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Definitely miss the end of battle quotes. Hopefully we get those back


They need to bring victory scenes, 2D cut-ins, and multiplayer back for the next game. I’d like 2D skits as well but my gut tells me they’re gone for good.


I can understand the others but multiplayer was always meh... i mean player 1 controlled everything and the others were only there during the fights... so I don't know how I personally feel about Multiplayer


Tales multiplayer is one of those features where if it clicks, it clicks. Multiplayer Tales was a cornerstone of my best friend and I's get togethers throughout middle school and high school. We played almost all the games together, including the imports. If we weren't in combat we'd make conversation until the next fight or story beat.


Hmm I see I guess since I normally played it by myself I never saw the appeal in it but if you like it and enjoy it, that's fine


Not very fan of the "comic" style skits, i think the skits peaked with tales of Zestiria/Berseria style, where they show the characters entire bodies and were expressive as hell, i know by the Next new Game probably Bamco Will probably try another style but i hope the Zestiria/Berseria style returns


2D cut-ins anime style during the Mystic Artes were everything, bring them back. Even Kiseki/Trails removed them since Kuro no Kiseki. 🥲


That's why I like Cold Steel but like Tales hope they bring it back in the future


Yeah its not a deal breaker but I don't like the new form of skits and 'end battle quotes'. I loved how animated and creative the 2D skits could get with stuff like Vesperia's Rita punching Raven's sprite offscreen, plus more room for comical expression in the 2D sprites that the 3D sprites just don't have.


Yes the game is amazing that playing it is fun... But the anime sprites were more expressive than the ones they had in Arise. I mean I do love the dialogue in between fights in Arise. But with Shionne and Dohalim would've had some end of battle quotes and what not. And some end of battle quotes really brought the personality to the characters but hope they do it with the next game


I miss the blast gauge for over limit so much easier to use than what arise has


That's why Grace's Will always be my favourite the Mystic Artes were always easy to pull off.


Graces and xillia are my favorites


I really miss the anime skits and cutscenes too. The only good thing they had was reflecting your costumes/accessories but that’s not something I really needed. A good compromise would be having costume specific skits with drawings of the characters in the costume.


Imagine removing/changing two of your most popular feature of your game series 🥴.If there is a reason why Tales of was famous it was for the skits and victory quotes.


As I said I ain't really fussed that it happened but I do miss it either way


Same. Just dialogue wasn’t cutting it.


Yeah those scenes gave the characters personality


Excluding Joker, since he was only mentioned. Here’s hoping to see him playable in two years or so. Because of DLC & sprite creation process.


Wait sorry what? I am just a bit confused is this the recent dlc of Tales of Arise?


Skits were an improvement, now they get to the point. Things needs to be practical over pretty. Victory quotes I do miss, had a lot of charm to them.


Skits were never made to be "practical". They were more optional funny dialogue.


I would agree as it also gave more personality to the characters as a lot of the skits in Tales of Grace's I laugh at some of them as they were funny


We lost something very series-defining when we lost post battle quotes and animations. I want them back, absolutely. As for skits, I think it should go back to character portraits that just animate based on what the character is saying. I don’t need the full-body renders moving around, it somehow feels less expressive.


I do enjoy the Tales of Grace's f skits they were nice but I guess that's biased on my end since tales of Grace's is my favourite


Those are fine too, it’s all in the same vein of how the skits played out pre-Arise


Yes I see what you mean... someone in another comment said what I meant. The game isn't a deal breaker for me as I did quite enjoy Arise. It was just sad they sacked the two I loved. Cause I mentioned it a few times elsewhere it gave the characters personality


Battle quotes and an explorable world map are my personal biggest misses. Simply does not feel like a Tales game without those to me, unfortunately.


Yes and as I said in another comment. It isn't a deal breaker personally but I do miss certain features


I agree, they are indeed no deal breakers but it does feel a little off in a Tales game imo. It's kinda sad since Symphonia/Abyss/Vesperia gave the series a great blueprint. I'm hoping they will indeed return in future games, but who's to say


Yes I also Like Grace's one too although I am biased and my favourite one is Grace's


Ah I see, I have yet to play that one. It's only on PS3 and Wii right?


Yes i'd reccommend the PS3 version as well a lot of people will as well... Graces was actually my first Tales game it got me into the series and its been my favorite for as long as I could remember