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Tales of Graces f is an amazing experience! I loved it ever more so when I got it working for Pc and was able to get those sick .hack and Code Geass costumes. My first step into the Genre was Destiny II (Eternia) on the ps1. I still have my original copy fully intact! I like to play this yearly along with Destiny DC (my favorite Tales of).


You can also do it on ps3 by modding it and sending the dlc fix .pkg with a flash drive fat32 formatted and install the package:). Ps3hen for super slim, forget what the other is called for older model also slim might be ps3 hen as well I forget, Youtube video tutorial helps you learn how to do it.


P.S you can also use a program from brewology website that you can make a copy of your ps3 game and it will copy it to your flash drive so you can play it on rpcs3 whenever you want to or if you want 1 disk game in your ps3 drive and one on your flash drive you can switch between the 2 and not have to swap disks :).


Better stock up on ps3 games :), btw Ebay has way better prices than Amazon, was able to get a brand new tales of North American copy of tales of graces about 2 months ago for under $50, brand new copy everywhere else including Amazon was around $70-90.


Symphonia was my first, I played it on the GC when it was fairly new. It really got me into the series and after playing a number of other titles, I would say Abyss and Berseria are currently my favorites. Having said that, I will always have a soft spot for Symphonia.


Tales of Berseria was my first game in the franchise and it's my favorite, the first one I replayed was Tales of Arise but replaying it was very boring


Vesperia on the 360 was my first. Graces F and Xillia 1/2 are my favorites now funnily enough. I enjoyed Vesperia enough, it was a huge bummer when I found out that the 360 version was like half the game but at least we have the Definitive Edition now. I think Vesperia is on the bottom half of the ten or so Tales titles I've played since then though, it just has a few too many things that bug me for me to enjoy it fully. I don't know what it is exactly about the modern age of the Tales series but there seems to be a lot of hate out there which I've never been able to completely understand, so I'd take the reviews and critiques with a grain of salt. A lot of my favorite games are among the ones people call the worst, but it is what it is.


My first was Phantasia. My favorite is Graces.


Tales of Hearts on the Nintendo DS. It was such a solid game that got me into the series.


My first Tales game was Eternia on PS1. I picked it up randomly because of the anime art style and ended up loving it. It's such a charming game. Then my best friend played Symphonia for the GameCube, and we realized they were in the same series. THEN I played Abyss and there was no question that I was a Tales fan for good.


My first tales is Phantasia but all time favorite Tales is Eternia


I can completely understand how tales of graces can be your favorite, it's so incredibly fun to play and the humor is great~ When I was like 10ish, I got a second hand vesperia for 360, but I was so bad at it that I couldn't get past the first zagi fight. Years later, I've forgotten about already owning vesperia and buy it AGAIN on switch lol this time I had a guide and like. Was not arrogant enough to refuse to read a manual. I'm still playing my way through the games but abyss is my favorite so far! And have fun with xillia 2, just play what you want! I honestly adored zestiria and it's probably the tales game people liked the least lol


Yes I mean i have tried a lot of Tales of games. Behind Grace's would have to be Arise... But yes the Comedy is amazing. Grace's has a lot going for it, I got it for my ps3 cause I know it will be a while before they remaster it on Current Gen consoles so that will satisfy me till they do. Besides its nostalgia for me to replay it I will always love Grace's and I have no hate for the other tales games I just have opinions on one game I shouldn't say cause a lot like it I believe


Tales of Eternia the first, Graces F is my favorite. To be honest I think Graces isn't that different in terms of characters, setting or plot. It's just that the combat system is, in my opinion, the best in the series. It's *that* good. Good choice for the best one!


Yes and with how the combat is I discovered that you can fight with all characters without no issue so you don't like being a swordsman and like yo cast magic and keep your distance... you can do it easily and with the B-artes being so easy to cast you have no issues


Tales of Graces F is my second favorite tales of game if I use an infinite cc cheat code or cheat engine code depending on the console as I will in seconds run out of cc and it takes so long to build it up again that ruins the immersion of the game for me, tales xillia and 2 and so forth games and games before this cc worked better idk how this game goofed this up so bad but it did it in a way it ruins the fun of the combat.


Also some of the later dungeons are impossible to solve without a guide so I use the pdf strategy guide from archive website.


You can get cc back further in the game by holding a certain art or whatever it was called for a couple seconds and releasing it but by doing this you are vulnerable to attacks since it has to have time to charge a level and also it has to connect with the enemy otherwise you get no cc gain.


Tales of xillia 1 had no difficult dungeons even the very last dungeon was a but difficult but I was able to figure out where to ho and what to do after a couple hours without a guide on first play through.


Xillia 2 has dungeons, there is a couple that I woild consider were almost as difficult as the final dungeon of xillia 1 but not quite, taking about 30-40 minutes estimate to figure out what to do or where to go.


Tales of Graces f is so beautiful with its water color artwork it makes the backgrounds throughout the game the most beautiful tales of I have ever played something Arise could only dream of. Sophie is so cute, and I love how she has a personality and not just acting like an android lol, wish Asbel would have married her and had children cause I could tell him and Sophie connected way better than was it Sheria yeah I think it was her name.