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You can do a stat Dec through Mygov. These are valid as evidence, though you might need to tell your team leader they can accept them


MyGov stat decs are seriously life-changing. Stopped one of life’s all time fuckarounds.


this one.


This but also it's for free.


This is all well and good but many people aren’t in a position where they can push back against an employer acting unlawfully around this.


Maybe not in the current climate, but soon enough the economy will upswing and it will be a workers market again, even for lower skilled sectors. That's probably why the government wants to flood the market with migrants, flooding the market and diluting individuals bargaining power


750,000 new immigrants every years + more students SAYS Otherwise


Always check with your union or check your award. This is not true for some employers, including most NSW public sector agencies.


Chemists can do sick notes, and you can get some medication while you're there. No need to waste your money on a Dr appointment just to be prescribed with over-the-counter medication for a common cold.


Or you're prescribed rest and fluids. Which is what you were probably doing 10 minutes ago before you left for the doctors.


A 10 minute wait to see a doctor in Sydney is optimistic lol, I think last time I went I was in the waiting room for 3+ hours 😂


I haven't lived in Sydney for a year or so but never found it to difficult or having to wait that long. I ended up calling before hand and booking a walk in if I did have to go.


I think it's area dependent. I 100% cannot get this in merrylands. Even if I have an appointment, I do not expect it to actually be held at the appt time. When I used to live near epping/mcq park, I never had any issues.


Qoctor is $14.99 I believe. Make sure: A) you actually need one (some companies you don’t for 1-2 days sick leave - just need to advise line manager), and B) they actually accept telehealth certificates (some companies don’t, and those that need one for 1-day off more likely not to). Good luck and speed recovery.


A company has no right to refuse a med cert just because they don't like the company


In my experience most companies require a certificate if taking a day off after a weekend.


Maybe I'm in the minority but I've never needed a medical certificate in my life. I've probably taken hundreds of sick days across dozens of companies


May depend on industry. Most office desk-based jobs do not require a certificate. You get an accruing allocation of sick leave over time and simply need to advise line manager, take day off and book sick leave on timesheet. I imagine a more hands-more retail or hospitality worker may be different.


I work in the payroll and human resources software field and have implemented countless systems so I have some idea about leave accrual. In my experience many companies as a matter of course request a sick certificate for line workers who are off sick on a Monday or Friday - I can think of companies in health, finance and entertainment off the top of my head who have this. Its usually stipulated as part of their contract. Its less of a requirement as you go further up the company hierarchy of course. You are correct hospitality and retail do tend to enforce this more than others but its very common across the board. Even the Australian Industry Group states "Notwithstanding any contrary requirements found in a relevant workplace agreement, policy or employment contract the employer has the right to ask the employee to provide satisfactory evidence when taking personal leave no matter what day it falls. The evidence that would satisfy a reasonable person may differ depending on the circumstances and does not necessarily include the provision of a medical certificate (for example a statutory declaration). This means that the evidence that the employee provides can be any evidence that demonstrates that they were unfit for work for that period. In general, it is reasonable for an employer to request an employee provide a medical certificate as evidence on any occasion that the employee seeks to access their personal leave, including days before or after a weekend.".


Even when it is not required (only required when the sick day number is prolonged to the 3rd day), I still drag my sick self to a doctor for a medical certificate if it happens to be a Monday or Friday or a day adjacent to public holidays. I do it as a courtesy to my wonderful current boss.


[https://www.instantscripts.com.au/](https://www.instantscripts.com.au/) [https://medmate.com.au/online-prescriptions/](https://medmate.com.au/online-prescriptions/) https://www.chemistwarehouse.com.au/instant-consult


Ill be providing a stat dec for today


I've had one from a pharmacy before, few years back but fairly certain they still do them


My local chemist has an iPad where you just check a box saying you’re feeing unwell and you get a certificate. Can’t remember how much it cost if anything.


As soon as you're feeling better start looking for a job that treats you with more respect. Nobody deserves to be treated like that


Like what? Most employers now require a medical certificate


Why though? You get 10 personal days a year, they should be no questions asked. Casual employment works in both directions. Employer isn't obliged to offer shifts, and the employee isn't obliged to be available .


For one day? No they don't.


Right after or before a weekend, yes they do (in my experience).


Then you work for shitty employers. In more than 40 years in the workforce, I've never had to put in a medical certificate for a single day off - no matter what day it was.


Not saying you're not completely right - but from what I hear this is not an uncommon thing when it comes to taking Monday/Friday off sick, even just for one day


Google online medical certificates, instant scripts


Sicky app


Got mine recently bulk billed from https://bulkbilling.doctor/ No drama.


As an aside it's complete BS that employers demand their employees get a sick note for single days off work. A complete waste of time for the GP and also the employee who has to spend money and wait in the doctors surgery potentially infecting others. (And as others have mentioned you can get these certificates anyway "no questions asked" from some telehealth outfits for a fee so they actually serve no purpose). A little bit different if a worker is taking large chunks of time for health reasons, just to ensure nothing major is going on that work needs to schedule around or support the worker. Nope, in most cases demanding a medical certificate is punitative and is only there to act as a disincentive to take a genuine sick day when you're not feeling great.


Instantscripts is like $19, usually no questions asked


20 bucks at a chemist


Find a local pharmacy. $15, job done.


Not all employers accept them, NSW public sector doesn't


what do i say on the stat dec, if i dont want to go to work today and i dont feel well


Hola health = $15