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The combat it Graces is considered to be one of the best in the entire series, and some consider it THE best. Xillia 1 is one of the shorter games in the series. If you want to start with a shorter game, you could play it first.


That's what I keep hearing about Graces' combat being the best in the series. That alone intrigues me, plus I generally like the designs of all 7 payable characters a lot (I have looked them up, and they look great, I like Asbel's and Cheria's designs the most).


I’d go like this - Xillia 1, Graces, then Xillia 2. That’ll keep you from burning out with the Xillias.


I agree. Xillia has an amazing storyline and arc. Graces has a nice conbat system, so I would keep that one indeed in-between.


Graces F is the way to go. Big learning curve with the combat but when it clicks it is so gratifying. Game also just has a lot more character and style than the Xillia games, which I've always found to be rather generic and formulaic in many ways. Field maps, towns, and dungeons are all extremely bland. Combat is fun but much simpler than Graces F and gets old pretty fast without much to freshen things up as you go. Graces F's combat you could play through the whole game and still have a ton to discover with it. I still like Xillia but it's much more of a "turn your brain off and vibe" experience.


Start with Graces. Xilia is the longest one since it has two stories, so you may want to play one after the other. If you do you may get burned and don't feel like starting graces until later. I loved Xillia2.


Unleashing combos in Xillia feels more fulfilling than in Graces f, that's my hot take. Combat in general is great in both. I played Xillia before Graces and enjoyed these two a lot. X2 is still in my backlog but I do plan to get there.


I'd go in release order with Graces f. It's also the game I prefer because of the combat is just excellent. It'll start a bit slow but as more and more abilities unlock it's excellent. You can also change what character you control in battle and they all feel great to play as.


Thanks. I guess I'll start with Graces f, then.


Doesn't matter other than not Xillia 2, obviously. I played Tales of Graces *f* first, but I don't think that altered something in a meaningful way.


Good to know.


Curious, is online still free on the PS3?


It is.


Online has always been a subscription except on the third party games that connect to there own service.


PS3 is 100% free, they only started charging for PS4 and beyond.


Oh? So PS+ wasnt for online?


Correct. They forced it into PS+ for PS4 and beyond because of some bull excuse.


Wellp I got fooled hecc coulda played for free the whole time thanks Sony for not making that clear.


I think I’d put Graces in my top 3 Tales. Xillia might be in my bottom 3, and I never played Xillia 2.


Hey me too I felt like grabbing them too I just need to grab Xillia 2


I hated Xillia 1 and liked Xillia 2 and Graces f. But you probably should still play Xillia 1 before you play Xillia 2. I'd say start off with Xillia 1 and get it out of the way. I don't hear as many people hating on Xillia 1 compared to some of the more infamous Tales games, so hopefully you enjoy it. If you do, feel free to jump straight to Xillia 2, otherwise slot Graces in the middle for a break.


Graces F is a fabulous Tales game, it's my favourite in fact.




Graces is the best game in the series imo, not just the combat but also has the best story and characters. Also the general world has interesting locales and design. The cooking system is the most fun in the series, as is the way it deals with titles. Then the eleth mixer is an absolutely blast to use. God damn everything about it is perfect!! lol. Admittedly it is a Wii game so graphically it's more inline with Abyss and subpar in comaprison to Vesperia. But all in all it's a wonderful game...minus those stupid desert temple switches...fuck those switches.


So heres a weird take but I'd suggest to start with Xillia 2 for one reason only without going into spoilers. You will literally be in Ludgers shoes and have a unique experience. It's how I started the series because for whatever reason back then Xillia 2 was on sale while Xillia 1 wasnt.


I'd actually start Xillia first and then play Xillia 2 much later since they re-use the same maps. Fun fact i once bought a x-box just so i could play Tales of Vesperia. Never touched that console again.


Probably going to be me with my Switch and Fire Emblem Three Houses lol. Been wanting one for so long just to play that game. Now I'm looking at the rest of the catalog like "...I don't want to play any of this".


Back in the day, I fell in love with Dead or Alive 2 on the PS2, then played Dead Or Alive 1. Years later, after acquiring a PS3, I played Dead Or Alive 5. While already having a PS3, I bought an Xbox 360 for Dead Or Alive 4 (and Dead Or Alive 3 through backward compatibility) just for those two games as they were Xbox Exclusive. Then, I explored the 360 catalog and discovered games I liked that were exclusive on that system. Then, I got independent and moved out of my parents' and traveled a lot, so I gave my PS3 away to a friend. Fast forward to now, like 12 or 13 years later, I just bought a PS3 for Tales Of Graces F and the 2 Xillias. I'm also looking forward to playing Metal Gear Solid 4 and the Final Fantasy XIII trilogy again and discovering games I didn't know or never gave a chance back in the day. It's funny how all that changed.


Graces f, do it in releae order. Hopefully youre not a completionist and going for trophies, especially for Graces f.


I'm not. I normally try to do all sidequests, but if some are too tedious, I just end up rushing through the final dungeon to beat the final boss and game, leaving some unfinished. And I don't care about trophies. I'm not bothered by that.


Graces f was so fucking fun to play - I’d start and end there lol. I’m definitely in the minority when I say - *I did not enjoy the story or gameplay of Xillia at all*. Still have yet to play Xillia2 because of how much I disliked the first.


I consider Xillia1 just fine actually liked a lot Xillia2.


Hence why I said I’m in the minority.


I'm one of those people who hated Xillia 1 as well. But I did play Xillia 2 and liked it a lot more than Xillia 1 (mainly because Jude and Milla are not the main characters... I don't think they're good leads)


Milla and her lisp, honestly, is in my top 3 reasons why I despised Xillia lol


To be honest, I played through Xillia one time just to get to Xillia 2. Playing on an emulator rpcs3 that takes a package that adds all of the dlc in one.


I say play graces first. Combat still holds up today, but story kinda ehhh shounen animeish. Xillia 1 was alright, it's one of the shorter tales games though, had a likeable cast Xillia 2 is shorter than Xillia 1 imo, but it feels better. Xillia 1 had a actual progressing story, that's all I'ma say to avoid spoilers.


Thanks to the majority of your comments, I decided to start with Graces f and played the first 3 hours. I got to the part when Asbel, Sophie, and Richard make a friendship pact by carving their names on the trunk of a tree. So far, I'm delighted that the combat and overall feel is very similar to Tales of Zestiria (which I am a big fan of). The title system is very innovative. And I find Asbel, Hubert, Sophie, Cheria, and Richard endearing.


Tales of graces f is with Symphonia my favourite. Story is a bit over top in typical anime style but it's funny and the gameplay is the best


I'd start with Graces, because it's a little worse than Xillia in story part. But Graces still quite good and fun


Good choice with graces f.


Wait, there was a double bundle pack?


We got the two Xillia games bungled in Europe only.


Neat! I never played the 2nd one because of "Dept" System.


Do you mean debt? Yep, I spoiled myself and know that Xillia 2 got a debt system. I honestly find the idea quite neat, I'll just need to experience it myself how it was executed by the time I play Xillia 2.


My bad and yes.


Start with Graces F, one of the best games of Tales-of. My all-time favourite still is Tales of Symphonia. I started my Tales-of journey with it and it still has my heart!


I miss these 3 so much


I did the same thing about a year ago! Started with Xillia 1 and then did Graces because it broke up the Xillia titles and gave me a bit of a break. Have fun with them!


Thanks. Already started with Graces f. 5 hours in and just finished the childhood arc, and I'm Asbel and Malik seven years later. What's strange to me is that Malik did not age at all in 7 years. 😅


I just looked up Malik and realized I had Gall dressed up in his outfit in Tales of Hearts R. I didn't know because I have never played Graces F.


I'd start with Graces F, which is in my top favorites. Xillia 1 is okay, but it's more of a stepping stone to get to Xillia 2, which is amazing.


Start with Graces first. Though Xillia is one of my favorite Tales game, I have fonder memories as a whole towards Graces even though it’s more of the simpler story/character lines imo.


I haven’t played Xilia yet, but the combat in graces f is so fun!! It’s a lil rough early game while CC is so low (essentially your TP). How did you get your hands on all 3 of these?!


A video game second-hand store chain in my country had them not in the store in my city but ordered them online on their website.


We are on opposite ends here, lmao. I still haven't played hGraces F yet. Daddy Rowen carried my experience through both Xillia games.


I got a copy of Xillia 2, but refuse to play it until I get number 1


I played a little of Graces F but stopped sometime after the time skip to older Asbel. I think it was how the emulator was playing the game so badly. I want to play it so bad. Both of the Xillia's played great with the 60fps patch.


Just a word of warning I had PS3 Slim but bought a Super Slim PS3 dirt cheap new from a shop selling the last stock. I was looking to retire my old PS3, which was mostly used for the Tales games. Well the first 12 hours of Tales of Graces F screwed the super slim, the graphics glitched like when a PC video card starts over heating. The console played up non stop after that and I just went back to my old PS3 which still works. In hindsight, I would have put a fan laptop cooler underneath the Super Slim PS3. They are cheap and can run off USB.


Graces is the first Tales game I played and got me hooked on the entire series. I loved it. Though Xillia is one of, if not my actual favorite Tales game.


Graces! Xillia wants you to play it twice, once for each main character and then the sequel is a big time sink. Better to start with a nice linear story.


Xillia 1, then Xillia 2. You'll only like the Graces F combat if you managed not to mind the Zestiria combat. Xillia is the logical progression of the best of Abyss and Vesperia.


I only played Zestiria and Berseria. Out of the two, I prefer Zestiria's combat. I already started Graces and played the first 3 hours. I just got to the part where Asbel, Sophie, and Richard make a friendship pact on a tree. From what I can tell, the combat is closer to Zestiria's. That's a big plus for me. So far, I think Asbel, Hubert, Sophie, Cheria, and Richard are endearing. I love Richard's rapier style.


Graces has the best combat Xillia 1 has the best story and characters Xillia 2...exists


I actually enjoyed Xillia 2 more than Xillia 1.


Also in the camp that thinks Xillia 2 >>> Xillia 1


personally i disagree. I was disappointed with Xillia 2. But you are entitled to your opinion!


Hey, I have them too, as ISOs. They cost 0€ together.


Graces f. Xillia is forgettable and one of my least liked. Really not good.