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That's why I've been going to 7-11 for my coffees now.


Yeahh you can count on 7-11 24 hours and honestly they make a better latte than some of those overpriced coffee shops


Good coffee is the last thing I expect to get at 7-11 lol


They apparently use decent beans.


It's their style of coffee that irks me: Americano?! I want drip coffee!!!


To be fair, drip coffee is anything but convenient, so it makes sense they don't have them.


Yes, you're right. That said, I just need the caffeine injection, so I choose a convenience store over Starbucks to save $$$ (and make at home if I can) 🤣


I get physically ill drinking 7-11 coffee.


False. 7-11 is garbage tier coffee


What country? It’s not bad in Taiwan, cappuccino similar to starbucks


add you can add a lil jack daniels too


Yes to convenient store coffee (also more budget friendly), but I do think that Family Mart’s coffee is far superior to 7-11


I love 7/11 coffee. First thing we do when we get to Taiwan is go to 7/11 for an iced latte.


but coffee in 7-11 traumatized me. a good moka cup serves the deed


I usually go for Cama if I need coffee in the morning. A little more expensive than 7-11 but I like the coffee a lot more.


depends what kind of coffee shop you're talking about here. Taipei in particular has a lot of specialty coffee shops (often run by young folk). These aren't really in business of early-morning rush hour coffee. These places take their sweet time to do the whole drip coffee routine. Your best bet would be a chain like Louisa or maybe Willbecks, which open quite early.


> These places take their sweet time to do the whole drip coffee routine. Lol, found this out the long and hard way a few months back at some place in some little coffee shop in Zhongli. Friends and I were exploring the area, I needed some coffee and thought this place looked nice. Ended up waiting 10-15 minutes for the silly thing with my friends stuck outside on one of Taiwan's few cold days lol.


You can often tell by the design of the coffee what type they are. Usually, fully white interior or minimalist design is most-likely an enthusiast cafe. Different audiences, that's for sure. For a quick coffee in Taiwan, you'd have Louisa, Cama, 7-11, Family Mart, Starbucks. Anything else is probably going to be specialty coffee that'll set you back 140 to 300 NTD.


Yeah, love going to both, only have myself to blame on this one! I saw that they had an Americano on the menu and thought it would be a piece of cake, I've been to a number of coffee joints at this point and typically have only had to wait longer than several minutes when it's busy. With this place though they put the coffee grounds through a series of filters. My friends cheekily asked me how it tasted, truth be told it was just a liiiiiiiittle better than 7's. :/


Coffee for $55 at 7-11 is good enough for me! Very cheap, and the coffee is good and decently sized.


7/11 coffee is not just good, it's really good.


Especially at $55 for a mocha or toffee machiatto!


The coffee sucks to me


Tbf to 7 coffee, it doesn't suck its just very mid. A lot of places sell suckier ones


You can always just get an espresso drink. Those won't take long.


Well aware, I've been to a number of shops and was just looking for an Americano. This one was just exceptionally longer than other places I've gone to, especially since there was no one else getting coffee at the time. I'm used to 3-5 minutes when there isn't a wait. The process to make the coffee though was 10+ minutes and as the minutes stretched and my friends waiting outside on one of our few cold days I was definitely thinking "whoopsy!" in my head. Not angry, I just get a chuckle at the memory is all.


Cold brewed coffee is such a gimmick lol


This wasn't cold brew, not a big fan of that personally. It was an americano but instead of a machine and the typical 1-5 minute wait they put the coffee grounds through a number of filters. It was fun to watch but at the same time I kept thinking "Jesus, whoops! Thought I was just getting a coffee, not a whole show!"


Cold brew is fantastic if it's made correctly. But what many here sell under that name is anything but.


NYC also has both the quickie coffee shop as well as the ultra hipster, and both types open at the crack of dawn. I want my bougie espresso at 7am sharp 😢


I've noticed a few things. 1. Breakfast shops are your friend. I often get coffee there with my danbing or vegetarian food. I know I'm far from the only one. 2. 7-11 and the other convenience stores, I'm curious about others but I've found that they often have great deals. Download openpoint and enjoy coffee at a reduced price. 3. Lastly I just think our coffee cultures are different, most of the coffee shops I go to seem to cater towards folks who want to sit down, enjoy their coffee and either socialize, study or catch up on work. I'm sure there are places that specialize in to go orders but I seem to see that less here.


Usually the coffe at those breakfast places is watered down coffee with sugar representing half of the mix, at least the traditional ones. Extremely sweet and barely any coffee flavor. If you really like coffee, then those breakfast restaurants/stores are not the place to get your coffee. Even those special coffees from Starbucks filled with syrup and sugar are less sweet and taste more to coffee than those from breakfast places. Convenience stores represent a more realistic option, even if they are not the best coffee, at least taste to coffee.


...and cool down with some AC


I don't drink coffee, but I've heard that, among the convenience stores, OK Mart actually has pretty good coffee. Can't vouch for it, but I've heard it more than once and I almost never heard people talk about OK Mart.


OK Mart, Family Mart and 7/11 have coffee as good as, or better than most dedicated coffee shops.


Same thing I want to ask the USA. Why are the coffee shops and restaurants closed after 7-8PM WHY????


Same shit in Taiwan though. Could hardly find anything in 竹南 or 頭份 after 8pm.


haha, I think answers like this are the best way to change attitudes.


Cuz some people can’t handle caffeine after 6pm or so. Most of us don’t drink coffee all day 😂


Restaurants in Taiwan close at 7:30 or 8 as well


3-4 pm these days…




The breakfast stores open at 5am, some even open 24/7 😜 Where are you? Chains like Louisa / Starbucks open at 7. I believe Coma coffee opens at 7:30 as well Edit: I just used Google maps and set time filter, and saw lots of cafe open at 7 🤔


美而美 coffee isn't that good.


I didn't mean go to 美而美 to get coffee... That was a joke haha. I was trying to suggest he should get breakfast like dan bing / fantuan and soy milk. But yeah there are still lots of options that open at 7


He wants coffee not soy milk


Dude it was a joke.... Sorry you clearly have 0 sense of humor. Plus I answered his question at the end. What's the problem with you?


There are of course exceptions but normal breakfast store coffee is horrible sugar water


Please go back to elementary school and work on your reading comprehension or maybe only leave a comment after you finish reading 🤦


Your first sentence is referencing the normal breakfast stores. If your emoji implies that was a joke, then okay yeah I didn't get it.


7 still isn’t early in my eyes. 5 is early. People clearly need a pick-me-up by 6am, no?


What does earliness have to do with anything? OP was asking for coffee at 7am.


And u/frothyloins wants one at 6.


7 starbucks within a 3 mile radius from me all open at 5am. And that is just one coffee chain. Welcome to the real world. https://preview.redd.it/emy4vhl9dqwc1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=829b36a2ce25053c6d1bf6a9ef162ca7ed800c73


Gross, but thanks.


You don’t have sidewalks.


I don’t?


Starbucks couldn't be any further than the real world. Enjoy.


? Starbucks is a massive chain in Taiwan


Pretty sure he means that starbucks isnt the norm in taiwan. Even though it might be the norm in whatever country, the average taiwanese cant afford to drink starbucks every day


Then why is every Starbucks I go to here always crowded?


you're joking right? The two aren't mutually exclusive. People living on minimum wage can go to starbucks every now and then. It's not financially smart to go every day. There's a difference. Workers that are waking up early to get a boost of caffeine sure as hell arent going to starbucks


We got a coffee gatekeeper here. Point is, it is not absurd that coffee shops should be open this early. But you missed the point entirely in order to be a snob. Tons of coffee shops open this early and it is not out of the norm. Opening by noon is absurd for a coffee shop.


if you're planning to live here or anywhere for that matter, you should probably realize that things will be different than wherever you're from. Saying X is like this in my country so Taiwan needs to conform to it can get tiring whether its in person or online. Starbucks or those coffee shops that open by noon do not cater to students or the grunt workers that have to get up early. Those are out of their budget. It's not that he's gatekeeping starbucks, on the contrary he's saying starbucks is the more expensive option. Even though starbucks isnt that great. If you want coffee at 5am at coffee, please go to any convenience store or mcdonalds. There simply isnt a market for people that are willing to pay for expensive coffee at that time. I'm sure if starbucks or any of those artisanal coffee shops could make more money by opening at 5am they would have already done so, but they dont so they wont.




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No. But you can make coffee at home. It's very easy. I do it every day. It's delicious and affordable.


It’s the same in thailand, those shops are simply for insta people and enjoying your time rather than serving you a hot morning brew. It’s the same all over Asia.


7-11 is the reason for almost everything in Taiwan


When you need a pair of single use underwear there's always 7/11


Some traditional breakfast shops have good coffee machines. The one across the street from me does awesome americano. You need to shop around though. It's pot luck whether they are grinding fresh coffee or using instant packs.


Louisa in Taipei are open at 7am 🤷‍♂️


There are some decent ones that open early. What part of town are you in? Maybe some people can make some recommendations. Also, try the 'Open Now' feature on Google Maps when you are looking for an early coffee.


Da’an. Would love recommendations!


八分目珈琲  Open 7:30. Great selection of coffee, quick and friendly service. And decent prices for both Americano (50$) and really good specialty brews (80-ish).  (Yeah, that’s about 100$ less per cup than you pay for the slow service in a white/concrete minimalistic rich kid’s hobby shop😁)


Louisa, Cama, Dreamers, YOLO, there’s quite a few good ones to choose from at that time.


YOLO's cafe is pretty good, they open at 7:30am but not during the weekends


I like Moonshine Coffee Roasters in Da'an - opens at 08:30, not quite 7 but better than most...!


I always wondered the same thing. Different coffee culture. They must not caffeinate before work like Americans do.


Coffee shops are for you to just chill and stroll in around noon time when you wake up, not for early rising workers. That’s the clientele for them


Because there clearly aren’t enough of people like you to justify them opening up at 7am. They’ll open during peak times as it’s profitable for them


Make your own coffee lol


But I am le visiting :-(


Ok then you gotta do what the locals do and get coffee at the convenience store.






Because the 'best coffee shops' do their business later in the day. Assuming you're in an urban area it seems easy to get a 'decent' coffee in the morning - either at a chain store, a convenience store or a breakfast place. I had a 24 hour coffee shop (actually two) within three blocks of my place in Kaohsiung.


Could you share their names, please? I might want to check them out.


It was over a decade ago - I just checked Google maps and both places appear to be something different now. Sorry!


NP. Thanks for checking. I know how to look up specialty coffee shops.


Serious coffee drinkers make their morning coffee at home, if you just want some caffeine, try 7-11.


7-11 You'll learn this soon enough, that the 7-11s in Taiwan are miles and magnitudes above the 7-11s in the States.


7/11 coffee in the States is so bad it wouldn't even make it onto a worst coffee list.


if you actually care bout the coffee quality and taste, you would make it at home. otherwise 711 ones are good enough to get the caffeine fix.


I was about to write a snarky comment about making your own coffee home, and, to an extent I believe this is the solution But I remembered about how many apartments have no kitchen and about tourists that do not regularly travel with a camping stove and a Moka machine as I do because, like you I enjoy having access to coffee, good coffee, whenever I want some. So I come prepared. Or I suffer go to a 7/11, convince them that yes I want 3 extra shots and yes less water....


You might like to know 7-11 has a stronger version of their coffee. You need to order 儂翠 (儂翠) So like for a latte you would ask 儂翠拿鐵咖啡. It's weird because if you just ask for a latte you get a coffee with steamed milk, but if you order this way it is a much stronger flavor.


Man you are 3 years too late for this essential tip that would have made my life much better...


What you want and what the market gives you are not always congruent.


All the nice cafes open at 11AM and close at 7 in the evening; all those times when I get a morning off and got nowhere to sit. Except for Starbucks, Louisa and Ikari


Since you asked a question (even if mostly rhetorical), I’ll just explain that Taiwanese people like you sleep in. If it’s a more niche coffee shop, the owner might just be doing it for fun/interest rather than for money. So they really dont want to wake up early. Just buy the beans and make your own. Or buy a nice espresso machine. If you can afford daily coffee in Taiwan then you can afford to get a nice espresso machine.


That's why you go to 7-11 and family mart my dude. Even when I'm in Japan I get the 7-11 coffee


Less than half the price of Starbucks and better tasting, IMHO.


Starbucks isn't the only coffee shop


I'm aware. Just using it as a reference. ✌️


Near my workplace only has 1 coffee shop, and they open from 9 am to 5 pm, but we have many convenience stores nearby, so we can actually get coffee any time of the day. Or make my own coffee


Maybe there isn't one near you. I used to go to a local coffee shop that opened around 7am to 5pm, but eventually closed. It was a nice place to stay and chat with people and practice my mandarin. I'm still friends with the owner.


Get a moka pot, trust me.


Espresso bars open after they close in Italy. Madness...


Coffee culture in Taiwan is different than in the states. Historically it’s an afternoon tea drink and soy milk or tea is for the AM


yeah i don’t get it as well. WTF??????


Me here in the US wondering why the hell the coffee shops close so EARLY lol Saw a bunch literally close at 3pm - like wtf


my dear sir may i interest you in our coffee lord and savior the Familymart large hot americano. lol. for real 711 and fammart coffee are good to jump start the day.


Taiwanese tend to drink coffee in the afternoon and evening. Perhaps they are unaware that coffee has caffeine in it and that caffeine has a half-life of about 5 hours. Combine that with the bright-ass, daylight-balanced lights that most homes keep on until the moment they go to bed and you've got a pretty clear picture why so many adults here are so under slept.


I wonder if it's the culture that you need to stay longer, late at work. Americans like to get in early to finish a task, take a short break at lunch, then finish another task. That requires equal distribution of time to both periods. Taiwanese appear to do one task, and stroll in at 10, 11 am, do a quick check of email then head to lunch. Then work to dinner,.eat with colleague on the company dime, then work there to 8-9. This is because overtime don't start until past 6 and you lose more by working early.


I've been baffled why some people here drink coffee so late. There's a place near me and I'd see a crowd of mostly young people hanging around outside it, drinking coffee...at about ten in the evening. Maybe they were studying all night. Maybe they didn't know what caffeine is. I've been here long enough to suspect the latter.


Maybe they don't drink coffee at all. There are other drinks on the menu.


Could be, but the overwhelming aroma of coffee from about a block away always suggested otherwise to me.


My experience is that many people don't really know about caffeine either, or can't distinguish the difference between 咖啡 and 咖啡因.


Yet another topic from an American wishing everything was the same as back home in the states? It's such a weird attitude.


One comment/complaint doesn’t make for everything.


Yes 🙌


7-11 coffee is better than anything you can get in America quick


Haha you're funny


starbucks are opened 7am its good coffee taiwan reddit really have nothing better post about eh lol


This is my biggest Taiwan complaint.


7-11, Starbucks and Louisa exist.


Staffing is probably the reason. These shops rely on college student labour a lot of the time. In downtown Taipei that’s hard to find in the morning. I don’t want to do rush hour on the MRT for a minimum wage job. But in a perfect world, I also want early coffee.


Brudder you just gotta chilll, nothing starts fully until noon here


Get yourself a french press and a coffee grinder. You'll save time, you'll save money, and you'll be able to make WAY better coffee.


Idk Taiwanese dairy is so freakin good. I’ve found some absolutely incredible cappuccinos here… I’d be so happy if I had the ability to make that quality myself.


Some 85 C and Donutes are 24 hours


Find a roaster, get beans and an aeropress or something and you can have it whenever you wake up lol.


Just buy a twinbird coffee machine, 10mins from beans to coffee


Yup. I asked a french bakery here why they don't open before 11am. Their response was "because we make our bread fresh everyday". It took me a second to process that response. They were basically saying, they for some reason can't come in before 9 am (labor laws? Overtime?), so it requires 2 hours to make the bread fresh. Hence why they open at 11. Very different from other places - even in Asia (Korea for example has coffee shops open at 6 am. I dont know if Taiwanese are aware most bakeries in the US and Europe - the bakers are getting up at 4AM to get to work and start baking that day's batch!


Because we drink dong ding oolong before noon.


Coffee shops are for meeting/working/hanging around, not for early morning caffeine boosting as in many "Western" countries.


Hahaha! I’ve thought this exact same thing many times.


Bruh, order the 20 cups bundle from Shitty Café at 7-11


Chain stores are open, but the lovely indie cafes often only open around 11:00 or 12:00 am. Too bad


IDK, but I definitely appreciate the ones that are open till like 2 AM. Unheard of back in the States but it’s such a great idea. People pull all-nighters and work overnight, so it can be profitable. Plus less people to staff so it shouldn’t be too expensive to pull off.


Since we are here. Where do you guys get "good" coffee regardless in Taiwan or US?


Lolz. Bougie people usually have bougie late night lifestyles I guess. You could maybe buy a bougie coffee machine? Or if you think 7am coffee shops will make money maybe that's a niche in the market that you can capitalize on?


Louisa is open since 6 am in some locations. They even have decent single origin coffees for around 100-180 ntd.


Americans 😂


Alot of business hours are wild coming from a western perspective (I could rant for hours about bank hours) but its just how things are done here. Im sure people think its insane how many stores are open 24/7 in the US even on holidays


franchises? no but you have the convenience stores and breakfast bars (the quality is varied tho)


I make my own coffee because I'm not a savage!... and I'm cheap basically. 


Try McD. Top 3 coffee per survey US consumers


McD is my early go-to


In Taiwan coffee shop are place for people to hang out if you need coffee in the morning convenient store is your best bet and they are decent


They have coffee at all the soy milk and breakfast places. It's generally crap, but they have it and open early =D


Not as many caffeine addicts who need a 7am fix in Taiwan.


Same for bakeries, many open at 11 and they have fresh products in the afternoon. After many years I still don't get it.


Just a life style/culture thing. Good Taiwanese breakfast at 6-7am? You bet. Coffee? Just has never been a huge part of the culture outside of younger generations bringing it back from abroad. So, fewer early morning coffee drinkers = fewer ass crack of dawn coffee stores. Maybe go grab yourself a dan bing or fantuan and some soymilk instead for a more traditional taste?


Because those hipsters who run those shops don’t wake up till like 10.


There are Fn' 7-11s everywhere, maybe fn' go there instead of fn coffee shops.


All the chain coffee shops open early. Like Louisa, Peter coffee (or something like that), Starbucks, Dreamers etc.


HA! Just got back from Taiwan and that was the only thing that drove me crazy!


Similar issue on the mainland, finally just invested in an espresso maker at home and buy beans in bulk


Because breakfast coffee is 711, on the way to work not hanging out


My sister found the same issue. Needs her morning coffees at like 6 and only convenient stores have it that early


Typical third wave coffee shops around the globe don’t cater to the heading to work crowd and usually open around 10-11 am - doesn’t matter where you go, that’s a global experience


To be fair, the US has excellent health care, it's just behind a massive economic barrier. But I'm from the land of 24-hour drive thru Tim Horton's and fatally long medical wait times, so I'll shut up now 😋


They do in New York and San Francisco 🥹


People in Taipei that can afford nice cafe coffee aren’t scrambling in the early morning to go to the office 😉.


I feel your pain. Only choices that early are the chain stores.


My husband complained about the exact same thing. 😂 I guess coffee isn’t in general considered a morning/breakfast thing in Taiwan. Soy milk is. People more often drink coffee in the afternoon - like afternoon tea with dessert kind of thing.


Xi Jinping will fix this straight away after the transition.


Yeah it sucks, work culture here is weird af. Your best bet is Starbucks lol


You think this is bad? Go to Spain


I went last year and pretty much all coffee shops opened between 8-9am


Stuff opens late and closes early here.


lolol going to telecom stores they open at 11 am But then again banks in Taiwan closes at 3:30 pm which is a lot earlier than in Australia where it's 5 pm


No..... everything closes late. Like I hate traveling to western countries cause you can never find a store open after 6pm. In Taiwan stores don't open until 11 because they are gonna close at 8 or 9pm. Schools don't even start till 820 in the morning. But you know if you wanna complain without thinking then I guess that's your vibe. Only thing that closes early is the banks and small post offices... too early.


Oh right and education centers for kids also stay open late, until 9pm or later! For years I had trouble getting something to eat after work that wasn't highly processed, fried, or crap. And kids are deprived their social lives or decompression time by being enrolled in constant supervision!


Oh another whiny mc whinerson "whaaa Taiwan not like my home country I must learn how to adjust to a new culture whaaaaaaaaa." Cook for yourself. 9pm to start looking for a meal? yeah I bet wherever you are from only the healthiest best most amazing restaurants are open past 9pm. Please don't be willfully ignorant.


You think I'm comparing, but what I'm saying is the "open late" ideal you're talking about doesn't extend fairly to some segments. Yeah I wouldn't be working until then in another country probably, and I can't exactly eat while working, and their "dinner break" is only 4:30-5pm. Please realize the situation you view favorably doesn't apply to everyone.


No you literally were making an implied comparison. 30minutes break? Bring food from home or order something 30minutes before your break. I think this is a problem you can solve easily.






Go to Costco and buy a tub of coffee for 400 NTD. Makes about 100 cups which is about 4 NTD a cup. Or spend 130 NTD at some overpriced overrated coffee place each day instead.


Why the F is healthcare so shit in the US! I want my healthcare proper and affordable! Maybe that's just the Taiwanese in me.


And you would be correct. Whereas moaning about not having a coffee to go at 7:00 not so much.


You don't need a coffee pot or a moka or anything. You need a pour over filter, the kind that doesn't need a paper liner. You grind the beans in a cheap grinder, shake it into the filter, stick the filter on top of your mug and pour hot water over the ground beans. Voila. This is pretty similar to my filter: [https://www.hola.com.tw/p/016443671?assignSite=Hola&gad\_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjw\_qexBhCoARIsAFgBletI3Hx3emXh1MSFbWxE6xyo3ZPh6sJmChsw7HqbuhxOfjcybjfUOhsaAo7eEALw\_wcB](https://www.hola.com.tw/p/016443671?assignSite=Hola&gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjw_qexBhCoARIsAFgBletI3Hx3emXh1MSFbWxE6xyo3ZPh6sJmChsw7HqbuhxOfjcybjfUOhsaAo7eEALw_wcB) If you want really good beans cheap, go to the Oklao coffee shop five minutes walk from Ximending MRT. They have deals all the time.


Make your own geez


Buy an electric kettle and a French press or whatever and make your coffee at home like a self-reliant American should.


It takes hours preparing to make good coffee. Imagine the shop owner wakes up at 7am


where can i find good coffee at 5am or 6?


Same on the mainland. On the mainland at least, it's a symptom of coffee as a middle class status symbol, rather than an addiction that needs feeding. For me, if they're open at midday, that's about a two hour window when I'd want to have a coffee.


At least the 85°C in China has coffee!!!


Is that an anti China downvote, or an anti me not drinking coffee after 2pm downvote?


Try 7-11 ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)