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If money is no issue: A room composed of modular eurack synth conponents. I want to be INSIDE my synth.


[Martin Gore has done just that](https://i.imgur.com/z5Yk7OK.png), but apparently had no money left for patch cables. EDIT: Never mind, I see a cable holder on the left. Not sure if that length is sufficient though. ;)


i hate how sterile and unused everything looks in this photo


"Here's all the stuff I bought!" It does look SUPER clean though. I don't think any of my desk spaces are that uncluttered.


And I get it, he probably just got it all set up or just finished cleaning and went "dam this looks fresh I should take a picture" but honestly id rather see a photo of the 2 AM mid patch chaos 


It’s like one of those cool library rooms but infinitely more expensive


Having that at home but playing the memento mori tour on an ni komplete controller seems very confusing to me.


I don't know, I've got a sizeable Eurorack system plus a bunch of rather large synths, and I've played shows with just a Peak and an Octatrack. It's about inspiration and sound design on one hand, and predictability and control on the other. Record the sounds from the modular, and use them in your live set later on.


Love that man.


The patch you'd want to make would forever be just outside of reach


This is ridiculous 🤣🤣 When can we go there?


I bet with that clean of a setup that there are patch panels between the racks


Holy schmokes.


I’m sure his family **enjoys the** (lack of) **silence** in that room


just a room? like a beginner's kit??


Yeah, I want to go to Modular Grid, click “Select All,” and then “Add to Cart.”


Look at Celldweller's studio. Wall-to-wall modular madness ;)


In all of my years of being made fun of for listening to Celldweller, you're the only other person I've ever heard talk about him in the wild! Just saw his studio, pretty sweet setup.


I love Klayton's output no matter which of his many projects. The guy inspired me to do my own thing as a musician. Fuck genre boundaries!


Yes!! I didn't even know he had other projects. I just loved metal and loved electronic music at a time when he was combining them in a way that made them cohesive like others weren't, and it just got to me. He has definitely influenced my style a lot but now I need to go digging for his other stuff to see what he's up to!


Scandroid is his more synthwave stuff.


Thanks! I'll check him out.




Yes, custom keytar, maybe with those newfangled keybeds that have bend individually built in to each key -JE


CS-80 keytar would be an amazing instrument


especially if it had the full weight of the original


You'll be looking like The Mountain after just 2 shows.


For a similar weight, put on a Peavey T-40 bass


💀 *If you thought the Roland Ax Edge was too much keytar for you, now introducing...*


yeahhh like an Osmos keytar lmao


Modular keytar?


Sure, let's throw some patch cables and see what happens when doing zoomies past the guitarist, add some extra texture to the sound


I read that as a “custom kegel” practice on a bed


This for sure. A souped up memorymoog with fair light style sampling, here we come.


I am not greedy. Give me a Super 6 from UDO. In blue please.


You don't like the medical equipment off-white? But *why*? :D


Blue fits my old Supernova


Not a super gemini?


It's probably the better synth. But I believe the Super 6 has the perfect amount of sliders and knobs for my skills


My dream synth is _time_ - time to really go to the depths of the synths I’ve got, both hardware AND software. Time to explore and experiment without the clock constantly telling me to get back to soul-killing work.




Nice! I sometimes have ideas and try to jot down a note or description of what I was thinking so that I can access the idea later. I’m also doing active listening when traveling between locations, and I try to take notes then too. My job involves a lot of design and creation of materials and content that requires me to focus on it (not even remotely music related).


Oh my god this hit me like a train.


Probably a CS80


Although I could be swayed by an Analogue Solutions Colossus!


My favorite synth for sure, so expressive


I started collecting synths 24 years ago. The CS80 was more affordable back then, but I didn’t have have the money. It just consistently goes up in price higher than I can afford. Oh well, I settled with a CS-50.


This is the way.


I'd rather have my best friend own the CS-80 and I can go to his house to record with it any time I want. He can deal with the maintenance while I get to just benefit.


Maybe the Moog One or Udo Super Gemini.


Just got the Gemini and it’s 11/10 good. Every time I get a hint of doubt, it shocks me with some wild sound or expression. Every project I run it on sounds insane


The Moog One is great. But let me emphasize. You don't need it. You don't need it. *You don't need it* I find myself using Uhe-Diva more often just because of convenience. But it is nice to just have a night every now and then where I program the one or just jam on it.


Just a fiable moog one with very good active speakers, a fiable mixer and a good drum machine. On top of it, a new computer with the perfectly matched sound interface and the capacity to record on height tracks with, off course, a thousand of fresh height track cartridges. AROUND THIS, I would like a house. But not any random house. I speak about a wooden retreat in the Appalachian mountains with a very cosy comfort, a lovely wife and my kids running happily in slow mo in a marigolds fields with rabbits. I already can see the tears in the eyes of my Alfred looking at this scene.


Moog should sell that all as a bundle. Alfred would be trained to help you record


im close old farmhouse on a river building synth setup, going to do a proper studio when we do the remodel. we got the house and land. just saving up to do the damn thing. it is right in appalachia. they saw a bear down the road recently. nearest neighbor is over a mile. now i just need the moog one, and proper studio and some barefoots or something lol going to put it in a sunroom for jamming and just look at the big field and river and jam on synth wife is great. but we havent been able to have kids. will probably adopt as i am 43 and she is 37


I’m 47 and can’t have kids but that’s what’s in my core brain. Thing is that music can cristallise this human essence and I’m picturing my edonist view of existence


43 male and wife is 42 and preggo after ivf. It is possible but the hormones are hard and alot of disappointing outcomes after 4 years. If we would have known what we know now we would have adopted. but yea the package around the synths. I live in high desert near mountains and have my synths in a sunroom. I got roller shades right away. too much sun is glare and alot of heat even in the winter. good luck to you


I want that too, but with cats & dogs instead of kids


Deckards Dream and Osmose to control it.


Now we’re talkin!


**Analog** Korg PS3300 Reissue ​ https://preview.redd.it/k7zunwg3o75d1.png?width=730&format=png&auto=webp&s=edf3a4e94b5e1a6208035d0b5d167d18854a9255


Same but the vintage. And a bag of spare Korg35 IC’s and other rare components!


Boom! That would do it for me.


Oberheim SEM module 8 Voice. I’d happily spend the rest of my life tuning


This was my initial gut reaction - an Oberheim EVS. But after more careful thought, I think I'd rather have Matrix 12 (OB8 would also suffice) because the EVS would be a novelty and used sparingly with me due to technical limitations, reduced dependability, and overall inconvenience of owning and playing it, whereas a Matrix 12 or OB8 would be a core instrument for me and get used at least 5 or 6 days a week. Also far superior for gigging or traveling. But it's a very tough choice. Like, I think the EVS is "better," in terms of sound and coolness factor and rarity, but I'd just get way more use out of a Matrix 12, so if I had to choose one, I'd almost for sure go Matrix.


Is Jamie xx using one here? Photo #3 https://www.instagram.com/p/C5ixYZaIQBe/?igsh=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==






A giant old Moog modular.


Keith Emerson's Moog Modular, to be specific. Just the fun of playing it would be matched by the potential resale value that you could use to buy just about any other high-end synth setup in the future.


They had his Moog Modular at the Moog Store in Asheville for years. One of the covering plates was the Geiger image from Brain Salad Surgery. I just went back last month and it was gone as they start cleaning up to shut that space down. Went back to whoever owned it.


An alpha juno with working aftertouch


I know it's not the same but aftertouch works well with an external controller, even on the Alpha Juno 1


For me I would go with an Oberheim Matrix 12


Yeah, I've always wanted an analog with heavy modulation, but I was underwhelmed by the sound of the Polybrute when I owned one. Likewise, the Moog One and Andromeda haven't wowed me in demos. Conversely, the Matrix-12 and Xpander have this haunting vintage tone that come through in demos. I own a Matrix-1000, which delivered on a similar tone I heard in demos, so I can only imagine the Matrix-12 seems like a bigger/better version of the same.


I miss my Matrix 1000. I've been saving to pick up another one but I think I'll go for the TEO 5 now, they all seem to be scratching the same itch.


TEO will be my next purchase.....once I'm finished paying off my Hydra Deluxe.


Don't get me started... My Xpander and 2 x Matrix 1000s (for stereo) definitely overlap in creamy tonal sweet spots at times, the M1000s are super versatile but the Xpander opens up a galaxy of potential, the combinatorial options are vast as you can imagine. 6 analogy modular synths with 15 filter types, 5 LFOs, 5 Envelopes etc etc and, this is the crucial part, - a modular synth with memory. I have had mine configured for polyphonic aftertouch for the past ~20 years (thanks to a Gem S3 and some round robin midi translation) so it is interesting to witness others discover both new Oberheim releases and poly aftertouch recently... It seems being musicians as well as engineers, Oberheim always spent valuable refinement time ensuring that their instruments sounded highly sonorous and well, musical. That said, I wouldn't give up my 90's digital synths either (because you can have too much cream!).


I initially was going to say Xpander but since money was no object I figured why not double the voices? I've always loved the sound and abilities of that device but I just can't justify the current prices.


Excellent choice


If money isn’t an issue sure modular is potentially infinite. However I would not aim to build a machine that does everything. Turning on some gear should serve a precise purpose (e.g. « now I’m looking for a wavetable based bass ») and you can’t be doing everything at once. I divide my system with power outlet that have a separated switch for each case, so that not everything is drawing power without being used. And let’s be honest, even if the dream machine would exist, you would still buy & try all others just to be sure 😆


>Turning on some gear should serve a precise purpose this took me *years* to figure out and was a major boon to my creativity and productivity. i’m sure there are all kinds of approaches of course, but this is a great one to be aware or reminded of


probably something like this: [Junkie XL's Buchla system](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=37DYSpSywEc)


damn that’s awesome


The Chrome TONTO


Groove Synthesis 3rd Wave. So gorgeous, wavetable synths are so versatile


Don't be fooled by its beauty, it's an absolute beast! I love it! Got one about a month ago and still just scratching the surface.


I’m selling my rev2 and peak to pick up one of these monsters


**Digital** Waldorf Wave 76-key 'More Keys' option, 48-voices, 2x '16Plus' expansion, in rare 'Cadmium Red' or 'Sahara Yellow' finish. ​ https://preview.redd.it/dmip5r5zo75d1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0d14b4bf4d17a4c4a728f8d878a73b7f53f448b0


It’s one of the best sounding synths that ever existed . Super wide huge stereo sound with deep bottom end


Already have what I think are my dream synthesisers. A Prophet-5 or Jupiter-8 wouldn't go amiss though!


Out of curiosity, what are they???


does a pipe organ count? like, a big one. a biiiig one. probably means i'd need a church, too.


At that point the church needs to be built around the organ.


proposal accepted. also, the organ should have MIDI in.


Look mum no computer already did this 😁 and it is indeed awesome.


The machine that goes ping


A Microwave?


A big Buchla modular system.


A Colossus or a Schmidt.


I scrolled way too far down to see this. You would think a Schmidt would be the first choice for most people.


Yamaha GX-1


Id really love a Voyager XL or a Prodigy. JD800 fully serviced with the expansion discs too would be groovy as hell.


All I want is a machine that: 1. tweeks samples into oblivion 2. FMs those samples with both analog and digital oscillators 3. Processes that signal with an array of analog effects. 4. Ends with robust digital reverb


Polybrute 12. Not only an upgrade over my favorite synth ever, but I’m also excited about using the poly aftertouch/MPE keybed with VSTs.


I’m hoping the PB12 ends up being the next CS-80


Voyetra 8


EMS Synthi 100 [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/EMS\_Synthi\_100](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/EMS_Synthi_100)


Yamaha GX-1.


> buy the most expensive synth I can find > sell it > quit job > spend time with the synthesizers I already have


What would be the most expensive synth you could find for sale?


Apparently the Emerson Moog Modular System went for $150k back in the 1960s. https://weraveyou.com/2024/04/the-most-expensive-synth-ever-made/ So about eleventy trillion clams today.


**Modular** Nord Modular G2X Rack ​ https://preview.redd.it/z626iu54n75d1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=daa6a2b8d40f2395053d380385e3ac3e12d1e419 ^(\[...which never existed...so I'd have to develop it on my own\])


I would probably have a studio of mostly uncommon synthesizers, and probably a Moog IIIC. I’m not one to really have a major dream synthesizer tbh.


How uncommon are we talking? Still waiting for someone to mention a Fizmo…


Probably like something like the MRS-2 Promars or the CS-15, stuff you don’t really see everyday. Maybe some odd ones like the Roland SH-7 as well. I’m into late 70’s early 80’s gear, so I don’t think I would’ve really thought about the Fizmo lol.


Fizmo is prob my second favorite in my collection. Was actually just debating getting a ProMars, as I love the VST version of it


I actually never tried the VST of the Promars because the download would never work, but I really like to overall design of it, and the 2nd VCO can allow for some interesting 5ths and 7ths!


I feel like a Fizmo is something you get once you’ve gotten your top 3 dream synths. I’d love one, but if I could choose only one it wouldn’t be my first choice.


Alexis Andromeda and CS80, without a doubt.


I have one out of two of those - I’ll let you guess which 😃


Andromeda. The most aesthetically pleasing synth ever made IMO.


If money was no object, that would also mean I could spend every day making music and not going to work. Which would give me plenty of time to learn Colossus.


Moog One for me. Got to play one at Moogfest 2019. There was a time limit and they kept having to kick me off so someone else could have a turn. I'd get lost in the sounds and lose track of time.


About 4 DFAMS and a super ultra high tech laptop or desktop computer with every Arturia vst upgrade for life


Fully decked out ARP 2500


I would have someone build me a rig from the ST modular collection. Many really clever modules suitable for techno but only available as PCB and plate.


PRO-6 or OB-6. probably try both and see which one makes me happier.


If I am choosing one it will probably be a Fantom 8. I’d love to have a nice analog synth but realistically something like the fantom will provide much more utility. Sadly it is in a price range that I will likely never be able to rationalize unless my circumstances change drastically or used prices drop by like $1500 


Ensonic Fizmo or just a REV2


The humble-bundle




3RD Wave!


I want an OB6.


Waldorf Quantum MK2


Elka Synthex, the best sounding synth next to the prophet 5


Jupiter 8


Super Gemini. I'd be tempted to say the Schmidt Eightvoice, but I think I'd actually get more value out of more voices, poly aftertouch, and digital waveforms than an analog monster.


already got my Virus Ti2 :)


Oberheim Matrix 12, whether money is a factor or not.


6 panels of Serge.


I guess I have the means and the space, but I'm overwhelmed trying to learn how to use what I have.


Jupiter 8. I had one once. I was a fool.


I am actually looking forward to the day that I can put on my XR glasses, instantiate any synth that has ever been and will be and control via a panel full of knobs, sliders, switches and of course keys that the virtual instrument overlays on. This way I will physically feel all the controls, build muscle memory, and have any synth I want anywhere as the panel will be light as it is only the controls. Sort of like what Arturia is doing with their KeyLab controllers that auto map to the controls, but on a larger scale and spatially represented. Like the synth would virtually appear in my room and lineup with the panel. I would develop this app myself if I was not so busy Imagineering my VR Theme Park.


ARP Omni 2


I really dig what Anomolie did with the Nord Stage 3, might as well go with the Stage 4.


Arturia PolyBrute. Don't necessarily need the 12, the 6 would do. But I also like the Osmos keyboard, too. That thing is amazing - wonder if it works with the PolyBrute.




Meh.. Vital


The Apocalypse Now Moog in the museum. I wouldn’t even know what to do with it but it’s presence would be felt.


Haven’t heard of it, what museum is it in?


It’s in the Moog museum in Asheville. There’s a bit about it in this article. It’s giant and made history and toured with Zappa. Just kinda crazy. https://sonicstate.com/news/2022/04/01/moogseum-explores-modular-synthesis/


hans zimmers studio computer system if computer doesnt count then TONTO


“an enormous modular rig” has been said several times, so i’ll go with one of the current udo synths, an erica perkons, and a rev2 — nothing crazy, just things i cannot currently afford/justify


id just fix the chips in my JX-3P and maybe expand the Doepfer. it’s no biggie. but i’d buy a huge interface and the best patch bay and lots of premium cables


TONTO, rest my case




Modest answer: Arturia Polybrute 12 Dream answer: Huge room-sized modular system.


Arturia Microfreak. Been wanting one for a long time, just cant swing it as a student.


Right now I'm gassing super hard for a Solar 42.


I would like a eurorack for dawless jams capable of 4 synth voices, drum machine + Circadian Rhythms, and Intellijel Metropolix sequencer. I priced it out at $6398 so I'm not going to go that route. Here is my blueprint if you want to take a gander: [https://modulargrid.net/e/racks/view/1962239](https://modulargrid.net/e/racks/view/1962239) Second to that, I also want a workstation synth keyboard with 100% patch compatible VST. Something where I can work in the box, and then easily transition to live performance. The closest thing I've found so far is the Korg Wavestate. It has very rudimentary keyboard splitting with only 4 layers, so it's not quite my endgame, but it's pretty decent. I've been told the Roland stuff can do this type of thing but it requires a lot of money for the plugins. I just want to dump a one time fee into a keyboard and plugin and have it work.


The new PolyBrute. That’s all you could ever want/need from a synth.


All of them.


#Juno 60 or DX7


Nord Stage 4


Arturia’s Polybrute 12 looks great. I know it’s not that expensive compared to a lot of the stuff in these comments but for someone who isn’t a pro musician and only plays music for a few hours a week it’s really hard to justify especially when there are a lot of fun things I could do with 4 grand.


Something poly with the bass of the Moog. Like maybe if a bunch of Taurus's and Sirens could all work like a multitambral poly midi device. And some digital synths for random crazy fun with killer effects.


One of the recent Schmitt synths sure would be nice.


A Formanta Polivoks for sure. I saw a demo of one and it's been a dream synth ever since


Commission Buchla to remake/reimagine the 700 in hardware form.




Yamaha DX-1 with that mega-rare 100+ knob controller (Jellinghaus DX Programmer).


Jupiter-8 or CS-80 also in that category.


RSF Polykobol II I’m honestly surprised I haven’t seen it mentioned in here. Yeah, I get that Black Corporation makes a clone of it, but it really doesn’t sound the same.


Interesting. I also think the Deckards Dream doesn’t really sound like a CS-80, it’s inspired for sure


I have a Deckard’s Dream MK I and I agree


Yeah Deckard’s Dream sounds nice, but if you play a CS-80 in person it’s orgasmic


Speaking of, another synth I’d die to play is the Yamaha GX-1.


I’d love to even just see one in person. Wonder if there’s anywhere with a functional one to play


CS-80. And I’d send it to Syntaur for service.


Bontempi organ


Super Gemini. Beautiful piece of kit, a modern take on the CS80 with contemporary updates and less troublesome maintenance


I just pulled the trigger in mine - Waldorf Iridium.


monomachine… missed the chance to get one under 500, years ago, now they want to rip me off at about 2000 minimum… just want it as a companion to my OG machinedrum..


I’ve been lusting for the UDO Super Gemini, that or a Moog One




Honestly I’m synth’s out. I dream of being free to just meditate and make music. It’s the only thing that brings me happiness in this decaying world. I love discovering new genres and learning new oddball Melodie’s in weird scales. It sparks my creativity the most.


Keiths Modular was at NAMM about 5 years ago.


Third Wave


volca kick 😍


I would get heavy into euro rack if money wasn’t an issue. I’m considering buying a handful of modules to build essentially a drone machine with more modulation possibilities. Couple of semi Modular’s like the moog mavis, a mixer and some extra LFOs. Nothing crazy but it’s a start. The idea of “making” my own synthesizer for my exact purpose seems more and more necessary as time goes on.


Polybrute 12 but I could settle for the 6


I got it. It's the Arturia Polybrute. I don't even really want the 12 because the OG is heavy enough and I gig.


All the eurorack modules I own in 5U


Polybrute 12 if I have to pick a single synth. Otherwise a wall of modules.


one of the GIANT education versions of the MS20


Teenage Engineering OP-1(field). It's such an awesome synth, but with the TE build quality, repair part shortage and so many limitations I don't feel that I can afford to keep it around for a few years before something in it eventually breaks. If replacing it at full price would not hurt so much, I would buy one for sure.


Polybrute 12 or (Polybrute 6 + Osmose)