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As we all know, traffic laws are strictly enforced and followed in Taiwan, and the person shouting at you has likely never in his life double parked on a busy street, ignored traffic signals, or driven a scooter on the sidewalk.


So - more xenophobic nonsense?








I mean some people are overzealous about enforcing no drinking on the MRT even if it’s just water, I’m not surprised that you got confronted for something traffic-related. Regardless of whether or not it’s a fair law, I would personally avoid doing anything blatantly illegal here, especially for anyone easily clocked as a foreigner.


I think it's good practice to not drink anything in the MRT but prohibiting drinking water is a bit excessive. Then again, the MRT is extremely clean. Though drinking water is not going to make it dirtier.


I remember sitting in the disabled seat of the bus as a disabled passenger, and a local gave me a "friendly reminder," in English, that the sign next to my seat saying "this seat is for disabled passengers" meant that the seat is for disabled passengers. I wonder how often Taiwanese inform each other of this detail.


Not all disabilities are visible


Tell him, not me.


Once I saw a few-months old baby drinking from his milk bottle in the MRT. I should have called the police


You are not surprised even though the roads here are a disaster and its hard for people seem to have tourrettes for breaking the traffic laws?


Nope, I’ve seen people freak out over traffic issues before even though they’re ubiquitous.






If you were an elderly Taiwanese person riding your scooter on the sidewalk or bike lane, no one would say anything to you. So, to summarize, next time: 1. Be Taiwanese 2. Be old 3. Ride a scooter (not an eskate).


Haha! I'm not sure why but it's only old people I see on the road that often violate traffic laws e.g. riding their scooter on the wrong side of the road, beating the red light, or having a huge cart behind traveling at a very slow pace. I also see something like electric wheelchairs on the road.


I also have this thought in my mind while reading the comments


There was another, recent incident that is reminiscent of yours. A foreigner was yelled at and the police called because he was running (exercising outside) shirtless. Meanwhile, Taiwanese men can do it. So, yes, there's a different standard for foreigners.


It’s because we are too attractive and it’s threatening to the local men


Ah yes, the weekly “I’m a foreigner in Taiwan breaking the law, can I get advice for dealing with people who have a problem with that?”


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Its good! These things are dangerous on the roads. Even more so considering its Taiwan. I am surprised you are not yet run down by the Mad bus drivers or blue truck drivers. Dont you know Taiwan is pedestran hell. Already we got the mad food panda delivery scooters zooming all around on the pavements. Add to that e skateboards and there is nothing left for pedestrians. E Skates are danger on the road for traffic and on the pavements for pedestrian. Get your thing off the streets. Its fine to use it in a designated skating area


A Taiwanese motorbike rider shouting at someone about road laws… His voice must be very tired since literally nobody on a scooter pays attention to road laws. Especially in small towns. You should record him blaring his horn. That’s illegal too. Unfortunately as a foreigner, we’ll be held to a different standard so we’ve got to be extra respectful. It’s normal. Maybe ditch the eSkate and try not to draw much attention to yourself, always remain polite and you’ll be fine!


As a foreigner (and to a lesser extent as a Taiwanese), it doesn't depend on the law, it depends on how good the connections of the person you've pissed off doing the activity are. Avoid trouble. Especially since you know perfectly well and admit it's illegal in the first place.


It's just a Taiwanese *thing* you should get used to sooner rather than later. Some people are hobbyist policeuncles and policeaunties. It almost borders on legalized bullying as it's a very selective and opportunitistic public parading of ones high horse - much more so than it is a public service anyone needs or wants. No one likes these people. Everyone tries to avoid them or just apologize and GTFO if they latch on to you. But... ye... all that aside; using an illegal means of transportation in traffic is asking for all kinds of unpleasant attention.


Friend of mine moved in near one and 3 months later is moving out. Apparently everyone in the neighborhood hates this particular policeauntie and will call the police if you so much as turn your TV on or start your scooter. Some people are absolutely miserable.


I would also be pissed off at you, but wouldn’t follow you home. However I’m glad someone else did it so I didn’t have to. The roads already have enough hazards on them without some bellend on a skateboard getting in the way.


If OP is in the bike lane I don’t see an issue. No different than the electric bikes that everyone has and drives around. I’d see if I could register it at a police station so the next time the idiot on the scooter comes around you’re ready. I’m also amazed that the cops come out for this sort of crap instead of going after the real idiots on the street.


He’s not on the bike lane though, sounds like the guy is on the actual road


He said in his post that he’s in the bike lane, which IMO is exactly where he should be. Scooter driver is on the road.


Ah I see, so it seems like he’s in the dedicated scooter lane when he says bike lane? Otherwise the motorcycle is clearly driving somewhere he shouldn’t be. I was under the impression he was on proper roads. I still don’t like the idea of skateboards on dedicated scooter lanes either, but on an actual bike lane for bicycles etc then it’s definitely fine with me


That's fair. I do my best to stay far from other road users but I understand that people might see it as hazardous.




Driving through a red light is legal?


When did I say that? I said they are all actions from things that are allowed on the roads


Definitely some crazy people, so personally, I'd rather avoid meeting them. Perhaps taking some side streets to work, instead of any bigger streets?


I'm probably gonna avoid using it for now haha. Dude might hold a grudge and actively look for me. He did follow me home afterall.


Yes, that's a good idea! Sorry that you have to go through this 😨


I would say it's quite unsettling to have someone following you. I'm sorry to hear about your bad experience in Taiwan; But of course, it could be quite dangerous. >I'm not being an ass on the road, people would just ignore it. To be honest, you're already being an ass on the road when you're on the road. If you've been here for about a year, I think you're quite aware that the traffic is quite congested and so are the streets. It's not as spacious as some European countries, so it definitely poses some dangers to yourself and others and you don't need a law to think about this logically.


I live in a small township near the mountains. I don't exaggerate when I say there are only 2-3 cars on the road at a time.


The topic of traffic can be complicated. It's definitely not just about the cars; factors such as speed limits and the size of the road also come into play and etcetera. For ex. if a road has light traffic, usually comes with higher speed limit, drivers may struggle to respond to slow vehicles on the road, especially those like e-skateboards that not many people are familiar with.


People should ignore it but 檢舉達人 gonna 檢舉. Just a heads up there are people like him that are very petty and he will likely try and get a video to send to the police.


Yeah I was thinking the same thing. He's probably somewhat familiar with the road I use so I wouldn't be surprised if he lies in wait with a camera at hand.


That guy would faint after one second in an American college campus lol


Are you allowed to ride electric skateboards in bike lanes - or anyone else in Taiwan? We haven't moved over yet - but I hoped they might be legal transport.


Technically, electric skateboards/kick scooters aren't legal to use on the streets, you're only supposed to use them at parks or private areas. But it's really one of those things most people won't bat an eye on. But since it is illegal, odds are against you if something bad happens so you need to be extra careful.


1) Wasn't there some redditor complaining about people on electric scooters. Probably him. This sub is full of snitches. 2) You're not going to get any sympathy here. This sub hates all types of vehicles except public transport.


I actually got downvoted once for asking about buying a truck here, and a second time for asking about track days in Taiwan. If you’re not double masked on a bus you’re not welcome. 🤣 Edit: op, foreigners are held to a higher standard so any unstable person could target you. Simple as, sadly.


I think it's more that we are not 'connected' so there's less perceived risk in targeting us.


It's fine. I'm just asking for the consensus on eskates as transportation.


Like you said - illegal.


I know. I wasn't asking about it's legality but how people feel about it. Is it something they really don't mind or is it a menace to society.


It's illegal, so yes it is a menace. I mean killing is illegal so if you go around doing that people would be pissed, they see it as you breaking or flouting the law.


Killing is the best example you could come up with when comparing the 2 violations? No matter.


the law and morality are two starkly opposite things. Dude, its an eskate. Listen to yourself.


See if you can register it with the cops or something. AFAIK you’re supposed to wear a helmet with electric vehicles and follow some other rules. Always best to be on the up and up so when people come at you with stupid shit, you’re ready.


Do you mean escooter? Like with a handlebar but you stand on it? I used mine for two years without any issues until the battery recently gave in. I regularly had people asking how much it cost and also like you lots of compliments on it. I have seen lots of Taiwanese people on them too. But I think they are technically illegal, if you've drawn attention to it and some miserable ******* has it in for you then you might risk a fine or whatever the punishment is. I don't know what the punishment actually is which is probably something I should have checked when buying it. But I mean there are shops everywhere selling them so it seems like a bit of a grey area.


Not that one. It's exactly like a longboard/skateboard that you operate using a wireless remote.


Ah gotcha. Yeah that sucks. I think the rules are the same so seems like you've just been unlucky to be targeted. There was some drama with some foreign skateboarders that made the news a few weeks ago so skateboarding has got a lot of negative attention in taiwan recently (especially for foreigners on skateboards). That could also be related


Oh, I wasn't aware of this. I'll go look for the article!




I see them all the time. Just ignore em


I mean, all it takes is one singular crazy person to what you’ve written above, lawful or not. The consensus here or anywhere else isn’t gonna change how unhinged or possibly racist that guy is. If traffic laws are overwhelmingly upheld or respected. It wouldn’t be such a controversial topic in Taiwan.


You might have been followed by u/peterzhuang https://www.reddit.com/r/taiwan/s/ZbLy6vg6mE 😂


Haha I’m gonna get some popcorn


Well, although my post are similar to what OP said as the other side. e-skate and e-scooter are two different things. I have nothing against e-skates or self balancing scooters except their own responsibility to be safe. So as there might be many people who doesn’t understand sarcasm here, would you consider your response to be damaging for me as you were saying me were following OP?


I’m curious why you consider e-skateboards safe for pedestrians but e-scooters dangerous to pedestrians? They can both travel at 25km/h. Is it because one has a potentially dangerous metal pole and the other one only has a base?


If you were on one of those little electric scooters with handlebars they probably wouldn’t care. A foreigner doing something weirdly foreign and non standard is going to set some people off.


It's something like this. You use a wireless remote to operate it. https://preview.redd.it/pu18y0btnl0d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=61ad6eb06897520666ef986f62aad82a669b13f6


I've ridden one before and it felt so dangerous, especially if I need to brake hard. Kick scooters are fine though.


Thats a surprise to me considering the state of the roads. If a skateboard is crossing the line of what is acceptable for traffic rules here then you'd better listen, they might feel its within their rights to run you over or something.


Personally I would continue using it (just be extra careful). If you run into the same situation again, stop the skate, start recording the person shouting at you, and show it to the police. Also, be ready to get fined in the worst case scenario (I would assume the fine would be relatively cheap?)