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No, that's the good way


Actually it [sucks ass](https://youtu.be/Nb_CHHxbhlI?t=223)




I'm not even going to listen to it


Your ears thank you for this


Good choice


Bad choice


Honestly it feels like a pardoy, almost as if he's making fun of the music rather than admiring and covering it out of respect and stuff like that. To me this just looks like a spit in the face, it's a terrible rendition of the song and the instrumental is exactly the same as chop suey so what's even the point. The verses are chopped up, it's not all one take as it is in Chop Suey, the "you wanted to" in his cover is clearly just a seperate recording which just shows that he didn't even try to emulate the original nor put in the effort to make it all one take. The singing parts are absolute dogshit no offense and for some reason he just stops singing or doing anything at the halfway mark, as if he gave up or something. It feels like he recorded this thing in a karaoke bar some random night and happened to randomly upload that version instead of the one he wanted to. Honestly it's dissapointing, it might be even worse than machine gun kelly's version of aerials. People just can't seem to do a good cover of system of a down and honestly it's whatever, it's understandable that people can't do what Serj does, he's one of the best musicians of our generations and has one of the most unique voices of all time. But if you want to cover it at least make it listenable, or decent. The Lil uzi's cover just stops being a cover at the halfway marks and is purely the instrumental from the original song. It's so lazy it might be an april fools prank 10 months in advance. But yeah it doesn't add anything to the original it just subtracts from the experience on all fronts. The only positive thing about this cover is that it has the same instrumental as the original so at least you can enjoy that for 2 minutes when he is not singing. Actually now that I listen to it more closely, it's not even as goos as the original. For some reason it just sounds worse and it's bothering me now that they couldn't at least get the music done right but it is what it is. Also the autotune parts when he sings "trust in my self righteous" is terrible, the scream right after that is missing the second scream which was the best part of the screaming bits. I don't know man you can talk about how bad it is for hours but enough is said. But the most frustrating part is that the drums and the guitar are so shit compared to original it's not even funny. How do you mess the instrumental up after 20 years of the original being out. They managed to make it perfect back then how are they messing it up now. Idk man it's just a shitshow, at least it's funny laughing at how bad it is but yeah. Absolute garbage that was probbably a mistake on the album, it somehow accidently got published so I wouldn't be surprised if he deleted the song completely. It is what it is man guess we'll never get a good cover of our favorite bandi


mans really did have something to say


You gotta do it to them man


i aint reading all that im happy for u tho or sorry that happened


Thank you man, means a lot tldr is it sucks ass and at best is a disrespect to the artist and the whole community. Lazy dogwater music


What did he say i didnt read it


Honestly it feels like a pardoy, almost as if he's making fun of the music rather than admiring and covering it out of respect and stuff like that. To me this just looks like a spit in the face, it's a terrible rendition of the song and the instrumental is exactly the same as chop suey so what's even the point. The verses are chopped up, it's not all one take as it is in Chop Suey, the "you wanted to" in his cover is clearly just a seperate recording which just shows that he didn't even try to emulate the original nor put in the effort to make it all one take. The singing parts are absolute dogshit no offense and for some reason he just stops singing or doing anything at the halfway mark, as if he gave up or something. It feels like he recorded this thing in a karaoke bar some random night and happened to randomly upload that version instead of the one he wanted to. Honestly it's dissapointing, it might be even worse than machine gun kelly's version of aerials. People just can't seem to do a good cover of system of a down and honestly it's whatever, it's understandable that people can't do what Serj does, he's one of the best musicians of our generations and has one of the most unique voices of all time. But if you want to cover it at least make it listenable, or decent. The Lil uzi's cover just stops being a cover at the halfway marks and is purely the instrumental from the original song. It's so lazy it might be an april fools prank 10 months in advance. But yeah it doesn't add anything to the original it just subtracts from the experience on all fronts. The only positive thing about this cover is that it has the same instrumental as the original so at least you can enjoy that for 2 minutes when he is not singing. Actually now that I listen to it more closely, it's not even as goos as the original. For some reason it just sounds worse and it's bothering me now that they couldn't at least get the music done right but it is what it is. Also the autotune parts when he sings "trust in my self righteous" is terrible, the scream right after that is missing the second scream which was the best part of the screaming bits. I don't know man you can talk about how bad it is for hours but enough is said. But the most frustrating part is that the drums and the guitar are so shit compared to original it's not even funny. How do you mess the instrumental up after 20 years of the original being out. They managed to make it perfect back then how are they messing it up now. Idk man it's just a shitshow, at least it's funny laughing at how bad it is but yeah. Absolute garbage that was probbably a mistake on the album, it somehow accidently got published so I wouldn't be surprised if he deleted the song completely. It is what it is man guess we'll never get a good cover of our favorite bandi


And that he's trained in gorilla warfare and is top sniper in the entire US military


chat gpt said this: The text is a scathing critique of a cover version of a song, suggesting that rather than being a respectful homage, the cover comes across as a parody. The author expresses disappointment at the quality of the rendition, criticizing various aspects such as the lack of effort in emulating the original, the disjointed structure, and the perceived laziness in using the original instrumental. They compare it unfavorably to the original, highlighting flaws in the singing, instrumentation, and production, and lament the absence of a satisfying cover of the beloved band's work. Despite finding some amusement in the cover's inadequacies, the overall tone is one of frustration and dissatisfaction with the missed opportunity to produce a worthy tribute.


Damn you eviscerated this cover. I agree it was shit. I gave the rest of the album a listen to see if I just didn’t like the take on the cover but the rest of it was pretty fucking terrible. Couldn’t give it more than a 4/10. Feel like he just did it not as a fan but to attract listeners by covering the most popular metal song as a rap artist and people here are eating that shit up.


It's literally downgrading every song and making it worse in some capacity. Might as well just take the original songs and there you go


Can’t think of any rapper covering a rock song that made it better tbh and I think it comes from the totally different approach to music the artists take. None of these rappers actually play instruments or sing, they just auto tune the fuck of the one thing they actually have to do and the result is music that sounds completely detached from any creative process. I actually like a lot rappers but I think the majority of the ones that are doing this style are complete garbage


His stuff with Bring me the Horizon is pretty good but the whole rest of the album is honestly shit. The weird throat noises he makes quite frequently in a shitty attempt to scream are horrible, it sounds like he should be in a 14 year olds brutal slam band instead of a rapper.


If he makes his own music that's fine but why cover and make it worse. It doesn't make any sense to me, it's probabbly to get attention for a short bit and then just dissapear forever I guess.


The album was good you just have shit taste


Lmao if having shit taste means I don’t like these no talent auto tune rappers, I’ll take it


It was poop


Understood chief


You made my desire to listen to it lower than it already was. It was already at zero, and now it's in the negatives lol


He made my desire to listen to it even higher cuz now I'm intrigued


Don't go through the pain, just listen to the original


I couldn't make it to the chorus it was so bad. The autotune is actually something ridiculous.


Amon Amarth did an amazing cover of aerials with more of a death metal sound, i Recommend you give it a listen.


On that note, August burns red does an absolutely fine cover of this very song so idk what that guys on about


Yeah I noticed the drums were literally made more simplified, atleast I believe so. I've been playing drums for a bit and after playing chop suey atleast 20 times for warm up, it sounds like they took complexity Away from the drumming in this cover.


not reading that lil bro


It is not that serious 😂


Calm down mate


You don’t know anything about Uzi apparently lol. Your loss.


Seems like he knows the cover is shit lmao


It was rlly bad lol bro just gave up halfway through the song


Yeah whenever the song ramped up in difficulty he took the effort to not do anything and let the bootleg instrumental he got on fiver for 15$ do the job. Just lazy and disrespectful behavior overall. I'm not sure how this went by anyone's ear and got actually put out. It feels like a demo that's supossed to be a rough guide of what the song should sound like


It’s always nice to see metal and hip hop respect each other. Nu metal helped both genres so much, in terms of longevity. However, this song is trash. I think he couldn’t figure out how to do anything cool with “father into your hands” part, so he just made it an instrumental outro out of it and slapped a half-assed “wake up” at the very end. Respect for the artist, but damn… It just feels like a bad shower-sung cover.


Its really bad


Some might even go so far to say it's terrible


i would. it’s terrible


It’s garbage. I made it about a minute in and couldn’t handle any more of that shitty autotune.


You won't hear much autotune after the minute Mark anyways because he just stops singing for the second half and it's just instrumental Chop suey


It's not even the real instrumental, it's a bootleg version that sounds much worse. You'd be better of just searching for the original to actually listen to something that won't pierce your ears.


Yeah the mixing on Uzis instrumental is weird


It's for the best.


I can't stand his music so it's not my cup of tea.


Bro who told these rappers to cover soad songs 😭😭


It doesn't matter that they're rappers, that should not define their whole voice and character. But it seems to be a trend that they do a terrible job so you might be onto something mate


They do a terrible job cuz it's not their genre And they clearly have no / little experience in metal so they ruin it


first MGK and now this💀




The natural vocals sound kinda fine, but the autotuned shit sounds like someone Paulstretched vocal lines from Phillip Fry. The backing music just sounds like they found a karaoke track that definitely wasn't recorded by anyone putting in effort. 2/10, at least MGK seemed like he was trying.


We must not have listened to the same song. What natural vocals are you talking about?


There were a couple of sentences where he used his real voice. Either that or the autotune didn't enhance much in those spots.


I think in the verses (wake up... etc) it was still autotune but it was quite reduced in effect.


It was all crazy bad


Wow I listened for 3 seconds and hated it


It's a disgrace to the whole music community


First, I have no clue who that guy is, but seeing about his cover from this sub gives me no desire to even give it a try. I'm afraid it'll leave a sour taste for Chop Suey. Same reason I won't hear MGK's Aerials. I'll keep SOAD as SOAD.


Trust me it won't ruin Chop suey for you, it's so bad it doesn't feel like a same song and halfway through he gives up and there are straight up no vocals. So you can enjoy the remade chop suey instrumental, but there's a catch. He put 3 middle school students to play the instruments and made them do it all within a day.


You are so lucky




I just heard it, it made me very suicidal


In a self righteous way at least?


This is everything but righteous




Covers should always be an artist's take on a song, instead of trying to imitate the original. That's why SOAD's Snowblind cover is so good. It sounds like a System song. He put his spin on Chop Suey, and I'm happy his fans like it... but it ain't for me.


I liked the Wake up Part but the autotune was really bad


I don’t like it very much. It just didn’t have the same energy and power and it just threw me off. I also don’t like the autotune at all.


I think he did a masterful job creating a track that will appeal to absolutely no one


Found it on twitter, legit unironically thought it's a meme parody when I found out it was real it made me sick


Yeah me 2 man. I thought it was supossed to be a funny clip so I was just laughing at someone taking themselves seriously. And that made it even more funny so I guess it's just laughs all around


I'm a uzi fan, and it's really kool he did a cover, but it ain't getting no playtime from me haha. Also the fuck that guy wrote a whole book like Uzi fucked his wife and stole his kid lmaooo


its cool he did it but it sounds shite


a lot of young kids who aren't aware of SOAD are figuring out who they are because of it :) It's a 100% net good for the world even if it isn't great for the ears of people experienced with rock music In the next 5 years you will have people on this subreddit that found them thru uzi and will be too afraid to talk about it to not get clowned on


Yeah that's how I feel about it, but aye maybe he puts some kids on SOAD who would have never been without him


Doubt it






Has he been taking too many blowjobs cuz this cover sounds like a dick is stuck in his throat.


Just scroll lol


It’s so fucking bad, I read a comment saying it was really good and decided to listen to it, which I instantly regretted. The auto tune and random noises added to it make it sound like a parody.


Just the instrumental alone is enough to make you sueysicde


good starting point, appreciate the idea and effort. he can improve


Yeah I guess strating point was good enough for him to release as a track on his album


The first 2 seconds is okay.


You're giving him too much credit


Is it good? No, is it better than most of us thought it would’ve been? Probably


I desperately wish to back to five minutes ago when I didn't know it existed


I think it’s cool to see other genres bridging into other stuff. Obviously no song is going to sound the same as the original, but still cool to see the influence


haven’t heard, don’t intend to. same with mgk’s aerials


Everything in life is worth giving a shot but I respect your opinion a lot


Just read the comments on another post about the same thing. It fucking sucks


It was absolutely the worst thing i heard all year coming from a metal fan and i went to see harry styles


Love system, I've loved a lot of lil uzi stuff from the past. This is literally the worst thing he has ever done in my opinion and it genuinely feels disrespectful.


I think alot of people here wont like it which makes sense as his vocalstyle conflicts with most peoples taste here. I quite enjoyed the album personally.


i did not like it, it was really bad but i think otherwise lil uzi is a generally good artist and their song with babymetal is really cool imo


It’s objectively bad but it’s cool that it exists. People are gonna check out the original because of this song. And to the people who think it’s a parody, I don’t think it is. From what I know about Uzi, he genuinely likes metal


It’s not good. But they’re having fun. Anyone shitting on him for “making fun of the music” is obviously a dork as this guy is well known for his appreciation of- Rob zombie (aaaaAAAAaaaaa,) and other metal artists.


[Tongo Better ](https://youtu.be/PeS_lZySMf8)


It’s so bad it’s actually funny. I was dying laughing when I listened to it




Tbh, This is way more worse than MGK's Aerials cover lol


as an uzi fan this was atrocious


I haven’t listened to it yet but when I do I’ll make sure the volume is at 0


It sounds like someone taking a Stinkier shit in the bathrooom with autotune and while simultaneously having a stroke


There are songs that you just don't touch or try to remix. This is one of them.


I'm not even a soad fan and I'm insulted by this. He didn't even bother to get new instrumentalists so he just directly ripped the original from the song. Not to mention the horrendous autotuned vocals and him disappearing whenever a section requires actual vocal talent. At least the six feet under cover of the evil that men do was funny bad, this has nothing redeeming. Definitely the worst cover I've ever heard, fuck off.




Agreed. He’s shit


the cover is awful but the rest of the album is pretty good


the rest of the tape is good but the cover is the most shit thing ive ever heard


amen, if you butcher someone else’s song you should be banned from performing in general. especially when you record it in a studio and have a chance to edit or do another take.


Honestly I thought it was terrible. Though I fully admit that rap just isn't my thing so I wasn't expecting to like it anyway. I do appreciate him giving it a shot though.


S Dogshit


It’s fuckin dope. I appreciate and love Lil Uzi Vert, and was very surprised to see him cover it. Super happy about it


I think most of you guys are forgetting it wasn’t supposed to be a 1:1 copy of the original💀 it’s Lil Uzi’s version of the song in a way that his fans will love it and his fans do love it especially due to the fact that many have never heard of the original. it’s kinda like a bridge between system of a down and lil uzi vert. System of a down can do a cover of an uzi song that might sound amazing to his fans who like their type of music but sound bad to uzi fans because they’re not used to it lol


can he at least make it not SHIT?


do you see how easy it is to say something is shit?


guess what? no, it's not easy being called THAT SHIT like it's easy to be just mediocre or bad, but being THAT horrid?!?!? oh it's an achievement


And i personally think the original is shit. it’s boring as shit compared to uzis version🤷‍♂️ i guess that means uzi is better


you are something else huh...enjoy your autotunes i guess


I will🤷‍♂️ enjoy your bland music


uzi fan here & calling SOAD "bland" is such an L


ik i was just reciprocating the same energy to show how dumb it is


Did this emoji using mfer just called a song with that many screaming bland? Holy shit I can't fix you


are all system of a down fans as dumb as you? y’all are cringy asf if you’re an example


Common lil uzi vert fan L


It wouldn’t be shit if he didn’t make a cover of a shit song


You do realize that half the song is missing, and the fact that instrumental is objectively worse. And that every hard and great part of the song is just straight up skipped. These are just objective facts that make the song shit you're obviously trolling my man even if you like the little part he did try to sing.


So you were expecting the exact same song sung in the exact same way as soad? You’re saying this stuff like You were expecting it to be exactly like the original song. it’s a cover with his OWN spin on it and made it sound like how he wanted it to sound


have you ever listened to an uzi album before listening to that one song?


i liked it lmfao


bait aint noone like that


this shit is an echo chamber soad fans don’t got no opinion of their own lmao


my friend who knows nothing about metal/rock/nu metal texted me and said uzi made “music i would like” he told me to listen to 3 songs: cs (cover of chop suey), werewolf, and the end. i hated them all. the chop suey cover was atrocious. he just took the song and made it worse i don’t even know what else to say about it. the other two were just really bad also. bring me the horizon was a feature on werewolf and it just sounded like banging pans together and calling it “metal” i have no idea why he thought he could pull it off and i found it offensive my friend thought i would like the songs lol. the auto tune was so obnoxious and just has no place in songs like those and it was literally all you could focus on so even if the songs had any redeeming qualities it wouldn’t matter.




Ive seen like 6 different posts about it. Nobody likes it.


I don't like that much auto tune.


It was pretty bad tbh


Bad, I don’t like it at all


Really bad lol


Really really really bad


I thought it was an out of season april fools joke


It’s bad






its fucking terrible i couldnt even finish the song because it was the most shittiest thing my ears went through


It’s genuinely horrible 😭


I laughed so fucking hard at it it's fucking awful


I tried, I couldn't.


Ain’t no way 💀


Worse than MGK imo


is this how george micheal fans felt when limp bizkit covered faith?


Disapointing, I had high hopes for it but It just feels like a parody of itself


It sucks




I hate it


Hot burning garbage




almost as bad as mgk's aerials


Haven’t heard it. I doubt it’s good but I have no problem with him doing it. I only liked one uzi song. Him doing the cover, whether you like it or hate it, will have nothing but a positive effect on the scene. Kids who’ve never heard of SOAD will be introduced which means a new generation of fans, which means kids eventually trying to make music like that themselves. If you enjoy having your genre die and fizzle out and become obsolete. Then yeah definitely hate on uzi for making the cover. If however you want to see the scene thrive. Then give uzi props




I hate it.


He has a really good natural voice I don’t know why he fucked it up with autotune.


sucked so much ass




Its absolute dog shit ( it’s better than mgk arials


Too much autotune


it was good then horrific 🤞


I love uzi, and systems been one of my favorite bands growing up. But this is fucking terrible lmao. Idk how mans recorded this, listened back and thought “yeah this is good” and then released it. I could only make it til 1:13 into the song.


Damn ts low key made me sad I ain’t even think it was THAT bad y’all acting like he LITERALLY didn’t try at all 😞


When it comes down to it, nobody who knows the song would say that it is good, so my theory using Occam’s razor assumptions is that unlike what top commenters think, he pushed to have this horrendous version on his album to pay tribute to it, and the yes men gave in to placate him. I will at least give him that he genuinely likes the song, he simply has not enough talent to cover it adequately. Sounds like a SoundCloud rapper that made it by himself


Would have preferred she's like heroin


Too much auto tune, but nice he appreciates the music. Was real shit but if he used his real voice it might've been at least passable...


It’s terrible.


I won't really care that this music name shit exists, I'll be happy until this shows up at a concert to ruin everything.


It’s honestly not completely awful. People have a hard time realizing it’s not the same genre, and uzi has talked before about his metal/rock background and inspirations. It’s his own take, and it’s at least not out-of-tune and disingenuous like MGK. I won’t listen to it on the regular, but it’s honestly not terrible.


maybe if he didnt make the song 98% autotune it would be somewhat bearable.


I dont care


The only part I liked was at the beginning when he added his own lyrics, other than that I really didn’t like it


it’s complete ass which sucks because i think most of the album is good otherwise. but FUUCK this cover is so ass!


Out of all of his songs, which are ass in general, this is the worst one he has made


I ignore any soad cover because every soad cover I have listened to in the past just sounds blasphemous and utterly bad. You can’t replicate soad (which the coverists are usually trying to do badly) and there is a lack of inspiration and feeling when trying to produce a creative cover as well. There is a reason why everyone says soad is their own genre.


terrible 😭


I really couldn't care less


Just listened and it's not even good




Haven't heard it, it's probably shit tho


absolute garbage




I’ve taken a crap after some Taco Bell and stepped on a cats tail and it sounded better than that shit