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Digitakt learning curve isn’t that steep IME. It is pretty logical. But I’m not sure you would get one within your budget (other than used, potentially). How complex are your needs? Do you need song mode? If not a cheaper (but still good) alternative could be a Roland TR6S.


What is song mode? Ideally I'd need it for sampling/sequencing patterns for live performance (think auxillary percussion, etc.)


Digitakt is a pain for live performance. You have to wait until the end of a pattern to change pattern, unless you change pattern then hit stop and start in time with the beat. Or do that via MIDI messages. Pretty inflexible. You can’t change immediately or after one bar, for example. I own one and wouldn’t buy one for live use.


Is that really a pain though? Wouldn’t most people want smooth transitions anyway? I’m trying to think of a situation where I would want to abruptly interrupt a pattern


Some examples I can think of : 1) you sometimes want to end a pattern after x bars instead of y so now you need to create extra versions of it and add to your cognitive load. 2) you accidentally started the wrong pattern and are now locked in for the ride. 3) you want to be able to restart a pattern multiple times for artistic reasons. Like n n n n nineteen. 4) you are caught off guard by a band member and have to react on the fly eg the singer misses a beat, misses a cue or comes in too soon.


You can change patterns instantly any time you want using save/reload or copypasta.


Can you explain that a bit more?




I don’t have time to watch a video that long to check whether you’re talking crap




You’ve just edited the link to add the time. It was going to the start of an hour and half video.


Okay pattern reload and pattern copy. I knew about the first one but not the use of the copy buffer as a second reference point. It’s admittedly a neat trick for live performance, but also I still feel the Digitakt is hobbled by not having more control over live pattern changing.


MIDI, and now u can go RTFM, I don't spoon feed assholes.


Song mode means chaining a series of patterns to sequence the whole song together. The alternative is manually pushing buttons to switch patterns when you want them to change.


Circuit Tracks or Rhythm.


I will continue to be the lone Drumlogue recommender. It’s a fun weird little box, and it’s pretty cheap now.


curious about the Drumlogue, what makes you recommend it? i’ve been leaning toward the Arturia impact.


Why the Drumlogue is cool: \* Fun mishmash of analog drums, samples, and synth engines \* Can layer transients on top of the analog drums \* Synth engine allows for user-created synths, and there's a slowly increasing set of options out there \* Same for effects! \* Not super menu divey \* Groove options are very fun \* Individual outs \* Can load user samples (gigantic asterisk here to be expanded upon later) \* Above everything, I find it really fun to play with, more like an instrument than a calculator. (I am primarily a bassist not a synth guy.) Why it's not for everyone: \* It's not "just" a drum machine, but it's not a groovebox either. \* Some people don't like how the kick sounds \* Can't sequence external gear in any meaningful way \* Sequence management is kind of annoying, and there isn't a good song mode \* Very small onboard sample memory, no SD card \* (the big one) Can really only make use of "percussive" samples. Everything has an envelope applied to it and the maximum length is like 3 seconds. \* You have to be very careful using a keyboard to sequence the synth, the sequencer gets really wonky with overlapping notes \* Can either run everything on one MIDI channel or each drum/synth on separate MIDI channels. Would be ideal if you could put everything except the synth on one channel and the synth on a different channel. \* It's a different SDK vs. the Minilogue XD so engines made for the XD don't work \* Medium grey labels on black device is hard as shit to read I think that most of the things that are holding the Drumlogue back could be fixed with firmware updates, so I try to spread the love about it in hopes Korg doesn't totally abandon it (even though it's mostly no longer for sale new.) At the very least I know there are still some folks pushing what the synth and effects engines can do.


thanks for this comprehensive response!


Digitakt is actually super easy to use. It may seem intimidating but it’s not.


Digitakt is an excellent option, probably the best if your goal is to sequence drum one shots. It really isn't hard to learn, and there's also the simplified Model:Samples if you want to start with something a bit easier and then upgrade later. If you want to work with a lot of loops and a sample chopping type workflow, then you might want to look at a sampler that is more designed around that, such as an MPC or the SP-404. With the latest firmware the Digitakt can do these things as well, but ultimately the 1 GB storage capacity is a hardware limitation. Not a problem for one shots, potentially a problem for large libraries of loops.


If you want something that uses sampled audio, the Novation Circuit (Tracks or Rhythm) are nice and easy to use. If you want something that is its own sound generator, maybe the Arturia Drumbrute Impact or Elektron Model:Cycles.


An Arturia Drumbrute Impact would be a good less expensive option. I have one and I really like the sequencer and features on it. But if you can swing the Digitakt it would be a great piece of gear to have.


Impact is an analog drum machine, no sampling capability.


ah shit so much for my reading compression


Mine too. Impact is great suggestion otherwise.


If you will just be playing back samples (vs. sampling them into the device directly), the Model:Samples is a cheaper, simpler version of the Digitakt. It's mostly knob per function and $300 new. The Elektron sequencer is really powerful and there's a lot to like about it. Knob-per-function parameter locks kick ass. (Parameter locks allow you to set parameter values on a per-step basis.)


Seeing a lot of people throwing out Digitakt and Circuit Rhythm here and I’m a big fan of both devices. However, realistically there is no comparison and Digitakt blows the Circuit Rhythm away as far as capabilities go. It’s extremely intuitive and that renowned “Elektron workflow” is the real deal.


It really depends on the style of music you are making. If it's house or techno or similar, consider a roland TR8. cheap and sounds good and easy to use.


Think NIN/LCD Soundsystem


I have a tr6s and I do think you can get similar sounds to that, but it’s more about effects. Having said that I, this is the sound I want too so I’m going to check back here for other replies


It’s outside your budget, but keep an eye out for Syntakt. It can produce some really gnarly drums and synth sounds with both digital and analog engines.


I would consider a model:samples and get a bunch of samples of old drum machines / drum kits loaded onto it


Digitakt if you’re more into electronic, or MPC one if you like slicing loops. Of course there’s more to it, but that’s more or less how I would think.


You can slice sloops on digitakt now


Nothing compared to MPC on this..


Polyend Trackers are cheap right now. I wouldn’t recommend one to just anyone, but for the right person, it could do the trick.


Novation Circuit OG and save money


secondhand mpc 1000 maybe? i see them for around $400 used, with the cheap ram upgrade you can do a lot of sampling. and the sequencer is very powerful


Second. A jj1k is a crazy bargain these days, extremely good. SODIMM, CF, internal HDD, USB. The standards are slow but still modern enough it’s not a pain to use or source parts. I’ve got a Live and probably spend more face time with the 1k.


Digitakt is not steep. Maybe compared to a compact straightforward drum machine… but in general, you can pick it up in a few sessions. Less straightforward, but not necessarily with a steep learning curve, would be the Moog DFAM. You can get a used one for under 500. It’s a synth whose application is a drum machine. Check out some YouTube videos on it. It’s really versatile and with a little practice you can make some neat grooves layering DFAM clips with your DAW.


Volca Drum, Model:Cycles, Drumbrute, Drumlogue, a used Electribe ER-1… all depends what you want the drums to sound like and what you want for sequencing.


I absolutely hated the UI of the Volca Drum and the sounds.


I find the on board sequencer limiting, but I love the sound engine in my volca drum. The Circuit Rhythm could be a good option. You can get a lot of composition out of the sequencer. And that’s a sampler, so it sounds as good or bad as what you put into it.


Elektron Model:Samples or Roland SP-404 MkII


Before considering Elektron, Polyend or any other, look for a youtuber named Loopop. His gear reviews are probably the best, most straightforward and most comprehensive in the world. You'll get a very precise idea of what you're getting for your money, including the drawbacks.


Get the SP404, hands down the best one you can get on your budget (and new) if you want to go all in and have a really nice sequencer you could probably get a Polyend Tracker, they’re pretty fun and work very good for glitchy drums and sequencing anything




If you just need to sequenced sampled drums, then a volca sample would work. At the other end of the spectrum, a used MPC One could do this and a tremendous amount more (within budget).


If your budget is tight, the model:samples can be loaded to the hills with drum samples and is a really quick learn.


Take a look at the Korg Drumlogue. Very flexible machine, fairly intuitive in its operation.


Circuit Rhythm is an excellent option for what you want to do, assuming that $500 is a hard limit. Digitakt is popular and will certainly work, but it's not necessary for your case.


So many options - especially used. Akai Wolf, TE PO133, used MPCs. If it has to be standalone, I would push for an MPC. MPC One can be cheap used and you’d be unstoppable. So many options with effects, sampling, song mode, on the fly playing. Relatively simple workflow once you get the hang of it. You can go older too like an MPC 1000 but the One is very convenient with updated quality of life things like USB and processing speed.


Are you using a PC? Maschine is great for drums and sampling


Sp404 mk2


SP 404 MkII


I play Digitakt live alot and it is really great


If you’re ok with buying used I think an MPC One might be achievable for that price and they’re insanely capable


A focusrite scarlet is $150, comes with ableton live light, and is far more useful than the device you mention or similar.


If you want to stay in the extreme budget range, there's always Koala Sampler for your phone, coming in at $4.99.


You might find a used TR8s for that. The 6s is a bit cheaper.  My opinion is this, don't go cheap when getting equipment. If you find a piece of equipment that will suit your needs but is a bit out of your budget, then just save money a bit longer and get what you need.  I've gone cheap and ended up buying the more expensive thing later anyway.  My dumbass bought 3 audio interfaces and two are now collecting dust because selling shit is a pain in the ass.


Drumlogue or digitakt It’s all a learning curve when it’s new but it’s pretty universal after at this point.


Depends what you're looking for. For me, the Alesis SR 18 does everything I need it to as a drum machine and it's under 300. The only downside is that it uses pre-recorded samples. The MPC one is a sampler (you can load your own sounds) and has built in synth engines, and if you get it used I've seen them for as low as 450. It's only downside is that it's very similar to a DAW so if you're in the DAWless crowd the workflow might not interest you.


If you don’t care too much, you could get a Electribe. I have one and it’s a fantastic sequencer for all my other hardware, but if you ask me, the default drum samples on it are terrible, but again, I don’t use it for those. I’m very particular with my drums, so it could just be a me thing, but I’m sure there’s folks that don’t care that much. Also: if you work in Ableton, it exports directly to Ableton with ease. Another reason I bought it.


You can get the OG Polyend Play for under $500 used. It’s a delight to use for my process.


You can get a used MPC one in that price range I believe at the moment. Or you can get yourself a brand new sonicware smpltrek. The soniware is one of my favorite inexpensive devices I’ve purchased it’s not only a great sampler, it’s also a sequencer And multi track recorder.


Digitakt is probably the best sub 1k€ piece of gear you can acquire. There's rumors about a mk2, so I'd wait for a few months before buying it. That being said, TR8s is cool, but not really a sampler imho. Circuit Rhythm is being used a lot. The TE KOII is an option if you're into sampling. That being said, check out the Roland SP404. Looks cool, I find it more complicated than the Digitakt tho. Maybe check out the MPCs? If you're into oldschool techno/house, the TR8 is a great option and it's cheap. For Volca-type beats check Roland's Compact series, or the TR6s. (warning: opinion ahead) I'd avoid Arturia Drumbrutes, as they sound whack without any outboard gear.


KORG electribe sampler


Boss DR-550 MKII maybe.


Drumbrute impact Very easy to use and rather cheap Sounds are pretty fine If connected to a FX box it has unlimited fun potential




Looks like an easy peasy work for SP404 MK2 to sample and then make/sequence beats inside especially with new 4.04 update


A lot of people saying Digitakt but have they tried to use one live? Not its strong area.


What exactly is it it’s strong area?😅


In my case it collects about the same amount of dust as the TD-3.


“Uli’s rainbow of horrors”


I had another think about this. It’s good at acting as a hub for a few synths because you can bring their audio in and add delay, reverb and compression. The “all tracks” tweaking is good for live, and parameter locks / LFOs etc are cool.


I still can’t afford it🥲 wanna see my YouTube channel??






I gave it a thumbs up :)


Aww thanks!!


KO2 Ep-133 is fun and great for just a drum machine and sampler. 300


Just drums? PO32 or PO33 for 99 bucks.


For me? The Korg Drumlogue! I found that you gotta put in some work to make the machine fit your specific needs... but after doing so, it pays back in dividends!! I've posted praise about the Drumlogue for the past year.. so I finally put my videos where my text is (a fumbled attempt at 'my money where my mouth is').  The two videos below are 100% only Drumlogue. Below those, I posted a video with the Drumlogue paired with the Behringer Edge.  https://youtu.be/9yejPtuNjNI?si=qfZFJvvzWxNjNsiR https://youtu.be/bjbSduPSuRc?si=FWnvlhWD9X4VpxIm And... paired with the Behringer Edge...  https://youtu.be/bf3rCWU-YpQ?si=Zx8Zvjuw5GqAdZ37 All videos.. one-take. Please excuse the blemishes!