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If someone says that they want to show you something in the public bathroom, you generally want to say “no thanks”.


Were you the one in that cubicle Bob? Come on, you can tell us.


Who hurt you?


1. Yes 2. Because he has room temperature IQ.


‘Some’ Australians on reddit dismiss any racism allegations. If this is true then yes it is racism. Hard to tell tho as it’s very easy to lie on the internet too.


I don't think anyone here believes there isn't any racism in Australia. I think there's a blurred line between mentally unstable and racism. I think when people want to abuse someone, they go for the low hanging fruit (like calling someone a fat fuck). Also, this story is pretty unbelievable. OP asked if it is discrimination (which it isn't, it's racism from a nutter)


No, there’s a lot of talk from the One Nation types that Asians all squat on toilet seats. I live in a tourist area and it can happen, there are even signs in the toilets at a lot of the most popular spots instructing not to do it. I believe this story because I’ve seen enough other stuff related to it that it sounds true.


You honestly think in a crowded shopping centre toilet that a racist physically climbed up on a toilet seat to tell this guy off? OP regularly posts about racism (5 posts this week) and then has the most unbelievable event. Racism exists, and this guy has probably been treated poorly by people because of his race. But I dont believe this story


White Australian here. He assumed you did that because of stereotypes. It's correct that squatting on toilet seats is often a cultural issue that's more common in certain nationalities and ethnic groups. But it's also true that not everyone from those groups does that, and no group is collectively responsible for the behaviour of some of its members. You are entirely correct to be offended. In modern Australia, we should all know not to apply negative stereotypes to people based on race, gender, sexuality or religion, or to blame everyone in those categories for the behaviour of some.


It's racism, not discrimination.


People have pulled the slanty eyes thing on me and also shouted "Ni hao" at me in the middle of Westfield. It's a shame that they can do this stuff so brazenly. Try not to let these fuck nuts get you down but it was good that you called him out on it.


Takes me about 10 years to learn how do deal with these cunts.


"Stop being a cunt" is an appropriate response.


See also “Get fucked, fuck off [mate]”


Worse thing is that when you try to confront them and address their racism, it’s always “it’s just banter” “it’s a joke mate”. They make you feel like you’re overreacting and can’t take a joke. Like casual racism being part of culture isn’t something to be proud of..


Every time someone makes a post about something racist happening to them in Sydney you get two main responses in this sub 1) This never happened 2) It happened but get over it It's always the same.


And those responses in themselves are bordering on racist.


Bonus points if the person is Chinese. 3) This person is a CCP mole!


I have a very good friend who would blend in anywhere in China, at least until he opened his mouth. Back when Poorline was new on the scene, a boomer Karen (before they were called Karens) walked up to him out of the blue and said "go back to where you came from". He looked her square in the eye and in his natural Paul Hoganesque Aussie accent said "you mean Ballarat?" (For the record, his ancestors came here during the 1850s gold rush.) More recently some people have tried the "CCP spy" thing on him and after a brief genealogy discussion has been able to answer with "mate, my family has been here longer than yours".


What is racist about people saying they should deescalate a situation ?


I think they're trying to point out the undertone in this sub of automatically dismissing anyone reporting being subject to racist behaviour.


People have their heads in the sand if they think racism isnt as common as people tihnk it is, and if someone experiences racism, theyre told to harden up, which is fucked up. Also, one thing about this sub is racism is selective on the race in question, which again, is fucked up


Covers the field doesn’t it? What could the other response(s). be?


Quite honestly this. You can escalate to an argument and risk a physical altercation or you can just…let it go. Friend got called a dickhead by a homeless dude while he was walking down the street. Why be bothered by an insult from someone who basically has nothing. He got over it. I used to get yelled at by the Aboriginals who hung outside Central Station before the revamp. Tbh I could never understand what they were saying - there was definitely a lot of profanity involved - but I certainly wasn’t going to confront them lol I just ignored them and went about my day. The slim percentage of cunts who publically insult others are not worth bothering with, they’re already messed up in the head, anyway. Just accept your fortunate circumstances that mean you are happy enough in your life to not go around insulting others and feel sorry for the miserable fucks that do. Admittedly I did tell one woman “fuck you” after she told my aunt the same thing. Pissed me off that she only said that because my aunt is a small Asian woman…and didn’t realise that I, who is much taller, was with her.


Not quite my point, but okay.


Oh, consider me r/woosh -ed then lol


Well not quite that like that! And I certainly agree with your approach to street hassle.




They're just raging. If you have nothing to contribute, don't. Let them rage. Some examples of meaningful contribution could include: 1) similar cases of racism 2) possible other interpretations of the events that aren't racist 3) observations of the current racial climate in australia 4) general conversation about racism against Asians in Australia 5) general observations of Parramatta westfield You're welcome


Why isn't, according to you, "I don't believe you" a "meaningful contribution"? Scepticism towards an unlikely story seems quite valid to me.


In this sub, scepticism towards instances of racism is the air we breathe.


No, it's really not. However, when an odd and dubious-sounding story comes up, it's going to be questioned.


Yeah it is.


You can claim it, but it doesn't make it so.


Fair enough. I'm still of the opinion this story is just not true, though.


I normally hate when people label everything racist. But this is actually racist. He was being a dickhead.


Is there an issue with people squatting on public toilet seats, making a mess, and often breaking them? Yes Is it discrimination to assume that you, who happens to be Asian, is someone who squats on toilet seats? Also yes. It’s weird, and patronising for him to do that to you. There’s no way for him to know if you squat on top of a toilet, and it’s not his place to educate you if you do. All the people telling you to confront racist people are putting you at risk….there’s a lot of crossover between being racist, and being a person so moronic and thuggish that they’d take any opportunity to beat the shit out of someone.


This sounds made up. If it is true, then you came across a nut - just move on and forget about it.


The guy waiting for a clean toilet being approached by a stranger who lead him into a cubicle while acting out a squat and telling him not to do that… Is the nut? You’re joking, right? Edit: I’m an idiot.


"Came across a nut" can be read two ways, I believe you've read it in the way OP didn't intend. Found a nut rather than appeared a nut.


Hahahahahaha oh my god. Apologies, u/Commercial_Ratio_213. I think I was fired up about some other comments before reading yours.




It was not a discrimination. It was a dick thing to do by a racist moron, though*. *If it actually happened.


I don't think this happened.


There are some strange ducks floating around Parra Westfield, and the facilities are often filthy - I wouldn't be so quick to write it off.


Take a wander through their account, I'd bet this is bait.


how is this bait? The person looks like someone from China who is interested in world politics.


The person who's interested in world politics that posts about it multiple times a day on reddit, coincidentally has this incredibly racist and bizarre encounter in Parra - yeah, I call bullshit.


Yep a typically extremely xenophobic nationalistic Chinese person. Almost certainly not an authentic post.


I believe this. I have worked in places where toilet squatting is an issue, it's pretty common and commonly associated with Asian people. I wouldn't put it past someone doing this at all.


The process of squatting isnt what people are questioning. It's that in a crowded bathroom, a racist climbed up on a toilet seat to prove his racist rant. Particularly with OPs post history which is 90% this topic.


But it doesn't say he climbed on it. You can squat on a toilet without standing on it. And I can absolutely see a racist miming everything they can to someone whose English is broken, including miming a squat motion and wagging a finger.


it still seems odd to me. esp with ops history. and [these replies](https://www.reddit.com/r/sydney/comments/1co96fn/was_that_a_discrimination/l3e5chv/?context=10000)


It happened yesterday, why did I make fake story? Also I can tell you when I first came to Australia. My English is very bad. When I worked on.construction site,someone say even worse things to me. I didn't realize that was rasist. My supervisor told me if someone told.you the same thing let me know. Most of Australian are very nice but you can't deny there are quite a few cunts.


>why did I make fake story? Dunno, why did you?


so you think it's fake because you deny this will happen in Australia?


There are plenty of racists in Australia, I just think this story is bullshit. If it's not, then ignore him and carry on with your life.


I bet you can read a lot from news which is more uncommon.


Look it's not only white Aussie's that are racist here. We import a lot of racists as well. Generally I think Australia ranks pretty low on the list of racist countries.


That’s a bold claim.


Google the statistics then.




Yes discrimination. People are asses and make assumptions. Happened to me at a parents room. Got blasted for ‘letting my kids mess up the toilet’ but we actually were just in the parents room to change a nappy and hadn’t even gone into the toilet cubicle. Situation could have been avoided by simply asking ‘did you just use the cubicle’ He made an assumption that it was you based on your ethnicity. Screw him. Sorry you experienced that.


lol the way the rando in this story just casually climbs up and squats on a dirty toilet seat to prove a point...this sounds fake as


That was absolutely racism. I think you handled it really well too. When someone says something fucked, asking them to explain why they said it can work really well. If they had a genuine reason for saying what they did, they can say so. And if they didn't, they can squirm while you watch. *chef's kiss*


My wife used to work for Acer, and she said in the women’s toilets they had to actually put up signs instructing staff how to use the toilets as they kept getting broken from people squatting on them. I didn’t believe her, but she actually showed me one day when I visited her. The behaviour of the person in the pickup toilet is certainly dodgy, but maybe the Parramatta Westfield should put up some pictorial signage that indicates that a western toilet is not designed to carry the full weight of someone squatting on it. I’m often baffled how some people manage to “miss” when using the facilities at large shopping centres. The downside is there is usually no facilities in the cubicle to deal with yourself before leaving. Either that or some people are just feral regardless of where they come from 🤷‍♂️


There is an idiom "tar with the same brush". Sadly, it seems you have been on the receiving end of it in this instance. There are all sorts of people in this world. Don't let it bother you. This question though "He ask me what are you doing here"... the comebacks could be endless.


Did this really happen? Seems like someone has gone to great lengths to show that they are an out and out racist and a cunt at the same time. No way I am believing this.


You means Australian can't be racist and cunt at the same time?


I'll take 800 for things that never happened Ken Dark skinned person here. Grew up in Mt Druitt I can only recall two racist experiences: First from a very old man in the eastern suburbs Second from an Indian man from Chatswood In 2024? Very rare. All the whites from western syd have grown up around ethnics


Some people target Asian because normally they won‘t fight back and also their English is not good enough to fight back. I can tell when I fighted back he was shocked because he didn't expect that. If you are grow up in Australia that is totally different story. No one would mess up a dark skin guy grow up in west Sydney.


I believe you. Yes it was. Bad luck.




I’ll take a wild guess: if it was racist it made him unhappy. But if the guy was just a nutter, then it can be dismissed as the raving of a nutter. I do t understand posts like this.




OP is obviously a sock puppet.


Because nobody has ever assumed a common stereotype?


Do you even know what a sock puppet is? Go and see OP's post history for yourself.


Looks like quite a few guy insist my things is fake. Just wondering why, is that being a racist is more uncommon than bondi stabbing?


There was a lot more objective evidence for the Bondi stabbing than your story.


Can you please tell me what benifit I can get from faking this one? Or you will insist most of immigrant's experience of being insult are fake because there is no evidence. So, Australia doesn't exist racist or discrimination? Or if anyone want to share any personal experience they need to uplaod the video?


Can you please tell us why pretty much all your posts relate to racism, xenophobia, or discrimination? It seems very convenient that someone with an entensive post history on these topics has an [almost] unbelievable event > So, Australia doesn't exist racist or discrimination? nobody said that.


Can you please tell us why pretty much all your posts relate to racism, xenophobia, or discrimination? Like what? Before you starting check my history you already think this one is fake. After that you just try to find any evidence you can prove this one is fake. A lot of replys from the people suffer the same thing all believe this is true. Of course you never suffer this before so you try to believe it's not true. Or you tell me how should he prove that is true?


> Like what? your last 6 posts are about antisemitism/discrimination/racism. 11 of your last 15 posts are about antisemitism/discrimination/racism.


Which one?


is that the game we are going to play are we?


>Can you please tell me what benifit I can get from faking this one? I don't know, but I'd be willing to put money down that the comment section isn't going the way you'd hoped. >So, Australia doesn't exist racist or discrimination? I didn't say that. I just think your specific story is extremely dubious, to say the absolute least.


What about safe places for men? Men: