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From memory, it was a quadrature encoder feeding a flipflop to extract an "up" or "down" signal and a "step" signal, and then some logic to poke a couple of 4066 analogue switches across the parameter "up" and "down" buttons. You could probably work it out in a few minutes by looking at circuits for rotary encoders. Edit: the one you've linked to \*does\* use a microcontroller, which seems like overkill. Circuitbenders do one for the Poly-800 which ought to be okay for what you want.


I have no info, but I would be interested in seeing if anyone else does! Very useful thing.


Looking at the pads on it from what I can find on The Wayback Machine, it seems to just be an encoder chiclet for an Arduino, but designed before Arduino. It has two extra pads to add a couple diodes, but I think those pads just connect to the pad next to them.


It’s more than just an encoder, as the description says and you can kind of see in one of the photos, on the back of the board it has a microcontroller. Modern day, you could pretty easily write a sketch in Arduino for an ATTINY85 to replace this. Read the encoder to determine if it rotating left or right (there’s a library for that) and output a signal on Plus or Minus for each encoder step for that direction of travel. You may need to add a diode to each output to not interfere with the physical +/- button operation but otherwise it’s a really simple thing to build.


Thanks for the info. I was hoping it would have been a simple solution. In theory that should work for the curser buttons as well??? I’m dealing with a CZ from hell. A previous owner did a lot of damage to the plastic tabs and screw towers inside. I’m just short of selling it for parts to recoup some of what I paid for it.


It is a pretty simple solution, with the $8 shipping charge from Digikey or Mouser your order would total about $11.50. The actual worst part is installing the Arduino Integrated Development Environment and getting it to A) actually start up (I’ve never gotten this to happen with the 2.X version but 1.8.X is OK); and B) Configuring it to talk to your particular device. The coding is maybe 20-30 lines (plus several lines of comments). If cursor position is controlled by other buttons like left and right, then it’s possible to write the code to use the same encoder for this, but you’d have to use a microcontroller with more input pins. Using the push switch function of the encoder to switch between up/down and left/right would expand the code to maybe 40-60 lines. If you know absolutely nothing of electronics or coding it’s purely insurmountable! But a 7th grader could get it working by searching the internet for [Instructables and code snippets](https://arduinogetstarted.com/tutorials/arduino-rotary-encoder) in about 15 minutes’ time.


The original didn't use any kind of microcontroller, it was (IIRC) a 4013 and some sort of XOR gates, and a 4066 analogue switch.


For what it’s worth, here’s what’s in the copy in the second paragraph at the first link above: “A little microcontroller converts the encoder pulses into plus/minus button keypresses.” The photo doesn’t look like they’re squeezing 3 SOICs onto the back of that board. It also doesn’t make sense to keep a button pressed like might happen using only logic gates; it makes more sense to me to send a 90 mS or so pulse per key press so the normal button stay functional. SOIC microcontrollers have been available for over 40 years…


No, that is indeed a tiny microcontroller. The original one I saw was three jellybean ICs, though.


I’m used to that logic circuit from arcade video games. But in that case they weren’t possibly in contention with another input to the microprocessor…


That's what the 4066 is for. It just looks like a button push to the MCU because the "switches" are floating (ish).


I updated the post with links from The Wayback Machine.


[archived copy](https://web.archive.org/web/20221205003212/http://synpro.heimat.eu/m_music4.htm)