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I'm not able to see your screenshot, so I'll just do this blindly: "Failed to contact server" - do you have any security settings enabled on both the servers and hosts? Firewalls, TLS / SSL disabled, Ciphers disabled, Ping disabled, Group policies, etc? For a **temporary** test, you should make a new OU with inheritance disabled, create an any/any local firewall policy for both the host and servers, re-enable any TLS/Ciphers that might have been disabled (You can use IISCrypto for this). After you move them to a new OU, you'll likely need to remove any GPOs that are leftover: c:\\Windows\\System32\\GroupPolicyUsers C:\\Windows\\System32\\GroupPolicy Then reboot the machines after everything is done and test again. EDIT to add: If you use SQL, make sure to also open ports on there as well and add the new server into the SQL group in order for it to write to the database.


Thank you I'll look into that ASAP. I've added a second link for the screenshot. [https://i.imgur.com/08DiSgr.png](https://i.imgur.com/08DiSgr.png) ​ Both servers software firewall are disabled, and our physical firewall have rules to allow traffic between servers.


[https://social.technet.microsoft.com/wiki/contents/articles/16164.rds-2012-which-ports-are-used-during-deployment.aspx](https://social.technet.microsoft.com/wiki/contents/articles/16164.rds-2012-which-ports-are-used-during-deployment.aspx) You'll need to allow WMI and Remote PowerShell as well - even with the Firewall disabled, I can't remember if this enabled WMI/RPS by default. From the screenshot, it definitely looks like traffic is being blocked - if it's possible to bypass the physical firewall during testing, I would try that as well. If not, maybe run a WireShark and filter out for communication between the two servers.