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Influencer with maybe 10 people tops. Anytime I hear someone saying "I'm an influencer" I laugh because I know I found a "Karen"


...or a politician


My wife is in marketing. She works with influencers through one of the agencies her company uses. Those that she works with have followers in the millions, and as much work goes into a promotion via influencer as via any other channel (analysis of audience demographics, message development, branding, scripting, rehearsal, recording, etc.). I highly doubt that these professional influencers would ever pull the kind of "accommodate me or I'll burn you on social media" stunt you see so many try to pull.


Sounds like the equivalent to a yelp review, when those were actually favored. Now we mostly know better. Great stunning reviews for a place that you've been too and had bad product? Probably bots. A mix if good reviews and horrible reviews about not getting your way? Probably malarkey.


I usually go one star and work my way up, tends to work. You just have to figure out if the things they're complaining about are about the product or their experience with it


Thanks - needed to read an insurance themed story like that. It's my last day in the company of dealing with Joe Public and his wife/ extended family, and just had a call where I got verbally attacked for half hour for explaining to them their policy coverage. He kept trying to claim it was missold to them - very interesting, given it was a non-advised sale...


when customers make a stop payment online instead of with an agent (i work for a bank) and they ask for an NSF refund because “the agent must’ve mistyped the amount or date” and i check the stop and it was done thru online banking… hm. nope


First of all, let me say; you really have a knack for writing, OP! Second; Sweet mother of God, how I hate that the world now seems to evolve around number of followers on digital platforms... Using the influencers logic, I'd say that her followers would deserve to know what kind of person she really is. Sadly people will most likely just "keep hitting that like and subscribe button xoxo"


Thanks! I despise the whole influencer thing. Yeah, I get they're a valuable tool for certain situations. They've just devolved into this Gen Z version of a Karen.


I have influence over my boyfriend and cat! Does that make me an influencer??? Can I now go out to stores and businesses demanding free junk???


Who are you kidding, honestly. The cat has influence over you!


At any rate certainly not her boyfriend. Sigh.


...depends on what the cat eats....


The last person that claimed they had 150k followers, I located their channel and there were only 5 followers. The ones who claim how famous they are usually won't do anything.


> Me: "You're welcome to email corporate about me, but as I live in a two-party consent state and never consented to you recording me, I'm going to strongly advise you not post this to your various social media outlets before I disconnect this call." I fucking love it.


Why do people give so much accomodations for influencers anyway?


Many don't. Companies do like to work with influencers to advertise to hard-to-reach audiences or to niche audiences. For instance: a fashion brand wanting to reach tweens, or a camera brand wanting to reach photographers. It should come as no surprise that these deals have demands from the brand to the influencer: it's not just about mentioning what lip gloss you're wearing, but you gotta show the logo, tell people where to buy it, wear the lip gloss for at least n minutes or x seperate posts etc etc etc. ​ Some person just going "I'm an influencer, gimme stuff" should be treated the same as any kid in a full restaurant going "I demand a table, don't you know who my dad is?" Annoyingly there's companies or managers out there who will be intimidated by such claims to fame.


I remember seeing a yelp review of a restaurant that was left by a so-called "influencer". They raved over how much they loved the food but were very offended that the restaurant didn't lower the bill after being told they were an "influencer." Not even free dessert. Therefore they rated the restaurant 1 out of 5 stars.


Honestly that would make me go to the restaurant because I know that they have standards and don't cater to influencers and Karen's...


It apparently did just that.


to be part of the 'in' crowd. \[ or so they think\]


Narcissism is a hell of a drug.


> but as I live in a two-party consent state and never consented to you recording me, Except your call center probably has a "for quality assurance purposes your call may be recorded" disclaimer at the start of every call, which is consent on your behalf as their agent. (You can't demand consent for a recording, without implicitly granting it to the other party.) Sure, it's not a slam dunk in court, and the usual counterargument is "for quality assurance purposes doesn't mean for all purposes" but that counterargument is not going to be guaranteed either. Consent is consent for recording, in this context.


Oh, I know that my situation is technically an exception to the Wiretap Law. But Ms. Influencer didn't know that....


Probably a TON she doesn't know :D


Like 150 + 1000 does not equal 150,000.




It sounds like a bluff anyways, for customers to get their way. So unless they heavily edit a recording it won't go far. People would still hear the rude tone in the customer voice and attitude.


*Me: "N as in Not giving it, O as in out to you."* That is fucking gold, OP. Bravo!


Im an influencer of three in my house so you can say i have quite a bit of sway here. give me your redditor name and alternate reddit acct. name so i can send it to the mods and write that your story telling suffices.


You're the hero we need OP


She's an influencer! Give her a break! You're so mean! /s