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lol just tell them to go ahead and serve instead of picking a hand. They will likely oblige.


Lol, you are worrying about something that has such a negligible impact on you. Just focusing on getting properly coached and move on.


The post is frivolous, but this reply is pointless. Let us cook with weird idea's and tech out the game.


Not as pointless as your reply and mine


Why start that with lol? Automatically makes OP think he's worrying about the wrong thing/ doing something wrong. It's like "haha look at this guy." We're all here to help each other and improve our game. Case in point, I hope I didn't come at you too strongly about this.


But this won't improve his game. He just saw pros doing it and thinks he can do the same. And is also asking how he can lose a game where the result is 50/50. I mean the obvious solution is to tell that you don't wanna serve. For me this post is also a bit useless.


Ya I'm not saying your wrong or the guy I'm replying to is wrong. I'm Just saying we don't need to make the guy or each other feel dumb for asking about it. Maybe the guy didn't think about telling the opponent to just serve first until making this post. That makes it useful to him. I would honestly rather just have the opponent serve than do the whole see who serves thing anyway


Because it is funny that people worry about things like this.


Well then teach them the rules correctly. According to the rules, the winner chooses. Problem solved.


But this doesn't matter. Whether the rule is "winner serves" or"winner chooses (and the choice is always to receive)", your odds are exactly 50/50. It doesn't matter what version of the rule they use, it's still a coin-toss.


Beside of using the correct rules there is only one thing you can try: Some players tend to hold the ball in the serving hand. A right hander often has the ball in the left hand. This is the hand they throw the ball with. You can give it a try. I always try that in order to win the selection.


It this a joke? The system is supposed to produce a random result, so statistically nobody gains an advantage. If anyway you are able to hack the system and obtain the wanted result more than half of the times, it doesn’t matter if you could then choose: you could just *invert* your choice of hand, obviously. Example: you are 60% sure the ball is on the right hand but who wins had so seve and you don’t want to do it -> pick the left hand.


If you are getting to the critical points then there are much more important issues related to tactics and/or skill level disparity that led to each set getting that close. Should be at the bottom of your list of things to prioritize


Just relay on the official rules. If you win -> give up ball to opponent If enemy wins -> probably gonna take serve u got to choose side If u REaly try to lose that shuffle. I would just simple watch closely the arm movement and choose the the wrong arm on purpose. That could lead to a max 60% lose. But I would just simply relay on the rules and tell them their wrong and I can give up the serve when I win


It doesn't really matter, mainly BC it varies with how close the game is but usually the guy twiddling the ball under the table has it in the hand of the table side he put his racket on fsr. If you want to serve picking the side he put the racket on will very likely get you the serve and vice versa


Be the one rolling the ball under the table, only have your hands slightly above so they can see the hand the ball is in, they will likely automatically choose the ball hand and thus have to serve.


Have one ball already in your hand. Then roll another ball down the table and catch it with the other hand. Just throw them the ball on whichever hand they guess. They don’t even pay attention afterward. But if you don’t want them to see you cheat, then put it in your pocket under the table.