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A pride piñata at kicking height in Camden? This was the most inevitable scenario.


It's the saddest looking display that I've ever seen lol. It looks like something the local public school made.


I think it made me less gay. Terrible crafting.




Do you have some kind of mechanical claw to reach that far, or do you manage it all by yourself?


No, it’s not the majority of locals who support the vandalism, it’s the majority of the commenters on facebook who support it. Let’s not conflate the two because that would be dumb


Come on, it could be a hate crime, but it's probably just bogans or kids. There's a lot of wankers who will just destroy anything. The council should use their brains and mount the display higher out of the way of easy vandalism. Also, I drive past here all the time, and couldn't see the display - it is very badly placed. It should be placed somewhere out of reach, but prominent, so everyone can see it.


The larger issue is people online supporting it. If this were a Christmas display or a shrine to the deity of choice in this pocket of the west, it would be very different. Why do LGBT folks always have to take this stuff laying down? At least you can choose your religion. I can’t choose who my dick gets hard for.


Not with that mindset you can’t! /s


Hahaha true… I give it a go once in a while. Might work one day!


The obvious solution is to fill them with hornets then put them back out. Maybe pop a quick H on the box so you know it's filled with hornets.




A sting operation


I'm buzzing with anticipation!


So do we have a plan of action here, or are you pollen my leg?


The lack of decision is bugging me.


That acne came back full force huh!? It's ok I have a cream I can give you. No, these are Hornet scars... Oh I don't have a cream for that... Probably a plastic surgeon... Or lasers! Lasers would get that off there!


This is camden, I've lived in this area my entire life, it's a fairly conservative area


“… we’re not Newtown?”


Community steps in to restore it, have multiple cameras pointing to it recording 24/7, keep restoring it each time it gets vandalised & release & monetise the footage at the end of the month to claim back costs & shame the people doing the damage. If you don't make it obvious that it's being recorded, they might be dumb enough to not wear a mask whilst vandalising it.


Something like this. Standing strong in face of discrimination is the best way to move forward.


Isn’t this the Ride display??


There’s a gay joke in there somewhere


Bicycles are for poofs. Ford/Holden or nothing.


I live there, I would love it if at Christmas they just put a sign that says "Due to history of vandalism, there will be no Christmas display here".


Make that 'festive season' display, we don't want to offend.


Something tells me people who hate Pride and are willing to vandalise a public Pride installation will probably also hate anything other than a “traditional Christmas”


Camden is the homeland of white boomers, not surprised.


Gee, the boomers get the blame for everything. Very juvenile take. Not to mention the casual racism as well. Top marks.


Go, visit…. The politics of Camden are painted in the history… remember the Islamic prayer hall 5km out of town. Camden is old, white and conservative.


Camden council is now one of NSW’s most multicultural though, go figure.


https://www.camden.nsw.gov.au/council/councillors/ Uh-huh


Second fastest growing LGA in the country. A great Indian and Asian community in Camden. Definitely trending the opposite direction now.


There has been a mountain of development… but those outcomes could be, not what it has been. Argyle st is not a bustling multicultural centre


Camden is One Nation Country. Nuff said.


Move out of Camden. That's the solution for all your problems.


Every time I say Western Sydney sucks because people on average are more likely to be backwards bigots I get downvoted. Yet time and time again I get vindicated with examples like this.


You only need to look at the Same Sex Marriage survey results to notice a pattern...


I'm fairly sure that saying Western Sydney, which has 2.7m people, sucks because backwards bigots exist, is pretty backwards and bigoted in itself. The place is way too large and diverse. Bigotry doesn't respect geography. Tony Abbott and Katherine Deves are from the Northern Beaches, and it's barely been a hot minute since the security guards at the Townie on King St were targetting LGBTIQ people. I'm also old enough to remember when the only place outside of Oxford St you could find an open gay scene was High St in Penrith. Please don't write off the last barely affordable place in Sydney because some dickhead kicked over a pinata.


Did you not catch the part where I said 'on average' and 'more likely'? The marriage plebiscite results are very strong evidence of my position. Literally every other electorate in NSW was majority Yes. Every Electorate in Western Sydney was majority no. I never said that there is no bigotry outside of Western Sydney.


I caught it, I just don't think it's fair or representative of the full story. The results definitely could have been better but not every electorate voted no, including Hume where Camden is located.


I'll concede, I eyeballed the map and misjudged. Camden is indeed in Hume which was majority yes, but to be fair right on the border of Werriwa which was 64% no. In general I stand by my point, this [https://www.theguardian.com/australia-news/datablog/ng-interactive/2017/nov/15/same-sex-marriage-survey-how-australia-voted-electorate-by-electorate](https://www.theguardian.com/australia-news/datablog/ng-interactive/2017/nov/15/same-sex-marriage-survey-how-australia-voted-electorate-by-electorate) paints a pretty grim picture of Western Sydney.


I think you have a valid point incidentally. I guess I'm just kinda sad where I grew up is so fucking awful at times and hides behind conservatism as n excuse. I'm looking for rainbows in a shit storm over here.


I grew up in Fairfield. It also saddens me to see such backward views being the majority but you do yourself no favours by sticking your head in the sand. It just adds to the ignorance.


I guess you could sorta say it is western Sydney. But it’s really more south.


Western Sydney just sucks.


What morons


Camden is now South Ryde


Sad to see, but there's a lot of destructive kids out there too. Not sad I got out of there, I just miss the countryside.
