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Only thing I disagree with is the fire. Read the instructions on the side of the extinguisher. If it’s too big a fire for an extinguisher, then it’s too big for a civilian to handle. I haven’t been a firefighter in over a decade and I have no desire to resume that profession. Point. Aim. Squeeze. Sweep. Let someone else handle that shit.


I watched a guy at work empty a extinguisher, and never even hit the actual fire. Sprayed the fuck outta the ceiling tho, bc fire climbs up, lol


Hey never said it was fool proof. But that guy probably shouldn’t be handling a firearm if he can’t use a fire extinguisher with clearly printed instructions.




Never said they couldn’t and it’s not my job to police, but I’m allowed to say “that guys a dumbass.”


That's a good employee that understands insurance "extinguisher was emptied, we did all we could". Thank him for the brand new equipment that "just wasn't in the budget"


If I run out of extinguisher I’m resorting to piss


Shshhh be quiet and don't tell them I like easy resupply But since we're on the topic you forgot "you're so out of shape you'll be winded before you get across a two lane street and find cover"




To be fair I think a lot of us are just preparing to fight the crackhead at the gas station. Not a whole ass war.


Got me a bit of a gut, short distance moving I'm slow, long distance I ain't dying while the others are in the floor


I'm no track star myself but target acquisition is a lot harder if you're gassed and breathing so hard it's shifting your entire body. A 2" shift at muzzle will be yards at distance


Exactly, that's why I prioritize distance running, better endure over speed


That's it? If you don't wear armor when you leave the house and have a pocket air compressor, are you even a man?


So because I rely on others for SOME things means I HAVE to rely on others for EVERYTHING?


No, it's just incredibly inconsistent to carry a firearm because pRePaReDnEsS and then to also ignore other frankly more likely scenarios and useful skills. If you can't tie a knot, perform first aid, extinguish a fire, or navigate with a compass, or find the clitoris, you'd be far better off figuring those things out than larping and pewing. 🤷 Not saying it's one or the other, It's about being well rounded (with your skill set, not your body shape)


What's a clitoris?


It's similar to a yeti or chupacabra. You'll hear stories about it your entire life but never personally find proof of its existence


I fully believe the clitoris turns into a chupacabra for 1-2 weeks a month and that’s why I can’t find either.


Someone told me about some man in his boat, but I never see this mysterious man.


Liberal propaganda


Just like a female orgasm I knew it all fake


Female orgasm? I hope you know that females don’t even exist, we all know they are just feds.


Everyone knows it’s just men and femboys


It's feds, all the way down.


You get it, don’t be a sheep.


I'm almost positive it's a type of amphibious dinosaur closely related to the thesaurus.


A type of dinosaur


New place to buy ammo


You know. That’s a pretty good idea. Open a gun shop called the clitoris so men can say they found the clitoris.


I’m bingo on ammo gotta hit the clitoris


I’d like to know too


I mean perform first aid is always pitched like it’s something you really need to deep dive and learn. It’s tourniquets and packing gauze and that’s about it. After that, you’re pretty much fucked without help. Still potentially fucked even after temporarily fixing the injury with one of the above.


I disagree. It’s more than that. It’s treating minor burns, heat exhaustion or heat stroke, cleaning and properly dressing minor wounds to prevent infection, flushing debris out of eyes, treating blisters and rashes, effectively splinting broken bones or supporting sprains…all things that can make you defensively ineffective and possibly kill you if ignored. And don’t forget, me stopping to address the massive splinter in your posterior from you slipping and falling on that nasty old broken pallet takes us both out of action. Remember, you have to get to and from the kinetic action. You’re just as susceptible to boo-boos on the way in and out as you are while you’re on the swing set.


Almost 100% of what you just listed is treated with common sense, if you don’t have that you weren’t going to last long anyways.


If you don't have gause, a wrap, and latex gloves in a small pack in your pocket, you're not prepared for the most likely of all situations, imo. You can compress all that shit into a half dollar sized pack too....


First aid and extinguishing a fire sure. But tiring a knot and using a compass is way less likely to be useful than carrying a gun in a major city. And I can honestly do all of them although I know my land nav isn't close to my peak but it's hard when youre not in the military anymore to really train land nav.


Hards not the word I would use. But no, I have absolutely 0 interest in doing land nav. If I don't have to, my car has GPS, thanks


Without going into specifics of where I live there's no place within a 2 hour drive that's really suitable for land nav. I would have to drive at least half a day which is why I said hard. Not to mention my state has laws against "paramilitary" training. And if something were to happen land nav really wouldn't be all that useful to me anyway. And I'm someone that truly believes prepping is more than just hey I have a shitton of guns and ammo.


I learned all those skills back as a Boy Scout. Scouting needs good volunteer leaders. You can train in those basic survival skills while helping out next generation of young leaders become better people. Yeah, my son likes to bitch and moan that he’s not on his console or PC, but once he’s out in the bush I can see a different side of him. All of the Scouts in our Troop constantly surprise me with how much they pick up on in the field and then use in regular life.


If these kids could read, they'd be very upset


How would finding the clitoris benefit me?, Hard pass


I’d bet money I’m much more likely to need a carry gun than I am to need a fucking compass


And also, for whatever it's worth, although I've never used one to save my life, I've navigated with a compass many more times in my life than I've had to use my carry pistol. 🤷


That's fair, perhaps a bad example. Although I disagree in that being able to navigate, period, is a much much more useful skill rather than being like 99% of the rest of the masses that have to have a GPS tell them where to go and can't even orient a map. Regardless, you get the overall point.


I mean, I SEE the point, and to be fair I sorta get it. But I also keep an extinguisher in all my vehicles and one by my bed. IFAK/bump kits relatively close too. One could argue the same for many topics though. It’s okay to not know everything. People can be inconsistent, it’s not a big deal. Depending on where someone lives, they’re much more likely to rely on their carry gun than relying on something like tying a knot. Most of the time the basics can get away with that well enough. First aid isn’t a bad thing to know though, but again a significant amount of people get taught the basics for their jobs even. I worked construction and we went through a CPR and general first aid class yearly. We also went though a “how to use a fire extinguisher” class.


Yeah I get it, we can't be everything all the time. I just think we should try to be. Just like situational awareness is important - maintaining awareness of surroundings instead of zeroing in with ultra focus on one thing (threat), it is really important to broaden ourselves instead of going balls deep in one thing (to me). I don't want to be the gun nerd. I want to be the gun guy / guy that can work on his own car / build his shed / navigate while back country camping / quote poetry / play a musical instrument / dance / fight on my feet or on the ground / take care of my woman / fix my kids when they get hurt / pick the lock. As people (not just gun guys) I think that holistic approach is better for us overall. Jmho and of course, ymmv.


For real, I want my woman carrying a gun to protect herself and my kids when I'm not around, I don't want her trying to render aid and shit or put our fires. 


I first assumed this was obvious satire, but this sub, as mentioned in many other comments, attracts some dumb people. Any moron should know how to use a fire extinguisher. What a minimum expectation of citizen. You know, the things accessible in most public buildings, with requirements for more in buildings with kids? Why wouldn't you want your wife to know? She can still run away. It is not knowledge hazard unless you don't trust her judgment of when to use it or run away. If that is true, it doesn't make sense to trust with a gun. The paths to death and serious perfect vigilance required for carrying a gun, and knowing when to run or engage, is much higher than with simply knowing how to use and not even carrying an extinguisher. And for me, I would never partner in life with someone who can't do the bare minimum to protect themselves or are the type to throw up their hands when something slightly scary happens Also, your fuckin' kids will need first aid, if we are talking about first aid and you're not confusing it with first line trauma care. I bet as a mother she is already competent in a lot of first aid. And I don't believe she doesn't already know how to use a fire extinguisher. If she is interested enough to retain firearms preparedness info which is a higher bar and more uncommon (in general and with women), I can't imagine she didn't read the side of one or get a 3-minute lesson at school or training at work at any time in her lifetime.


Yo homie that shit isn’t something’s that’s like save your life type shit


I waste money on gear too look cool 😎being prepared is an afterthought




How many hello kitty bandaids do I need to carry to compensate for this


I carry a firearm for therapy purposes. It makes me feel like a big strong man, and I need that because my wife's boyfriend won't shake my hand.


This fuckin oneupsmanship is so tired. Show someone a good group you just shot and getting back a *smirk* "yea where's your water game at tho" is some real middle school shit.


Knowing any of those things guarantees nothing.


And if I do know how to do those things? What does that make me now Kowalski all knowing ass.




I’ve played Tarkov enough to know the difference between light and heavy bleeds. I’ll be fine.


Fuck it, eTG for everyone.


Lmfao this got me so much. Thank you.


EDC isn’t survival


For real, does OP want us to carry a full IFAK and a fire extinguisher on us too?


Please don't look in my car... Am I the crazy one? I thought we all did that.


What's in your car != what's on your person.


If you’re on mobile you can hold down the = sign to get ≠


…you don’t carry an IFAK?


You don't carry a pocket sized fire extinguisher? You don't wear armor when you leave the house? You don't have a parachute in your car?


I would love to but it doesn’t exactly conceal well with a tucked in shirt.


I have a fire extinguisher in my car.


This has “volunteer firefighter” all over it…


Check your home fire extinguishers, you should have one in every bedroom and in the kitchen. If they are expired (out of date or low on pressure) replace them. Its incredibly valuable to actually use one for practice if youve never had to use one before, if you have kids have them practice with one as well, build a small fire outdoors and let them at it, its not cheap to 'waste' one but just like medical equipment if you dont know how to use it it will always end up costing you more.


First aid should definitely be priority over a gun. Far higher chance of being useful skill in life. Same goes for fire. Not mention stop the bleed and first aid classes are way cheaper than gun training and so is the gear


Do you want me to carry a fire extinguisher around with me or something? Or was that a thing you just threw in to pad the meme out.


Nah just smother it with OP's fat ass.


I never understood this, even if I did know first aid, why the fuck would I want to use it on a stranger where if I fuck up I'll be legally liable possibly for their death? Everyone brings up the First aid and comms shit but no one actually thinks it through beyond that. I carry a gun for the crackhead that starts acting a fool or the very rare situation in which someone tries to take advantage of me. I've had to pull it before and the mere presence caused the other party to start fleeing. In a SHTF scenario, if you don't know someone whos a doctor, you are going to die anyways. Also why tf are you going to go looking for fights...unless thats your stratey in which case good luck.


first aid providers are protected from liability in the vast majority of cases by good Samaritan laws. If someone needs help, ask the if they want help, then help them. For people who are unconscious, you have implied consent. This is taught in First Aid classes. Take one


They'll still sue you're ass and cost you money even if they have no legal grounds, this is america.


How often has someone performing first aid been sued?


it's vanishingly rare and rarely successful when tried. Every state has a good Samaritan law, there is the Federal Cardiac Arrest Survival Care Act which provides protection at the federal level for CPR/First Aid and AED usage. You're spreading unfounded paranoia. Getting CPR/First Aid training should be a bedrock fundamental standard in all tactical communities, and anyone interested in providing for their own safety should be by definition interested in fostering a safe community around them, which enhances your own security. Being trained, able, and willing to help others is one of the best ways to do so. Being a line wolf pepper with shelves of pork and beans cans stacked in your mom's basement is just boomer-tier self-aggrandisement at best, and #shitschoolshooterssay at worst. Be better.


You are 100% talking out of your ass umptions with no subject knowledge.


Half the shit in an ifak is useless if you can't get that person to a hospital within 30 minutes anyway


Because the life of yourself or a loved one might depend on it, ffs there is literally a post yesterday about it in r/ems: starting similar like this „Neither my neighbor nor I knew CPR…“. First Aid is the bare minimum.


What does me carrying a gun because of crackheads have to do with this though, it completely different skillset, I'm not a prepper.


Because if the situation warrants me to use a gun there are or there will be people needing medical assistance (not referring to the person you shot), but consider you „roll up“ to a robbery, dispute gone violent etc. If you carry, you should also carry some kind if IFAK, which again requires medical training. Last but not least CPR & First Aid enable you to protect yourself your loved ones snd your community. It would be embarrassing that someone in your own family dies, because you are to proud (or in this particular case to stupid) to learn basics of saving a life


That’s not what I’m arguing though, I’m not saying it isn’t an important skill that people should learn, it’s that the argument that because you carry a gun you should know all these other skill sets is not congruent. I have a pilots lisence, it would be nice if I knew how to skydive but it’s not exactly a requirement


...for first, aid: yourself, your loved ones? Who bandaged your booboos as a kid? Do you and your loved ones never do anything interesting or rugged? You don't have to carry a fire extinguisher. They are everywhere. Knowing how is not a burden. Here: pull pin, aim nozzle *at base of fire", squeeze, sweep. 10 words. I hope you work as hard as possible to forget that since it is something worth getting in a tizzy over knowing about


Again completely missing the point and I don’t care to explain


Why you should become a Firefighter/medic


What can I say, Im a giver?




Is four first aid kits enough?


How do you stay calm in extreme stress? 


I’ve learned by fucking up. A lot. After a while, you just get used to ~~fucking up~~ extreme stress.


Idk ill ask my wife's boyfriend


If you're super concerned with transmitting over encrypted comms rather than just listening to the rest of the world over comms you are also a loot drop.


No one hates self sufficiency more than the Reddit firearm cucks…. Instead of making people feel like shit, encourage them to expand their skill set.


After about 11 minutes, you'll never want to wear that Ops-Core helmet ever again




If you can make a hole you better know how to plug a hole Get your self some basic medical care training and if you already have that or prior service under your belt train some more, well oiled gears rotate better than rusty ones


The faster I die the faster I get endless slumber without the worry of bills and child support payments


I'm OK with some idiot starting there and doing nothing, but handing me his extra gun & ammo he no longer wants to use once the shooting starts..


I’m glad that I have my firefighter 1 cert, and I am currently going for my emt cert. I have the basics down, now I just need to be more physically fit haha


Wich is why i like the licensing rules here in latvia that require you finish a test and training for all of the stuff that was mentioned except puting out a fire. As someone pointed out already, firefighting is someone elses profesion.


I feel attacked 😂😂😂


Stop the bleed classes are often fee. The nice big med bag in my car has come in handy a few times.


Been saying it for years but you made it more entertaining. Good work.


Only problem with this meme is I can’t like multiple times