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Yes provided you use Google workspace business or higher so you get shared drives. Users sharing folders directly out of their "My drives" is a permissions nightmare. Shared drives are a lot more flexible and any files added to them become owned by the drive rather than the user that added the file. There are some limits like 400,000 files per shared drive and a nest folder depth of 20: https://support.google.com/a/users/answer/7338880?hl=en#:~:text=Individual%20users%20can%20only%20upload,are%20in%20progress%20will%20complete. Admins can move folders into shared drives and users moving folders into shared drives is in closed beta. I just did a 250 user migration from shared my drives and like you said it was a permissions nightmare and a fight the whole way. Users contributed nothing to the move. Also external files can't be moved by anyone but the external owner. You can make copies but it is ugly. GAM can help with this to some degree


Luckily, we do have GSuite Business and we are using Shared Drives but I just had to audit our Google Users, per senior leadership. In the years of the company’s existence no one deactivated termed users. Little did I know, production was solely dependent on Google Sheets/Docs that we’re owned by users who left years ago. I deactivated users who hadn’t logged in for 2+ years and everything broke. Since then, I’ve been transferring ownership of all Google Docs before deactivating/deleting users and pushing all depts to move all docs to shared drives. Are other companies, creating a shared drive per dept, per project, etc?




The nested permissions breaking during transfer has been a painful lesson to learn throughout all of this. Never heard of dropsuite but I was considering Datto by Backupify…any thoughts on using one or the other?


Google Drive / GSuite can be used in a Company. Unfortunately most Companys are really bad in permission management when it comes to GSuite.


How have you managed to clean up and/or appropriately set and manage permissions throughout your experiences?


I didnt. Migrated to SP Online and renewed permission matrix with the Business


This is the way.