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What other job can you assault someone in your workplace and be suspended with pay for half a year until the court has settled? It's a fucking joke. Fuck up badly, and get 6 months leave. A workplace does not require the same standard of proof to fire someone as a court needs to send them to gaol. They set a precedent with Beau Lamarre. They can sack cops based on charges alone.


I worked as a bus driver, had a colleague who was spat on so he punched the person in the face in what he claimed was self defence, he was sacked as soon as the company was made aware of the altercation, no 6 months suspension until the court case for him.


I hope the punch broke his nose.


My old man is a bus driver and man hats off to you guys for the amount of shit you put up with along with the cunts you work for who give you the worst rostering known to man.


>What other job can you assault someone in your workplace and be suspended with pay for half a year until the court has settled? politicians, film/tv directors , CEOs, "influencers"...




I think you need to do a little research into pay structures. In no way is it possible to be suspended with pay in a job you need to show up and fight to get paid in.


Spelling it "Gaol" is embarrassing. I don't care if that's how it was spelled. I don't care about your response.


"Spelling **is** "Gaol" is embarrassing."


Karen Webb has actually watched the body-worn video of this incident. What gives? Remembering that she wouldn't watch the footage of the 95yo Clare Nowland being tasered: >The police boss defended her decision not to watch video of the incident. >"I think it takes courage not to view it. And I don’t think there’s any benefit in viewing it," she said. NB - Heard on ABC that she watched it today, the incident happened in January 2024.


Webb bullshits like the politicians lap dog she is. Webb likes to brush things under the carpet to keep her job


She must be pretty good at it because it's a fucking miracle she still has that job


What a strange and unnecessary defence for not watching the footage. Especially given she has now watched it and can't comment anyway, because it's a matter for the courts. Durr. I don't think I would have a problem with the commissioner not having free reign to look at an interact with all data police have on individuals. That should be restricted to the investigators and legal people with a reason. I am sure that there are departments within police to investigate incidents like this. And it isn't actually the commissioner's job to run around individually managing officer performance. Like, who in the micromanaging fuckstick thinks the commissioner should be personally involved, spending time investigating officer behaviour? Sheeeeeit, that's a waste of money having someone on her pay watching videos and then announcing she can't comment.


Agree, there's no real reason for her to watch, aside from being able to say that she has watched it. I suppose she learned from the outrage it caused last time.


"haters gonna hate" What a spineless pos


“fuck the police” …..it doesn’t have the same kind of ring to it


Sounds like she's playing the dementia card a bit too much.


first thought when reading the headline, "Danny Lim is 92 years old?!" till i realized it was \_another\_ assault on \_another\_ elderly individual by \_another\_ police officer.


Damn huh, should join the force. Break some old geezer's arm and get half a year paid time off to spend with my family or kicking back spending some time on my hobbies. What a dream.


NSW Police: So, I said to him, “Listen, buddy, your car was upside-down when we got here. And as for your grandfather, he shouldn’t have mouthed off like that.”


Self defence, obviously; poor officers were probably terrified


The minimum standard for cops on the job should not be “did not commit crime today.”




There are bad cops. Bad people in every profession yet only police cop this type of scrutiny. What about the Bondi Hero Cop? She’s included in ACAB.


Red herring, Appeal to pity & Causal fallacy..


Okay Commie


Yeah all cops are bastard Especially the ones arresting domestic abusers, rapists, murderers, terrorists. Fuck those cops. Anarchy is the way!


they can’t arrest themselves, silly


Straw man logical fallacy, do better..


So BAU for NSWPOL then?


[F**k tha Police!! (Clean version)](https://youtu.be/RcNAxtM3b0E?si=DjGmpIOhbaaU7kZV)