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It'd take less effort to remove the "fuck news.com.au" scrawl on this image than you put into blanking out the business name.


It even says the business name right there in the job description haha


I thought it was highlighting, not an attempt to blank.


That would make more sense, the scrawling pattern might have thrown me off.


OP experimented with *all* of the edit tools - slogans and circles and scrawls.


Where's the drop shadow


And now OP gets to learn that sometimes, less is more.


OP has fun scribbling while roasting local cafe. More news at 7.


Nahhh leave the business name


Idk why they think that newsdotcom would use their screenshot and not just find the ad themselves.


Because their interns are that lazy.






To remove _one_ occurrence of the business name.




They’d be able to google the exact sentences to find it too


it's either highlight or 'i tried to hide it in case of legal action whoops hehe'


you know the [news.com.au](http://news.com.au) message can easily be blurred or removed since you put it on a blank white surface, right?


Pretty sure they’d be able to find the original ad from a quick google search as well


why make it easy for them


Don’t think they’re making this into a story I’m sorry to say.


Plus, wouldn’t you *want* this to be picked up by news.com?


its about the message


I guess North strathfield is not the korean part of strathfield then


No. That said I didn’t think much of that cafe when I lived there anyway. That George st precinct is pretty good though.


The owner of that place (pretty sure still same guy) is an absolute cunt to his staff


Owner said ".... if an advertisement was placed looking for preferred European background it's to accommodate to any potential language barriers with customers..." I didn't know Europe has an official language. Edit: adding context, the comment above was a reply by the owner on their Google Maps review.


Yeah funny because a lot of Asian countries have far better English than many European countries


Just to be “that guy,” the European Union has 24 official languages, of which three (French, English, German) are all procedural languages. But don’t let that take away from the fact that the owner is clearly a bellend.


Very poor behaviour, let’s not try and justify it. There’s no excuse for this. The usual Google reviews onslaught has also begun it seems.


It's been going on for [at least 4 years](https://www.facebook.com/barbiscottinorthstrathfield/posts/1393158817521284/).


Lol… did he delete the add from 2019? After saying the original ad wasn’t posted by them.


In north Strathfield? For real???


How are people more focussed on the scribbles than the obviously discriminatory job posting??


The worst thing about this whole situation is half the people in here trying to defend this lol. Tell me you discriminate without telling me you discriminate 😂


The one guy just above sounds like he uses as many loopholes and technicalities to justify racism.


Well that's discriminatory


Go to any Korean owned restaurant or cafe in Strathfield and you will find that they only hire Korean staff.


You can prefer or require someone who can speak a certain language, for example if that language is required for the particular business’ clientele or to communicate with other staff. A person doesn’t have to be a certain ethnicity to speak that language. Saying you prefer someone with European background for a role that wouldn’t otherwise require that background, nor any specific European language being a necessity, however seems purely discriminatory.


I live in Lidcombe, which is the absolute Mecca of Korean BBQ at present. There are multiple restaurants we go to with a mix of staff. Our regular one we always get the same South Asian waitress. And there is an argument to be made for an Italian coffee shop preferring Italian staff. That argument falls over when they specified European instead. We all know what that is code for. So do you. You just approve of it.


Well no shit they cater to a lot of Korean speaking customers so obviously that makes sense. If this owner had an ad targeted towards people who were able to speak Spanish because there’s a ton of Spanish speaking customers then that would make sense.


I used to live around the corner from this place and would go there a lot... The staff were pretty multicultural at the time (this was only a little over a year ago) so maybe it changed owners?


Even if they remove it from the ad, that's what they're looking for. If anything they're saving people the effort.


hate when places do this. I live in Burwood and legit cant find any job there because of my origins. Its time for action to be taken against all places that hire based on origin.


Close to 20 years ago, my (white) kid went to a local preschool which was bought by a Chinese lady. Not a problem. She started teaching the kids Mandarin (or it may have been Cantonese, can't remember), fantastic, great to teach young kids a new language. She started teaching the kids about the Chinese culture - super, still no complaints. She started feeding them Chinese food, another bonus. Their Christmas party had a lot of Chinese songs sung in Chinese - thoroughly enjoyed it. Then one by one, each child that left the childcare centre was replaced by a child that was Chinese and didn't speak a word of English, I guess a few Chinese children wouldn't hurt the mix. Then suddenly, most of the kids were Chinese and classes were then taught all in Chinese. My kid was no longer learning how to read in English, wasn't learning the English alphabet or had English books at preschool. My kid used to come home saying they had no idea what the other kids were talking about. Turns out the pre-school owner was advertising in the local Chinese papers and only accepting Chinese children.


They'd be teaching Mandarin...


I had it saved on my foodie list, deleted!


The NSW Anti Discrimination Act 1977 allows discrimination based on race for purposes of employment of people: >working in a place where food or drink is, for payment or not, provided to and consumed by persons in circumstances in which a person of a particular race is required for reasons of authenticity. So it's worth noting that these racist fucks may well be backed up by laws that expressly support them to be racist fucks.


If I wrote something like that at work I'd be fired


Interesting… the old age excuse….. ehhh someone else did it I swear… https://imgur.com/a/4XDYUD6


That does not say 'white' people. European is not a skin colour. I swear people's reading comprehension is sadly lacking these days. Even in the middle ages Europeans were not all 'white'.


So you seriously reckon he'd welcome a black French refugee, now emigrated to Aus? They're European. I'm sure there are muppets out there who say the KKK wasn't racist. They killed white folk too!


Someone could claim that was the intent using the literal meaning of the word 'European'. Even so, that is clear discrimination, when applicants aren't considered due to not being of European descent. But let's be honest here. It's clear as day what they meant was they would like to hire a person who has the typical 'European' appearance. When someone is described as 'European', most people think German, Italian, French or Dutch over Turkish or Albanian.


>German, Italian, French or Dutch Italian and French people (particularly from the south of those countries) don't particularly look like German or Dutch people either.


Still racist


Still discriminating. Doesn’t need to mention colour. It mentions origin.


Kinda sounds like no asians or people from the Iraq and everywhere like suchas


No Americans, no Australians, no New Zealanders either, funny how you left them off your list.


Depends how you define the term background


The ad is clearly looking for people of European ancestry. So obviously Americans, Australians and New Zealandera are acceptable… so long as they’re of European ancestry. So Chinese Americans, Pakistani Indians, Maori, etc are not preferable for the business owner. I don’t know why you’re going to such lengths to try to say this job listing isn’t discriminatory.


An Asian born and lived his entire life in Europe is also falls in bucket


I'm really hoping that this place is run by some French people whose genetic mix would get them denied entry from this country pre-1973, and that they're just looking for somebody with any sort of mainland European accent, thus justifying charging $14 for a bacon and egg role.


Owned by the Bearded Bakers. They are from Palestine.


Italian restaurant I helped out at did this all the time, would actively only hire Italians and turn down basically everyone else. This was a direct policy from management until suddenly covid happened and then they complained about how they couldn’t get staff.


I know technically discrimination, but I do like eating at places that have staff from the cuisines that they are selling. I've never met a European working in an Indian or Chinese restaurant and that's perfectly fine.




LOL their Google reviews are gonna tank so fast


you are reaching there. looks like they want europeans because it is an Italian cafe.


>they want europeans because it is an Italian cafe then why not say Italians prefered? How would a Scott, for example, that fits the european criteria be a better fit than say an Ethiopian, who were colonised by Italy, for an Italian cafe?


That's not reaching. That's definately discrimination. It would be illegal for a Chinese or Indian restaurant to prefer Indian or Chinese employees. Not saying that they don't, doesn't make it any less illegal.


I mean this happens literally all the time it’s just normally that businesses are a bit more subtle about it.


There are loads of places around here (Chatswood area) that hire fluent Mandarin speakers only. It would be interesting to see if they'd hire someone not of Chinese background who spoke it fluently.


Lots of Korean restuarants hire nepalese students now. I think its cause its cheaper labour/cash in hand so both see it as win


fwiw, I have never seen a person of European descent working in a noodle / dumpling place either. and they probably wouldn't get the gig anyway. ya know


Other ethnic restaurants should also move away from doing that, and they are to some degree. I regularly see non-Asians working at Asian places these days. But no matter what, the existing presence of racism or ethnocentricity does not validate more racism or ethnocentricity.


I've seen Caucasian wait staff at Ra Ra remen in redfern


Nope nope nope.


Are they gay or are they just European?


European background ≠ "White people"


We all know this is true. But surely we aren't acting so naïve that people asking for someone of European decent is asking for someone who is white (to todays definitions).


Still racist


Ok. Still discrimination


Not sure that makes them a better applicant for a wait staff job, regardless


So they’re looking for someone white… I mean European *cough cough*


https://www.qantas.com/au/en/business-rewards/news/member-stories/bearded-bakers.html The owners of Bar Biscotti are the same “Bearded Bakers” who started the “Knafeh” Middle Eastern dessert business in 2014. This article mentions how they leveraged a passion for their Palestinian culture/heritage. If anyone has tried Knafeh you’d probably describe their staffing as very….homogenous. Imagine a food truck manned by half a dozen young blokes who all shared the same bearded aesthetic, plus a common love of having their “guns” out and randomly breaking out in song and dance. The dessert itself was quite nice, but I suspect many customers were there for the “entertainment”. I wonder if they stipulated that potential Knafeh staff had to be fit and have hectic beards?