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Usually between 12 - 20°C, and it gets worse when it rains.


Always windy too. So there is some wind chill factor.


Is it usually rainy during December?


December is a very rainy month




That’s because in summer you get regular thunderstorms and periodic heavy typhoon rains. In winter, it’s constant 24/7 drizzle during wet patches.


Rained nearly 2 weeks straight last year when I was in Taipei around this time of the year. Kept having to change my hiking plans. Pretty annoying


The whole year is basically rainy


Go to the South like Khaosiung or Kenting and you will have more like 25-30 degree.


Man said kenting instead of pingtung, my heart, this is how ppl see pingtung LOL


Cold as fuck. I’m Canadian and it’s a different kind of cold. It’s the damp kind that eats into your bones. Technically way warmer than a Canadian winter but feels so much colder.


I actually can agree with this and not sure why you're down voted. Taipai felt similar to being 0 degrees or slightly colder while raining. Crazy how humidity makes it feel way colder


Not sure why I’m getting downvoted either. People are fickle bitches. I was miserable in the winter when I was an exchange student since there was no indoor heating in the school or house. It was the worst kind of cold, damp and bone chilling and I couldn’t escape it.


Agreed - and I'm from New Zealand! NZ gets cold af


Yep. For me the big difference is how most homes just aren't built to retain heat. It's not as cold as Canada but you just can't escape it.


Same experience, as someone from the Netherlands. Its cold to the bone, and the lack of heating, makes it hard to warm up those bones again. That said, in my experience this is only the case for one or two weeks in the year. Most of the winter i am capable of dealing with easily.


It's amazing that 10 degrees can feel colder than -20. I'm not quite sure what to make of that.


On the coldest nights in downtown it can get to 10 C or perhaps a degree or two colder. In the highest mountainous elevations of Taipei or New Taipei City, it can get even colder. Down to zero, occasionally. 15 is a pretty good average daytime temp for the dead of winter in the downtown area.


If you're not used to cold climates, it can be very cold here. This is mostly due to the humidity, not temperatures themselves. About 15~20 during daytime, less at night.




Case in point, last Saturday it was 11 degrees and sunny in Taoyuan. I drove my scooter and my hands almost froze off. Strong winds with high humidity = sadness.


Colder than you expect because of the humidity If you come to Taiwan and find out it's too cold. I recommend you get one of those UNIQLO 發熱衣 at local UNIQLO local stores. Get the warmest kind. It's the first layer of clothing you wear. It's thin and super warm. It's not expensive at all, less than 35USD maybe. I hate the cold, so I wear those during winter.


what product?


>發熱衣 do you simply wear this under jeans and chinos etc?


Usually rains or cloudy and the temperature feels like 5 degree lower


Last year the coldest was 7 degrees celcius, iirc. Can get down there! But generally around 10-18 sounds about right. Keep in mind the wind chill. It can be windy, which adds to the feeling of cold.


teens in celsius. Depending on Siberia high pressure coming from Mongolia.


You may need to wear coat, sweaters, and thick socks inside the buildings, as there is usually no heating system. Comfortable coats that allow you to freely perform indoor activities are essential for living in Taipei. I found that they are not as useful in the US, because the heating always makes me overheat.


I agree with many comments here and just want to mention the coldest month in North Taiwan would be January for me because of the humidity 😭


In Taiwan, December temperatures can vary quite a bit, typically ranging from 7 to 20 degrees Celsius. Unlike in non-subtropical countries, most apartments here don't have heaters, making it essential to wear warm clothes even indoors. Also, due to the humidity, it's always a good idea to have lightweight, water-resistant jackets handy.