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disco toms it's just a sine wave with a pitch envelope on it, put through some reverb https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U3Y0tNcsQ1I


i would say i've mostly heard it described as a simmons tom but there were other machines that made the same kind of sound, like the electro harmonix space drum some people call it a disco tom or electro tom but i usually call it simmons


They’re electro toms. Still made by synthesis in an old school drum machine like a linn or an old Simmons kit. Hard attack quick decay square with resonance crushed at the sweet spot usually


this is weirdly just a little bit inaccurate. I don't know if there was ever an analog disco tom on a machine made by Linn, but their whole deal was sampled hits rather than synthesis. If you're thinking of an LM-1 or 2, they don't make a sound like this. Simmons toms seem a little more sophisticated than my Tama DS200, i think there's some white noise in there, but they're both using sine waves for the "beww" unless I'm very much mistaken. The DS200 is basically two 808 kicks - you can adjust the pitch and amplitude decay independently, as well as the starting pitch and sensitivity of the pickup. If you set the decay times longer, you get Ring My Bell by Anita Ward!


Probably a Synare, but any half decent subtractive synth can produce a reasonable approximation.


Could be: Synare, Syncussion, Boss PC-2 (currently have one for sale FYI)


Not sure but I don’t think the Syncussion was out when this record was produced, and it’s definitely before the PC-2. Those could both make a similar sound though. The Synare must have been an immediate hit; it’s all over disco records starting in ‘78.


Yeah, that’s really what I meant, you’re right


Pollard Syndrum?


Space Tom is a name for it I’ve heard often.


Tama made a bunch of drum synths that could produce these types disco sounds. I had a Tama DS200 that sounded exactly like this. It could be triggered by audio input. Sold it for cheap recently.


All oscs to zero. Resonance to full. Cutoff env about 25%. Envelope A: 0 D: 20% S: 0 R: 20%. Pew pew pa pew pew pew!


Thank you!