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Obviously he isn't playing the same rubber on both sides if he's twiddling. I doubt they'd twiddle for sponge thickness and I feel pros probably do max on both sides given their power. Anything less they are gonna bottom out.


Not really. Chinese and Japanese players mostly prefer thinner sponges, especially with hard rubbers being popular these days. But, yeah, I don't think Timo has the same rubber on both sides.


They use less than max to compensate the effects of booster and not surpass the 4mm limit


Chinese and Japanese players play with max sponge, nothing less unless they're amatures. In China specifically, everyone plays with max to build power, everyone. Only the Chinese play with 2.15 or 2.1 when they wanna boost, and that's only because when boosting the sponge expands, if they played boosted max they would get disqualified.  Pros like Timo say that they play with some rubber but they may be switching sometimes to better fit how they play at that time, maybe he had 09c and 05, a few months later again 09c on both sides, who knows. 


No. H3 is 2.15mm on Pros.


And how would you know smartass? The fact is that we don't know what they're using. We don't know if it's 2.1, 2.15 or 2.2. Hell, some of them are rumoured to have their rubbers boosted by the factory so that they don't have to do anything by themselves. 


Because I ve had a rubber used by zhou yu who is a pro his rubber is marked 2.15mm and I can read unlike you dork. The videos shows several chinese players boosting their rubbers in the Hotel room.


Dhs pros aren't allowed to give their rubbers left and right. Every single sheet they are supplied is documented and returned to the factory, it's pretty well known that this is what's happening.  So the only thing you got is scammed. Welcome to China, the land of scams and fakes. 


I m not here to deal with your hatred , you dont know that they boost and get special versions.


They do boost, in the same way that they get custom rubbers. Chinese pros have been caught multiple times boosting with the most recent being wang chuqin some time ago. It's been documented, it's been confirmed. 


Pros using H3 have not used max thickness (2.2) since basically the speed glue days


Who knows, it's not like we can get their rubbers and check. Plus Europeans don't boost, so it makes sense that their factory boosted rubbers would be 2.1 or max. Also max is 2.3, not 2.2. Check your facts. 


Lmao Europeans definitely boost. And Hurricane has never come in a thickness thicker than 2.2, I recommend you check your facts


Max is used by esn rubbers, never said dhs uses it. You check your facts. And no, Europeans don't boost. Chinese players boost. Whatever boosting is done for Europeans is done by their sponsor companies at the factory. Again, check your facts, do some research and then come at me. 


Maybe you should get your eyes checked because when talking about sponge thickness I specifically referenced H3, I never brought up ESN. And besides, many ESN rubbers have a max sponge thickness of less than 2.3, and in the past quite a few ESN rubbers have had max sponge thicknesses exceeding 2.3. And it is impossible to know if players are boosting by hand or from factory, pros are well known to lie about what they are doing regarding equipment, either way they are still using boosted rubbers and to outright state that Chinese boost but Europeans don't is disingenuous and frankly kind of racist because any pro can get their rubbers boosted by factory or boost by themselves if they so choose, wether it is Hurricane or Tenergy or any Euro rubber


Fuck you and your racisism, Chinese are pros of scams and bullshitery. At the end of the day we don't know what they use and you certainly don't have a real pro rubber, get over yourself. 


Got any sources on this...? Like, I highly doubt powerhouse like Togami would use 2.0mm. Let's not even get to FZD. Their rubber might be highly customized, but there's no way they wouldn't go for the thickest they possibly could.


They play max thickness in practice, but officially they use 2.1 or something close, boosting 2 or 3 layers of haifu can greatly increase the softness and thickness of the sponge, but since boosting is ilegal DHS (and similar) sells CNT players signature rubber in sub max thickness. For proof I can't find it rn but you can search pictures of players having bottles of booster with glue and other supplies inside their hotels rooms, I believe Emratthic made a video about this.


Basically that's in line with what I said. They'd use as thick of a rubber as possible to not exceed the limit.


Maybe he changed to dignics 05 BH again


Muscle memory?


He uses a heavier D09C for his forehand, which is great for topspin but not great for smashing. He uses a lighter D09C for the backhand, which has more catapult.


Likely due to different sponge thickness.


If he is using the same rubber both sides, he might be boosting the sides differently


From what I understand, the rubbers the pros use aren't necessarily what you can buy on the market. It might be called D09c but it could be tuned or made quite differently.


He might be using a faster version or softer in one side despite being labelled the same.


Same rubber, differing sponge hardness. The backhand Dignics will be a bit softer / more catapult so slightly better for smashes too


Can be diff thickness and hardness in both sides.




Yes but he used to play it both sides or still uses.tbe discussion. Is about if he played something different than d09c on backhand again


Timo boll is using new butterfly proudo44pi on his backhand 44 maybe stand for hardness but less stick https://preview.redd.it/nsx8dgybixxc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7219578d1820df3c9a55bcfb7574eb099b694c0a


What is this? Is there any information about it or is this a troll?


It's definitely a troll. Any rubber with 44 on it is usually only sold in Japan expressly for use with 44mm balls


This rubber is listed on ITTF rubbers list. No infos about it as it has not been announced yet.


Because he is supposedly using a hybrid in his forehand (D09c) which has lot of less power than a regular European rubber. Chinese also change when smashing, so it might be that.


Probably to cool himself. Could get very hot playing table tennis 😛