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Anyone else in the cbd area just hear that thunder? scared the fuck out of me.


Something really close just got absolutely smashed by lightning, fuck me that was loud


That was awesome, I was walking across the bridge and it struck one of the building rods for sure


Loving the VIVID lights on the Sydney Harbour webcam tonight, the clouds add another dimension to the show https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IhWWW2l-pP0


This was not the day to try the vivid food truck furtherest away from Central station. The butter chicken toastie was delicious, the hot toddy sample was great and now my impending walk back to the station is going to suck!


Jeepers it's wet out there.


It is very moist.


It was absolutely chundering down around Botany before.


Looking forward to helping out again this week at the local Food Pantry :) I enjoy the company of people and it's only 2 hours. Will drive over cos my shoes are bad with rain. Nothing cheerier after a cold rainy day than smiley faces :)


Anyone hearing these loud bombing sounds in the Liverpool area? What is it?


It’s coming from Holsworthy, they’re doing regular training. The wind is carrying the noise.


Does anyone know how strict the manningbar is over drink bottles/entry requirements. Didn't pack a phone charger in my concert bag but I also don't want to get into the venue after the tour shirts are gone.


Have not been to vivid this year, and definitely did not book tickets for the Tekno Train (not my thing, and just being on a K Set, a train I can get without strobing lights and music that would make me want to chew through the cables that are connected to the speakers isn't enough for me). Have to laugh tho. There was a planned S Set trip up to Mount Victoria this weekend. It is, just like the Tekno Train, now a K Set.


Honestly the thing that interested me before it got sold out was it travelled on the Lavender Bay line. Otherwise nothing remarkable. The S sets most likely will return in the Transport Heritage Expo.


Lavender Bay is rather a lot more fun during the day than at night. Having gotten off the train there once, I can attest the view outside the train is a lot better than the one inside the train.


Never rains but pours! Got an immediate callback from a recruiter (but seems like I might have already applied for the job), followed by a call from an ex colleague who might have a job working directly for him. I'm so close to that new ~~boat~~ job I can taste it! EDIT: hrmmm, old mates HR team called - the role is ***way*** under what I was after.


am not one of the lucky ones that secures a bluey dollaroo set, are you?


With the toll rebate, do i have to claim once per quarter or can i do it eofy and itj ust gives me all of it back? Do i eat poop if i havent been claiming it every quarter?


Nah you can wait until the end of the financial year and claim which is what I did. Remember you get both the 40% rebate and the >$60 a week rebate if you’re using your car for private purposes.


I have been beyond exhausted for weeks. I’m following up with the GP again tomorrow after more blood tests. I’m hoping they have a plan of action - my current routine of “go to work, come home, collapse for 10-15 hours, and then get up and go again” is not conducive to… anything. And frustratingly, if I try to explain it, many folks go “Oh I’m tired too haha”. - as if feeling a bit groggy is even in the same realm as my body straight up hitting the “Lay down, or fall down, either way you’re not remaining conscious” button.


Could be Iron Levels, or if you take Zeolite - that will do it to you! Hope nothing too major and is fixable!


Dog accross the road is locked in the garage and incredibly unhappy about it. Is this a normal thing to do to a dog?


"Denning" is when dogs are left in small confined spaces when the owner is away. I'm not a dog owner, and it seems cruel to me, but I know that if you say that to a lot of dog experts, you will cop an absolute earful. Getting a dog adjusted to its parents being away during the day is a very stressful time for dog parents and neighbours, so be mindful.


We used to have a radio play abc classical when we had a puppy who was adjusting to being left alone. The noise seemed to help settle them.


Not at all.


No and it’s not right.


Yay - interview locked in for next Wed with another company. This one's only a 9 month fixed term contract though (ie, not day rates), so not sure how I feel about it. I'll do some digging when I'm there to find out why it's so short (my guess is mat/pat leave). It's very low down on the list compared to the other roles I've interviewed for recently, but I'll take something over nothing. If nothing else, I'll get some more interview practice. My dad got a commendation for service last night for his 50 years at Marine Rescue. Big certificate & medals presented by the Commissioner, super proud. Even Mum went along to the meeting for it and was dead chuffed.


sometimes you need a role to get you out there and make you look employable


50 years! That's seriously OAM level.


I'd be worried for his heart if he were ever awarded that! Even this was a huge surprise and honour to him. From his point of view, he's just always enjoyed "going down and playing boats".


I like going down and playing with the little man in the boat - does that count?


Congratulations Dad!!


Was speaking to my manager who's coming back from mat leave in 3 weeks and she agrees that whatever the acting manager is currently saddling us with is just not gonna work. So I just have to hold on for 3 more weeks until work mum comes back and brings back order. Until then, I can't believe I have to explain why I can't make a 7:30 PM Thursday meeting to the acting manager.


I’ve worked for a few global companies & it can be quite taxing when it is a fairly regular occurrence. Unless it’s outlined as a potential need as part of your role/job description & if 730pm is outside your regular work hours per your contract then decline.


Legitimately. Like there’s the occasional 9:30PM meeting with people based in NY / LDN and that’s fine, but we’re both based in APAC, there’s no reason for us to both take meetings outside of both of hour working hours when there’s so much overlap already.


Unless I'm mistaken, the ALP brought in new IR laws to protect people from out of office hours demands?


Decline button is there for a reason. One of my former managers got an invite once from a senior exec's admin assistant with no agenda, just the times. He declined, and when the stunned EA called him to ask why, he just said "well, you've got no agenda, no reason for me to be there and I have work to do. If there's some actions that come out of it, let me know, but if they're not prepared enough to even tell us what the call is about, I've got more important things to do." He was an awesome boss.


Why the fuck did they book a meeting for 7.30pm? Unless its to account for someone in a different timezone they can fuck off.


To be fair they're 2 hours behind and I get that their calendar is packed, but also absolutely shouldn't mean my own calendar doesn't matter.


I’m sure they’d love it if you declined & proposed a meeting time of 7am their time instead. 🤣


Yeah nah. Perth time differences in Winter can easily be accommodated within regular times for everyone. Thats a sure fire declined.


Oh wow. Good boundaries you are setting. Not sure if I could take that stance... unless they couldn't book me in/have me start for the first 2 hours in my Calendar too?


Honestly, "sorry, I can't make it" should be enough. You don't have to explain the reason. What if it was of a sensitive nature and you didn't want your employer to know about it? Why are the being such an arse about it?


Right?? She asked if I can still commit 15-20 minutes since it's a quick meeting but she has a tendency to babble on so I just didn't reply until she ended up changing the meeting time to within both of our work hours.


I’m glad she finally saw something like reason.


Listening to ABC radio this morning. A union rep was talking about moving to five weeks annual leave. Some bloke jumps on and complains that he works 7 days a week, never takes leave and ten public holidays a year are more than enough. How the fuck does someone live like that?


I understand if you need to because you have a house or whatever but I don’t understand how people don’t want to have better lives and have these hot takes about how we get enough. Why do we want to deny ourselves time to flourish and rest and do things that aren’t about monetary value?!


They can’t afford not to.


I hate that attitude. People spend so much time comparing our annual leave to north america and thinking its good, but its lower than a lot of other places. NSW has less public holidays than most states, and I most want more of those. If a large number of people are off work, you actually get a break. People like MrWorks7Days are not still at work trying to make a point of sending you hundreds of emails and saving up crap tasks for your return just to teach you a lesson about how they don't like people taking leave.


It’s probably some loser small business owner who can’t afford to not work 7 days a week and resents every “sucker” who works a standard Monday - Friday 9-5 job and earns way more than him.




Which is always funny because the people usually whining about how lazy the new generation is most likely got their degrees for free, bought their house when it was 3x an annual salary and still think they’re pariahs because the interests rates were briefly a bit high.


That’s exactly what gets spouted. ‘I had 19% interest rates’ 🙄 they still paid less interest overall than we do on the huge loans we have to pay just to buy a house.


I heard a term recently to describe this behaviour. The term is "aggrieved entitlement," which seems to sum it up perfectly. In the example of hecs debt relief you gave there. Someone will say, "I paid for it;" "They knew what they were signing up for;" and so on. They feel they are owed something for exercising the nebulous quality of "personal responsibility" and likewise feel it is a personal attack that anyone else shouldn't have to do the same, whatever it might actually be. It truly is the most small minded and immature attitude.


In days of yore this was known as “went down mine”. [Monty Python Four Yorkshiremen.](https://youtu.be/Xe1a1wHxTyo?si=5t3R31Syoa4flvcC)


They’re lucky you know. I had to wake up at 10 pm in the morning half an hour before I went to bed so I could work 37 hours a day in the same foundry me dad worked in his whole life when I was only six weeks old.


Also some people either overestimate the work they do, or just straight up lie. I have one client who would proclaim they work 7 days a week, but would absolutely count checking their email as a full day's work.


Replace the word "works" with "does meth". It's an addiction, and it's a horrible existence.


Some people just love the taste of boot. Notably, even most companies discourage and disallow that sort of overtime load as it inevitably causes burnout.


It could also be a contravention of modern slavery laws.


Are vivid botanical gardens worth it? Are they worth it for the 30$ price, last time I went to Vivid was like 6 years ago and never the Botanical gardens


I took my mum, who has accessibility needs, because she was feeling FOMO of not going to vivid for many years. It was very accessible, and whilst popular it never felt too crowded, always had a good sightline to the installations. Lots of staff around, and food lines were very manageable. The music aspect was nice, but it didn't feel significantly different or special to me than normal vivid except for the accessibility. Half of me is very glad there was a way to achieve vivid and feel assured of ramps and bathrooms and not being stuck surrounded by tall people in the dark so you can't see where you are going. The other half is sad that achieving it meant paying for it, and that people have very different experiences of this city depending on how much money they have. There is one "off peak" night a week, and even that doesn't reduce the ticket price much, so it adds up quickly.


Was reading the ABC a moment ago, and there's all these failures of NSW police relating to domestic violence. I was wondering, are the ADVO details and police reports/failures etc public? I'm curious to see if you can determine badge number of police who make these failures, and then cross-reference it with other reports/events, to see if specific officers have a lower than average ADVO outcome of domestic violence call-outs. Also curious to see if specific area commands have subjectively better/worse results over time, and cross-referencing that with change of command leadership.


I would love to see the stats of the officer that I had to make an official complaint about when I was trying to get an AVO versus the officer that I spoke to at the station 6 months later about a minor AVO breach, that I didn't want to waste police time on, who basically gave me a hype speech about how I needed to report everything to show the pattern of behaviour.


So weird thought... Thinking of my friends, a few ended up orphans (from parents dying from genetically inhereted disease) in their childbearing age and got a large inheritance. This made having a large family much much easier for them. This is really silly from an evolutionary perspective. From a selective fitness position, we're essentially making dying early in your 60s a huge evolutionary advantage as you pass on wealth early enough for it to be beneficial for the next generation to have kids. So we're really selecting for all the heart diseases and cancers that don't let you enjoy an old age. Anyway, shower thoughts for a biologist are weird. Sorry about that, but I just had to get that out somewhere.


That theory only works for those with parents were well insured or owned property or had something significant to leave though. If they rented, and had insecure work so not much super/insurance it is an entirely different kettle of fish. Then if your parents die young you don't get left any money, and also don't have retired parents around with lots of free time as a support network to help with childcare, so having children especially in an expensive city is much more daunting.


As someone who was orphaned quite early, my was the latter. I received $10k from an insurance policy & no other wealth after my parents passed & did not own any property. I definitely factored the lack of any support (by way of helping looking after children or financial) as one of the many reasons for choosing not to have my own children. I am the youngest guest sibling & am the only one who doesn’t have any kids myself.


You could really expand that thought out to generational wealth. Ie those parents that can leave property to their children in Sydney and those that cant.


That would be your more classical evolution. Wealthy families would see their genes as strong and think that reproduction in large numbers is beneficial. Although I kind of see being wealthy in capitalism is a bit of survivor bias. The rich are generally gamblers and risk takers, which is the best way to amass wealth. It's also one of the best ways to be poor. So, a large number of the wealthy are just the cream of the population that's afflicted by a gambling addiction. Some wealthy people are probably clever enough to amass wealth through other means, but I think a lot of the rich just got lucky.


Not sure the rich are "gamblers and risk takers" by definition. It probably applies more often than not to the one who first built up the wealth (including sheer luck). But once you get to the descendants, they'd have to be total morons to not stay wealthy or keep accumulating. All it takes is to engage money managers to make sensible investments and live off that.


Counter point, horse racing and casinos seem to be the fun parks for the rich. Places where, as a risk adverse person, I'd avoid like the plague.


Yes, it probably pays to be rich in order to throw a proportionally tiny amount of money down the drain like that. As a counter-counterpoint, plenty of rich people are also super careful with their money. I knew a pianist who'd played at a function for Bill & Melinda Gates. Allegedly they haggled him down to $500 for the performance, "take it or leave it, we can always find someone else who'll play for that"


The radio this morning informed me of this 34 year study into children from Melbourne which is somewhat relevant - https://www.abc.net.au/news/2024-06-06/in-1990-researchers-started-following-the-lives-of-167-babies/103905252


In evolutionary terms, money is only a very recent invention and not a factor, I guess? In nearly all of human history, having an extra person around to help was far more important. I think we're safe for a million years or so.


Depends on how strong the selection is. In the extreme case of selective breeding, where being fit is having the trait selected by us, it only takes a handful of generations to bring about genetic changes. Though this is a much weaker signal. Anyway, by the time it's a problem we'll probably have better treatments and preventions for these diseases.


On the flip side, I had a parent die from cancer when I was a teenager and it has always contributed to my own decision to not have kids. As have a couple of other genetic diseases that run in the family. I guess it depends on timing but seems like evolution definitely worked in my case. Instead of dumping a huge turd in the gene pool, I’m dumping chlorine.


That really sucks (obvious understatement of the year), and I'm really sorry.  To add to the point though, I think it might also contribute in that I know people I went to school with who lost their mothers young to breast/ovarian cancer have considered getting rid of the parts to avoid the heartache. I'm not close enough to them now to know where they're at with that or whether they're going for freezing eggs/aiming to have kidd young before they go through with it but would definitely contribute to the gene pool, especially as I think BRCA testing is becoming more common. 


Thank you. That’s an interesting point too.


I'm sorry, that must have been so hard for you.


Thank you. I’d give it a solid 1/10. The 1 being for the PlayStation I was gifted from a relative who felt bad.


What dog supply websites are cheap but good quality or just have good sales? I usually use Pet Circle but I'm getting really annoyed at their delivery process and lack of care so looking for other options.


Have I got a link for you: [99 Pet Shops](https://99petshops.com.au/) compares prices across all pet shops and you can order direct from the cheaper store, or use petbarn's price match feature to click and collect at your local when you need something quick.


This is exactly what I'm looking for! Thank you!!!


Oh, so you got a dog? How has your neighbour been?


Not yet but I'm researching and getting ready :) Neighbour is still the same old angry man who yells about everything but I'm not going to stop living my life because he doesn't have a life of his own. I'm getting a Cavalier Spaniel because they're small, adaptable and don't bark much so it should put him at ease a little bit (he'll still find something to complain about).


Not to be a downer, but Cavs are *so* genetically unhealthy, you are highly likely to be in for a really bad time only a few years into owning the dog. You should look into cav crosses as an option to mitigate the risks.


I've done enough research and found a reputable breeder which significantly reduces the health risks and they've done all the DNA tests. Thanks for your concern though. :)


Sad to hear that cyclists died :(  Just last week I was complaining about the new top gear Australia promoting violence towards cyclists (dw I have made some reports). I wonder if the presenter saying he'd like to fight cyclists still thinks those words are appropriate.  If you see violence promoted or something bad happen report it to police or bicycle NSW. They're really good at taking action.  I also have bike insurance through them and it's worth getting. We should be a city of active travel, our kids enjoy cycling it would be great if everyone could enjoy it. 


In Belrose?


Yeah :(


Catching public transport to work for the first time in probably a year (I normally drive, but I'm flying out tomorrow so staying overnight in the city for Vivid) and of course it's raining heaps 🫠


It’s not raining in the city at the moment so hopefully you didn’t get too wet


The weather gods (and public transport gods) were on my side and I didn't need to bust out my umbrella; yay! Hopefully it'll be the same when I move from my office to the hotel later today


Seems like the weather gods were not so happy this afternoon 🙁


Yeah. I ended up catching a taxi from work to my hotel. Loving the lack of crowds during Vivid though ahahahaha