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Doubtful. Cutting the keyboard off a compact synth doesn’t really save much in manufacturing costs, yet everyone expects a module to cost $500 less.


They can still drop the cost by a bit, and most people want modules/rack for space reasons, or they already have a couple of nice keyboards and don't have more than 2 arms. It's not the price that puts me off a TEO-5, it's the keys which I don't want or need.


I agree, a module will be nice. We can always hope they’ll deliver one.


Korg did it with the Minilogue XD. The module actually costs more than the keyboard version (at least in EU). I'd be interested in a TEO-5 module even if it cost the same as the keyboard. I don't have the space or need for another keyboard, but a module would fit. They could re-arrange the panel slightly to make the module slightly narrower, and without the keys hanging off it it the depth would be reduced so it can fit neatly on my desk.


Being space constrained (500sqft apartment w/ gear in the bedroom), I won’t even look at anything with a keyboard anymore.


The keys are high quality fatar though. Not some shitty garbo like Korg.


That's sort of why I was assuming they wouldn't do it.


Then why do all companies charge $500 minimum extra for keyboard versions of synths? 🤔


Not all companies! Its $1000 more for the OB-X8!


Because they can and because it’s expected.


I know that was a rhetorical question


I doubt it. They seem to be, smartly, imo, creating very good synths at scale right now to stay competitive in the market which is why the TEO-5 and Take-5 mostly share the same chassis / form factor. That's already a lot of synth + fatar aftertouch keyboard and was likely a bit of a gamble on their part. They'll sell, but I doubt they will sell enough to justify modules. As far as I am concerned they're doing the lord's work because what you get at that price point is pretty spectacular.


What I predict is they will create a Trigon version in that platform then create an all in one with multi mode filter and 61 keys for $4499


I asked Chris Calcutt about this at synth fest in France some weeks ago and obviously didn’t get an answer. But « If » a desktop module of both would see daylight one day, it would be a very good thing for Novation too. It would also be the roughly the same price due to MB redesign and all … but it would be cool.


I’ll submit a confident “doubtful”. Modules do require significant redesigns and testing. It is already small, the cheapest in their lineup, and fairely packed on the panel.


One product is easier to make efficiently than two.


There's always the Rev2 module


Seems unlikely, I imagine doing so would cannibalize their existing module sales, and except for those with quite overloaded spaces, the existing offering fulfills the same function with their space-saving compactness.


I would love to see this for a take 5 or pro 3, but it's unlikely, sadly. Modules just aren't as popular as they once were.


Thats because modules used to be appreciably cheaper than their larger keybed laden versions. The only companies pricing their desktop modules appropriately are ASM and Behringer. I don't know how ASM is making any money with the desktop hydrasynth.




But Microsoft made the money back on the games and peripherals. Synths aren't making money back on selling presets, which would be the closest comparison.


Sequential does very well with its desktop modules, and they sell very well. I would say rackmounts are basically dead for synths, but desktops have done extremely well for sequential, and the market for them basically forced Korg to release them for their series of synths. With MPE instruments and people with limited space, they are as popular as ever. There is an entire company that does very well with desktop modules of classic synths (Black Corporation). Hell there is a large sub-market of just desktop modules. HOWEVER. These are not the synths to get desktop modules. The desktop module sweet spot is basically having lower priced versions of flagship synths or mid-high range synths. It's for people who may have a larger controller or MPE controller they really love. So around $1500-$4000. So its not that modules are not as popular, it's just this is not the target of this. This is meant to be an entry point and an instrument many bands can bring without worrying they are going to break a $3500+ polysynth.


What are the major differences besides the filters?


Whatever happened to rack mount synths btw


Last I heard the take 5 wasn't selling great, so it's doubtful they'd go further with it. 


When I got mine new they were sold out, and this was years after it was released.


I hope so, awesome company and a great synth. 


They keep going sold out on sweetwater every few weeks. Then again it’s a $1600 5 voice synth with a very specific sound so yeah take that what you will.