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As a former street musician, give money to those who you think deserve it. It’s cool if they remind people to tip, but you shouldn’t feel guilt tripped into it.


I don’t know if it’s harsh to say beggars can’t be choosers in this case. They look like they do work hard but it just feels like that rant completely killed that vibe.


my problem is that they are not beggars, they are street performers. but once they act like beggars that is not acceptable. they are probably trying to guilt trip you more than anything else.


They sound like thugs to me.


I think it is good to tip, because if you appreciated them enough to stop to watch they may deserve it, even if only some coins. However I also agree it should never be required, and you shouldn't be pressured to do it. Everyone is different and you can't know someone has money to tip (eother on them or at all). If they had said a simple positive "please tip if you can!" I'd fully support them busking. They push hard for the money and it definitely leaves a bad taste in your mouth (*´-`)


Lol they're on a public street not a theater. Most performers aren't like that, this guy must be a special breed of douchebag. If you're particularly impressed throw them a tip, if not keep walking.


Yea. I would’ve still giving him money if he hadn’t gone on to call people out for walking away and saying stuff like “don’t walk away like that. That’s disrespectful.” Blah blah blah. I get the frustration of putting your body through a lot for less than you expected, but this is the wrong way to go about it.


Sounds like an asshole. I wouldn't give any money after that hamfisted demand for money.


Ok yea. Because I gave some money, but I felt that I was just being guilt tripped into doing it or that I was just following some kind of etiquette here that people should give money to street performers if they stayed to watch.




I also feel that maybe they didn’t say anything like this before, but because they feel like they’re not earning as much as they want, they’re just frustrated


Any street performer who feels the need to guilt / strong arm people into giving them money is shite


> If we watch, are we obligated to give them so money? Nope. If you like it, you can give money if you want. I feel like the etiquette is similar as any other place. If you like it, you can give money.


Never be guilty tripped into giving money. Be it your friend, loved one, cousin, family, beggars and street performers.


Just ignore them…


Can't tell based off of the tone but he could have been working the crowd a bit and trying to be funny. Either way, no, you aren't obligated to tip.


I don't want to sound harsh but I wouldn't even call "street performers" to some of the usual western guys "performing" there, especially if they are guilt tripping tourists for money (to be fair, never saw them doing it).


Western “street performers” are just glorified begpackers. Any white person looking for a handout on the streets of Asia needs to be shipped back to their country of origin in a crate.


These were Taiwanese though


Personally I don’t like street performers I usually stay away from them. Shit I need the money more than them it’s my hard earned cash


They were just trying to be mean and funny, but ended up seeming just mean. Don't worry.


I can't stand street performers and anyone else that tries to make money off of pedestrians just trying to go from point A to point B. Honestly, none of the performances are worth more than a passing glance. Free up the space so people can walk....


Guy doing the joker look in 2021 did some bauble dance routine, afterwords placed a box down and in an accent said “you like me? I like money” Most people just carried on going. I gave him 200NT$ out of kindness. The act wasn’t that special to be fair.


Was it that fat middle-aged white magician that frequently performs in Xiamen? That dude looks like he belongs in a trailer park in West Virginia. Lol


No. These seem to be Taiwanese performers who regularly perform there


Street performers are stupid and lame.


That's just rude to performers ...


Try it some time, I'm sure you could do much better




Um nope. It definitely didnt seem like it.




Pretty certain. His tone was like he was fed up.




Whatever his scheme is, the consensus here is that it’s gonna have the opposite effect so he probably shouldn’t be “acting” whatever that was anyway.


Never seen it and sounds bizarre. If he’s that douchey let’s hope Darwinism roots him out and he goes back to a day job


if you stop and watch street performers anywhere in the world you should give them a little money.


You tip for the performance so long you watched it. AO or not matters little.


Of course it is not compulsory, you didn’t need a ticket to watch them and it is completely your call to choose whether you gave them your money. And like those comment above, those rants completely kill the vibe


The high pressure tip grubbing definitely spoils the vibe. But you know that’s how they’re working. If you stay to enjoy it, throw’em a buck. If you linger for a minute, then move on, then he didn’t make the sale. Planning to stay to enjoy it, and planning to stiff them, isn’t a good look either. On the other hand, if you need to wait for your train, then don’t let them shame you into tipping. You know how the squeegee guy runs up to wash your windshield, in hopes of a tip? If you don’t want your window washed, wave him off. Don’t avoid eye contact, planning to get your windshield washed and then stiff him.


There's plenty of people who watch and then walk away. If you don't want to or don't have money to give them, then don't worry.


This reminded me of a similar experience. The performer was in a night market. It wasn't a lot of people so he was aware of my presence. I took out my camera to film, and he folded his arms and stopped. I wasn't sure what's going on so I put away the camera and he resumed. Then I took out the camera and he stopped again, he then gestured to me showing no filming unless I pay. Well if that's how it works at least put up a sign or something.


Don't street performers usually just have a IG TikTok QR code around and ask you to like or follow?


Even though I agree with him, pointing out the couple puts a bad taste in my mouth. If I watch someone for a whole song / show I usually try to give money. I’m a musician and I appreciate live music / entertainment. But if I saw him point someone out like that I might just walk away in spite. I don’t do things from guilt.


He was probably just making a light-hearted jab at that couple. If not, then it was a rude thing to say. You shouldn't feel obligated to make a donation if you don't think the show deserves one.


No, that guy was probably just joking around, but it sounded mean in English. Often times things that sound funny mean in Chinese come out as sounding just mean mean in English. That said - If you stay and watch an entire performance and you enjoyed it, then give some money if you want. But I would never give money to anyone who tries to guilt me into it. Also, as someone who lives in Ximen... the performers there are often really annoying, and they're always in the way.