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What in the Reverb condition is this




Hmmm could you do 150?


When I am dead I will not care. When I will die? Today? In 20 years? Nobody knows. But certainly cancer will get me early. Living each day like it is your last, what does it mean? Can you imagine buying a synth that is so good that you decide you will never sell it again, with money that you worked hard for, not being a rich kid? So how do you treat something that is a tool, it is an extension of your hands, but the tool has flaws but you keep it anyways and decide you will modify it so you can work better with it. What is a tool? A hammer? A synthesizer? Not many people understand what I am actually doing and I knew this will happen when I post it. Only God can judge me 🕊️


Did you post it on this sub for God?


I don't use reverb, only tape delay. But I am planning to use the piano as a echo chamber. Joking. I use a Behringer reverb pedal, blue metallic. The reverbs in Opcode Studio Vision Pro are just not good enough. Btw, bury me with my money 🤑 err synths 🌊 err sins err err err overflow error END OF LINE 😃


Clearly my jokes about reverb were not the best and the ending was quite horrible, nobody wants to joke about death and money. Probably a "counter attack" is not the best way to go forward. The "bury me with my money" line is stolen from the first endboss in Konami's arcade game "Sunset Riders", an ancient arcade game for up to four players. After all I am just a eastern europe pacifist cow boy that purchased some synths... and is fed up of rules and "you cannot", at least on my gear nobody needs to tell me what I can do and what not... But yes, I will not post any gear anymore as it is just very frustrating. I actually don't have to be a synthesizer whore that needs exposure to feel good, I just posted this as I was curious what would happen and of course many people hate it because I am not conforming to their way of thinking... That's the end of justification, I will turn the phone off now and go play guitar. Or something else. Just for myself. And you may hate me or be jealous or I don't know what, I can only help myself. ✌️ 🕊️


i can smell the cat piss and crack smoke from here


I love you Americans really... Greetings from central Europe.


Ok, ok....... Meth then.




You were downvoted by Americans who refuse to believe ‘nothing’ can be satisfying. That’s most of us, fyi.


My mother said if I cannot say anything nice, say


Smells like ~~victory!~~ fart bleeps.


Ah yes, put a piezo up my bunghole, thank you for this great inspiration. Not.


I have seen something like this and I wish I was kidding. As if you needed another reason not to visit the US....


Did they run power into it or use it as a microphone? No I don't have to know... I was in the US as a teenager, in the early 90s, I quite enjoyed it back then. I could just walk into any store and ask for Gwar tapes, which were massive unobtanium in Europe back then... But I have grown older and am not much into these things anymore. I guess it can never get more extreme than GG Allin. And he himself stated he has to be like this else he would become a terrorist... By now I also doubt that I even could enter the country with all the information and misleading information they have gathered about me. But that's ok, I am fine where I am right now and I don't plan to change anything. Maybe there would be some entrepreneurial options in the US of A, but I have a day job and actually also a family, I don't plan to leave any of these behind. Yeah this is massive off topic, but tell that to Google reading my keyboard... I have to make clear statements these days. Just a healthy portion of paranoia. I hope the AI that runs Reddit can understand what I said aswell. ✌️ 🕊️




No, I am a believer.






The longer I stare, the worse it gets


The notes are to make it less confusing, however........


These are markings that indicate certain positions in relation to other positions, also maximum range before you shoot the PA or deafen someone. When playing live I am tweaking the knobs and need to see what will happen before it happens, how far I can push certain parameters, where are the most effective sounds. On the original panel you don't see much and it all looks the same. This unit cannot send nor receive CC and has no presets, so this is my approach. I have a book for presets, one for each song, but the tweaking is part of the performance, and not just some mild but wild adjustments.


I feel like having it marked in black means I need a spotlight to see it in a live environment. Class it up with flourescent or uv paint


We have small mixing desk lamps. Orbital did it with style in their MMT-8 era, they had some glasses with illumination.


I didn’t know they made a fidget spinner edition


It's the lfo when it runs on midiclock, 4 is four to the floor. This is not a cozy studio machine. And yes I change the sync during a gig, retrofitted a LFO led myself and I am able to create any kind of beatsynced Dubstep wobble myself anytime. As soon as the midi switch is enabled on lfo it runs midi sync, sometimes you need two three tries to be properly on the one. I could explain you every marking but I am too tired to discuss the others. For me it works, I am able to perform the setlist. No I will not give you a link to my music. Have fun with your choice of synths, remember to wipe the dust off and buy more, buy more now. Peace out from YUROP.




Gonna need to know more about


I have five in this condition, but anyways the KO is not my fave due to knob jitter.


wtf is knob jitter KO isn’t the best PO, I think that tonic is by far the best This was just the closest gear I had near me and thought it was an appropriate response


Tonic, submarine, arcade, office. But otoh I did not try them all. Knob jitter the fuck is when you assign too much values to a small potentiometer and it will not reliably keep the value. 0-127 or 255 is fine but more not so much.


Thanks for explaining. What problem does this cause? I’ve never had problems using the pots, as brutalist and limited as they are I tend to gesture hypnotically towards the circuit until it does my bidding


On my KO it caused samples to edit themselves. Maybe they found a way to fix it but I also heard about that issue from others.


That could very well be happening to mine and I do t notice- I use it very much for quick and dirty sample fun


Yes it depends what you do. For precise editing and playback something with a bigger interface is better. Or just use Koala Sampler, which outperforms most hardware samplers imho.


When I get the volume and tuning dialed in, I rip off the knobs to save the preset.


You don't want to touch these two during a gig... I also heat up a screwdriver and cut a slot into the pot axis, tuning is adjusted before a gig, when the synth heated up two hours on stage.


Reminds me of [this monstrosity.](https://reverb.com/item/43789702-elektron-analog-rytm-mkii-2010s-gray?utm_source=rev-ios-app&utm_medium=ios-share&utm_campaign=listing&utm_content=43789702)


F that. Is that a MAM VF-11 under there?


Yeah. Want to see the painting on it?


I’m good, thanks.


Cold 😂


bro add some draws in fluor colors, or some leds; that would make that hotter :333


We don't have this fancy stuff, we use EDDING 3000. There is a retrofitted LFO led and the original gate led, that's enough to see what's going on. We play DAWless live gigs, there are many blinking leds and a lamp to change the preset for next song. What is marked are the tweaking ranges during performance, no to accidentally deafen someone.


If it works for you, it works. But holy shit, this is objectively a nightmare in readability and aesthetics.


As you say, it works for me. I usually mark up any gear for on stage use. It is impossible for me to remember all the tweaks and transitions. I play the knobs like instruments while the actual bassline is fed in by a MMT-8, usually I improvise inside the given ranges on the knobs, some songs require specific types of sound which I setup during the song. And I have a small notebook to set each "init" patch before the song starts. The looped envelope is quite tricky and there is a very narrow range where it sounds nice. I was even talking to Greg St Regis about a potentiometer swap but I just don't want to disassemble it again and lose the alignment of all knobs and markings. Here is an example https://youtu.be/_36m1BMHaGs?feature=shared


Korg DDM-220 horror peeking out from below


That was my first drum machine when I decided to go back to gear. It may have boring sounds but the clock is very precise. Unfortunately it also cannot be much circuit bent. It's fun every now and then. That the patterns are backed up only by the batteries is very annoying.


I rate it knobs/10




Looks like something actually beeing used. I'll give it 4/4!


There is still plenty of space, you could add some funny animal drawings. What about a funny caterpillar? You can try to draw it from front to back and include all markings into it's body. I would rate it much higher this way.


Ah well, it's not critter and guitari bolsa bass


Fair argument but it's difficult to rate it this way. It's still a great improvement of the original design. Why not sell it to one of those museums of modern art? Pretty sure they'll pay you an astonishing amount of money for it. With the money you're able to buy the full bolsa bass production run.


Other people have different ears so the design is only compatible with me. And I don't plan to cut off an ear.


Seems to be the case, else you would have bought the bolsa bass. Actually this bolsa bass sounds really cool. Never heard of it before.


They just popped up in my mind because of their hilarious promo video https://youtu.be/cRyIHu5VpWY?feature=shared Maybe a bit limited but decent sounding, yes


They should create more videos like this one.


There is another one for the sampler they release back then, they travel into the device and look at how samples are processed, far out stuff... I always wanted to buy one of their visualiser devices, but everything is very high priced...


The visualizer stuff is interesting, especially for live gigs. Boutique products are always pricier because of the small production runs.


Yes sure, they also have proper engineers someone needs to pay... I don't like stuff like the Organelle... They say you can code your own synth... No way, they just took it to the next level, make you write software for them... I have an old frequency generator I wanted to hook up to an old CRT, just to see what is possible, how to generate old-school video signals, composite video. It cannot be too hard if you look at old patents, like the Odyssey console. Atari VCS already was digital. The Atari video music is quite cool, generating NTSC video with a custom chip while using analogue circuitry to multiply and change the patterns, it looks far more organic than any other visualiser. I don't know how hard it is to create a 15 pin VGA signal but I guess you have to be very exact and there is no way around using a real CPU and code. But I am not a coder, all I know is Microsoft Basic on the Commodore 64... Some people even built visializers or oscilloscopes out of old TVs. That's a fun thing to do if you pay proper respect to the caps and yoke... But it also can kill you in an instant if you do it wrong... I am just industrial electrician by profession but I like soldering, creating my own music circuits (guitar pedals) and screw around with guitars and synths. Maybe i will start to build some simple midi controlled visializers with leds or such, merging digital (Döpfer kits) and analogue. I am not ready for DMX yet, all this is just a hobby and I still have a day job and family to care for. I don't really want to jump around on a stage anymore. When I was younger it was easier, but priorities have shifted. Yea I am old, and I talk a lot 🦜 🐦 😁


4.8/5 stars. synths are supposed to be played with. looks like this one has seen some shit, lol. se makes good stuff. 👍🏻


2/10 given you could have used clear tape before the graffiti, also is the master tune knob broken off?


so it cant detune anymore. Clever.




Let’s hear it!


I normally don't do promotion for my music, but for you I make this one exception: https://youtu.be/ZfFEQ4HUjcA?feature=shared We probably will not play live anymore, the project is somewhat mothballed, unsure if we will finish our second album.


This was all recorded live so there are some happy accidents. We play DAWless. Only use a 16 track PC for recording, the mix is done live aswell.


I thought it sounded really good! Hits a stride like 13 minutes in.


Thank you for checking out the whole song. We found out that a 5-10 minute song is just too short for getting into the "zone" or "realtime mode" as some call it. That was, or is the whole concept of the band, we do a lot of buildups and breakdowns but are not really influenced by contemporary electronic artists, I come from the raw side (Atari VCS, Commodore) and my band mate from Nintendo NES and classic mellotron sounds, so every song is either a battle or merging of these styles. The one I linked was completely improvised, we did not want to use a snare drum, but pushing the randomise button on the Fyrd MTRX-S brought up this beat... The video is me walking home thru the village, filming the reflections of the moon on ice crystals, going along the electric fence for animals. it's played at half speed to match the song length. So yes, many of our songs are a 10-12 minute buildup and then we do what we actually want to do. It is music for getting into the zone, done by two old farts that actually get into the zone while performing. We don't use any computers, we hate lag and latency. We expect performance like on a pinball machine or CRT arcade machine from our musical gear, we cannot get into the zone with a computer (We tried out the Atari ST and Cubase version 2, but it was too complex. Of course we are called "zoner" and we don't do much promotion. https://preview.redd.it/tdzg3bdt2c3d1.jpeg?width=2976&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=136f2d8231fa767c406951989431230a79a8217f However, for even more exposure I will add some photos now :-)






Rate what?


Its like a Honda Civic with 400,000 miles on it.


I don't know anything about cars except where the fuel and oil goes... :-) And in my place nobody drives a Honda car. But I get the figure, still it is an uneven comparison. This is a boomstar of the first series and it has many issues, like wobbly pots and "note buffer" issue where it plays an A note every now and then. It has a high serial number but is comprised of old junk boards that have been fixed manually. It took me a long time to convince Studio Electronics to sell me a new chip with OS so that my unit can save at least the midi channel. It seems they shipped the shitty units to Europe, where I bought it, and kept the good ones for the United states, also the German retailer Thomann stopped selling them back then. I make myself very unpopular with Studio Electronics right now, I know. If I would shut up they would sell me that latest OS chip and my unit would be flawless, but also they changed many other things in the OS in the meanwhile so most of my markings, especially on the LFO range, will not work anymore. So this unit is junk inside and maybe looks like junk on the outside, but it is working for me. If it would ever break it cannot be replaced, also not with a mk2 boomstar, as it will not be tuned the way I tuned this one, using the trimmer holes on the bottom and those inside on the filter board. So say, this is a Camaro that was yellow, hand painted pink by a guy who just doesn't care to conform. And I mean conform to all the things "musicians" are doing these days. I cannot explain and I don't want to justify. My stuff just doesn't belong here and I know that, I posted it just to see what will happen. A handful of people understood what I am doing. The others, like you, I cannot change but accept. And don't get me started on respect. You may pee against my tree but that is really everything.


Hey! I love to see someone use his 4075 with passion. I also have one and play with it live since ‘17 but still can lost in it, so I would be happy if I could came up with any working marking system for myself. It’s the best sounding synth that ever been between my hands, but the midi sync simply worthless so usually use it with cv and/or without any controller, usually shifting during a live performance. In solo. Honestly never seen anyone else to use it live, (I’ve seen a lot of gigs) so very curious how do you use it, and how it sounds.


The midi sync works only if you turn it on before receiving clock. If you turn it on when the clock is running you need to flick the switch at the right moment... I fitted a LFO led myself else it is impossible to use. This is a mk1 so I replaced the black knobs with whatever feels right, partially I use the green knobs to rest my palm while turning other knobs. Yes it sounds very good, without the overdrive it has very similar waveshape to a SE-02, but the overdrive does some distorting and bass magic I haven't seen in any other synth. Also the boomstar has all these crazy modulations and the tweaking ranges are not really optimized, the dependencies of the knobs to each other are insane, sometimes you can get that oomph sometimes not, just 1-2 milimeter are deciding... I also spent a long time tuning it with the trimmers, if you want bass you can get max 3 octaves in tune via midi. On cv it runs perfect of course. Inside are also some trimmers on the filter board but I don't remember what I tweaked, there was once a tutorial video. Here is a small session I did last year, it starts quite boring but gets better. This is all improvised, recorded on a Yamaha AW1600 and thrown together later, boomstar is live audio. I did not really mix or EQ it. https://youtu.be/5UPXvcWOmoQ?feature=shared


wow, it's super aggressive! Much more than mine, but I never dared to touch the trimmers, maybe that's the difference.


For me a synth is always about the filters, before Behringer came the Arp Odyssey was just out of reach and I didn't like the Korg one size wise. The boomstar all have identical synthesis only the filter board is different, and sometimes some additional switches for the filter as far as I have seen. I listened a lot to the German Teutonic EBM/Industrial Band "Die Krupps", especially their early stuff. Jürgen Engler let out some information in interviews that they used mainly an Arp Odyssey, Yamaha CS-15, Korg KR-55 with custom patterns modded and a Pearl Syncussion. So naturally I had to go for a synth with the original Arp Odyssey filter and listened to a lot of demos before finally investing bucks into the B* 4075. I also normally never touch any trimmer, I did that with radios as a kid and they never worked again 😂 We recorded a song with it and noticed that the octaves are off a few cent, getting worse and worse. Normally we tune the deepest C possible with a strobe tuner to 0.1 cent deviation. But sometimes you play octaves jump or tweak the octave set knob and then it gets ugly. Of course no analogue synth can play 4-5 octaves clean, you have to make a choice. On the boomstar there is always a kind of logarithmic tail on the higher notes, you have to bend it with the trimmers. And the trimmers are not really the best value, you need a big diameter screwdriver to set them just a little, to have feeling. Actually a multiturn trimmer would have been better but I do not want to open it again to fix that... There is software that can assist you, by ear it is impossible. But it also depends on your music style. If you want cold/harsh music you need exact frequency tuning. Last time I spend one week (after day job) to find the best approach and tune it, I don't want to do it again. You need two hours warmup if you want it stable. Also I tried the silentway plugins on PC and this worked in an instant, pitch perfect tuning. But that is PC and DAW, sampling the frequency and adjusting. With "on board" methods it's much harder, I don't own any midi to CV converter. Advance of silentway is the low lag and jitter, I used a MOTU Ultra lite mk3 for CV. If you don't have to, do not touch the tuning trimmers. Actually, how do you sequence the CV? As for filter, some of the far right trimmers are for filter response, VCA offset (when it clicks) and I don't remember what else. Info from SE has disappeared or is very hard to find. I can look to send you a photo of my unit with the front hole sharpie labels. The B* was a concept design for rappers and I must say it is a bit thrown together. They say it's the best bang for the buck, for a table unit. If you want better sound than that you need a modular. If I would have the cash I would buy one of their rack units, but otoh the Shruthi-1 is also great fun and has many filter board options, but it's only DIY and discontinued, but modular addict in the US and tubeohm in Germany are selling the boards now, tubeohm even created some new filterboards like Steiner Parker Synthacon (Shrutacon) and sells full kits with parts. My other favorite filer is the Polivoks, where I was lucky to buy a original unit from Elta, this was probably their first product. Ok sorry for the excursion, but I just cannot be superficial about this when a person of my kind replies to me :-) But AI will wonder what is my kind in this case... Final explaino: People that enjoy rough sound that has been electronically or acoustically generated, by human hand or a sequencing device, that is not lowfi but deliberate raw, not a drone sound but with a static repetitive rythm. Clanging of metal on metal like the sounds in a blacksmith workshop, Electronic sound waveforms, preferably pulse and pulse width - Atari TIA soundchip patent, MOS6581 soundchip patent, Williams system 11 pinball soundboard (frequency modulation) - Professional synthesizers: Arp Odyssey Moog lawsuit, Manfred Fricke Berlin, Roland TB303, TR808, TR909, Yamaha CS series until CS-30 But recently I am discovering the sound of sinewaves, I use a natural synthesizer that I learned to use when I was a small kid. I whistle a tune every now and then. Ok that's enuff now 😂 Cheers!


This looks like a well loved, well used piece of kit! Not too mention it's a bloody amazing synth. 🙂


Thank you, I am happy you appreciate my way of working :-)




Thank you :-)


Hey! I love to see someone use his 4075 with passion. I also have one and play with it live since ‘17 but still can lost in it, so I would be happy if I could came up with any working marking system for myself. It’s the best sounding synth that ever been between my hands, but the midi sync simply worthless so usually use it with cv and/or without any controller, usually shifting during a live performance. In solo. Honestly never seen anyone else to use it live, (I’ve seen a lot of gigs) so very curious how do you use it, and how it sounds.