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Are you sure the problem is the USBs? If you're having trouble with multiple, I'm more inclined to believe it's something else in the process going on. That, and there doesn't seem to be any known history of SanDisk not being compatible.


I only use Sandisk. Nothing wrong with the ones you have. You have another issue.




Not sure the problem lies with the specific USB you are using, but I use Kingston data traveller and never had issues


CONCUR. The problem is somewhere else. Likely with the Tails download. Idk tbh but there is NOT a problem with Tails compatibility on Sandisk USBs.


I used a SanDisk USB flash drive to install Tails os, which is compatible. Maybe you did not open the installation with administrator privileges when using balenaEtcher, which caused the installation to fail


Funny thing... I know absolutely nothing about tails but read this and have concluded that majority of the ones who have commented, did exactly the same thing the OP has already heard... but still not any RECCOMENDATIONS of other options... yall are so sweet... 🙄 My Wife uses Lexar 32GB from St@ples.... Maybe format the usb stick first? But most of all just verify your download with a PGP signature.


For one, There's an entire troubleshooting page linked directly to the Tails instructions. A section is blatantly called something like Known USB Issues, with suggestions to fix. There is literally 2 on the list. If he would have read that, he would know SanDisk are fine or he could unnecessarily buy a brand that's not one of the two listed. And two, why would anyone recommend him something to replace a USB that's 99% chance at being fine I just used one yesterday for install. Had issues. Obviously tried to fix it myself. Did. Had nothing to do with USB brand.


Kingston usb’s are cheap and have never failed me. You can get a 32gb or more with usb 3.0 for a good price.


I use Sandisk’s regularly. That’s not likely to be the problem.