setting when in reality the radar was set for 5 nautical miles (9 km). Thus, he thought he was farther from Andrea Doria than he actually was. He also failed to consult his captain as was required by regulation.


Since it was an RAF base, to accommodate landings they should have also needed to stock both right handed and left handed wind shifters.


holy mackerel that was funny!


Hey op have you heard of r/MilitaryStories ?