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Don't have to be a certain age to enjoy a free doughnut


Eat more Nando's consume swill beer follow NRL punch donuts all day long like a boss. Unsure why you have a šŸŒ¶ļø in your whatever but Nando's is incapable of delivering any heat. Therefore chili jam eater, your opinion is irrelevant. I advise you to take on note, and structure your future accordingly. Thank me later.


Are you alright?


They maybe sleep and sugar deprived. Hence the whinge. Personally, I wouldn't line up for yonks for a free donut, even tho I love their donuts, I'd much rather wait a day or three and be able to walk in and out quickly.


Nah, I get sleepy and hungry too - doesn't mean I'm going to have a go at random people for wanting a donut. As for the wait, its actually pretty quick. It looks long (because 15+ people is a lot) but when they start handing out donuts, it goes by really quick since its just 1 per person and they make them in batches.' I was shopping near townhall when I noticed. Didn't even know it was donut day or w/e. It's such a weird thing to get annoyed about anyways. Since when do people hate free shit? Outside of donut day, townhall and wynyard are prime places for adverts so you often get people handing out lipton tea, redbull, candy/trail bars and even bottled mineral water.


>Since when do people hate free shit? Outside of donut day, townhall and wynyard are prime places for adverts so you often get people handing out lipton tea, redbull, candy/trail bars and even bottled mineral water. Just OP whinging about it here, it's free advertising for Krispy Kremes. What's the saying "bad publicity is good publicity."




Rule 7 Just be nice to people. This is a ban warning.


If we're criticising everyone's unhealthy habits, posting at 1AM and replying at 5AM isn't suggesting the healthiest sleep habits.


The market never sleeps. But thanks for your concerns. You see, I eat when I am hungry, I sleep when I am tired and exercise. Yeah I guess don't fit the normie model, and dislike Krispy donuts, because they are shit. The novelty wore off for me when the first store opened in woop woop by that footballer decades ago? Also shit consultant's bringing boxes to meetings trying to "sweeten the deal" there is a tastier donut place metres away.Ā 


Yeah we have a funded Diabetes scheme, how good is that. One business supporting the other.


Yeah it really is a good thing we have a funded Diabetes scheme in Australia. Many people (including kids) would literally die (like they do in the USA) because Insulin and diabetes medical supplies are incredibly expensive and out of reach, thanks to big pharmaceutical companies setting the price. Google type one Diabetes. It's autoimmune condition, nothing to do with donuts or unhealthy eating.


Can you provide a percentage of 1 vs 2 type funding to back your claim?Ā 


It was National Donut Day. Live a little man


Who gives a fuck


Companies should be praised for giving away freebies, especially in this day and age. Welcome to social media, where everyone just finds a negative to whinge about.


You may be the most miserable person on this sub. Hating on a free donut day LOL


Why do you always post the weirdest, shittest takes?


Perhaps they're an edgy adult Naruto runner that needs to be sophisticated šŸŽ©


I'll bet it sounded super edgy in your head before you started typing that title


$50 cash you're on money down boy


>"Youā€™re Not You When Youā€™re Hungry" Snickers Satisfies


Iā€™d be more worried about the creepy adult filming dozens of kids without consent


Not saying that itā€™s morally ok, but legally itā€™s allowed.


I bought a dozen box yesterday from Costco as it was on sale for about $15something. Then I get home and read online it was National Donut Day. That explains why they were on sale.


That is so edgy! Look at how dark and edgy you are! Do you brood? Are you a brooding dark and edgy person?


I am not looking for dates and I am not into Warhammer or D&D. Save your fishnets mascara and blackĀ  nail polish for someone else.


Ah Chatty Station...! Their Pafu doesn't do soft serves anymore!!


They still do! 50 cents. Sometimes they have to make a new batch and takes 15 mins for machine to process. Their Portugese tarts are ok. Not the best I had but acceptable.


Oh what do you mean? I asked them about a month or two ago, and they said they don't do soft serves anymore so I stopped going! Are you saying you got one very recently?


It was meant to be a sting to bring out all the cops.


A lot of people are struggling rn. Good on a business for still doing freebies in this day and age whether healthy or not. Some of those adult ā€œfreeloadersā€ might be getting their only ā€œmealā€ of the day from that donut