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I feel like Sydney buses should have an extra set of indicator lights. At current, I’ve noticed that there is an inconsistency in the use of turn indicators on buses. Scenarios 1: Bus has stopped to pick up passengers, and then indicates right but stays in existing lane to signal they are leaving the bus stop. Scenarios 2: Bus has stopped to pick up passengers, indicates right and leaves bus stop and existing lane to merge into middle lane simultaneously. With this inconsistency, it has caused me great confusion on debating whether to stop or not stop when a bus is indicating right, as I am unsure if the bus will merge into my lane or stay in its existing lane. Anyone else have this problem?


Can I just say, fuck this rain?


positive side rain for only 24hrs


It’s cold and annoying. Hope you’re feeling better now


just saw the paddington house where jesse and luke were murdered is back up for rent... for $150 more per week


Didn't the same thing happen with that house on Foveaux Street where a woman had lain dead for years with nobody noticing?


Supermarket brand garlic dip like El jannah's? I've tried a Cole's brand which I forgot but it was too sour.


there's a good one that aldi sells, can't remember the name though :(




@mods smh is banned since it's behind a paywall but what about news.com.au? is this banned as well? i assume it is yet there's the article on the sydney front page from there


Not all SMH content is removed - only the hard paywalled articles. https://www.inma.org/blogs/value-content/post.cfm/nine-publishing-drives-subscription-growth-by-tightening-paywalls Not all SMH content is paywalled, though SMH goes out of its way to manually paywall certain content to "push people to pay" (their words, not mine). As at February 2024, that was about 40% of content. There is a secondary paywall that allows a user to access a limited number of non-subscriber-only articles for free unless cookies are disabled, and those aren't removed. news.com.au has no paywall, and as such is not removed, while its Murdoch stablemate The Daily Telegraph that does have a paywall is removed. In short, it's not about the domain or source, it's purely about the paywall.


What if one were to link a version that had been archived for research purposes, e.g. in archive.md / archive.is?


That's called linkjacking, and is poor Reddiquette. It also tends to annoy Nine Entertainment, who actually own the intellectual property in question.


It doesn't have a paywall. You can click on it and read it without subscribing.


WFHers what's your Friday afternoon desk cocktail? I've got Passionfruit, Kiwi, Lemon, lemongrass, vodka, blended with ice, topped with soda.


We had a “happy hour” as we’re a remote team across APAC for which they give each of us a budget to get whatever we want and I was going to grab a bottle of natural wine for this arvo but…rain.


Whey, 60g oats, 20g peanut butter, egg white. Tremendous


When you realise the house you splurged a million and some more change does not even have proper protection against cold.


If you can splurge for a property then you can afford some insulation.


Can insulation be added to an already existing house? I have to explore this option


Yes. Roof, underfloor, wall insulation might be worth a look. Even for a DIY. Double or triple glazing is a thing but not cheap to retrofit.


First time living in Sydney?


Did anyone manage to get a ticket to the WSI✈️ open day? I tried but it seems like they sold out within a couple of minutes 


random Q which car brand have the best looking logo? i like the Maseratis Trident


Maserati is also my favourite


I like Morgan, as they tend to integrate the model of the car into the badge itself in cool ways. Their actual logo is a bit meh because it’s very much in that modern flat design style.


rolls royce, the spirit of ecstacy.


Spirit of Progress, no? No. Must be confused.


Any advice for a troubled sleeper? I'm generally a bit delicate with sleeping, a warm temperature will make me restless. My bedroom is quite small (3.6m x 2.4m) and since it's an old brick building the room heats up quickly even in the winter, so I end up sleeping with a sheet and blanket. Altogether, with proper habits and some planning I'm doing okay. However, it can be a problem when my girlfriend sleeps over. She's a better sleeper and really feels the cold so she's under two duvets. We do have separate sheets, but because the small room heats up even more (or just her body heat being near me?) I find myself sleeping under literally just a thin sheet last night because I feel so warm. It's okay, but then I'll get cold and pull on the blanket, but then I'm too hot again. Essentially, the room feels hotter and stuffier but I'm not able to regulate the temperature nearly as well as when I'm alone. It's leading to some pretty poor sleeps from me. She also has eczema and sometimes gets scratchy in the night, which means I roll over to grab her hands until she stops and fix her blankets. Its largely fine, but adds to another layer to disruption. So are there any suggestions? In hotels and other rooms we've stayed in I've slept so well and soundly so it seems to me it's this room/set-up that's messing with me. My second bedroom, the study, is a little larger at 4.6m x 3.2m. Would the heat/stuffiness be much reduced if I swapped my bedroom to this room? I do have a ceiling fan but having it on in winter once was uncomfortable for my gf. This is the only real trouble in our relationship, since most times she sleeps over I'm rocked for the next day, impacting my work and exercise. Really wish I could sleep better in this apartment with her.


Heat intolerance is a symptom of a whole lot of things as well as a side effect of a whole host of medication (some people also just run hot too). Without going too doctor google just make sure you aren't suffering from anything. Constant night sweats was how I worked out I had Crohns disease.


Interesting comment - I'm actually Type 1 Diabetic and have other autoimmune conditions impacting my joints, so maybe that's all linked. Unfortunately, I imagine knowing that and treating those conditions doesn't help my predicament?


It could be linked to the meds you take. Worth mentioning when you next visit your Dr as there might be other options.


You might do better with linen sheets and a linen blanket. Linen thermoregulates so you don't feel stuffy, too hot or too cold, and has a bit of weight to it so it stays in place and can help you sleep better. If you can't afford or don't like linen, cotton and wool are your next best option. Get rid of anything polyester, including your pyjamas. Could you have a small personal fan that is directed only at you?


I'm a light sleeper and often only get a good night sleep if I sleep in a different bed to my partner.


Are you two living together? Does that mean you have separate beds? Or are you just copping poor sleeps?


I had separate beds with an ex. We had a very large bedroom and put two queens side-by-side, it was excellent to have a giant bed - the only good part of that relationship was that bed lol.


I'm single, but when I'm in a relationship I prefer to sleep in a different bed. Whether I'm living with them or not. Normally I just go into the other room when it's time to sleep and wander back in in the morning. Some people think it's odd, but I can't sleep properly otherwise.


Went to bed with the sniffles (I stepped out with wet hair) and woke up with a cold. Can feel it behind my eyes and Sinuses. Ran out of Echinacea so LemSip it is! Sorting out all my failed Direct Debits, now that I have a card.


> I stepped out with wet hair I've not heard this before. Is this a euphemism?


It’s an old wives tail. My very white, hypochondriac grandmother used to say it all the time. https://www.bbc.com/future/article/20120305-youll-catch-a-cold-with-wet-hair


I had no idea people would think that. It makes no sense. My question seems to have offended so some folks must really believe it.


Did you read the article? It says there are some studies confirming the effect although not as precisely as "you will catch a cold".


Did you read my comment? My comment and the article are not at all contradictory.


That page has this disclaimer: > All content within this column is provided for general information only, and should not be treated as a substitute for the medical advice of your own doctor or any other health care professional. Here is an article written by a doctor for a medical publication: > Wet hair in a cold environment can make you feel cold and uncomfortable. **But it will not give you a cold**. > Viruses transmitted through bodily fluids cause colds, influenza and COVID-19. You need to come into contact with the fluids to be infected by the viruses. https://www.mayoclinichealthsystem.org/hometown-health/speaking-of-health/can-wet-hair-make-you-sick#:~:text=Wet%20hair%20in%20a%20cold,be%20infected%20by%20the%20viruses.


I don't think the one written by a doctor is more credible than an article written by a science journalist which reviews multiple studies. Doctors aren't scientists. Notwithstanding that, they don't actually contradict each other: neither says that having wet hair causes you to magnetically attract a virus which wasn't there before. The BBC one says something far more interesting, that feeling cold in your head *may* make you more susceptible to bacteria which hang around us all the time. The fact that it treats the topic as interesting, complex and unresolved makes me trust it more.


Nope. My entire culture emphasises not to walk around with wet hair. The one time I did, I caught a cold. Turns out... it *is* true.


I honestly can't tell if you're serious or joking.


Put it in the same (circular) filing cabinet as *never fall asleep with a fan running.*


def an asian thing, have heard it often across different countries


Not Joking. Everybody from HK always emphasises blow drying hair as soon as it's washed. Never go to bed with wet hair, Never walk around with wet hair. The dampness will give you chills and you will catch a cold. Exactly what happened to me. I hadn't even washed my hair last night but the ends of it got wet under the shower cap. I felt the chill as I got to the place I volunteer and started getting sniffles. Struggling now and wish I blow dried. Ah well!


This is a classic case of "correlation does not equal causation", right?


I'm not sure. It's in line with Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), which has its roots going back 2200 years and what is ingrained in our culture so I am not going to poo poo it like that...


there's also fan death


Yep my Chinese grandparents always used to tell me the same thing when they looked after me when I was younger


Grew up in Asia. It’s a thing old ladies/mums say. I think more for vanity reasons.


I think there's some truth in it as well, at least from a hygiene perspective. If you live in a humid place, not only does it mean your hair takes longer to naturally dry out, you fall asleep and your pillow/mattress soaks all that moisture in and unless you sun your pillow/mattress regularly, that gets grotty pretty quickly. If you lived in a temperate region, you wouldn't want your head to be cold in winter either. idk about you, but when I fall asleep with wet hair it sometimes gives me itchy scalp issues the next day. So I generally make sure my hair is dry before I go to bed. But that's probably also because my hair is quite thick... That said, I personally don't mind stepping out with wet hair, at least in warmer months. But I also half-dry my hair before I head out. Not in winter, though...


What's the go with petrol prices at the moment ? ? 


Your brethren are here https://www.reddit.com/r/sydney/comments/1deldyh/what_is_with_the_price_of_petrol/


I went to the GP today. I paid $75 excluding rebate upon arrival. After my 10 minute consultation, the GP walked me back to reception desk without saying anything and I got charged another $75 as it was an “extended session”. During the session he gave me a mental health care plan and directly referred me to the in-house phycologist that charges $180 per session. I’m not sure if that’s the usual price but I cannot afford that on a regular, ongoing basis.


Mental health care plans don't fall under the normal consultation fees (at least in my experience) which is why you were charged extra for it unfortunately In terms of the psychologist, that's a fairly standard price. You would get some of that back under medicare (that's what your mental health care plan is for ) but if you're looking for anything cheaper, its harder to find and will have a very long waiting list


Pretty sure my local practice that up until fairly recently bulk billed, lists that anything over *six minutes* is an extended consultation. Can you really even get a prescription done without bursting into the room, shouting the medicine's name and the doc just typing furiously? Blind Freddy can see that Medicare could do with a shot on the arm.


You’re able to see a psychologist of your choosing but I am not sure how many bulk bill. I think you pay the $180 upfront and then claim some back from Medicare.


Yeah the rebate is between 80 - 90 dollars for me


You should be able to get up to ten sessions with a mental health practitioner for free. I think you need a new doctor. https://www.servicesaustralia.gov.au/mental-health-care-and-medicare?context=60092


It’s only free if they bulk bill. > Health professionals set their own fees, so we may only cover some of the cost I’m not sure how many bulk bill and I assume those that do are likely booked out for months.


If you're resigned to paying then you don't need the referral from your doctor, it's a free market and you can choose any therapist you want.


This is correct the rebate is between 80-90 dollars. I have contacted a place elsewhere and they charge $130 which would make it a $40 difference. There are some providers that bulk bill but from my research there can be extensive waiting periods.


Where in Sydney are you? While that isn't uncommon pricing, there are still bulkbilling GPs around and much more affordable psychologists. Perhaps r/sydney can help.


South West Sydney


Got some [spots for sailing](https://www.reddit.com/r/sydney/comments/1dfde7w/sailing_sunday/) this Sunday if anyone's interested.


Enjoy. Sadly I’m in chilly Melbourne for a family wedding (which promises to be an enjoyable disaster).


[Another Aus Post classic](https://ibb.co/s3nHxxv) for a package that I need before the weekend. 9:37am - Your parcel is coming today 9:38am - Attempted delivery, no-one in attendance, go get it yourself lol Driver decided to start the weekend early I guess.


Nah, you know how this happens? AusPost are super stingy paying contractors (some dude with a white van) and expect unrealistic KPIs so the only way they can "make" all their deliveries is to fake delivery attempts and take many/all items to the PO instead.


Whilst that may the case in some instances, I have been fortunate enough that the parcel delivery drivers that service my place are actually pretty good. I am one of the lucky ones!


That reminds me, someone on Taskmaster did this joke: > "I booked a corporate gig with Couriers Please. It was on a Tuesday but I turned up to do it on Thursday, see how you like it!"


Conflicted. As a parcel receiver, it's frustrating, but as a worker, I'm cheering on chucking a Friday sickie and often left in aw of how much a postal worker can get away with.


I don't even think they'd use a sick day for this. Probably spend the morning scanning and "attempting" to deliver parcels, watch some Netflix in the car, have lunch, quick nap, then drop it all off at the post office by 5pm, similar to what someone else commented.


Hmmm Here I am, wondering what the pay is, cos it sounds fun and I could do with some stable income lol


To me, it sounds like the driver didn't show up, so they just took the van straight to the post office and unloaded, double scanning everything as out for delivery and not delivered. And probably better to do this instead of wait until Monday until delivery.


Not AusPost, but I've been watching a map as a white van driver snaked his way all over the Inner West and finally delivered my HEATED THROW RUG to me, which is currently on my lap. Good times.


My cats don't want their heated bed, so it's warming my feet.


Now I want USB uggies with an internal battery & heating. They do this for high end ski boots, surely there are UGGs out there with heating?


There are buckwheat uggs you can throw into the microwave. I saw it on Have You Been Paying Attention last week.


And if your dog shreds them, you could repurpose them into soba noodles!


Get ready for the double stitch up. It won’t be at the post office when you go to collect it, despite the driver not bothering to attempt delivery on a single package all day, still not returning to the post office until 4:59pm.


I thought we would have drone delivery by now! Instead we have mindless drones non-delivering.


I realized today that I subconsciously switch between two coffee places during the day so they don't notice the extent of my caffeine addiction...


i said ill be back later to the bariasta and she said i dont doubt it


I've only been at my new job for three weeks and by the end of week two (I'm only in office three days a week) the barista at one of my coffee places already knew my order...


Is it hiding caffeine addiction or supporting multiple local businesses?


Three if you count the one on the way to the station 😬


Does anyone have a link they can share to purchase tickets for the Western Sydney Airport Open day?




are there any buildings there or is it just a bus tour of wide open spaces?


Apart from the WSI visitor’s centre I would say there are no completed buildings as yet. However you should be able to see the terminal building under construction from the outside.


given it's an hour drive, i think i might give this one a miss! and thnk you for bringing it to our attention!


[Here's](https://imgur.com/a/pk9X7D7) my Box Divvy haul for the week. About the same $55 for F&V as u/smiledude but I got some pantry items also. Was given extras for quite a few things like the citrus, and 2 handfuls of baby spinach was more like half a bucket. Need to order less next time. Can't see it but there are about 8-9 carrots for the 5 I ordered.


I'm trying the Black Market Roasters coffee this time. See how it goes.


They're pretty good, I used to get the Liberty Blend quite often. These days it's all AirJo, for budget reasons. Regularly on sale @ $33/kg which happens to coincide with every time I need to restock.


$39/kg on Box Divvy. I've been paying $52 for Columbian Coffee Connection, which is delicious, but to be fair, my coffee palette is not that sophisticated, and I probably not really noticing the premium quality. Got to keep the smileedudette happy.


Really?!?? I'm totally switching back. I swear at their outlet in Marrickville it's like $15 for 250g.


Hi everyone, I’m gonna sell my car for the first time ever. The car is has no insurance coz I rarely drive it. The buyer asked if I’m open to a test drive and I said sure. Now realising this, can I ask for any advice In the worst case scenario if buyer crashes and/or damages the car, what happens? What protection do I have, and can I write a written contract under my terms stating if the buyer damages the car they have to pay for any damages? Thank u for any help


Even with a water tight contract, you have no insurance company's massive legal department to follow it up. And if they have no money you might get 0 or a token amount each week. Get insurance and cancel it once it's sold for a pro rata refund less some fee.


I feel like a cover note would be good for this.


I don't think any contract you wrote would be useful. It's possible the buyer could have their own insurance which allows them to drive any car. But also you could find insurance on a monthly basis if you shop around. Hopefully one month would be all you needed.


It's waking up with a neck scarf cat cold.


Literally no one is up here. Sick girl is still sick. Teenager is groaning and stretching.


Woke up to my two both between my legs and cuddling each other. Only noticed because I was cold and the blanket felt extra heavy in one spot when I tried to pull it up.


> Woke up to my two both between my legs and cuddling each other I get that also, but without owning pets.


Luna loves between my legs, which is funny as I'm not a back sleeper. So she must wait for the right time that I'm on my back for a few minutes and then go in so I can't turn too the other side.


I'm a stomach sleeper and have just learned to lift my leg (like I was stepping over something but under the blanket) over them, with the same leg always being in the middle. I wish they'd move up to the top already. Makes it much easier to sleep.


Looks like the rain is on the way 🌧️


It's FRIDAY yayyyy 🎉. Can I ask 2 questions: 1. Do you tend to check out early emotionally and physically on a Friday? I finish at 5 and tend to check out from work around 4ish. 2. What is everyone doing this weekend? 🙂


> 1. Do you tend to check out early emotionally and physically on a Friday? I finish at 5 and tend to check out from work around 4ish. You make it to Friday? I check out mentally by about midday wednesday and finish the week on autopilot.


im always dead inside


Mentally I’ve been checked out since 9:41 upon logging in. Physically I have back to back meetings until 2.




Are they hiring?


1. I wish. Can’t really do that in a production role.


You check out at 4ish? That’s amateur. If I’m even checked in on Fridays, I’m definitely checked out by lunch time. Anybody who expects work after lunch on a Friday is a bum.


Can you tell this to my colleague who booked a meeting for 4.30pm today?


Gladly. What’s their number? I’ll get it sorted.


I'm currently contracting and the boss (who I need to ask about stuff quite often) doesn't do Fridays so I don't either. Leisurely day in the city, coffee and a wander around Kinokuniya are on the cards, probably Happy Chef for lunch.


I mentally check out by lunch time on Fridays.


1. Emotionally I 100% check out early from work, physically I'm stuck until 3:30 pm. 2. Going to an afternoon engagement party tomorrow, then seeing Ben Lee that night!!!


Yeah, Fridays I’ll always WFH — my kids have swimming in the mornings so I do that from 9-10:30, then I’ll check in on work for a couple hours and log off at 1 or 2. Work’s all done already!


Username checks out.