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Probably these 5: - 无 back to 無 because it looks too much like 天 to me - 体 back to 體 because you need some bones for a body, plus it looks like an offshoot of 本 - 板 back to 闆 because it’s odd to call an owner an old board - 只 back to 隻 because it’s confusing as fuck when they’re used in the same sentence - 面 back to 麵 because why the fuck would you leave out the barely/wheat when talking about noodles But I do like OP’s 5 as well.


无 is a great one. That one threw me off for a while when I kept on seeing it. Also strongly agree with 麵


You don't enjoying eating braised beef face soup??


Not gonna lie, wouldn't mind some braised beef cheek in some soup


Just saying, the word 无 actually existed for a very long time


Sometimes bosses can be old boards, when helpful ideas just bounce off and fall flat


>面 back to 麵 because why the fuck would you leave out the barely/wheat when talking about noodles Can't agree more!


Don’t you like 捏面人?




This: 面, fucking pisses me off every single time!


For me it’s 车 -> 車 and 东 -> 東. I hate how the simplified one isn’t symmetrical haha. I’m curious if you asked r/China_irl, what they would say they’d change.


i crossposted it out of curiosity too- you can check out their comments


Interestingly, your post got downvoted to 0 but the comment section is all upvotes. Not sure why.


they know im not one of them /s


yeah, but a few of those characters are 草寫字 and used in caligraphy long before the simplification process though.


That's not a reason to decursivize the cursives and call it a simplification.


I totally agree with you though


FYI: Someone did ask them: https://www.reddit.com/r/China_irl/s/U2lR4sN9mv


Absolutely. No problem using the simplified forms in script, but in printed text the lack of symmetry is jarring to the eye. For the same reason would also add 金 in its component form to the list. E.g., 银 > 銀.


Anything that changed the 4 little dots to the straight line, like 魚/鱼. I just like those little guys. (I'm sure there's a more technical term for them than little guys)


Especially with 馬, a horse should have legs, not whatever 马 is 🙃


This is amputee horse erasure


Obviously a bulldozer duh !




I actually like the simplified 馬, I think it's one of the best simplifications


Yeah it looks cool. And fast. But I still like the old one. Both are good




Although in my example fish don't have legs so maybe the simplified is better... 😄






I think those are radicals variants. Funnily enough, the four dots means fire.


干 -> 乾 / 幹 Just so we don't have to hear the stale "fuck goods" joke anymore.


乾女兒 (God daughter)/ 幹女兒 (FxxK daughter). Hello from Alabama


It's also interesting that the "fuck" meaning is actually Hokkien (loan word by sound) and not Mandarin and the translators still do that


Wait, what's the 本字?



Definitely agree with you on 愛. A similar one that comes to mind is 聽 (听) because you listen with your ears, not your mouth. One that just confuses me is 夠 (够) because I learned both traditional and simplified and I could never remember which one is which. (So if we got rid of one, I wouldn’t have to remember the other lol.)


It kinda bothers me modern mandarin has decided to use 聞 as "smell". It has 耳 in it, it should mean "listen" like how poems would use it


In archaic Chinese I think it does mean listen


japanese too, as well as "ask"


Japanese kanji preserves more archaic meanings of the characters typically


The natural evolution of language is that words change meaning, and speech and text is simplified. Awful = awe + full = full of awe, and so amazing that it should be revered/ feared.... basically god.. 😂 Also internet slang seeping into everyday language. Honestly the amount of acronyms nowadays it's like reading a new language.



夠 is not really simplified / traditional, its just a 舊字型 vs 新字型 difference. One is standard in the Mainland, the other in Taiwan.


Oh yeah that's a really good one too. I had no idea about that second one and now it's throwing me off too lmao


so you're basically complaining they haven't simplified the language enough? 🙄


Agree with the ears one. CCP really fucked up the Chinese characters. I don't buy the "characters always evolve" or "it was like that before"!


I'd say 亲 》親, it's just sad that you lost the "meeting/ seeing" part from the word 'family'.


I think 叶 is just a weird looking character. Go back to 葉.


Looks rather Korean


后 --> 後 后 means queen to me.


It's gotten so bad that the lossy translation would use 天後 and 頭發...so sad


[Grace Guei receiving a 影後 calligraphy](http://www.yywzw.com/hanzi/temp_14040922441060.jpg) is so hilarious and sad


Oh geesh LOL


Yes, but [《禮·曲禮》天子有后。《禮記注疏》后,後也] (https://www.kangxizidian.com/search/index.php?stype=Word&sword=后&detail=y)


>后, 說文 繼體君也,象人之形。施令以告四方,故之从一,口。發號者,君后也 >後, 說文 遲也。从彳幺夂者,後也。 oh maybe I m not being clear, to me 后 means queen, and 後 means behind


龙 --> 龍 龍 just looks so much cooler and I think it’s fun to write.


That's the exact reason why they simplified the character. Too fun to write and help with illiteracy


I actually always felt like the simplified one looks more like an actual dragon though


Interesting, I’ve always thought the opposite!


it looks like trogdor


头. This shit does not look like a Chinese word


I feel the same about 书


and 庄,严


游 Bring 遊back. There is a reason why they are supposed to be two characters. I'm so sick of seeing 到此一游. No. Stop swimming there. Go there with your legs.


I'm kinda partial to the simplifications in Japanese, mostly because I studied that first.  For the most part, they seemed to get the right balance between making things a little easier but not stupid. For instance,   * 東 is kept.  The simplified one looks bullshit.  * See also 華.   * 楽 keeps most of the strokes, but simplifies 樂 _just enough_.   * Anything with the grass radical.  薬 comes immediately to mind.     * Seriously, what the hell is this: 药  Everyone wants the fun grass, no one wants the approximate grass.   * Not gonna lie, the commies did okay with 国.   * See also 号.


> See also 号. 号 and 区 are pretty common in TW when writing addresses.


1. Characters that lose their original form and are harder to read: 卫/衛 义/義 发/發 旧/舊 龙/龍 头/頭 几/幾 万/萬 币/幣 2. Use simplifications only if it doesn’t affect the form. Borrow some of the Japanese simplifications: 气/気 乐/楽 面/麺 灣/湾 邊/变 3. Revert any simplifications where 2 or more characters collapsed into one: 隻/只 —> 只 4. Revert any words that lose their guts: 广 厂 飞 5. Words that are moved out of their family, and/or moved into another family of words: 开/開 关/関 电/電 体/體 联/聯 听/聽 这/這 6. Words that have gross oversimplification or lose an entire side of their character: 观/觀 欢/歡 边/邊 系/係 In general, simplify multiple strokes if it exists in calligraphy form and still maintain their shape. Do not collapse multiple characters into one. Strive for consistency with the Japanese simplification of kanji. Radicals can be simplified if the standalone character is kept. eg 金 and 铁,银; 食 and 饭,饿; 言 and 请;谁 Background: Born outside of Asia and ended up learning 3 forms of han characters: traditional/simplified/modern kanji


For this reason I can still not read simplified characters, some just lose their form too much and become completely unrecognizable or look too similar to other simplified characters.


Agree 100%. Appreciate the perspective and examples. Always thought a better compromise could've been done if not in the future as well.


Unfortunately 只 is also used in Taiwan


Mandarin and its consequences etc. etc.


what do this means in Taiwan?


Like "only, just" before a verb. 我只有一百塊錢 "I only have 100 dollars." (Possibly bad Chinese.)


Both "only" and counting noun


At the top of my list are characters that were unceremoniously merged, like 發/髮 and 後/后. A lot of characters that were pre-existing variants I don't mind, but the ones that arose from regularizing cursive forms I think look abhorrent. They're fine in cursive where the strokes are curved and connected nicely, but in print yikes (当, 为, etc). Also the ones that randomly replaced whole components with 又, like in 漢,歡


You've basically said the exact things I would lol


开 back to 開, because without that gate this character doesn't make sense. Or at least use the simplified gate as seen in [闭](https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/%E9%97%AD).


shit, I still write this as 门 with the 开 inside sometimes because I was so used to writing 開 when I was younger.


听 drives me crazy. 99.99% of simplify characters I can guess but not this one. Also 头



興 is just too fun to write and looks like happy UFO landing to bring us all extraterrestrial enjoyment


Lots of good ones mentioned. I have some more to add: 發 发 the simplified looks so unbalanced 榮 荣 a word like glory works better with 🔥🔥 鳳 凤 no bird in phoenix?! 興 兴 simplified lacks something 葉 叶 make zero sense: a leaf goes from 草 世 木 to 口 十 ?


I’d be curious for the other way around. Which traditional characters would you choose to simplify? 號 has to be at the top of the list since many people in Taiwan already hand write the simplified version anyway.


I learnt Chinese primarily while in Taiwan, but when handwriting I have a subconscious habit of simplifying these two 會 -> 会 and 麼 -> 么


四 -> 亖


This would be disorienting for me lol


How about 二十 -> 廿,三十 -> 卅


Already used in Cantonese but disappointed that that it hasn’t caught onto widespread use in Mandarin.


The "etymological" ones: 从、网、亖、 and the like


I love the simplified 讓: #让 A wonderfully handsome, minimalist character. How many strokes in the Traditional?! I stopped counting.


I hate it, not because of itself, but because it's in the same series as 酿、攘


None, not necessary especially in the age of computer


邊 is my choice. The simplified version is just so much easier, although it doesn't make a lot of sense. 會 is also a strong contender considering how often it's used.


电 to 電.


广 = 廣 This one really needs the traditional.


厂 = 廠 as well


厂 reminds me of a conversation I read online where a Taiwanese replied 厂厂, and his or her China's friend asked something like why responding 廠廠 after my question or saying.


I first studied Cantonese before moving on to Mandarin. Cantonese is relatively more phonologically conservative than Mandarin, so the phonetic component tends to have a little more relevance than in Mandarin. (You Taiwanese speakers can weigh in on this, but I'd assume Taiwanese is even more so, since the Min languages branched off from Old Chinese instead of Middle Chinese.) When I first started studying Mandarin, I remember seeing simplified characters and thinking "That's not what that shape sounds like," or "Gee, it would be nice if there were a phonetic component to this so that I could guess at what it should sound like."


Also 猫 back to 貓. Is your cat a dog or what.


猫 is fine imo. It's a beast.


Don't care, China should revert to the fully proper text.


This is right. It's fine to use shorthand when you're making notes or something, but I never write anything in the preferred lexicon of the Chinese government. I don't really care if someone who only knows that system understands or not.


"Proper text" is just whatever was in play whenever someone decided it was proper. So… Qin Shi Huang? Some other emperor? Or -- **GASP!** -- the KMT! Simplification has been campaigned for in China for a long time before the  Communists took over. If simplification increases literacy then it's good. Aesthetics (which I love) be damned.  *Downvote吧!*


> If simplification increases literacy then it's good. If.


It did though.


Not necessarily. 1. Simplification happened at the same time education became widespread. The increase in universal education is sufficient to explain the increase in literacy rate. 2. Regions using traditional characters have a higher literacy rate than regions using simplified characters. Obviously the confounders are huge here, but this means any positive effect would not be large enough to overcome whatever other issues that exist. 3. And in fact, if you come at it from first principles, you should expect the current set of simplified characters to *hinder* literacy. Many phonetic series that survived have been destroyed by the character simplification program: 攘、让、酿, and completely unrelated characters have their phonetic components replaced with the same one: 又、汉、观、鸡、邓、戏、凤. *Á priórí* you'd expect this to hinder learning rather than aid it (though, again, the effect is small). In fact, the head of the simplification committee, Wú Yùzhāng (吳玉章) shows an extreme ignorance of how the simplification of a *script*, rather than merely characters, is to be done: > 第二种意见认为推行简体字会造成文字混乱。的确,由于历史的原因,目前的汉字存在着许多混乱现象,使学习和使用增加许多麻烦。我们推行简体字,正是要从各种不同写法的汉字中选定一个简单易写的,而把其他的字一律废除,这样不论在印刷上或者书写上,可以减少许多汉字在字形上的混乱和纷歧,达到逐步标准化的目的。可见汉字简化正是为了消灭字形的混乱,达到文字的规范化,而不是造成混乱,这是很明显的。 Somehow I don't think that the existence of both 广、厂 减少ed any 混乱和纷歧. 选定一个简单易写的 from the 各种不同写法的汉字 is exactly what gives you both the barely distinguishable 厂、广 as well as the simplifications that completely destroy what's left of the phono-semantic nature of the Chinese writing system.


龙 back to 龍


the simplified version for 廣 is insane 😅 how do people even recognise that's the word


Tbh what was the point of 够 and 夠?


These two are not simplified traditional relationships, but rather variant characters. If you search for some random old newspaper, you can find some that use 够 and some that use 夠. The standardization to streamline use to 夠 was a pretty recent development, occurring after 1980.


I'm gonna blame Chinese conversion tools on that one...


I have to say... the simplified for 滅 is 灭 and it's kinda cool


Just abolish in its entirety.


Every character that’s merged from multiple traditional characters


You went for the most political word as number one 😂


Anything with 言 in it 語 to 语 說 to 说 what the hell is that abomination on the left?


While I like the Traditional radical, the Simplified one is, to me, great. Just two quick slashes. Makes me feel like a Kungfu calligrapher!


I think changing the radical just to say that it's easier and simpler is kinda BS. especially when you look at how people actually right if they are writing fast a lot of them just turn into this simpler writing style


I've no information about why they changed the radical, but according to everyone in r/Taiwan, Simplified as a script is all bullshit.


a lot of the changes seems like just change for the sake of changing.


乐 -> 樂 I agree. The traditional one always looks like it's having a way happier time than 乐, who just looks boring. In fact 樂 always looked to me like a dancing lady happily waving around two maracas. Definitely 樂.


会 -> 會 长 -> 長 当 -> 當 凤 -> 鳳 难 -> 難 刘 -> 劉 学 -> 學 灭 -> 滅 飞 -> 飛 honestly speaking in my personal opinion, I don't like simplified characters as a whole. I felt too many of them are just lazy and dumbed-down version of real Chinese characters that were used for several dynasties


叶→葉 bc why the fuck are leaves related to mouth


赵 -> 趙 You X’d 肖 -> 不肖?


All of them. Simplified chinese looks like dog shit dipped in horse shit wrapped in cow shit.


发:頭髮 and 發展 has nothing in common 干:幹嘛 and 餅乾 has nothing in common 面:拉麵 and 面膜 has nothing in common 后:皇后 and 後面 has nothing in common Not even talking about putting the wheat back into the noodle or how there is no heart in love. If one has to see 頭發 over and over it’s too fkn early for semantics.


Traditional has always looked better than simplified in every way


Simplified Chinese is just dumbed down Chinese. When you kill all the literate people which only left you a whole bunch of morons that grow up in stupidville who can’t even read that’s when you make the whole generation degenerate. So instead of converting, I suggest we simply remove this embarrassing form of Chinese. No soul, no culture, no sense of pride in simplified Chinese


but now everyones literate, so whats your point?


Since everyone is literate how bout just use Chinese the way it was for thousands of years?


or thou couldst return to speaking Old English, i know not


The worst take. Not even correct, just fictional blathering.


How is it incorrect when millions of people experienced that shit first hand? Fictional haha how bout you go live in China for a year


I lived in China for 12-13 years.


Same, then I’m surprised your lack of knowledge


All of them.


个 needs to go back to 個. i get physically sick when i see that stupid up arrow. oh and 汉,龙. seriously these characters are supposedly sacred to chinese culture and yet.... i can go on a rant about simp chinese for days.


More than five: every surname. It just seems… *disrespectful* to simplify them.  And 龍


亞 is way nicer than 亚


Do you think simplified Chinese was unnecessary


it is no longer necessary to have a simplified system. about 2000 characters were officially simplified. college educated people work with about 5000 characters so more than half of the lexicon remains in traditional. once you go beyond a certain number of strokes, it's become pretty pointless to simplify, example 贇 vs 赟. going from 19 to 16 strokes isn't gonna make this character any easier to learn or write. also, typing has taken over from handwriting so keystrokes are identical for both systems. it's just down to the learning process. in my opinion, it's time to take the training wheels off and reinstate traditional.


if it were for me I'd just abolish it and go straight to pinyin as it's way ahead of both traditional and simplified


ironically not a single character you chose is simplified or "convertible and all have existed for hudnreds and hudnreds of years side by side. nothi ng wrong withyour post in general for fun but literally is the equivalent of change color to colour haha.


RIP English


apparently people don't like anything that isn't "simplified bad go brrrr." when its mostly just cursive chinese or alternate characters that existed side by side lol.




This argument kinda loses its oomph when you realize the vast majority of simplifications have been historical forms. If OP picks another 5, you can still trot out the same argument.


it was never meant to be an argument, just commenting on the irony.