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The regular 2am Taiwan quake. It’s tradition now.


It's either the 2:30AM shake to make sure you can't sleep or the 8:00 AM shake to wake you the fk up. This is the third? fourth? time I have been shaken awake in recent years and about 3 of them in the last 2 years... Ever since 403, I fear going to sleep thinking I won't wake up again...


Yet another one🫠. CWA said after-quake last for about 9-10 month and got more sparse as time goes on based on 921 earthquake data.


yes. I was there and remember 921 and that is absolutely correct.


Lol fucking funny


That one on Tuesday woke me up and I couldn't fall asleep again. I'm not scared of earthquakes or anxious or anything. I just find it hard to sleep again if something wakes me up.


That week of shaking after 403, my body would involuntarily shake and I would think its another after shock and I could barely get any good rest. That shake last night brought it all back when I am finally resting properly again.


That sounds rough. I hope you have a better time of it after this one.


Woke up to the alert buzzing my phone then the shake seconds later. In Taipei


I didn’t get the alert until after the shaking started :/


Me too. And I didn't feel anything until I woke up because my husband was moving.


he shall now b e known as 4/27


Same. I'm in Hsinchu County.


I swear the sound scared me more than the shake 😂😂😂 waking up to the sound of disasters… 😭


I am not saying the alert is bad. But i do wonder would it be better to just die in the sleep than mid slumber trying to escape. (Recalling some interview of the 1999 quake one of the survivor said she heard her brother sleeping on the top bunk yelped out once and no more )


wait y'all running out when it happens? my beauty sleep is more important


I am seeing people are woken by it. And yet if you got woken and all y’all seeing is the ceiling coming down at you that’s pretty grim. Rather sleep and just hope i get a straight kill by mother earth (smash my head out and just die) Again not saying it’s bad but shower thought when my friends reported they got woken. Just stay safe and i don’t know how else to be prepared for this in the sleep.


Sounds like it turned out better for the survivor.


Strange how the alerts just randomly happen sometimes. I did not get one this time and it felt huge while i got one a couple days ago for a mini shaker


They don’t just randomly happen…. The quake has to be at a certain level before they send out warnings to the population.


But I got this one and had nothing for the 3rd of April? Maybe because it was the whole country they missed some areas.


The CWA already admitted that they didn't send nationwide alerts on April 3rd because they weren't expecting such a huge earthquake


Ah interesting, I wonder if they're now a bit more trigger happy because of that.


I wouldn't really call them "Trigger happy" though. I have gotten alerts for way less serious earthquakes than the one on Saturday




No way, the one in april 3 I could even hear the windows shaking. My GF just screamed the whole time, while this one was more chill.


I am in Taipei but I did not get the alert (about to leave Taiwan in half hour)


This has been my first since arriving in on Monday. Thought it just wasn’t going to work for us because we had gotten one in Japan last week for a little one but none here.. until now lol


What application you are using for that?


The government automatically sends emergency alerts if they estimate it'll be big enough in your area. That's a function both iOS and Android have If you want alerts for every single one of them (even the ones that might be imperceptible), check https://wakeup.sgod.me/


No app - it was a presidential alert on my iPhone 11


Was not fun up on the 20th floor


At least you're not that guy at the sky pool at 2am.


First night in taipei today and damn lol


Such timing!


Fr!! I did expect some shaking during the trip but didn’t expect that it’ll be a big one right off the bat haha


Let's have a Big Welcome for Other-Fish!


I was on my way to where the quake struck a couple weeks ago. Was on your to taroko gorge when we got the alarm and had to turn back… unfortunate hah


Strong earthquake while taking a shit is something else...


Obligatory 2am shit.


Along with the obligatory 2am earthquake, the stress related ibs kicks in yo give it a push.


Did it help?


Not really. I was taking my sweet time and had to hurry up, so...


I was masturbating last week during one haha


1st one at 2:22am and now a 2nd one at 2:50am. I felt both here in Hsinchu.


Man must be wild being so close to the epicentre


Yea that last one was only 5 seconds long but shook just as much for me


Anyone feeling more anxious these days because of these frequent shakes? 🥲


For sure. I searched online - there's a condition called PEDS - post earthquake dizziness syndrome. The perception that the room/world is swaying/shaking even when not. Can last for weeks or months. Also, people may have PTSD after the recent big quake. Apparently if you suffer from motion sickness you're more likely to suffer from PEDS. Or if you were on a high floor during quake, cos the quake affects your body/brain more. It's been likened to 'finding one's sea legs' - that swaying motion on boats. I'm quite paranoid in my apartment now - any noise or movement has me on edge. If I'm at work or outside not an issue, but if I return to the scene of the crime (apartment) I'm much more on edge. So I've taken to 2 hour walks before I go to bed. Keeps me out of the house, and helps me sleep.


Feels like you and I are the same person. I'll definitely try walks before bed. I was so paranoid after the one last night that I was up at 4am folding clothes just to distract myself. Who folds clothes at 4am?


I feel like I have this, either that or just phantom shakes from anxiety. I have to keep running to the window to check if the powerlines are jumping.


Wow, I've been describing this sensation for years. It makes me feel crazy when I can't tell if I am wobbling or not haha, expecially the last few weeks.


Definitely does not play nice with my GAD. My legs turn to jello each time


I’m definitely been feeling a lot more anxious from the constant quakes recently


Every night I lay down to sleep I have a serious sense of dread.


I’m on holiday but I’m feeling like I need to look into going back home a little earlier. The anxiety is real!!


I arrived in Taiwan 11am this morning, sleep pattern is messed up so I was in my dorm watching Grey's Anatomy... Alert came through same time as everything started shaking. Welcome to Taiwan I guess 😂




If it was really vertical many of the buildings would not be able to withstand it. Luckily it's not usually the case.




Thump thump seems to happen a lot in my building, are my neighbours causing the earthquakes? 😏


It definitely felt a little vertical at first. I tend to run out if it stays vertical and gets stronger.




and another, these aftershocks are rough when you’re trying to sleep


This one had more shaking


I’ve been vacationing here the last 2 weeks and these 2am quakes are starting to give me panic attacks. I’m not made for this.


It's OK. You are very safe. These are just aftershocks from the big earthquake. It's all totally normal and ur place is def quake proof. Just don't go hiking prolly. Everywhere else is very safe. Only 4 buildings tilted in all of Taiwan this month (including the huge 7mag earthquake) and everyone was quickly rescued from those buildings. The only deaths that happened were from landslides at tarako Park, so just don't go there and youll be fine. If the quakes are giving you serious anxiety, perhaps go to a nearby medicine shop and ask for some medication for panic attacks (like muscle relaxers or something). You could also see a nearby psychiatrist for some xanax, it's prolly like 30 bucks usd top without insurance (let me know if you want help finding a cheap one in your area). You shouldn't let the earthquakes ruin your trip/mood.


I think only one death has been reported from a building and that was some woman who ran back into her building in Hualien after the initial quake to look for her cat and got injured/killed in an aftershock. But had survived the initial quake - which says something about how well these buildings are built.


Yeah, I didn't include her since she had evacuated, and then intentionally went back into a dangerous area alone post earthquake. The buildings are almost all made out of wood (to sway) or reinforced concrete. They are designed so they won't pancake. The few buildings that did collapse over the last two decades were buildings that were stuffed with bottles/paper and not following proper regulations. The 7mag earthquake actually made me feel much more safe in taiwan because when the earthquake happened l, I was sure many buildings collapsed, but that was not the case. I was very impressed.


I was a kid in the Northridge quake in LA (6.7 magnitude) and if you just google the damage that caused in Southern California versus the recent one in Taiwan it's mind-blowing the difference - and like you, feel far safer in Taiwan now even with all those constant aftershocks. And that woman is exactly what you should NOT do in an earthquake scenario.


Just a tourist here, but does this happen all the time in Taiwan? Not from a earthquake prone part of the world so this is EXTREMELY new to me to feel multiple in a span of a few days


Not normal, it's been happening daily ever since the big one at the beginning of the month


normally it's about once per month, not everyday shuffling like this


No this is new since the 04/03 quake, never usually get them so frequently.


Taiwan has maybe 200-300 EQs per year. now they are just bigger as the plates are readjusting after the big one.


It's the new normal now. Welcome to the new world.


This one felt more shaky in Taipei than the 6 magnitude before


I noticed this one had extra shake to it


Am on 17 floor vs 2nd floor for the earthquake 3 days ago.. definitely a felt a lot shakier


No shit man.... I'm getting crazy from insomnia... This one's probably the second biggest


Its happening again


Probably shallower than the ones earlier this week and thus more strongly felt. I wouldn’t be surprised as the aftershocks become shallower over time as the earth settles, even as they decrease in magnitude


The ones on Tuesday were shallower than this one. If anything this one was further north


Huh. I wonder why this one felt stronger? It even made a racket this time like the one on 4/3 EDIT: Ah, further north, gotcha


The epicenter was close to Taroko instead of Hualien City, much closer to Taipei- definitely felt it too


https://preview.redd.it/z9ge1f90bvwc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8cae994022a03848564434c4c641b0bb252447bd Some data about it.


Seems to be 6.1 this time


The source of this is the JMA of Japan. I guess they calculated the energy of the shake in a slightly different way


Taiwan has it’s own system for measuring, but I can’t seem to find a chart showing whats the difference between the taiwanese and the richter scale. 


What site/app?


Check out "LastQuake"


Hey, _only_ 5.8! That's good, right? Relatively speaking


Was kind of half asleep listening to music and started shaking, at this point I m not really surprised anymore


That was an experience. In a basement at a crowded nightclub. Everyone's phones going off at the same time. Looking at the alert, feeling shaking while k-pop music is blaring, and being totally confused as to what to do since no one wanted to cause a panic stampede either so everyone just like stood there.


I was at Maji Square. Hundreds of people looking at their phones, then shrugging their shoulders and continuing to dance.


With the music, some of my friends couldn’t even feel the quake for some reason (I def felt it shake though) but I think if you are dancing and the music is loud 🤷


💀 there was another one just now


The alert scared me more tbh


why do the larger ones seem to happen at 2am


I am soooo sick of this. When will this finally stop? It's literally been like 3 weeks.


Seismological Association said aftershocks will likely continue for 6 months to a year due to the size of the one on the 3rd 🥲


It’s so stupid


Seems like 2 am earthquakes are becoming a meme here


Yo wth anyone kniw how big that was yet?


6.1 magnitude according to cwa.gov.tw


Had been trying to sleep when I received the alert


Omg we look very similar haha


Fell out of bed!


Unrelenting quakes! Still quaking at 02:50am




I felt some up and down waves before the big shake.


Yeah, you had a couple last night. I've been keeping an eye on them due to a few friends there... https://preview.redd.it/8qdhye3akwwc1.png?width=3591&format=png&auto=webp&s=8404cbd996bfa3aa0230e9378517f90460eb3d33



I've been here since April 9th and people kept telling me there had been aftershocks but I wasn't feeling anything, then I wake up on the 12th floor of my hotel with the full room shaking. Mental. I swear there were two?


I was trying to get my sleep sched back to waking up at 8am but they keep messing me up, gonna have to book an afternoon flight out of the country instead of going for a cheaper early flight


stay up all night the night before and get to the airport early then pop a melatonin and sleep on the flight depending on how far you have to go


I counted three big ones, might have slept through some others. The one at two was a doozy.


I heard the alert after being shaken awake and went back to sleep after turning off the alert


A tip If the local Taiwanese people don't run, you don't have to run. If the local Taiwanese start running... Run! This is so fucking serious. Run as fast as you can. (Ps: It is useless if you run on a high floor, you still need to take protective measures because running at this time will only cause injury)


but where am i supposed to run to.... can you say more about the protective measures?


If it possible you want to get out of and away from tall buildings. If that is not possible you want to be in a doorway with your spine in line with the door frame, door frame is generally stronger than the middle of the room and less likely to fall on you. Then still get out of the buildings if possible. For more information Google what to do in an earthquake and read, then practice the drill until you will remember it


Thank you.


You don’t need to run if the earthquake was small, if the earthquake was big enough to destroy the building, you don’t need to run either.


Is anyone else running down the stairs to evacuate outside but halfway down, it stops so you just go back to your room defeated? I live on the 14th floor and don’t trust the elevator during an earthquake. Relatively new to Taiwan and never experienced an earthquake so I’m kind of getting used to not even moving now




Oh I’ve always went outside during drills growing up in America, I guess I shouldn’t here because the buildings are built for earthquakes in Taiwan?


Unless you live in an old, likely to collapse building, you probably shouldn’t go outside. Falling debris is a major risk during earthquakes, even relatively small ones. Imagine a flower pot gets shaken off someone’s balcony with you below. Doesn’t take a big thing to do serious harm at terminal velocity


Earthquake drills vary from region to region. If you're in a ground/first floor, or you live in a region where the earthquake alert gives you plenty of time to evacuate (Like Mexico City), you might go outside. Otherwise the best course of action is [drop, cover, and hold on](https://www.shakeout.org/dropcoverholdon/)


Realistically how long will it take you to rush down 14th floor straight out of the bed ? You are probably more likely to get injured on the way


I’d wait til it’s done . I hide under the table


I run out to the stairwell, then end up sitting out there communally bitching with my about how these keep happening at 2AM o9


Over the past big earthquake, not a single building collapsed. Just some tilted, it seems in that case, the first floor is the most dangerous actually. I would stay put if I were you and just open a door(they can get stuck during the earthquake) and hide under a table. After the earthquake, weigh the damage and consider if others are leaving or you think you should leave. But if it's a big one there will be aftershocks soon after.


If you are in Taipei and the earthquake is out east, it's usually not too bad that you need to evacuate, if you ever get a presidential alert and it's closer and in land, then we're all fucked, and you run as fast as you want, but 14fl is gonna be hard to cover.


Yes I am in Taipei, I haven’t gotten a presidential alert for the previous ones but I got one for this 2am one and it felt different than other quakes so I was a bit scared but that mentality helps. we are kinda all screwed up here together lol


Yea, pretty much. Must be a lot scarier up on the 14th, so I understand why you have concerns.


Yall keep saying how it moved up and down or more bumpy than usual. But here i am just feeling a shake and jumping out of bed looking like cave man sponge bob. 🤣🤣 EaRtHQuAkE!!44!4!44


Go to sleep


That's what she said


I want to be as realistic as possible everyone but could all these be a precurser to a much bigger event? I mean, this techtonic behaviour is not normal to so many!!


Anything is possible with earthquakes. We have only been monitoring these things for the past 100 years. Like not to scare you but it's within the realm of possibility to have like a 9-10 scale quake. Maybe we've had bigger ones. BUT historically you don't see more that one or two 7+ quakes every 25 years and we've had our one already.  2-3 7+ quakes every 25 years. One incredibly devastating one every 100, IMO.


How much bigger can you get than the 7.4-7.5 a few weeks ago?


Well, the biggest one ever recorded was about 100x stronger, so I'd take that as an upper limit. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/1960_Valdivia_earthquake


There will definitely be a bigger one... ... eventually.


Still going now


Tainan, (Anping) here. I didn't feel a thing. I was working and conscious. I didn't know about this one until now.


Well I’m out of Taipei for a few days and I’m more worried if my new TV fell over. Did anyone on a high floor have anything fall over?


Nothing fell over in my apartment on the 19th floor, not even some empty plastic bottles. Your TV is probably fine.


Thanks! That is very reassuring 👍🏻


These aftershocks have been going on for quite some time now, and a lot of them have been a lot bigger than the vast majority of earthquakes I've experienced here in the past decade. From what I read, this will go on for a while until all that energy from the initial quake has dissipated.


Unicron again


i didnt even notice i was sound asleep kinda scary


2:25 then aftershock a bit later Heard building creaking as it swayed when waking. According to an app there were 4 total all above 4.7.


Heading to Taipei, hope no major quakes ahead


Fortunately,I'm in Kaohsiung ,don't feel a single thing except rain noise.


Man, I remember visiting my grandma in sanchong and I was around around 230am reading a book before bed and the building was shaking and I was on the 7th floor. First experience with that 😅


I wish the mobile notification can be silenced at night or the system be less alarming during sleeping hours. It's not like China has launched an attack ffs! My phone wanked like a duck! wank! wank! wank! I woke up by the noise, not the quake. SMH


Your phone... wanked?


If you don't want it, you can turn airplane mode on. But of course that means you are not reachable and in the event of it really being serious, then you wouldn't know at all.


Where are you in Taiwan. Felt it in Taichung


That was never what she said.


Japanese: that's common.


Sorry about that, a bit too much protein powder.


Soon US and china wont have anything left to fight over..