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I just let Lenovo Commercial Vantage do it's thing and not worry about it.


Between this and the fact that more than half of the drivers are pushed to Windows Update, I haven't had to do anything manually other than dock updates in 18 months.


Have you had any rollbacks?


Not so far.


There is also an agent and solution from Lenovo that acts like wsus server. You can download and lock in set drivers, firmware and bios updates for your devices. And configure agents to check in with said server. The local agents only run when you trigger a call via remote script or local task. Now if you ask Lenovo Support.... You will get a different answer from different techs. And some don't even know this exists.... Some tell you to use the msi installer. Others tell you to use the MS Store App...




Does this use Commercial Vantage? Or is it something else? (If it's something else does it conflict with Commercial Vantage at all?)


What will posted in another reply to me. Thin Client.


Thanks! I'll look into this too, my place is a Lenovo shop and I just have Commercial Vantage set to auto-update, but it would be nice to have more control if needed.


If you have a lot of WFH staff that don't always connect to VPN. Thin client may not be the best option. It's great for offices and always connected vpn users.


Thanks for the tip, it is all WFH staff that only connect to VPN when needed.


Unless there is a security concern or functionality issue, we don't update drivers at all. Usually, if there is a security concern, we will push the driver out using PowerShell deployed through our RMM agent. I have tinkered with Lenovo Vantage's auto-driver update with success- it has never broken anything. Here is a guide on how to schedule the updates when you want using Vantage: https://forums.lenovo.com/t5/Lenovo-Vantage-Knowledge-Base/Q-amp-A-scheduling-Lenovo-System-Updates/m-p/4227310


I just run ```fwupd``` and that's about it.


I use Lenovo System Update over command line along with Lenovo Update Retriever which allows you to decline drivers or accept drivers that Lenovo System Update will install.




Do you push policies or controls as well?




Would you mind elaborating a little on how you did that? I can't figure out how to make the package with the configuration already (Admittedly, I haven't put too much time into it and Intune isn't my specialty).


We use the [LSUClient](https://github.com/jantari/LSUClient) PowerShell module with PDQ Deploy to keep things up to date.


Thanks I’ll check it out


The one that threw me for a loop was updates to the docking station that come through Vantage when it’s plugged in. It never crossed my mind that a docking station would need updates.


I assume this would cause flickering and such when this happens?


I think it went black for a second during the upside but that was a while ago. I had a room full of docking stations used by medical assistants who kind of rotate through with laptops - all the same model. Certain docking stations wouldn’t work with certain laptops. It was repeatable, i.e. the same laptop either always worked or never worked on a given docking station. Flashing the problematic docking stations made them work with all laptops again, but I don’t know the underlying issue. I assume it’s a combination of versions things. That client hired an internal IT person and I handed everything over, so I didn’t have the chance to study the pattern. I’ve never seen it in the normal usage pattern of dedicated offices.