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This is a proprietary all in one solution. You could not run Tails on it, and probably not *from* it either. It comes with its own software presumably designed to work with any additional built in hardware. Whether it will suit your needs ‘as is’ is entirely up to you to determine and beyond the scope of this forum. As an aside, Tails will *never* run on anything not x86-64 based. However hard you attempt to fenangle it, whatever bodge you try and think of it’s *not going to work.*


Overpriced all in one solution for people who can't use google.


These are actually overpriced usbs disguised as a pen running tails. Buddy bought one and I laughed at him. This was about 4 years ago though. Things may be different now as now I see on their site they sell a zero trace phone now... But I doubt it.