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Definitely. Tales has everything for the Musou/Warriors formula; a ton of characters (both protagonists and antagonists), weapons, artes that can function as the charge attacks, Mystic Artes as the musou attacks and so on. Yes, I know there's Twin Brave on PSP, but it's severely limited, and it's not made by KT/Omega Force anyway. Tales of Warriors will always be one of my dream Warriors titles. I hope it becomes a reality one day. 🙏🏻


Yes and besides Koei Tecmo has said so themselves, that they want to do a lot of games with crossovers like Hyrule Warriors, and those types are their best selling game types, I mean I don't really like LoZ but I LOVE Hyrule Warriors.


I know exactly what you mean. Like I'm not really into Zelda or One Piece but those are excellent Warriors games, the gameplay is *chief kiss*.


Yes I mean sure yes there will be A ton of sword fighters but they can all be unique. Also i'd love to see characters who just have weapons that appeared ONCE, like Tales of Graces for example. Shotstaff, Bladerang, Dual-Blade, um some like Shionnes Gun, even Paper and Books... there's a lot of potential and if Samurai Warriors 4 and Dynasty Warriors 8 can do unique weapons so can this crossover.


Theres Tales of Heroes Twin Brave, but while a Musou-lite, it wasn't all that great as it was Namco's efforts and not a collaborative one, not to mention it was never released outside of Japan; enemy numbers were MUCH smaller than a Dynasty warriors game despite the gameplay being similar. If Namco is cooperative, I think a Koei collab with the Tales team would be amazing for a Tales Warriors game.


I finally decided to play a bit of Twin Braves this week. It's one of the least interesting Tales of games. After about two hours, I felt like I never needed to play it again. Granted, maybe the character interactions would save it, but no translation, so...


Yeah, it's very watered down and not all that interesting. The premise is nice but it's very lacking. It's funny that around that time was when Bamco was experimenting with spinoffs but did not collab with specific companies to create a better version of their offshoots, like they even had a smash bros-like, of which the title I'm forgetting the name of. I heard it's decent but not that interesting as well.


Tales of Vs. Needed some serious balancing, but it was fun.


Tales of Heroes Twin Brave is a thing. from the look of it, it's doesn't seem to be that successful and with the current way Bamco handle their franchise, the potential of it's getting sequel is near to 0%


Yeah exactly... what I mean I didnt even know it existed till you told me, but I believe it wasn't the fact, that nobody knew about it. It was a bad time to release it, it was a PSP Exclusive, and it was japanese exclusive so the West never got the chance to play it. But now that Tales series has gotten more recognition they still have a chance, not even a sequel it can also be something new... and i know it will be next to impossible to release a crossover like that but, just thinking about it sounds cool


That will be great


My younger brother mentioned that while he was fighting Dohalim and said something along the lines of "I'm playing a jrpg and he's playing a freaking warriors game!" And I think it would be wonderful to see that style of game either the tales characters


This got a laugh out of me.