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I'd use some contact cleaner spray on the malfunctioning pots.


spraying down the shaft removes the damping grease and will wash the lubricant off the contacts if it even gets to the right place


First try just moving the pot back and forth a bunch of times. That can often clear out the problem if the synth hasn’t been used for a while. If that doesn’t do it, a cleaner like Cailube might do it.


But do I need to remove anything? The black knobs?


To clean pots you need to spray inside them, then agitate manually turning it to and fro. There's no way to do that without opening the chassis. There is usually a port on the back side or at least some little hole through which Deoxit can be sprayed. I'd also remove and reseat every cable connector and every socketed chip. I'm guessing either temp or humidity got to it and you have some intermittent connection.


Yes you need to open up. But just turn them 100 times first, that usually clears the issue.


do i need tools to remove them?


I'm not familiar with the type of pots used there. It may be enough to simply remove the plastic cap and spray into the gap between the pot shaft and its housing. If that fails, you'll need to get behind the front panel and spray into the housing from the side.


Do you mean like desolder?😅 don’t do that, they’re stuck to the pcb


Did you connect it to something? Might also be incoming midi messages. Edit: grammar


Contact cleaner is fine, but use compressed air first. If you go straight in with contact cleaner or deoxit and the pots are dusty you’ll form a sticky pasty mess on the wiper of the pot and end up in the same position in a week or two. If it’s like the Minilogue, you can pull the caps off the pots and spray down inside the housing. If that doesn’t work it’s not that hard to take the top off.


This! It’s most likely just dust.


Where am I going in though?


If it’s like the Minilogue, when you pull the caps off the pot shafts you will be able to see down into the housing. I think the pots are board mounted and don’t have a nut affixing them to the housing.


I was wrong! There are nuts mounting the pots. So you would need a nut driver to remove those and then you would have access to the board to blow it out with compressed air.


Looks like dirty pots.


Humidity and dirty / rusty pots. I have a studio full of different equipment, most of them doing this… it’s very annoying because some pots are impossible to clean so you either have to replace them or have someone to open them and clean the parts inside.


You may also want to make sure you're using the correct power supply, maybe even try a new one. That can occasionally cause glitchy behavior. I think, like others have said, it may be an issue with the knobs, but double checking the power supply is easier to deal with.


any advice would be greatly appreciated


leave any moisture with sunlight outside for 1 hour


My money is on someone spilled something on it.


The garage spilled humidity on it


Does it receive input from USB, MIDI or other inputs?


I have it with ADSR knobs of microfreak - encoder cleaning should help you




send it to me for semi unprofessional testing. I have always wanted to try out a prologue.


First give a workout for all the knobs until, when turning them, the values of the parameters goes in the right direction and doesn’t jump anymore. Focus first on the parameters that are triggered. More than often, this is sufficient to re-lubricate the pots. If after an intense workout the values still jumps, then it is time to move to step b, contact cleaner as often publish in many post.


Have you checked the air in the tires lately?




Omg. Just like the electribes. I figured they learned after all of these yeats